drallinix said
So is my character ok now?
I haven't checked yet.
Kurisa said
Have the fool struggle with something! test his mind, body or something! xDDD
Test your body, but don't fight! Lift these fucking inner world weights!
drallinix said
So is my character ok now?
Kurisa said
Have the fool struggle with something! test his mind, body or something! xDDD
Kurisa said
Bleach....Just uhh...not even annoyed. Disappointed is the word...Kubo is ending it to quickly and we are now seeing fuck all of what characters can do and thus leaves us guessing...plus...yeah it's just getting silly. *Le sighs* well we know how this goes *Que Ichigo* just end this Manga already...after this chapter, all I sense is disappointment...so put it out of it's misery...
Reading Narutard now
AbigailTenshi said
Ahh, Soi Fon o3o
Ahh, someone called Sage o3o
AbigailTenshi said
Miwa? o.O
Whut? o3o
Zane620 said
Welllllllll XD
samreaper said
god damn it! why is no one replying? my post is stillt he last post and its been two days now people!
AeronFarron said
She finished off her food then stood with his help. "Jerk." she said as she rolled her eyes. She quickly paid for their meal, plus tip, then scurried out of the restaurant. Alucard was hot on her heels.
"So, what do we do now, Lieutenant?" she asked with a grin.