Avatar of Expllo


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1 yr ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
9 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
9 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
9 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!
9 yrs ago
It's nice being thought of. If you're ever thinking of someone, tell them. People appreciate that shit.


Most Recent Posts

I think it's fine if you imagine an area differently, I honestly don't think they've shown off much of the arcs in terms of living quarters and open areas anyways. I just think they showed a few rooms, which were the important ones, and that's about it. Sorry if I came off differently though, was just saying how I pictured it
Intriguing character DB.

libbypt, reading your character's bio it really gave me the image that she was living on some sort of habitable planet
Oh, hello Nallore.
Oh you want Tenka? I can do that xD
Maybe someday
Hey! It works out better now because Kurisa doesn't want that stuff xD
Yeah yeah, I'll post soon, just been focusing on other stuff at the moment.
Phobos said
*buys Kenta bobbleheads* Woooo, go Kenta!!


AbigailTenshi said
Lotte: I prefer Fuma, I've know him longer than z'ou. Z'ou v'ill v'each Third z'eat and z'hen v'e v'ill z'ee how z'hings play out.

Kenta: -Just nods and agrees-
AbigailTenshi said
Lotte: Z'hat ish correct Fuma. V'once he haz enough skill for z'our spot, z'ou Fuma v'ill become my Lieutenant.

Kenta heals on a Lieutenant level with just one technique, bitch swerve

Kenta: Can we get a fucking translator in here or something? Christ.
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