Avatar of Expendable


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current I got a notice from the 3-D Warehouse that someone liked my model of a prison cell desk. Whee.
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1 mo ago
@Someone 343 - try going to the Introduce Yourself forum (roleplayerguild.com/forums/…) and post a bit about yourself, the sort of games that interest you, etc.
2 mos ago
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy has an ordinary-looking MC that to the world he'd been Isekai'd to, the humans find him incredibly ugly.
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2 mos ago
I have the flu. Wheee.
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3 mos ago
Gkids did a special theater showing of My Neighbor Totoro, tonight was the last night. Pity.
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I am a seven-foot tall minecraft-playing hindu guru drag-queen alien.

Possessor of an Ancient Device™ Model 17. No, I don't know what it does. No, you can't play with it.

Pronouns: It. As in: "What is it? What does it want? Why is it here? Oh my god, it's got my... <insert random body part or object here>"

Likes: World Domination, Writing, Rpg, scifi/fantasy, anime, sketchup 3d models, and anime music videos.

Companions: a host of characters from other games, my personal muse Penny (as in Bad), and the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, Shark, and Mongo. They grew up in the balcony of an old theatre that played a lot of gangster movies. Normally benign, but may invade the OOC forums.

Most Recent Posts

Sorry to have missed this.
You were driving along this rural road in the middle of the night, past farmer's fields, when suddenly your car sputtered and died. After trying vainly to start it, you reach for your cell phone - but it's dead, too.

That's when you see a bright light shining down on you. But you don't hear the sound of a helicopter - just a strange hum and your car lurching as it rises into the air...!

You're dimly aware of being stripped while surrounded by other people standing in line and being put on a conveyor belt. Warm jets of water bathe you, following by scrubbing by creatures in white suits, then rinsed and dried. Next are several injections - although in one case, it feels like they're pumping big something into your right arm while a golden beam shines down on your face as you black out. When you awake, you're dressed and sliding into a room where a creature in a jumpsuit asks you a series of questions. And while you can understand the questions, you just have no idea what language they're in, it's no language you've heard before.

Finally, you slide out at the end then very docilely allow yourself to lie down in a padded box. One of the attendants hands you, of all things, a Monopoly playing piece in your favorite color. As you look up, the lights flicker...

...Instead of the warm overhead lights, you see a gray metal ceiling high overhead, your statis box having slid out of the rack and is now laying in the aisle. A crack in the metal wall near you is letting in sunlight, and you can see grass and trees beyond, but there's something odd about the trees. Weariness overtakes you, and you fall asleep.

Congratulations, you now know that there is intelligent life out there in the galaxy. Sadly, it's kidnapped you and you're now in the belly of a crashed interstellar freighter on a desolate but fortunately inhabitable planet. You are one of the first to awaken out of the stasis boxes, and by the look of things, you've been here for a while.

The weirdest thing, however, is someone left a Monopoly game in your statis box.

I'm looking for at least four players. Interested?
<Snipped quote by Expendable>

See! Monsters are better than humans!

Some are, yes. The problem is that monsters are concerned mostly about themselves, and not human concerns. I remember this story about this girl who wants to get the attention of the prince, and so stands out in front of this poor, unsuspecting earth dragon and screams for help as the prince is riding by. Poor creature never stood a chance.
In A New Day; Cozy Fantasy Village Life I accidentally posted to the Character tab. Please, are you able to remove this post made by me?


Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
If all you're using is a series of single-spell wands, you must have to carry them in like a quiver on your hip, or slim pockets sewn into a vest. Perhaps even in a golf-cart?

And how do you identify the wands? Are the handles carved? Painted various colors so like Red is Fire, Blue is water, etc?

How embarrassing is it to grab the wrong wand, scream "Fireball" and watch as your green wand raises an earthen wall between you and your enemy?
Tonight's menu:

Fried rice and spam
Dry toast
To those of you (Mistress Dizzy, Sho Minazuki, @Expendable, Crowvette) who didn't get to join at this time, please let me know if you'd like to reserve a spot on the waitlist. If any spot(s) should open up in the future, I'll contact you via PM or VM and let you know. If you don't want a spot on the waitlist you can state that as well, or simply not reply at all.

Yes, please waitlist my Bad Prince Ned.
Thanks for catching that. It's been fix'd. :)
Also, armor is not considered clothes, so his chain mail things should also be listed in Equipment section. Same goes for leather boots, since they're technically a form of protection - at least more so than regular-ass shoes. No need to list the cape though, unless it's MAGIC.

Okay, moved armor, gauntlets and boots to equipment. Since they're not likely to drag him in front of the queen naked, I gave him a few pieces of clothes - linen blouse, pants, and a pair of leather slippers - but no hat, doublet, handkerchief, hose or codpiece. I'll just have the armor and other gear at the school.

The wool cloak, silk school blouse, and handkerchiefs are decidedly unmagic. Since magic here is limited to wands and books, wasn't sure magic clothing was allowed.


The carpenter should be a thinly veiled Jesus

"Well, I know he's sleeping in that barn with twelve other men who seem to hang on his every word, but somehow he manages to turn a simple cup of water into a very nicely aged claret."

There's an old book called Japanese Inn, and it's a story of a former samurai who decided after a war that he wanted to retire and open an inn on the Tokaido Road. It then touches in part how Minaguchi-ya becomes interwoven in 400 years of Japanese history.

I could see Ned with an inn or tavern.

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