-Rips off Shinigami outfit revealing Quincy outfit then starts flying with rainbows coming out of butt- MY BRETHREN!
Kurisa, NO! -Drops to knees screaming to the Soul King-
Kurisa said
<.< Surprised no one noticed the certain figure in that human world post >.>
and oh god my head man >.<
AbigailTenshi said
GODDAMMIT! XD Lelu crawling his way in XD Poor peeps who'll be affected by it xD As long as Rio stay the frack away from him, I'm good xD Yu gunna be minus a wife soom it seems xD Yu and Kurou could relate a little over that lol xD
AbigailTenshi said
O_O WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! Only you would have gore so detailed that it goes against the rules xD And, let me guess, his favourite character is either Ayashi or Hikari? xD
Kurisa said
Aww what!? That's a shame...
*Flips card*
FLIP: When this hollow is flipped all Shinigami cry xD
Kurisa said
Jinzo? Man eating bug? we talking bout serious yugioh here? xD
KabenSaal said
Awesome. How about VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Hollow?
KabenSaal said
Winged Hollow of Ra.