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Vera Agathe Faust

The loud ringing of her alarm woke Vera. She was covered in sweat and looked petrified. If one were to call it that, the dream would be more like a nightmare. In this dream, she was floating above the city. Tethered by some invisible force, she was tugged forward to different locations. However, she couldn’t see who was pulling her along. She couldn’t see who was pulling; she could only see a shadowy figure walking around the city. Not hearing anyone speaking felt like she was listening to a conversation through a wall. The figure seemed to be talking to other shadowy figures. Vera couldn’t see what they were doing but felt it was not good. Suddenly, she could see fire burning, and it felt like she was close to the intense flames. This sensation seemed to be mostly felt on her hands.

Shaking her head, trying to forget about her dream, she got out of bed and got ready for work. Vera headed out of her apartment and towards her car. Listening to the radio while heading off to work, she sang along to her favourite song. The song brought back good memories of singing along as a child, and listening to music was probably the only good memory of her childhood. Parking her car in a relatively tight parking spot, she was greeted by a young man with strawberry-blonde hair when he entered the office. “Hi V, how are ya? Mr.Bianco wants to talk to you about something. Ya better go to his office before he blows his top.” This young man was named Jerry Offerman. He was a photographer for the Jump City Globe.

Thanks, Jerry.” She smiled while walking into James Bianco, who was sitting in his chair. The middle-aged man was reading a newspaper and putting it down when he heard Vera entering the room.

Eh, nice of you for coming into work. You are five minutes late.” Of course, James continued speaking before Vera could dispute this. “I got a scoop that there's some illegal stuff going on in the docks downtown. Please go and investigate it. Bring back any information and photos of what you can find. And ya better go quick before those jerks at the Daily Planet scoop up this story.” This sounded quite dangerous to Vera. There was a strong possibility if he was caught, she would be dead. However, if she did succeed in this investigation, she could have the opportunity to move up in her career. She was momentarily thinking about her opinions before agreeing to do the job. Vera was given directions to the docks before heading off.

She has been using her phone to photograph evidence since the last time she borrowed Jerry’s camera, she accidentally broke it. Going back to her car, she headed over towards the docks. Parking her car a few feet from the pier, she started moving towards the docks, crouching and hiding to ensure any dock workers or criminals didn’t see her. She was keeping an eye out for any illegal activities.
@Master Crim

Thank you for the update boss, I can't wait for this rp to start.
@Red Wizard @MrSkimobile @Abstract Proxy @Lurking Shadow @Drifting Pollen


Azir seemed to drop Brorin on his back, being glad he was awake. She had a big grin while helping him up to his feet. “Me glad you alive, little man. Me thought you dead.” She patted him on the back, making him almost fall over again and turned her attention towards the barbarians coming towards them and screaming again while swinging her massive club above her head. As they came closer, she would swing at them, causing some of them to be knocked off their horse. Most of them tumbled onto the ground, although some were left with crushed pelvis and hips. Blood was splattered on the grass, making oddly beautiful patterns. A few barbarians were throwing spears or trying to attack her with their blades. Gaining slashes from their attacks, Azir grunted in pain but kept attacking them, using her big hand to smack a barbarian armed with a sword, grabbing another from their horse, biting the head off the man and spitting the severed head to knock off one of their attackers going after Omiku. Licking some of the blood from her lips, she couldn’t wait to eat their innards. Watching in amazement as the shadow girl was sucking up the blood of the fallen raiders. Although sneaking around was not her preferred method of fighting, she thought her abilities were quite curious. The ogre protected Omiku by keeping her in the ogre’s shadow.

The ogre was laughing while the savages were trying to bring her down. The human’s confidence in thinking they could beat her in a fight was quite amusing. She was using her club to knock the heads of a few barbarians with one clean sweep, at one point picking up a corpse and using that as a makeshift club and stomping forward using her considerable feet to kick the horses that they would be riding on. Doing her part to help defend the group, she was glad the first wave of enemies was dealt with.

However, her victory was temporary. She noticed the second group charging towards them, and her eyes were focused on the Wyvern flying towards them. “Stay close.” she said to Omiku while ensuring her huge body would give Omiku enough shade. “Me help crush em.” Responding to the ice giant’s command and preparing herself for the incoming clusterfuck.

By this point, her bloodlust had risen to a fever pitch. Not caring much for the necromancers bringing back the dead barbarians. She thought the two were very weak because they hid behind corpses instead of fighting their enemy face to face. She planned to bring down that Wyvern no matter what it took. This was mainly so she could brag and say she accomplished such a feat. Not looking afraid, she started running toward the soldiers, wanting nothing more than to rip their limbs from their sockets. Azir got a good running start before jumping as high as she could. It was pretty impressive to see an ogre jump so high. She was slamming her club into the head of the wyvern. This, combined with the knife in the man’s face, caused them to crash into the ground. This would probably help them deal with what she presumed was the leader. “Haha, you pathetic.” Laughing loudly while reaching over to try and take the amulet around Thuk’s neck. It would be a lovely keepsake from this battle.


I have a few ideas. A person with the power to manipulate and controls blood, a person that control fire or ice, a person with enhanced luck or being able to see 5 seconds in the future. I'm still racking my brain thinking of what power to go with.

A Young Justice game would be more fun. And i agree with what you said that it would bring out more opportunities.
I am interested in joining.
@Master Crim

Hello. Will we be able to start the roleplay soon?
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