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Tempted to sign up as either:

-- Ghor, from Metroid Prime 3. He'll only have his wits, his basic technical/engineering skills, and his Plasma Beam initially, but will no doubt be working to try and replace/rebuild his old battle suit and figure out a way to undo the current catastrophe.
-- The Batter, from OFF. Will most likely stick around simply to find ways of making this new world a... purer, place. The purest. Everything pure beyond comparison. Just don't expect any straight answers as to what he means by that.
-- Roxas, from Kingdom Hearts II (prior to 'reuniting' with Sora). His memories fleeting and his body partially converted into data, Roxas possesses a weapon of unimaginable power... and doesn't really know what it is, why he has it, or anywhere near the full extent of its abilities. Mainly he's just depressed about losing out on his summer vacation.
-- Abe, from Abe's Odyssey/Exodus. A strange, blue-skinned Mudoken who can summon portals and possess those with weak minds. He is an eco-terrorist and freedom fighter who tirelessly works to free his people from enslavement by the power hungry and short-sighted Glukkons.
-- Red, from Transistor. A popular musician of the highly advanced, self-altering city known as Cloudbank, Red awakens armed with a talking weapon known as the Transistor and the ability to slow-down time.
Wont be able to join after all, sorry man :/
So... ground hog day with superheroes? Yes please
Tempted to apply as a species of bug-trees where the 'land' on their world are essentially living islands. Able to merge their consciousness with the land, a terrible plague gutted their society at its height and has destroyed much of their ancestral knowledge.

Their overall tech-level is stagnant, but their governments - the 'Four Courts' - possess a small handful of hyper advanced relics.

In other words, aspect for aspect they're less advanced than most, but their leadership get dibs on a small but finite number of Really Awesome Things. Or to put it another way...

Joe-Average Bug Tree is a medieval peasant who uses various biological 'suits' to harvest the land and grow the islands in the hopes of eventually covering the surface of their globe and reclaim the damage caused by the plague. Superstitious and hungry, it works for its masters to protect its family and offer service to the pantheon and its ancestors.
The Courtly Masters, meanwhile, are the descendants of those untouched by the plague, still containing the genetic markers needed to control the remaining technology and thus 'chosen by the gods' to rule over the galaxy...

The ground forces are some combination of soldiers from Blame! and Attack on Titan; vehicles are organic tree armour and war-beasts; space-ships are few and far between but powerful and self-regenerative, literally growing as seed pods from a series of massive Star Trees engineered during the golden age. When the going gets real tough, the Courtly Masters merge their consciousness with the army, becoming a temporary hive-mind over every tree that isn't a person.
YES, yes please, just... I'm so ready
I'd be up for it
Do we post the CS here...? Or by PM...?
Throwing my interest in. I do love chess metaphors.

<Snipped quote by Eventua>
Err, what thread? If you want to make one, you can just... make one?

Awesome! :D

I meant in the sense of trying to design a banner for the RP, with like a background and fancy text and stuff
I'll put down some tentative interest. Are we expected to fight each other?

Potentially? Most likely not - the players are all Novices (commoners) in service to a Master (in the feudal-esque system of their society, equivalent to a lesser noble or landed knight) on a single mission and thus have few political reasons to fight each other, however... on an individual basis, of course, there can always be reasons for conflict...

slightly interested but very confused.

also, the word Eidelon sounds familiar.

Glad to hear! :D

'Eidolon' is probably familiar from a couple of the Final Fantasy games, where it's usually another word for 'Summon'. The word itself is an alternate term for 'Phantom', 'Illusion', 'Avatar' etc.


Say, if I was gonna create some sort of fancy banner art for this, do I just ask about it in another thread...?
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