Chen is very headstrong, something someone could probably see within their interaction with him. He comes off as the type who does stupid things without thinking of the consequences, but that’s wrong. He thinks about what his actions will cause and as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone [Too much] then he will do it. If he sees a firebender he will challenge them on the spot no matter what since he wants to be the best no matter what, he wants to test his own skill and learn to improve even if he gets beat up. He puts hard work into whatever he does and is very dedicated which comes with a side of strong loyalty. Get him on your side and he’s there to stay.
Despite what seems to be a loud and obnoxious personality Chen is actually pretty quiet when not challenging people to fights or talking about something he likes or what someone else is passionate about. Due to not interacting with many people except his older brother and occasionally his parents, he’s shy and awkward when it comes to females near his age or older especially if he finds them pretty, that’s when he starts blushing and/or sweating plus stammering in words...That is until he gets used to that person, which is usually within a few minutes, but rarely has he gotten those few minutes due to him being thought of as weird causing people to walk away from him.
He can be found training, reading, or eating….Or sleeping in which he passes out randomly sometimes due to over working himself. Despite that he doesn’t really have stress since he loves doing what he does, but he does beats himself up if he can’t get a certain technique or move down. But that just causes him to work harder than before.
Chen didn’t have the happiest childhood, but nowhere near the worst either. Chen grew up in Republic City alongside his mother, father, and brother. In the early stages of his childhood Chen had gotten plenty of attention from his family. They would play with him when he got bored, help him with his homework, and even let him help around with things like washing dishes and other minor things. It slowly started to fade as he entered his pre-teen years and his brother took up fire bending. Chen didn’t think much of it though, nor did he care. He knew his brother needed watching over when trying to bend a dangerous element such as fire, and lightning if he got to that level.
It wasn’t until his brother began pro-bending that most attention was taken from him. The only attention he had gotten from his mother and father was the usual; eat dinner, go to school, go to bed and that was it. When it came to his brother, however, they marveled over him and praised him. They supported whatever he did without a second thought. It that wasn’t only his family though, it happened outside it too. Chen had faded to the background as his brother became more and more popular within pro-bending to the point that he was a famous one. Chen was genuinely happy for his brother, but, it still hurt him how every time someone spoke to him it was about his brother. Even with his parents. He had faded to the background, therefore became secluded by his own will.
His brother was the only person that noticed him. He had noticed Chen keeping himself away from others for almost a year at that point. When his own parents didn’t speak to him about it his own brother did. He told Chen that it wasn’t healthy holding everything back, therefore Chen decided to open up telling him about how he felt about no one really caring about him. His brother only smiled and told him to find his own purpose and goal then as his was to become a pro-bender. Chen soon decided he wanted to become the best fire bender in the world, of course he knew the dream was a long shot and was probably too idealistic, but keeping it in mind always kept him high at times when he felt low.
His brother had decided to help him achieve that goal as much as he could. He taught Chen fire bending in his free time. He even taught Chen how to redirect his lightning; he felt it’d be important to know even if Chen just wanted to focus on the fire. When his brother was away Chen would just train harder, and eventually began training himself as his brother became too busy. They became separated throughout the years, still on good terms, but they had to focus on different things. Meanwhile Chen doesn’t really speak to his parents or most of his family he occasionally watches pro-bending when his brother is playing.
Fire bending – Due to his goal being to become the best firebender in the world Chen doesn’t focus on sub-bending much nor does he focus on any other styles [Of fighting] that doesn’t help his fire bending. He can redirect lighting to some extent but he mostly focuses on firebending. He’s skilled enough to do master level techniques. If he’s a master or not is debatable. He mostly uses Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Chaquan.
Republic City [Fire Nation culture]