samreaper said
look! up in the sky! its nyan expllo!!
But that's just a myth! :o
Kurisa said
I shall play god and slap the idea down then! xDDD
Nah, can't.
samreaper said
look! up in the sky! its nyan expllo!!
Kurisa said
I shall play god and slap the idea down then! xDDD
Kurisa said
Kurisa said
Kagiko gonna make the game, he gunna have the best hollows xDDD
Well you should be happy xD
samreaper said
you know they could of done variations of bows and arrows, but now they're no longer even quincies..just another shinigami clone and yes love does indeed need to get the fuck out
samreaper said
quincy? I don't see any quincy's here..just more shinigami copies like arrancars. Quincies use bows and arrows..not swords, guns and love?
and as if. mayuri would wreck you..he'd look at the game for one second and completely wreck everyone without breaking a sweat
Kurisa said
IT'S HAPPENING! Kagiko gonna make that shit! xD
@Expllo: Damn you! xD Well you will be happy with stuff I got planned...I think xD
samreaper said
pfft..mayuri would own that shit. no one could beat him in a game of yugioh-hollow
also kurisa, your video didn't work for me so couldn't see it xD
AbigailTenshi said
I'd find it funny if two Squad 12 Shingami have a Yugioh-Hollow match where other Shinigami watch and place bets xD
Kurisa said
<.< Surprised no one noticed the certain figure in that human world post >.>
and oh god my head man >.<