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@World Traveler

Hi, is my character accepted, or would more work need to be done?
@themadhatter420 @Varshanka

Delios Hawkins

Delios looked up at the headmaster, not surprised that he knew about his abilities. He assumed the headmaster would need to see every ability his students had. “I will be sure to keep that in mind.” He answers dully while taking his schedule. A part of him wondered what kind of ability the headmaster had. It would have to be quite powerful, or Delios assumed. The young man took the schedule, finding that the first and third classes could be pretty insightful. As he looked at his schedule, he bumped into a girl who angrily spoke to him.

My apologies, miss; I should have been looking where I am going.” He said with a smile. Something noticeable about him was his accent. If one could compare, it was similar to the Trans-Atlantic accent of the old movie stars. He stared at her for a moment before continuing to speak. Watching her run off, his smile turned into a scold. “Fucking bitch.” He muttered before walking off towards his first class.

As he entered the classroom, he sat in the back. While waiting for class to start, he looked at some TikTok videos.


Matthew Perkins

Meanwhile, Matthew was sitting at his desk, waiting for the new batch of students to arrive. He looked pretty excited as he noticed students starting to come into the classroom. “Good morning." he said with a large amount of enthusiasm. He stood up and wrote his name on the chalkboard, but he forgot to do so beforehand. After he had done this, he sat back down in his chair. He was looking at the clock, watching the time ticking away. Waiting excitingly for the bell to chime.
@Dyelli Beybi

Helmut Peter Spielzeugmann

He nodded his head at the information being presented to him. Some of it made sense to him. However, he didn’t know why one would use a hot tub as a vessel for a time machine. Listening to the explanation for the machine, he didn’t notice that it had been turned on. “Oh, Scheiße (Oh Shit)” He exhaled, looking quite scared about what was going on.

He scanned the area with his eyes, wondering where they were or, better yet, what period they were in. Looking incredibly angry, he looked at the others, wondering if they somehow knew how to escape this jam. “Well, what the hell do we do now?” He asked the others after taking a few deep breaths.

I can change my teacher's subject if you like.

@World Traveler

For your consideration boss.

Should i wait for your post then before posting something?
I'm gonna be posting to guys.
@AwesomeZero5 @shylarah @vietmyke @Randomguy

The ranger looked quite annoyed that his suggestion was being disregarded. The dark knight, meanwhile, nodded his head, thinking it would be a good idea for them to stick together. When the group finally figured out where to go, they slowly entered the courtyard. The courtyard was quite vast and filled with various trees and flowers. The garden was very well maintained even though no one lived there. “Well, once I disable them, you are more than welcome to study them.” The ranger commented, still looking quite annoyed. The courtyard itself was eerily quiet, adding to the rather creepy atmosphere of the place.

The ranger was leading in case traps were inside the courtyard or dormitories. The dormitories were extraordinarily dusty and looked quite different from the courtyards. Both the ranger and death knight had a bad feeling about the place. The ranger was crouching and using his class ability to see if there were any traps. He noticed a couple of traps, which seemed strange to be placed in a dormitory. “Stay back so I can try to disarm these traps. Just watch my back.” The ranger said, slowly starting to disarm the traps. Meanwhile, The death knight looked around, ensuring they would not get ambushed. His undead minions would work around the group to ensure no one would try to attack them.

The ranger finished disarming the traps and looked over towards Goibniu. “You can look at them if you like; just be careful." He said, finding it strange that the centaur would like to examine some traps.

Good. Now, we can explore the area for anything of interest.” The dark knight carefully moved deeper into the room. As he walked further into the room, he noticed something quite strange. Skeletons were lying in the beds of the dormitory. The devs could have placed them there, but he felt bad seeing them. “I got a bad feeling about this. Be on your guard.” The dark knight said, rubbing the back of his head.

As soon as he said that, the skeletons started to get out of bed, picking up the spears lying beside them on the bed. The group would need to spring into action and protect themselves from the skeletons.
I am sorry for taking so long to post. I finally finished it. I included Copycat because I want to include a potential relationship between them. Maybe they could have Wade meet Magneto/Xavier or Logan and Shadowcat later on. Also, would it be okay if I include Cable/Domnio in the RP? If no one is playing them of course.

Issue 3:White Wedding

Location: A Ballroom In New Jersey

Kingpin had given Wade another job. This one would be much more exciting than riding some crime boss’ son around. Wade would need to kill some high-ranking members of the Gualtieri crime family. The reward would help with Wade’s retirement funds. The real reason he was doing this was that the Gualtieri crime family were scum and needed to be eradicated. So, this job was mostly for fun. Wade was told that most made men attended a birthday party for the don of the Gualtieri family. Wade will hide in the birthday cake, waiting for the right moment before commencing the onslaught. One of Kingpin’s men will be masquerading as the chief and will be the one who will get Wade into the cake.

Should I wear anything sexy?” Wade asked. The contact and Kingpin rolled their eyes at this comment.

“No, Mr.Wilson. You will have enough firearms to eliminate the targets.” Fisk smiled. Wade nodded, hoping to get a China Lake grenade launcher like his son had given him before. He was disappointed that was not the case.

Wade soon found himself inside the cake, waiting for his cue to attack. Beforehand, he was given a variety of weapons that he would need. Most of them were various pistols, submachine guns, grenades, and about two assault rifles. He was making sure that the guns were loaded and that he would be ready. He listened to some music to help pass the time before he was given the cue. He was listening to the Joy Divison album called Unknown Pleasures. It was a good thing he went to the washroom beforehand. This was to pass the time and try to drown out Frank Sinatra's crooning voice. As the party was going on, it was soon time for the party members to cut the cake. “Lock and load.” Wade thought while holding an assault rifle. Most of his weapons were strapped onto his body, including a bandolier of ammunition, as one of the mafia members came over to cut the cake. Wade removed the hollow top and popped out, surprising everyone around him.

Party’s over.” "He said with a smirk behind his mask. Kicking the cake towards a group of mafia members while starting to fire his gun. The whole commotion caused some of the mafia members to run. The bullets hit some goons who were pulling out their weapons and jumping out of the way of the gunfire and hiding behind a nearby pillar. Firing his AK-47 into the jabronis that were firing back at him. “The fatman sends his regards.” Yelling out as he threw a grenade into a crowd of goons. The explosion caused the whole room to shake and tremble. Wade moved a little closer, using nearby tables as cover. When he noticed his AK was out of ammo, he quickly loaded ammo into the magazine—putting the magazine back into the empty slot with the precision of a trained soldier. This came soon to him, thanks to his time as a soldier and mercenary. Throwing a mafia member into the DJ booth causes the current song to skip to Dean Martin's Ain't That A Kick In The Head.

Noticing some more goons left, Wade moved away towards the exit with whom Wade assumed was the consiglieri. “Where are you going, Van Zandt?” Wade said, moving or running toward the small group instead. Most of the bullets were either missing or hitting him. However, by this point in his life, he was used to the pain. As he moved closer, his nose was filled with a mixture of blood and gunpowder.

Wade got close enough to the group to smell the cheap cologne they were wearing. He threw his empty AK at one of the group before switching to the M16 strapped to his back. The group moved from the main ballroom towards the kitchen. There was screaming from some of the wounded mafia members. Most of them hold their bloodied stubs or their bullet wounds. “Come back. I just want some spaghetti and meatballs.” He shouted over the gunfire and screamed.

Following the group into the kitchen, I want them to stay in the building. Quickly noticing that he was out of ammo for his M16. He switched towards his pistols, firing at the various kitchen appliances. Some of the bullets ricocheted off of pans and caused various appliances to become damaged by the bullets. Thankfully, a few bullets wounded some of the goons. Moving closer to the ground, he switched to his katanas. One of the goons picked up a nearby frying pan to attack Wade. He counterattacked by cutting off the hand that held the frying pan. This goon fell onto the floor, screaming in pain. Wade moving towards the next goon in his way. Grabbing his head and pushing his head into a fryer.

Does anyone want some fresh arancini? It just came out of the fryer.” Wade threw the screaming man onto the ground. Most of the made men and goons were now quite scared of Deadpool. But this fear would not last long as Wade sliced and diced most of them. “When you see Death, tell her I’ll see her next Friday.” He said before finishing off the group.

As he walked out of the kitchen, drenched in his and the goon’s blood. He could see there were still injured mafiosos on the floor. “Time for a little celebration.” Walking over towards the DJ booth and playing Madonna's Like A Prayer.

While the sound was playing, Wade danced and murdered the injured goons. He didn’t want any witnesses to identify him and make his life difficult. Take a break from cleaning up by drinking red wine and eating half-eaten gabagool. Once he was finished, he left the bloodied hall with a bottle of wine. In the distance, the police sirens could be heard. “Better go before the po-po comes.” He thought before escaping into the night.



Wade was sitting on the rooftop of an apartment building, drinking his wine and enjoying his little celebration. A few hours ago, he told Fisk the excellent news that the mission was complete. The fat man seemed pleased with Wade. While drinking his wine, he heard some commotion in the alleyway. Looking down, he noticed a woman bothered by a couple of thugs. “Looks like a job for Deadpool.” He said be"ore going down the fire escape. His cool entrance of jumping from the fire escape onto the ground was botched by slipping and landing face-first on the ground. This caused the thug and the woman to look over in his direction. Wade quickly got back onto his feet. He strolled towards them, “Are these guys bothering you?” He asked to which she nodded.

Wrong choice bub.” And in response, he smashed his wine bottle over the head of one of the thugs. Another came over armed with a knife and stabbed Wade in the hand, who was trying to defend himself. Removing the knife from his hand, the group, including the woman, could see his wound closing. “Now you pissed me off; that was a perfect bottle of wine.” Wade grabbed the knife-wielding goon and threw him into a nearby garbage bin. He picked up a nearby discarded mop and smacked the other goons like he was in a Bruce Lee movie. He was finishing up by breaking and causing ruptured organs and limbs of the thugs. Breathing heavily while looking over at the woman.

Are you okay, Miss?" He asked; as she walked closer, he noticed something strange about her. Her face seemed to change from the woman standing there a moment ago. Now, her skin was blue, and her hair was pure white.

“Thanks you for your help; they were after me because I’m a mutant. Are you a mutant, too?” She asked, standing close to him.

He didn’t understand what she meant. “"What the hell is a mutant? Is that the kind of slang the kids are saying, like sigma rizz, no cap?” This response made the woman chuckle.

“No, a mutant is someone with extraordinary powers; I assume yours is an accelerated healing factor?” She was now looking over at him and the costume he was wearing. “Are you some kind of superhero?” And to this, Wade shook his head.

No, I’m no hero; I’m just your friendly neighbourhood mercenary.” He smiled underneath his mask, handing her a business card. Something he had made in his free time. Assuming his healing factor and heightened reflexes happened because of the Weapon X program.

“Your name is Deadpool? My name is Vanessa, but you can call me Copycat.” She said, holding out her hand for him to shake.

My name is Wade. Give me a call if you need any merc work done.” He said, finding her quite attractive. Walking away before looking back, He noticed she was in the shadows. Her appearance changed as she came out of the shadows.

“I’ll be sure to give you a call.” She said with a wink before walking in the other direction. Wade walked down the street, heading over towards Blind Al’s place.
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