Avatar of Expllo


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1 mo ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
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11 mos ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
8 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
8 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
8 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


Most Recent Posts

I have two anime RPs I’m in that I’m very content with. However, I’ve been craving a left 4 dead/back 4 blood/WWZ style RP lately. Usually I’m a if you want it done do it yourself kind of guy but I’ll keep waiting this one out for now.

~Squad One~

Hikari Shinrai [NPC/Captain Commander]

~Squad Two~

Aya [NPC]

~Squad Three~

Seki [NPC/Lieutenant]

~Squad Four~

Sio [NPC]

~Squad Six~

Umeki [NPC/Captain]

~Squad Ten~

Takehiro Kuchiki [NPC/Captain]
Nakajima Ageha
Jinzo Iori
Jingorō Hanma
Kobe Abiko
Tatsui Enatsu

~Squad Eleven~

Goten [NPC/Captain]
Jingorō, Sio, & Umeki

An Expllo and @Brink collab!

Sio rather enjoyed the peace and quiet that surrounded her. Her Division claimed the third most interest, however her attitude made the new graduates cut their interactions short. She wishes her higher ups weren't so busy so they could attend instead of her, alas, the most anti-social member had to be here. It wasn't all too bad though, as the weather was nice. A light smile flashed across her face as she enjoyed the breeze carrying the cherry blossoms through. Her smile would fade, however, as another graduate would approach from behind. She turned to him with a lip curled in what could only be described as disgust as she listened to him speak. "Right..."

"Well, I'll tell you right now that everything those handbooks tell you is bullshit." She shrugs. "It doesn't cover even half of what we experience in this Squad. It's a mentally and physically grueling, squad. Everyone looks at Shinigami as powerful protectors, even heroes," she scoffs. "None of that applies here. We've seen the strongest cry like babies while we tend to the deepest of wounds, yet we never get any credit. It's always noted how resilient someone is, but never noted that we are the reason why." Her tone was cold and sharp, yet clearly held some sort of resentment.

"So if you're looking for some grandiose statement on how we're this oh-so-loving everything is fine kind of Squad, you're talking to the wrong person. I'm giving you the cold, hard, truth. You will see your peers at their lowest, and see traumatizing wounds. You better take pride in helping others if you want in, because it's largely an unrewarding job that we do." She glances at a few other graduates that moved on to the Third and Eleventh Division. Her tone softens, just a little. "... and most have a glamorized idea of what we do, that's why they often put in for Squad transfers when they experience the real thing. I'd rather you hear it how it is then jump into anything you aren't ready for."

Having come from the noble houses and under the strict, stately upbringing his father had imparted to him Jin was surprised at the lack of formality. Most of the officers at the festival, even the captain commander himself, seemed void of the ceremony and tradition Jin thought was at the forefront of the Gotei. But as she continued Jin began to realise that the direct, unclouded description was probably to his benefit. It was a military organisation after all.

Whilst death was of particular offence to Jin's sensibilities, combat was not. He was fully prepared and trained to fight and even injure, only relenting once his opponent couldn't continue. He hadn't been in many real world scenarios but the idea of wounds wasn't particularly off-putting to him. In that regard Jin was often underestimated. People had labeled him soft in the past and taken his mercy as a sign of weakness, yet when he fought he was seen to be cold, calculated and even cruel. Strike to maim, not to kill.
Besides, Jin knew there was a lot more to the art of healing than the academy taught. And the idea of specialising in a specific branch of Kido appealed to him, especially when those talents could be used to save lives.

"I assure you, it will not be a problem." He eventually replied. His expressionless countenance defying his inner monologue.

"Good. Another thing to note is that our squad is often sent in after the fact, to either help the fallen or evacuation. That means even in our free team, we could be called in any minute. So, as long as you're fine sacrificing your free time, we can move forward to your name and what you feel you bring to our Division!" Sio put on a fake-enthusiastic tone at the end, that would be rather convincing if not for the constant deadpan expression on her face.

Jin bowed immediately. "Hai. Jingorō Hanma. Tenth division!" spoke with a sudden enthusiasm. "I only seek to improve as a Shinigami, I will do what I must to help preserve the tradition of the Gotei and become as strong as possible." words said with a little more formality and passion than intended so was his engrained training, but veracious nonetheless.

"How flattering, but I'm not a Captain or anything close to it, so keep all of the formalities for your true superiors," Sio nudged her head towards Seki and Goten, that look of disgust back on her face. "But if I could give some advice on getting in our squad, focus on being as patient as possible. It's valued here and an important aspect many don't consider when dealing with injured people or supporting others in a tough battle." Sio waved her hand dismissively. "Well, that's really all I bothered to memorize. So, other than that, did you have any more questions?" She raised an eyebrow as she studied the tall man, not quite sure what to think. However, she would have to remember the name and send it off to her Captain for further review. The sudden enthusiasm gave the girl high hopes - high hopes that the Captain would take note of that and use him for these sorts of things instead of her. It was perfect, really.

"Patience." Jin nodded affirmatively. "No questions. I think field experience is what I lack, but the academy has prepared me well. If the fourth division is to be my home, I will see you in the field."

With a deeper bow he took a step back, leaving Sio to her reluctant duties. As Kobe was still preoccupied, Jin scanned the crowd to see what his next port of call would be. He had planned to talk to multiple squad officers and the conversation just had piqued his interest further. Would they all be like this? he wondered. He had intent to talk to the third squad lieutenant, but felt obliged to let her finish talking with the other graduates first. As a result he scoured for a member of squad nine, but failed to find anyone of note. Eventually resting his eyes on the squad six captain Umeki and his intimidating appearance.

"Squad six." Jin mulled the idea over to himself for a moment. "Not my first choice, but worth exploring." The mumbled words somewhat hidden by the patter of his sandaled footsteps.

Umeki yawned as he watched only the second person tonight approach him. Although Jin was tall himself, he would still have to look up to match the Captain's eyes. That is, if Umeki didn't abnormally stretch his neck downwards to match Jin's eyes. Umeki didn't blink for a second as he stared intently. "So they're green huh? Kekeke~" That weird laugh seemed to echo and trail around Jin as Umeki continued to stare without blinking, although his pupils danced around rapidly as a grin stretched across his face. "So who the fuck are you supposed to be? Feeling like a real tough guy coming up to me, huh?"

"Just a new graduate looking to learn about the sixth division, Captain." Umeki commanded a supremely unsettling presence. Over this history of the Gotei, that Jin had studied at least, it was usually the pride of the research and development squad to be helmed by a captain as odd. But in the few seconds upon his approach, Jin felt what might be impressed upon the hollows and other miscreants that would have to face such a Shinigami, and in that he found understanding.

"Jingoro Hanma." He gave a deep bow as was appropriate. The formality helping him stay unfazed.

"Jingorō huh? What a name..." Umeki's pupils stopped shaking about, and he finally blinked and retracted his neck. He sensed no other intent besides curiosity. Plus, the night was nearing its end, and Umeki really needed a drink so he would play nice. "Well, for starters, we're the most hated division in the Gotei 13. We do deal with unlawful Shinigami activity, and who commits more crimes than those in power?" He shrugs. "We primarily prioritize capturing Shinigami as opposed to killing, and we make sure we have sufficient enough evidence for Division One or Central forty-six to make their final decisions. So, intellect and self-control are important in this Division. I don't just let anyone in, as we have some of the fewest numbers, but we prefer it that way. I'll die before I let anyone corrupt my Division, but I'd sooner kill the person who tries. Remember that."

The captains words resonated with Jin more than he anticipated. The slight retreat of his off-putting visage along with the outline of squad six duties made the division a much more appealing proposition.

"In that we are aligned." The days light had started to dim, and the few lanterns around the festival were starting to come alight for those few that continued the party into the night. Jin would not be one of them. Another deep bow towards Umeki, this time with a more confident intent, began the end of his celebration.

The night had given him a lot to think about. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself in picking which division would best suit him and yet choosing who to train under would eventually be one of the most important decisions he would ever make. And now he had a new, unexpected player to the game.
"Thank you for your time, captain. I look forwards to us meeting again."
@Brink Everything you said is correct, yes. No actual turn order.

You may write out the combat this round given the significant number of hollow, if you wish to. But yes, the prominent opposition that I highlight will be controlled strictly by me. That's really when it'll resemble more turn-based type combat, but for now have fun and show off. Feel free to send the DM!
@Everyone: @RevekaRed@Theyra@RoseKnightJason@Teyao@Brink@Kalas@Psyker Landshark@The World

Main Mission IC IS UP!

As Snakes Without Sin and Tower of the North were the most voted for missions, Changing Nature sadly gets thrown in the gutter. Here are the groups:

Snakes Without Sin:
1. Ageha
2. Jinzo
3. Shion
4. Jingorō

Tower of the North:
1. Asami
2. Yuto
3. Kobe
4. Tatsui


1. We are going off a post-once-a week schedule with missions. Meaning, you have until Tuesday to post again before I move the mission forward. I'm more than flexible with this and if we feel we need to extend posting time, or increasing post amount, we'll figure it out together.

2. These missions take place roughly two weeks after the ceremony, meaning you have a two-week gap to play around with until these missions are complete. Feel free to keep posting interactions and collabs in the IC on this thread, or whatever you'd like.

3. If you can't respond within a week time, no harm no foul. Just give me the gist of what you want your character to do, and I'll add it in. If I don't get a response or a DM, I'll take the liberty of taking action for your character.

4. Posting once in response is a soft rule. I don't mind multiple posts in a round, however, be aware that too many actions can decrease your chances of succeeding said actions.

EDIT: 5. You will have received this mission via envelope under dorm door or getting told directly from a Squad Ten member, for those who may wonder.

I believe that's all I got! I'm taking my ass to bed now
Main Thread Here

Story so far...
GM Update 1.0


#1. Given the number of players we have as well as being in the beginning phases of this system, only two missions will be active at this time. Three PCs per mission, plus an additional pc on a mission. As we get used to playing in this system, I’ll allow the group to spread thin more.

#2. Each of you vote, ooc, for two missions you would be interested in playing in. Please place it in order from most interested to least. Afterwards, I’ll be deciding who goes where based on skill set and RP reasons (I.e a stealth mission would most likely take a silent character over a character that likes exploding things). Later as the game goes on, you will have more say in which missions get picked IC-Wise.

#3. There will be a separate IC for the Main Missions. You can still freely post and collaborate as you’d like in this IC as long as it takes place before the Main Mission. Meaning, nothing in that thread should be referenced until after the mission is completed. I will be providing dates to help us all keep track of what’s going on at which time.

#4. For those of you still interested or new, curious if you can still join at this time, yes. It isn’t unheard of for the Gotei 13 to send reinforcements out to missions or people to scout for information. I’ll be able to fit you in, somewhere, just be wary you may not have a say so in where as I’ll have to fit it in narratively.

#5. You may recognize some companions [NPCs], some you may not. You'll be able to vote on which NPCs will accompany you on missions later on, so take the opportunity to get to know them and their abilities in order to help you down the line.

#6. I’m hoping to advance things Saturday, however, I’m giving the entire weekend for you guys to decide since I should have had this up earlier. I’ll be announcing who gets picked either in a separate GM post once decisions have been made or when I make the new IC.

Changing Nature

Setting: Rukongai, 90th District, Forest, Cavern
Companions: [Lead] Akaino (4th Seat - Squad 7), Sio (4th Seat - Squad 4)

In an attempt to restore peace within the Rukongai, more resources have been sent out to fulfill the requests of souls within the deeper districts, no matter how minimal. The people of the 90th district have reported sightings of a weird glow at night, followed by the disappearance of various villagers. Bandits or a serial killer are believed to be behind it. Dispatch of them and Restore Relations within the 90th District. (Diplomacy and combat is recommended)

Tower Of The North

Setting: Hueco Mundo, Castle
Companions: [Lead] Aya (3rd Seat - Squad 2), Deimos (5th Seat - Squad 5)

Not too long ago, an abandoned castle was discovered in Hueco Mundo awaiting further inspection. Recently, energy has been said to be emanating from the castle in the northern tower drawing hollow towards it. Find the source and assess the danger, and if possible, clear the northern tower of all hollow. (Stealth and combat is recommended)

Snakes Without Sin

Setting: Human World, Shipyard, Warehouse
Companions: [Lead] Mei (4th Seat - Squad 13), Rio (5th Seat - Squad 11)

Similarly to the second mission, energy from within an abandoned warehouse has been drawing hollow to a Shipyard. Slay the hollow and protect the living souls else they will be slaughtered, and then find out what the energy source is. (Combat recommended)
Snakes Without Sin

Ageha, Jinzo, Shion, Jingorō - Human World

Mei stood at the furthest end of the Seireitei, awaiting the new graduates. She stood taller than the average woman, with a face that was largely considered beautiful by most. Her gray hair was twisted into a ponytail that reached past her lower back, the color complimenting her hazel eyes that glared forward. She was accompanied by a spiky red-haired man, Rio, who stood a few inches shorter than the woman. His eyes were light blue and as a member of Squad Eleven, had a muscular build. It was rather noticeable that the man’s arms, however, stopped at the elbow and were wrapped in bandages. It clearly didn’t affect his duties as a Shinigami, though.

“You’re all late!” Mei would yell as all the graduates would show up, regardless of how early or late they actually were. “I expect you to be hours early, so expect points deducted from your evaluation, no exceptions!”

“Now listen up!” Mei pulls out four small, blue, circular chips, “our mission today is simple! Exterminate the hollow in the human world and find out what’s drawing them to this Shipyard. What I have in my hand are power limiters, once they are placed upon you then you will only be able to fight at twenty-five percent strength. That’s the amount of Reiatsu a Shinigami is limited to using in the Human World without it affecting the surroundings and causing unnecessary damage, but that’s more than enough to kill hollow, even for you new blood.”

“These chips can easily be broken by focusing your spiritual energy through them. However, you are only allowed to break these in emergency situations, such as a life or death situation. Is that understood? Good, now let’s go.” Rio just gave everyone an understanding half-smile. The chips would float onto the chests of the Shinigami, although they felt no different than before.

A hooded figure opened a portal leading into the sky of the human world. Mei stepped through, followed by the graduates, and then Rio last. They stood above a bustling shipyard advancing through various stages of construction. Heavy loads were lifted and guided with precision onto massive ships. Scattered across the yard were workers wearing oil-streaked overalls, clad in hard hats and high-visibility vests.

It would appear to be a normal worksite, if it weren’t for the hollow littered around. Two of them were closer to the water, approaching a group of men helping one another carry various items. The biggest hollow in the vicinity was in the process of climbing the crane. A lone human seemed to be alone, standing still behind a stack of boxes, staring up into the sky. Funny enough, directly where all the Shinigami stood. There were hollow emerging from various corners on the ground, however, most were climbing across the abandoned warehouse that was the backdrop of this industrial site. Although, it was only a matter of time before they noticed the souls and went for the attack. Despite how high up the Shinigami were, they would feel the constant release of spiritual energy from within that warehouse. Jinzo most of all would feel it calling to him, hunger, telling him to devour…

“Alright new blood, remember, your attacks right now don’t have the potential to affect the human world. So, in other words, use whatever method possible to dispose of the hollow and save the souls.” Mei pointed a finger forward, ordering the attack. Her other hand rests on the hilt of her sword.

Red spiritual energy was released from Rio. Although, instead of flaring around him, it was a solid mass that began to take form perfectly around his body. Two arms, made of spiritual energy, outlined his own cut-off arms. He balls up his spiritual fists and grins, “I’m Rio of Squad Eleven, and I’m backing up the first of you that goes in.”

Tower Of The North

Asami, Yuto, Kobe, Tatsui - Hueco Mundo

On the opposite side of the Seireitei stood two Shinigami, the bubbly blue-haired Division Two member alongside a tall and lanky man. Deimos, of Division Five, looked exactly how one would expect those in the human world to look like. He wore a tank top and jeans, with sports sneakers on. A beanie covered what gave hints of low-cut purple hair. Wireless headphones covered his ears as he bobbed his head, not paying an ounce of attention to his surroundings. Tattoos adorned his arms, numbers on his right arm while the left arm tally marks, as if counting something. If that wasn’t interesting enough, he didn’t carry his Zanpakuto on his hip or across his back, he simply just carried it in his hand.

“Goooooooood wonderful morning everyone! I hope you all had an amazing sleep, and a hearty breakfast! We need all the strength we have for this one, mmmmkay?” Aya gave a thumbs up and a wink to the graduates, smiling wide. “So, let me run this mission by you again. We’ll be performing an incursion into Hueco Mundo, the home to hollow. These jobs are generally performed by Division Three and Thirteen, but me and Deimos have a particular skill set they wanted. It also just so happens we were selected to evaluate you. So, expect those two squads to hear directly about how you did today as well.”

“Aaaaaaaanyway, back on topic! We’ll be infiltrating a castle today, previously said to be abandoned but something has appeared and is drawing hollow slowly. Our job is to get inside and find out what, and if possible, clear the hollow from the area. However, the secondary objective only applies if we feel we aren’t in danger. The information matters above all else, isn’t that right Deimos?”

“... Deimos?” Aya turned to see Deimos still bobbing his head to the music, not listening to a single word that was being said. For the first time the Shinigami would see a frown on her face as she reached up and put the taller boy in a headlock. He struggled trying to pull away, but her muscles bulged significantly and trapped him. He frowned as she snatched the headphones away. She smiled again at the graduates and giggled. “Sorry about this, my ride can be a buffoon sometimes!” She released her grasp and he stood straight, rubbing his neck and yawning.

“C’mon, you don’t gotta be so rough all the time.” He pressed down on the side of his neck, releasing a sigh of relief as the tension gave way. Aya rolled her eyes.

“Well, we don’t have all day Deimos! These new recruits are itching to get in the field!” She gestured forward dramatically.

“Alright, alright…”

Deimos stepped into an open space and held both arms out, palms forward. Every tattoo on his body began to glow a deep, dark, red as the energy traveled from the ink and into his palms. A ball of energy the same color shot forward before expanding, slowly. Those more proficient in Kido would be able to come to the conclusion that his tattoos somehow enabled him to use Kido at full strength, quick and without incantations. The orb expanded until it ripped into space itself, transforming the landscape in front of them into their destination, the gray and desolate, Hueco Mundo. He gestures forward to a rocky hill they would be stepping onto. Once everyone stepped through, the portal would close and they found themselves on the hill looking down upon the castle. The sky was dark, but the moon gave just enough light for them to see their destination. It was a clear infestation as hollow circled and crawled around the castle.

The air was harsh, almost as if soot was constantly flying through the air and the energy felt draining. This clearly wasn’t a place they should be in for too long. “Group up everyone.” Aya slammed her fists together as a dome expanded from her body, covering the entire group with enough space for them to move comfortably and draw their weapons if need be. “This makes us practically invisible to hollow and souls alike, and as long as we keep our volume reasonable nothing should hear us outside of the dome. So, any questions you have, feel free to ask.”

The Shinigami would begin walking forward. As they made their way to the northern tower, Aya would answer any question that may have come her way while her previous statement would prove to be true. Any hollow encountered walked straight past them, and they would occasionally side step to avoid any hollow stepping through the dome. The group approaches the northern tower entrance, and notes how much larger the castle was up close than further away. The tower alone was several stories high, but paled in comparison to the massive mansion that was further behind it. The group entered, walking onto the first tower floor.

This floor was wide with a singular table and two chairs placed in the center of it. One of the chairs was knocked over, collecting a large amount of cobwebs. To the left of the room was a staircase, spiraling upwards. A closed door was straight ahead of them, possibly leading to a basement of sorts while the door on the right hinted towards a kitchen as a stove could be seen through the slight opening. Deimos tattoos began lighting up again as he placed his hands on the ground, the energy sprawling through the ground and walls itself. A blueprint of the tower and its multi floors would appear where he placed his hands, and glowing yellow blips appeared throughout the tower. The brightest one Deimos pointed to, on the fifth floor.

“This is what we’re here to investigate. All of these lighter marks on the other floor are hollow,” there were at least six on each floor, “but there’s two significantly bolder energies which is strange. One just appeared on the top floor, and it seems to be taking out the smaller blips. The other is remaining dormant downstairs, I’m assuming the door ahead of us.”

Aya turns to the graduates, her fists still slammed together emitting the dome. “Well, I’m going to leave this decision up to you new recruits. Call it your first test. Do we head up and make our way to the fifth floor, or proceed forward to end whatever surprise that may approach us later?”

hypnotized in your cherry...
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