samreaper said
lol expllo *brofists*
AbigailTenshi said
... How did you know what we do? XD
samreaper said
samreaper said
not just talking, but she keeping your mouth busy in other ways xD
Kurisa said
To be fair if you want a character to react in a certain way and don't like how they react then why are you RPing with other people? xD You may as well RP alone if you want them to react the way you want. This does go out to anyone who gets like this...hell even me...which is why sometimes I RP alone on the lonely lone road cause I want to be lonely cause that's how I get the reactions I want =D
AbigailTenshi said
I probably should of made it clear that she didn't mean it but oh well xD She's just upset, that's all, her emotions took the better of her at that moment but all will return to normal soon xD
AbigailTenshi said
o3o It's like you don't know Rio at all xD She said it out of anger, of course she doesn't mean it xD Geezz, so sensitive xD
Phobos said
Had to resort to the life of drugs afterwards
Kurisa said
Not everyone is going to read the OP. No use getting angry bout it =/ they will likely read it AFTER we tell them it's open. it takes not even a few seconds to say it's open so no worries.
AbigailTenshi said
He lied about caring o3o If he cared, he wouldn't of left her, he would of talked it out and let her respond o3o But nope, just zip o3o
drallinix said
if this is still open id like to make a character.
Zane620 said
Woman shouldnt have been so mean to begin with XD
AbigailTenshi said
She was just annoyed he suddenly left her after what he said, not even giving her a chance to apologise o3o
Phobos said
Stop taking my job!xD they fired me cause of you!