I got a notice from the 3-D Warehouse that someone liked my model of a prison cell desk. Whee.
1 mo ago
@Someone 343 - try going to the Introduce Yourself forum (…) and post a bit about yourself, the sort of games that interest you, etc.
2 mos ago
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy has an ordinary-looking MC that to the world he'd been Isekai'd to, the humans find him incredibly ugly.
2 mos ago
I have the flu. Wheee.
3 mos ago
Gkids did a special theater showing of My Neighbor Totoro, tonight was the last night. Pity.
I am a seven-foot tall minecraft-playing hindu guru drag-queen alien.
Possessor of an Ancient Device™ Model 17. No, I don't know what it does. No, you can't play with it.
Pronouns: It. As in: "What is it? What does it want? Why is it here? Oh my god, it's got my... <insert random body part or object here>"
Likes: World Domination, Writing, Rpg, scifi/fantasy, anime, sketchup 3d models, and anime music videos.
Companions: a host of characters from other games, my personal muse Penny (as in Bad), and the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, Shark, and Mongo. They grew up in the balcony of an old theatre that played a lot of gangster movies. Normally benign, but may invade the OOC forums.
Qaymu's right eyebrow quirked upright, Mr. Spock style, but he smiled.
"I didn't think you played anymore," the dragon said, a pleased rumbling coming from his chest. "Just video games. I played Asteroids, once."
"You're looking much better," he added, his hand reaching to slide his pawn to E5. A rather standard opening, and he saw no reason to sacrifice a pawn so soon.
"So, not working tonight?" he asked. "You could probably do with a rest after a morning like that."
Probably best if I create a new character for this.
Name: Prince Edmund Darrington - Defender of the Realms, Lord of the Wastes, Eminence of Skulls, the Exiled Prince of the Kingdom of Yavell (a.k.a. Bad Prince Ned) Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Human
Height: 5' 9" (1.7526 m) Eye Color: Steel blue Hair Color: Bone White
Description: This arrogant man has almond-shaped eyes the color of steel. His luxurious, wavy, white hair has been crudely cropped by a blade. He is tall and has a graceful build. His skin is pale. He has thin eyebrows and a large mouth. His wardrobe is practically non-existent.
When tossed out of the castle, the only thing he was wearing was an embroidered linen blouse (that he had slept in), black canvas pants, and simple leather slippers. From the college, he packed a silk blouse embroidered with the college crest, hose, several linen handkerchiefs. An olive green wool cloak with a bronze clasp that he keeps rolled up behind his saddle to keep him warm at night.
Personality: Some might call him aloof, but in truth, he's just grim and moody, suspicious of others following the betrayal of those who turned the entire kingdom of Yavell against him. Normally well-mannered, there is an anger burning inside him.
He does have an organized mind, with an ability to plan.
Quirks: - Milk allergy - Hay fever - Studious - Suspicious of all the overpriced coffee shops suddenly popping up all over the kingdoms of Yavell and Geodel (If you're not careful, they'll try to put creamer into your cup claiming it's a flavor...! And charge you an extra three-bit for it!) - Believes slice bread to be unhygienic. (Haven't they heard of germs?)
Brief History: There had always been misgivings. If custom hadn't demanded it, they would never had shown their son to the kingdom, his hair so pale as to appear white. Their hopes it would turn dark as he grew older fled when Ned turned twelve.
It didn't help that James, his younger brother with his dark locks, was constantly pranking him - slipping butter into Ned's food, setting him up for fights, spreading falsehoods all around him. Before he knew it, the people of the kingdom was calling him "bad prince Ned".
Then there was fair Abigail, grand-daughter of the former king and his promised bride. She stood by Ned's side when they were burying his mother - despite James' cruel trick that made him void his bowels. Ned was in love with her, but really her desire was to reclaim the kingdom.
When his father died while he was away in college in the kingdom of Geodel, Ned returned just in time to rescue Abigail from the bandit Drasvask Vrimryarko the Bad (he was just really bad at being a bandit), but already her cunning plan was in place. Even James didn't see it coming. Abigail made it look like she was trying to escape from the palace while Ned was seen seemingly stopping it, while Abigail's maid spread false tales in town of how Ned was trying to force himself on her.
And so the kingdom rebelled, making Abigail their queen - and for his "crimes", she exiled him from the kingdom with only the clothes he was wearing on his back. Fortunately for him, Ned had left some things back in college, including armor, a good stout pair of boots, his weapons and what was left of his tuition. Geodel, however, not wishing to cause an incident with the new queen of Yavell, exiled him as well - but not before Ned's roommates could slip him a few things to make his new life easier.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Occupation: Prince
Social Status: Noble
Skills: - Swordsman (Adept) - well-trained to fight with sword and dagger. - Archer (Apprentice) - Trained in how to fight and hunt with bow and arrow, some success at striking the target. - Swimming (Apprentice) - able to keep himself afloat, swim the butterfly or breaststroke.
Equipment: - Iron Chainmail with iron chest plate and helm - Simple Linen Gambeson (goes under the chainmail) - Simple Leather Gauntlets - Simple Leather Boots (with two gold groats tucked inside) - Meteoric iron sword with a simple leather sheath - Meteoric iron dagger in a simple leather sheath - Yew bow and two quivers of 30 plain arrows each - Iron hand-axe - A horse and a simple leather saddle with a simple wool saddle blanket - Simple leather saddlebags - A simple shard of flint on a simple leather thong he wears around his neck - A simple leather coin purse holding 23 Geodel gold groats, 15 Geodel silver Dol, and 19 copper bits of various nationalities - A simple hide Waterskin - A silver flask of simple brandy, half-full - The Exile's Book of Plain Living, Volume 1. (Property of the College of Geodel) - The Novice Tome of the Dark (Or an introduction on how to poison and curse your enemies - Property of the College of Geodel)
- None at present
--- My House ---
Location: Type:
In the clean CS, the My House Location is missing its ending [/b]
"Father, I'm so hungry..." *Father drops the basket of battle passes on the table* "Dont worry son, I just spent all our savings on THESE!" "B-but... you cant eat a battle pass, father!" "Of course not, son! Not like that! You gotta boil it first..."
What? No! You eat the hearts of your enemies to gain their courage! Their tasty, tasty courage...
Name: Fin Runnard Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Human
Height: 5' 2" (157.48 cm) Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Brown
Description: This young man puts you in mind of a lost and wandering spirit. He has slitted eyes the color of pine needles. His thick, curly, brown hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a tangled bush. He is short and has a skinny build. His skin is very pallid, like someone who's been sick a long time - or has been kept out of the sun. There are a mass of scars on his back, and he has shackle galls on his wrists and ankles that he tries to hide. What clothes he has are ill-fitting, like they were sewn for someone larger.
Personality: Fin is well-mannered, although a bit skittish. Likes to drink, to sing and laugh, but rarely talks about himself. His humor can be a bit dark at times.
Quirks: - Has to sit with his back towards a wall. - Loves fresh fruit, especially berries. - Light sleeper. - When pacing in thought, he walks as if he's inside a small invisible box, like a mime.
Brief History: It's known that he's from a large family - his father would breed dogs and his mother taught him how to play the lute and to sing. He has a twin sister, who he's not seen in a very long time. Claims he was taken hostage from a caravan and forced to live in a cave while waiting for his family to pay the ransom. Eventually he found a way out. After many days without count, he wandered into the village.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Occupation: Minstrel
Social Status: - Commoner (Well-to-do)
Skills: - Lock picking (Adept): Can open most locks with ease. - Musician (Adept): Can sing well, if a bit rough, and can play the lute. - Brawler (Adept): Can throw and take a punch, making good use of whatever comes to hand.
- Worn Lute inside a simple canvas sack - Meteoric Iron Dagger with a simple leather sheath - Simple Flint shards in a simple sueded leather drawstring bag - Improvised leather Sling - Worn and patched canvas Satchel - Improvised Iron Lockpicks - Worn Vellum Tarot Cards in a worn simple wooden box - Dark Codex - Sueruenrir's Copy (Novice) - Dark Codex - Dark Vision (Novice) - Dark Codex - Hidden Pocket (Novice)
- Sometimes called the mad prisoner spell, this is a scriptorium writing aid for reproducing a book of magic without the aid of light. A single casting lasts for two hours. When cast, it enhances the writer's attention to detail, sharpening the eye to perceive the underlying structure of the work, the strength and deftness of the hand so they may copy the text and diagrams from an existing document or book and write it onto a new blank page or book in exacting detail.
During this time, the writer becomes unresponsive, ignoring the needs of their body or events occurring around them. It's recommended that the writers be well-rested, in a secure and guarded place, and take care of any bodily needs (but not to excess) before casting the spell. Once the spell expires (or is interrupted), the writer will be struck by fatigue, requiring a minimum of two hours rest to recover. The effects of hunger and thirst will sharpen, and one should have a chamber pot nearby.
It is suggested Sueruenrir's Copy should not be cast more frequently than twice in the span of a single day.
To ensure the spell is not interrupted, a suitable work space should be used, sealed away from light and a sufficient supply of materials (ink, paint, pens, quills, brushes, etcetera) close at hand.
Depending on the level of detail and length of the original, it may take a few or several castings to complete the work. The spell only allows for the writer to produce one copy of the work during the session, they cannot produce two or more copies in the same session.
This spell is sometimes used by forgers to reproduce works of art.
This spell sharpens the perception of the mind as it dilates the pupil of the eye, allowing the user to see in greater detail and perceive patterns as if they were walking during a moon-lit night instead of in pitch darkness.
While they are under the effects of the spell, colors are muted, typically seen as varying shades of gray. Brilliant light can interrupt the spell, causing the user sharp pain.
At the end of the spell, the user must spend at least a half hour recovering.
- Darkness underlies everything. This spell shapes the darkness to create a small hidden pocket in which the caster may store small items no larger than a foot (30.48 cm) in any dimension as long as the total contents do not weigh in excess of 62.4 pounds (28.3 kg).
Items that exceed these dimensions may stick or spill out. If forced, the pocket can rupture, swallowing the contents and scattering them at great distance from the user before finally collapsing.
Only those with a greater shadow perception spell may perceive the pocket.
The caster can only cast one hidden pocket at a time, it remains until dispelled.
--- My House ---
Until the RP actually starts and you guys get a feel for what the village looks and feels like, please leave this section alone.
Location:Where in, or outside, the village is your home located. Type:Is it just a residence? Some kind of shop? A facility of some kind? Floors:Is it a single or multi-story building?
Description: Here you can describe the out and inside of yoour building, along with any special or notewrothy aspects of it. If you're feeling particularly creative, you could even include a floor-plan for others to look at, if you're into the artsy drawing biz.
>the spell that serves as a magical printing press is a baby-level spell
Dang, the revolution is gonna hit quick.
I just mean it helps the caster to write the text correctly as they copy it into a new book. It's why they need to have plenty of ink, quills, a pen knife to carve new tips for the quills, and time.
The sheet is fine now, except for your spell books/doexes not having descriptions of what the spells actually do.
And I'm not going to re-work or change the entire magic system that I've already finished writing up at this point. You can totally have a Master or Senior Wizard help you learn a spell, but all that'll do is cut down the time at which you learn and can use it.
The copy spell turns the caster into a living copy machine. The Dark Vision spell allows the caster (and only them) to see in total darkness. The Hidden pocket creates a secret place for them to keep their things.
The basics, as it were.
A darkness spell where only the caster can see would be more of an apprentice spell.
Christina sighs as she checks the gas bags, making sure the gauges were holding steady, then glances longingly at her improvised bedroll of blankets, lying under a table with a battery lantern. A cabin would offer her more privacy - but easier to shut her in. It also meant being too far from the engines.
Putting down her steaming mug of coffee, she produces a cigarette from her shop coat pocket, neatly tearing off the filter from the end. Peeling away the paper, she rolls the filter with her fingers until it was compressed, then carefully inserts it into her right ear, sticking out slightly. It began to swell as she repeated her actions with a second cigarette filter she stuck in her left ear, the roar of the engines becoming more muted.
Christina's smile was so slight as to be mistaken for a shifting of the light, then she took the stars down to engineering.
Only the compressor was silent, there being no need to fill the tank further. It took a lot of air pressure to get those engines started, burning that Blau gas, out there on a strut in their engine pods. The master engine gauge panel showed her how each of the engines were performing. A good part of her work was to get them running right - with careful maintenance and avoidance of battle damage, it should work well for several weeks, as long as she feathered them in pairs from time to time.
Even engines needed their downtime.
Happy she moved forward again, putting a heavy door between her and the engines as she yawned tiredly as she headed for her sleeping pallet. It would be great to strip everything off, scrub herself down and sleep between clean sheets.
@Expendable There's no set standard for tomes, and they're really only called that because fancy wizards and sorceres with big egos are the ones who wrote them. They're just 'books' really. And as for an entire book being needed for, and to learn, a single spell? Suspension of disbelief is my answer there.
I rather like the line idea, where you have a master and a student, and the first spell the student learns is "copy" and they spend the next several days copying everything in their master's spell book. The master gets them started, teaching them the basics, then leaves. The student then has to study hard to unlock the spells they wrote in their own book, needing to learn how to do the small stuff first before trying to tackle the larger spells.
Sort of like learning as a novice how to summon flame, lighting a candle with your magic, and eventually with a lot of study and practice, you can cast a fireball.
Or starting levitation by making a feather move about the room - then as it passes over an open book, it suddenly snaps shut, trapping the feather. Eventually you can levitate a broom or a carpet as you ride it.
The drawback is if you know what line they belong to, you know what spells they can cast.
And eventually, they take a student and it starts all over again.
Okay, I've tried fixing my sheet. Please let me know if this is acceptable. For quality, I've added Worn and Improvised, and padded out the equipment.
EDIT: Still making some small adjustments to text.
I'm curious as to what you consider as the dimensions of a tome?
For me, tomes were these really big books, maybe a meter high and .75 meters wide when monks in scriptoriums would work on one vellum page at a time, one scribe coping the text while an illustrator would add the decoration, then all the pages would be gathered together and bound into a huge volume.
The modern ones would be like a college textbook or a large encyclopedia volume - 8.5 inches by 11 inches (21.6 cm x 28 cm) for all the illustrations and pictures. Or a smaller volume would be 6 inches by 9 inches (15.24 cm x 22.86 cm).
I am a seven-foot tall minecraft-playing hindu guru drag-queen alien.
Possessor of an Ancient Device™ Model 17. No, I don't know what it does. No, you can't play with it.
Pronouns: It. As in: "What is it? What does it want? Why is it here? Oh my god, it's got my... <insert random body part or object here>"
Likes: World Domination, Writing, Rpg, scifi/fantasy, anime, sketchup 3d models, and [url=]anime music videos[/url].
Companions: a host of characters from other games, my personal muse Penny (as in Bad), and the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, Shark, and Mongo. They grew up in the balcony of an old theatre that played a lot of gangster movies. Normally benign, but may invade the OOC forums.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I am a seven-foot tall minecraft-playing hindu guru drag-queen alien. <br><br>Possessor of an Ancient Device™ Model 17. No, I don't know what it does. No, you can't play with it.<br><br>Pronouns: It. As in: "What is it? What does it want? Why is it here? Oh my god, it's got my... <insert random body part or object here>"<br><br>Likes: World Domination, Writing, Rpg, scifi/fantasy, anime, sketchup 3d models, and <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="">anime music videos</a>.<br><br>Companions: a host of characters from other games, my personal muse Penny (as in Bad), and the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, Shark, and Mongo. They grew up in the balcony of an old theatre that played a lot of gangster movies. Normally benign, but may invade the OOC forums.</div>