Avatar of Eviledd1984


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Current What Will You Do When Eddamania Comes For You!!!
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I like tacos.

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"Disney and DC working together? I hope Ryan Gosling plays me in the crossover movie.”


O R I G I N S:

Wade was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, living with an abusive father and an absentee mother. His life was relatively every day, but as a child, he had a habit of getting into trouble. His big mouth was the thing that got him into a lot of trouble. As an adult, he joined the Canadian military, being a part of conflicts in the Middle East. Serving a couple of tours of duty before being dishonourably discharged. After his military career, he became a mercenary, working mainly for the highest bidder.

Wade soon became sick and found out that he had terminal cancer. Finding out that there was a program that could help him. He took part in the Weapon X program. He was tortured for many months, unlocking his mutant abilities. Escaping from the facility and continuing his work as a mercenary.

During his time as a merc, he found love with Death. But since he was unable to die, he could never be with his true love.

S A M P L E P O S T:

Time: 22:00 PM
Feeling: Can’t get livin’ la vida loca out of his head.

Wade crouched behind some boxes while waiting for security guards to pass by, taking a moment to sneak past them inside the lab. “Man, sneaking here was easier than I thought.” Wade mumbled as he entered the building. He was sent here to get some material that his employer wanted. He didn’t question it. He just knew the payout would be worth all this trouble. He slowly moved toward the central laboratory while avoiding the scientists and guards going on with their day. Stopping momentarily to steal a cup of Tim Horton’s (™) Coffee cup on a nearby desk. “Mmm, damn fine cup of coffee. Thank you, Tim, for the amazing coffee.” Burping softly while putting the cup back on the table.

I wish the coffee was better. It’s a bit bland. Mcdonald’s (™ ) coffee is better.” One voice in his head spoke.

It’s not that bad, to be honest. It’s got a bit of a strong taste, but it’s honestly not bad.” Another voice spoke. These voices were only in Wade’s head, but they could occasionally provide good insight into what was going on in the world.

He moved further into the laboratory and was in the area where the object he was after was being held. Moving closer toward the containment unit, he noticed he had no keys to open it. But that did not stop him from trying to open it. Standing up and standing near the unit, Deadpool pulled out his pistol and shot the glass, making it shatter into millions of pieces. The alarms started to blare, which didn’t seem to faze Wade.

Guards seemed to rush into the room armed with pistols and SMGs. “Don’t mind me, fellas; I’m just making a withdrawal.” Deadpool aimed his guns at the guards and started firing at them. Their bullets either missed their mark or went right through Wade, although being shot at was not really an inconvenience for him.

Hi, you're ruining my suit.” Wade took out a grenade from his belt and flung it at a group of guards. Some jumped out of the way, while others were caught in the explosion. Sending some chunks of flesh flying onto the ground.

It is raining, men; good thing I got an umbrella.” One voice quipped while another soon chimed in.

Uhhh, we don’t have an umbrella.” This was the voice of reason, while the other had much sillier thoughts.

You know we need a good song to listen to while this happens; what should we play?” The silly voice spoke.

I know how about a little Shania?” The serious voice suggested. Wade agreed that some Shania wouldn’t be too bad to listen to. It filled his head when he decided he could hear the singer’s beautiful voice in his head.

Wade quickly grabbed one guard coming towards him, using him like a human shield. Moving towards the other group that had just come into the room. He motioned his pistol to a nearby gas tank, making it explode. Killing a few of the guards in the process. During the confusion, he threw the now dead body of the guard, putting away his guns and taking out his swords. Cutting the remaining guards into pieces. “Slice and dice just like momma like’s to make. Now that the guards are dealt with, I can get what I came here for.” Deadpool walked over to the containment unit, grabbed whatever it was, and placed it into his fanny pack.

Fanny packs are cool.” the silly voice said, to which Wade agreed by nodding his head. He put away his sword and turned around, surprised by who stood before him.

Well, if it’s, isn’t my best friend? How have you been my favourite short king? It’s been a long time.” Smiling underneath his mask, the mutant brandied his claws while walking towards him.

I think he’s gonna hug us; I’m so excited!!!” The silly voice sounded quite excited.

I don’t think he wants to hug us.We better make like a leaf and get out of here.” The more serious voice corrected him and warned Wade to start running away.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed interactions and stories.

<Snipped quote by Eviledd1984>

All good. You removed the issues we had


My apologies i was waiting to have someone have a look at it. So it's all good then?
Yeah. Thinking on one.

Let me know if you need help with your sheet.
@Sep @Master Bruce

Hello, could you please look over my sheet and see if I need to change anything? Thank you.

Welcome :)
Took me a bit but here it is! Hopin' @Simple Unicycle doesn't try to nab this one from me again before the 24 hours are up (I will NEVER forgive you)


Yeah pretty much lol.
Alright, I think I got an idea for a character...Expect a sheet soon :3

Oh No.

(I'm kidding, of course.)

Oh, I just to add a little reference to Wolvie in my sheet. I guess we could do something in future if he wanted to.
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