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I might have everyone do some side quests and get you guys to do some other adventures before throwing you guys into the main plot.
Gonna start work on a post.
Sorry that took so long, i have posted something.


Tavias hoped that the girl would lead them to the wizard. Apart from him, I wondered how this girl could even defend herself from the heartless. She didn’t seem very capable of fighting. But perhaps there was more to this Poodlewolf than he first thought. He could feel a headache starting to happen while around Dotty. He hoped he wouldn’t have to be around her for much longer.

His ears perked up when she mentioned a tail and being in disguise. “So you're not a human? Are you some sort of animal? Like a dog or something.” He held her hand briefly as they crossed the street. However, his question was answered as she transformed back into a dog. Tavias looked quite bewildered as she was singing by herself. He did not participate in the musical number but watched, feeling a similar memory coming into his head. He thought he had heard a similar song before but couldn’t put his finger on where he had heard it.

Taivas was glad the little musical number was over, and they were near the last place the wizard was seen. Looking at the surrounding area, he looked over at Dotty. “Be careful of the moving rocks." He started carefully on the moving rocks towards the dilapidated building. He walks into the building and summons his keyblade in case more of those heartless creatures are around. He didn't hear much movement, which worried him greatly. However, after a few moments, he heard the muffled barking sound. "Do you hear that? Sounds like a dog of some kind." He was reminded of what Pongo said and his promise to bring his kids back. Walking around the first floor, he listened carefully to where the barking was coming from.

He soon stopped moving and was standing in front of a bookshelf. Grabbing the side before violently knocking it over. Sitting before him was a Dalmatian puppy, its head looking up at him wearily. "So you must be one of those missing kids those dogs were talking about. I'm gonna take you home to your parents; I ain't here to hurt you. I wanna take you home." Crouching down, he held his hand out for the puppy to sniff.
<Snipped quote by Eviledd1984 >

That's pretty cool!
I kinda... made something up, ChaosX.
Supposed to be an off brand Discord, so maybe that? Or a YourSpace. Snrk.

Do you have, any questions about the characters? Or perhaps where they may be headed/want?

Heh, we could also talk about ability niches if anyone wants too.
Maybe we could throw out NPC ideas, since some of us are big players... think from some guild involvement or so.... connections and such.

Edit: added the abilities Leyden jar & diving bell per PM discussion, with some editing for clarity

I think a discord knock off would be good for the players to communicate. Well I was wondering what the main goal or place you'd want your characters to go? Please give me some ideas for NPCs. Also happy holidays.
I do apologies for not describing and sharing the loot with that last boss. I will be doing so in the future. I was thinking of them doing some quests that will be happening all over the world. Perhaps we can do that and then have them being blackmailed by the jester to get various items for him. For the IRL stuff i was thinking they could be periods of them talking on some sort of app.

I was thinking they can investigate the jester's origins which would lead to the bigger plot i had in mind. Or the group could be apart of a world way quest with smaller events going on in inbetween.
@AwesomeZero5 @Randomguy @vietmyke @shylarah

Hi just wanted to check in and see how everyone is feeling about the RP. Is there any i need to change or add to make it more engaging? Or to spice things up a little?

I am interested in joining this roleplay; I have a few questions.

1. Is necromancy or communicating with the dead/ghost okay as a Gyfts? I was also thinking of manipulating time, controlling metal, puppets/manniquins/dolls, and weather like other Gyfts. I am also up for discussing what my character's Gyft could be with you. I want a wacky and weird Gyft since it could be fun.

2. Can people outside have Gyfts? Or is that only for the people in Nocturnia?

3. What happens when a mob boss loses all of their territories? Does the player need to start all over again? During combat, I assume the two players will discuss who wins or loses the battle for territory.

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