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I like tacos.

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A group of adventurers was in the middle of a dungeon. They had spent around two hours getting to the lowest level. They were members of a famous guild called The Reavers. The group contained seven fighters, four paladins, six mages, six healers, and five monks. The group was close to the very end of the dungeon. One of the paladins, the guild's leader, told everyone the plan for dealing with the dungeon's boss. The fighters, paladins, and monks did most of the boss's damage. The mages were applying buffs and debuffs to the boss so the ones attacking could do more damage. And the healers were trying to heal any damage the fighters, paladins, and monks were sustaining. The boss was getting close to dying. The guild leader was screaming that they should keep focusing on trying to kill the boss. Because they were distracted, they didn’t see a figure coming towards the fray.

At first, the figure was in the shadows, so it was hard to see who it was. However, as the figure approached, they could see it was a human male. This person, who they assumed was another player, wore what looked like a jester outfit. The figure smiled while watching them fighting hard.

Looks like you guys don’t need my help killing this thing. That’s good because it’ll make things easier for me.” The jester suddenly pulled out two long daggers from behind his back. In a flash, the boss was dead. And since he was the one who killed the boss, he would be able to reap the rewards.

“You motherf***er, you stole our kill.” Screamed the leader, whose real-life player was now red in the face. He commanded the remaining members to attack the jester. “Kill this a**hole!!” He rushed at the jester, who seemed unfazed by his insults.

I was going to be nice and reward you, but since you insulted me, I'm gonna have to spank you.” The jester’s smile seemed sour into a grimace. Moving quickly, he was able to kill most of the guild members. Leaving the guild leader as the last surviving member. “I want you and others to know that you are not safe from people like me. I will make your life a living hell.” The jester moved closer towards the guild leader. Quickly cutting him down as he respawned in the central city.

He and the other members reported what had happened. And apparently, this jester had been appearing all over the world. Killing other players and stealing items from them. Or killing raid bosses by themselves. The admins were unsure how to handle this since the account seemed untraceable. So, they were unable to ban this player from the game. Some rumours started to surface that this person was a rogue employee trying to mess up the game. Or was some sort of troll that had no life and had been playing the game since the beginning. Nevertheless, something had to be done before it got out of control.

The jester, meanwhile, was relaxing in a forested area in Osna. Admiring the small amulet that was the reward for killing that raid boss. Enjoying the fruits of his labour and being so enamoured by the amulet, he didn’t notice something coming towards him. The approaching figure was a small boy who was wearing peasant clothing.

Oh, you're here. What do you want?” The jester asked, not even looking at the boy. The boy, meanwhile, was pointing eastwards with a blank look at his face. “Ah, you want me to meet your boss? What the hell do they want now?” The jester looked quite annoyed while getting up from sitting underneath a tree. “Well, lead on.” Putting away the amulet while following the boy to wherever his boss was.

I don't mind, i just want to get this RP going.
@Eviledd1984 you might want to nix the teleporter from OsCorp. You can double check with @Hound55 but I reckon that might be a bit too advanced for tech at this stage in the game

No problem, i will Thanos snap it out of existence.

I can make another student if that helps.
I have finally posted.


Issue 1: Smooth Criminal

Location: An Apartment In Toronto, Ontario.

Wade woke up to the sound of his alarm going on. The classic 80’s hit Gloria filled the room, making Wade jump out of bed. Feeling a burst of energy, he started dancing in his filthy bedroom. He got prepared for the day and what errands he needed to run. He knew he needed to prepare to fly to New York for a job. He had been hired to meet people in dire need of his services. He knew what to pack and even listed things he needed.

1. Toiletries
2. Casual clothes
3. Shoes
4. A headshot of Tommy Wiseau
5. A plastic doll that looks like Antonio Banderas
6. Carry on luggage
7. Books (Including Martha Stewart’s Autobiography)
8. His phone
9. Headphones
10. And his shark plushie, whom he named Jeff.

Once he packed all his things, he called for a taxi to the airport. The flight was not very special and was quite dull for the mercenary. Mainly because he was in economics class, and the person sitting beside him wouldn’t shut up about their Chrysanthemum. For the most part, he was trying to flick peanuts at the people in the aisle seats.


Location: New York City.

Getting out of the plane and the airport, he approached the Airbnb he had gotten. The person renting her apartment lived quite close to the most central point of the city. He arrived at the condo; it was eerily similar to his own in Toronto. Wade had to walk over a passed-out junkie that was sleeping on the stoop of the apartment. Knocking on the door, he was surprised when an old woman opened the door.

“Yeah, who are you?” She sounded pretty annoyed that someone was disturbing her while watching Matlock.

My name is Wade Wilson; I’m the guy who rented a room on Airbnb. Here, let me show you the receipt.” He pulled out his phone, showing her the receipt.

“ARE YOU RETARTED? How the hell can I see the receipt? I’m BLIND!!!” She blurted out, which made Wade put the phone away. The old woman pointed to the enormous sunglasses that covered most of her eyes.

She’s feisty, I like her.” Said the good voice in his head.

We should smother her in her sleep and get to sleep here for free!” Added the bad voice.

Sorry, I didn’t know you were blind. Well, I’m sure someone notified you that someone was coming to rent out a room in your home.” Disregarding the bad voice and wanting not to kill a seemingly innocent person. With some convincing, he could finally come inside and settle in.

“My name is Al. And I got one rule, and that is not to mess with my stuff, Or I’ll pop a cap in your ass.” She then proceeded to pull out a pistol but was pointing to the left of him instead of at Wade's face.

I wouldn’t dream of it.” Wade responded with a smile. He found her to be very abrasive, but it was a quality he quite liked. During his stay, he was surprised that Al had a five hundred dollar coke habit. When he asked where she gets this kind of money, she responded to mind his business, or she’d sodomize him with a rolling pin.



In addition to getting to know his new roommate, he would complete the many “jobs” his employer wanted him to do. Firstly, he met a nervous arms dealer codenamed Weasel. Who wanted to meet him at a Taco Bell[tm] because he felt safe there.

"So, your Weasel? What kind of gear do you got?" Wade spoke first while munching down on chimichangas. "Man, these chimichangas are the bomb." He thought to himself while eating his food.

"I got lots of stuff; it depends on what you're looking for and if you have the money for it." Weasel responded while nervously sipping his drink. Occasionally, he would look behind his shoulder as if someone was going to surprise attack him.

Wade told him what jobs he would do and needed to be well-armed because most were highly dangerous. And with some more convincing, the two agreed to meet at Weasel's place. Being given the necessary equipment and weapons. He was equipped with pistols and a pair of katanas. His pistols he nicknamed Sonny and Cher. And nicknamed his katanas Hall and Oates.

"Now you're going to need something that will conceal your identity. And during our conversation, I created the perfect costume." He showed Wade a poorly made drawing of Wade wearing a red and black full-body costume. What do you think? I think you'll be really cool in it." He asked excitedly as if this drawing was the best thing in the world.

"It's very nice. Thank you." He said, hesitating, speaking his words. But he didn't want to hurt his feelings. Mostly because the drawing was terrible, and the costume would only make him very recognizable. But he thought he could try it and see if it worked for him.

With him being prepared for his job, he completed them through a series of montages. Wade or, rather, Deadpool. A nickname he was given while in the Weapon X program. He would complete contract killings of mafia members. Killing them in various methods, including explosives, gunshots, and being sliced in half by a pair of katanas. Completing other “jobs” that included stealing corporate secrets and being a bodyguard for a child actor for Nickelodeon. These actions would get the attention of any police and vigilantes in the area. Enjoying wearing the suit after a few of the hit jobs. Mainly because it was good at hiding wounds on his body.

Probably going to swing by and make an artificer with an automaton/golem later just as a brief heads up.
Want to double check if it's fine to make skills up, essentially?

Yeah i can do that for ya.
@Eviledd1984 have a good vacation!

Thank you.I will try to get something up this week.
I am just letting you guys know that I am going on vacation tomorrow. However, I will start working on my post today. And hopefully, I can get it up for this week.
I am just letting you guys know that I am going on vacation tomorrow. However, I will start working on my post today. And hopefully, I can get it down for this week.
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