Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
8 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

Samantha Haynes/Hexfire

January 1, 2020 | Keystone City
@Crusader Lord

Samantha locked herself in her own world. A daily ritual alongside her steaming cup of coffee. She sat at one half of her makeshift workstation, a small desk in the corner of her room. Papers, writing tools, and her computer littered the surface with a big mess. Deep in thought, she stuck the pencil end in her mouth. Her hand adjusted her glasses as she studied the sketch book more. Several low detailed images of a single exhibit littered the page. She lowered her pencil then tapped on the paper with the point.

Once...twice... thrice.

A small breath passed through her lips before she set the pencil down. Samantha glanced to her mug, noticing it was nearly empty. Time to get more. She pushed her chair out then stood up, taking her mug with her on the short walk from her room into the living room.

Despite degrees in Design and Art, Samantha's apartment remained simplistic and messy. She blamed her laziness and personal choice. Some days were so rough, she barely stopped herself from sleeping on the sofa some nights.

She skirted around the current project on her wooden floor. Plastic lined the middle with splatters of paint and plaster chunks, a stone as the focus. Its surface covered by a runic symbol from scattered pictures for references. It reminded her she had to call Scarlet soon to help finish the props for set up tonight.

As Samantha pulled over to the coffee maker, she glanced outside. In the streets below, flashes of police lights and ambulances caught her attention. She frowned as she turned her machine off then returned to the living room. Drawing close to the sofa, she bent down to retrieve the remote and clicked the television on. It took a moment or two to completely turn on.

With a soft plop, she took a seat. She sipped the bitter liquid warming her from the inside out. Her legs stretched out and settled on her coffee table nearby. She found her cell while the news flashed in the background.

She paused long enough to watch in awe horror as events of the bank robbery unfolded. Her thumb flicked through her contacts, finding Scarlet's number. Pressing it, Samantha held the phone to her ear. Anxiety filled her with each passing moment until she heard Scarlet answering.

Not waiting for a 'hello', Samantha spoke with a worried tone.

"Hey, Scarlet, are you all right? I just spotted the bank robbery on the news and got worried."
ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ "ʀᴏɴɴɪᴇ" ᴍᴀʟᴄᴏʟᴍ

Saturday, October | The Ashford Institute for the Gifted

Ronnie exited swiftly the room.

She walked with poise and purpose, gliding down the hallway to observe the place. Mutant. For every normal person the word brought either fear and curiosity, occasionally indifference. Often only the ignorant were indifferent.

Deciding to judge the school's inhabitants with her own eyes, she glanced around.

What she found, surprised her. Ronnie didn't expect the school to be so... normal and bland. She itched her eyebrow as she continued her brisk pace down the halls. Students of all walks of life appeared locked in their daily routine. A few crowded by their rooms, laughing or locked in conversation. She managed to draw a glance or two causing her to slow to saunter, enjoying the admiration of her figure. Others traveled in small packs through the narrow hallways. The sight of them pulled at her cold heartstrings before she pushed it away.

She didn't need the distraction.

After a few twists and turns, Ronnie’s direction lead her toward the cafeteria. A place she could sit, eat, and finally determine her next move. Her phone vibrated causing Ronnie to slip it out of her back pocket. She frowned then scrolled through the texts. She rested on a caller id labeled Father, her expression softened briefly and her thumb tapped it open. Just when she began to read it, her body collided with a smaller body of flesh. Four inches shorter than herself.

Ronnie stepped back as her fingers tightened around her phone, fixing it in her hand. Her teeth gritted and her mouth’s right corner curled up. She glared at the cause of the blockage. A bimbo with a dazed look found Ronnie’s wrath.

“Excuse you? Walk much?” She snapped, placing her phone into her pocket.

The grief and pain was staggering almost making Cora collapse. She saw Evin, or what she assumed was Evin, for a split second then she knew Lo had asked about him. Cora dropped the wall she had put up earlier and let his emotions wash down the bond. It was like lancing a wound that was infected.

Lo was faster than Cora expected on the hard questions. Cora passed Dominik the good emotions from her years as his Padawan. Happiness, joy, acceptance, peace and love. She walked over to the pair and sat down to join them. She looked at Lo and smiled. "Gently. You have time Padawan. I think patients should be doing what their Healer advised them."

Cora was still drawing in the negative emotions and pushing the positive ones back at Dominik down the bond. The power behind them was stunning. She hoped they were all spilling this way. The negativity she was drawing in, she distantly realized, was something she would have to inquire as to if Lo had that ability. Lo was not ready for that yet though. Healing mental trauma was more suited to those with Empathic abilities. Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may be Cora has that skill set as well.

Dominik felt another Light push back the darkness not long after Lo asked her previous question. Dominik was not one to allow others in, he never had been. This conversation only further backed his reasoning as to why. He was also not one to let others see his emotions. He was supposed to be the leader, be the one that anyone could go to at any moment should they have trouble. How could he do that if he let his emotions reflect on the surface. He was not mad at Lo for asking such questions, but he was regretting opening up so quickly.

As Cora came near and sat down next to them, Dominik didn't move. His face buried in one hand while he sat cross-legged next to Lo. The other hand simply rested on the other knee. To others, it would look like a very uncomfortable position to e slouched in. But the Master Jedi did not care on that moment.

"Cora, this was a bad idea."

Though Dominik kept the full force of his pain back, pieces slipped through. They impaled her in ways she didn't understand or knew how to deal with. The new input of emotions caused her stand up and promptly walk away. She couldn't stand the suffocation it brought or the fact she caused it.

Holding up a hand Cora stopped the girl's feet in her tracks. "So? You run from a test and you will never be a Knight Padawan. Yes I understand how painful this is but if you walk away you turn your back on an opportunity to make a difference. So tell me Padawan, why are you walking away? Did you even think of how your Master would feel being walked away from? Let me tell you how this plays out."

Breathing deeply Cora went on. "You walk away he blames himself. He closes off further. He never allows anyone in. Eventually he falls prey to the Darkside. You dear girl, walk away doubting every single breath you take. You look back on this as this colors your view of life. You spiral down and never achieve Knighthood. Stopping the conversation, while yes a good idea, you do not walk away."

Dominik allowed as many positive emotions over as he could as Cora continued to push them through their bond. His breathing was staggered as he attempted to reign in his emotions. He knew Lo would want to talk again, he knew that curiosity was still there and he did not want to hide it from her. But the older Jedi realized he needed time.

Lo hated Cora's wisdom and the fact, her own heart screamed at her to leave. She wanted to protest, they... no, she needed space. Instead, her shoulders slouched as she moved back and folded her legs up to sit down. Silence became Cora's answer to the question she asked. Lo’s head bowed down as she rested her arms onto her legs, locked within her inner thoughts. For the moment, the student reflected a mirror image of her master in the worst way.

Shaking her head Cora dropped her hand gracefully letting go of Stasis as she noticed Lo's attempts to move. She sighed, most of her concentration was on Dominik and she had a battle on her hands at present. So it didn't help that she and Lo did not have a bond as of yet, so Cora could not shield Lo from the few pieces of Dominik’s brittle emotions giving Lo a glancing blow at best. Cora was starting to struggle with them herself since there was so much self recrimination, guilt, regret, sorrow and pain. Perhaps she, who'd also lost a Padawan, should have been the one to bring up Evin.

Cora looked over at Lo pouting because she had not gotten her way. "Fine. Do not answer and sulk Padawan. When you wish to learn you may wish to reconsider your attitude. You may leave if that is your desire. That is too bad this would have been a great demonstration for you to watch. Plus you could have helped me. As I stated earlier, you may go if you so wish."

Lo's fingers curled into fists. Cora wasn't wrong. Lo wanted to leave, wanted to lash out, and stop feeling altogether. Everything lately seemed to be against her, and she didn't understand why. Deep down, she knew Evin had died and that had allowed her to become Dominik's padawan. Otherwise, she doubted she would be with him now.

Again, she inhaled trying to push her own issues aside. She wished it had been easier than this.

"He needs time. " She again tried to manage her own issues.

"I doubt I'm helping while being present and I need to try to regain control. I'm adding fuel to the fire until I can meditate. Sometimes space is needed and a lesson absorbed to learn from it."

Looking back at Dominik then to Lo, Cora nodded sharply. She would allow it. The Padawan was not ready to learn yet. It was not Lo's fault, no that blame could be left squarely on Dominik’s shoulders. He had not taken her in hand and let the girl get used to a routine that did not include training, that was in all aspects self study of a sort. "Meditation is always good to center oneself. If you are so inclined I would be happy to show you some lightsaber forms and see where you are with those."

“Let me think on it. Any decision right now is ill-advised. Right now, I just want Master Rothul to feel better and I need to take some time to think. Will you be upset if I still chose to leave?” Lo asked, not daring to rise back to her feet.

Smiling faintly Cora shook her head. Giving Lo permission to leave. The girl could not stay for this next part unless she was ready, which she wasn't.

Without hesitation, Lo pulled up on her feet then quickly walked away.

Cora waited till Lo was out of range then turned to Dominik. "Protect your Padawan, Rothul. You are not some green Knight with their first Padawan. I cannot fathom why you let that happen. Now we are just getting started here. Why is this such an issue Dom? Is this why you're struggling with your Padawan?"

"I did as you asked, Cora. I tried to let her in." He said, taking in a deep breath as he attempted to calm himself still. "This is why I could never let you in, it's why I wasn't ready to open up to her. I hold in far too much pain. More than a Jedi should and I fear for what it can do to others."

The older Jedi finally lifted his head, looking at Cora. His eyes reflected the exhaustion he felt, both mentally and physically. He had held back so much emotion in their conversation. Some of it had cracked, had leaked through into his bond with Cora and with Lo. There was so much more that had been ready to burst, but the older Jedi held it back. He closed it up just like it had been for years on end. This is why he had never wanted to open up. It was why most older Jedi didn't open up; there was too much emotion and pain that could harm those they cared for. It wasn't worth the risk.

Cora lifted her chin in a determined fashion. "You are so stubborn. You only think about your pain. What about our pain? If you bury something like this it does not heal. It festers. Grows larger than it should have. You romanticize the incident and the connection to it. You foster the feelings behind it to multiply and they do, at an alarming rate. So now you have a Rancor to deal with rather than a Lo-cat. Talk to me. There is at least one story I need to share as well."

Dominik remained quiet for a few long moments. He tried to push back the painful memories that were surfacing in his mind. They started to lead farther back into his past. To Alderaan, the siege, his capture and his torture. A spark of pain ran through the man's body at those memories of being in Sith hands. He visibly winced, eyes closed as he tried to push away those memories; those nightmares.

"I can't Cora. Not here." He spoke, the pain in his voice almost tangible and he pushed everything down inside.

Reaching out Cora covered his hand with her small one. "Dom it will always be, not here, not now, maybe later. There is no truly conventional time to speak of what bothers you. You can but you will not. There is a massive difference. If we wait too much longer I fear you shall have more reason to withdraw."

Dominik wanted to talk, but he didn't want the emotions from his past boil over into his bond with Lo. He couldn't let them. The older Jedi took a deep breath. His ears caught footsteps and he looked up and behind him. Two older Twi'lek approached Cora and himself. Dominik immediately recognized them through the dim light as two of the warrior leaders. "Master Jedi, the evening meeting will begin shortly. Sar wanted to know if you were attending." One of them asked, looking from Dominik to Cora, then back again.

Cora watched as Dominik struggled to stand. Rising quickly she placed a hand on his arm. "You should be doing what I asked of you. I can take over for a bit. You might even like it." Cora smiled weakly.

She turned toward the Twi'lek. "Master Rothul needs to rest I shall accompany you to this meeting." Looking back over at Dominik she squeezed his arm affectionately then nodded to his hut letting go and following the Twi'lek.

Dominik managed to return a weak smile back to Cora as she took off with the Twi'lek. He appreciated everything she had ever done for him, and he was grateful she was here now. Taking a few moments to balance himself, Dominik watched as Cora made it to the center of the cavern and joined the leaders in the daily meeting. He took a deep breath, looking towards his hut, and started walking.
ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ "ʀᴏɴɴɪᴇ" ᴍᴀʟᴄᴏʟᴍ

Saturday, October | The Ashford Institute for the Gifted

Fleur looked up from her phone to the girl that walked into the room. “Another roommate? I swear they want me to make people cry in this place. Look I have a few ground rules before you decide to set your… stuff down.” She made stuff sound like it smelled foul. “No eating in the room. No touching my stuff. No messing with my schedule. No friends. No boys. Those are the rules you have to stick to if you’re going to be here.”

Fleur pointed to the door with a smirk. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out cause if you can’t agree to any of those you might as well turn right back around and find somewhere else to sleep.”

Ronnie had barely rolled her two bags in when the bitch raised her claws. Her initial reaction had been to unsheathe her own, but she stopped herself. Her lips curled into the best smile she could muster. She glanced at the white whore over once before she considered replying.

Sounds like you're against fun in all forms. Prude much? Of course, she didn't say it out loud. Bad start to make an enemy out of the girl with the biggest stick up her ass. Especially a roommate. At least, for now. Round one goes to you, Ms. Prude, she thought.

She cocked her head then gave her best friendly act. It came from years of practice, "Your rules are noted. I don't think you need to worry too much as I won't be spending much time in here."

Not that it's impressive enough to, she thought. With a quick flick of her wrist, Ronnie slid the two suitcases under her bed. She didn't bother with the spare dresser as she was pretty sure it was in use and filthy. Thanks to past incidents of snoopers, she had made sure to get durable bags and secure it tightly.

"I spend most of my time elsewhere as well. I just don’t want to see you making out with your boyfriend when I do grace you with my presence." Fleur went back to fussing with her point shoes ignoring the other girl.

Ronnie rolled her eyes, not impressed with the retort. It was rather weak compared to the burns she had done or seen herself. Still, she debated wasting energy on the wrench as she checked her phone once more. Nothing changed. Placing it in her jean pocket, she headed for the door to escape the air of ignorance in the room.
Part 2 of the Collab

Lo continued to frown then looked past Sar’s body and toward the medical hut. She debated on sticking around or heading to grab her notes.

"Before Master Rothul arrived, we were losing entire villages to gas attacks. Half of my village had disappeared after we had left on a hunting trip. When we returned and they were all gone, we found neighboring villages in the same predicament. I rounded up as many remaining as I could and we banded together." Sar explained, thinking over the last few months, even before Dominik and Lo had arrived, and how hard it had been on his people.

Cora was moved. “I am truly sorry for your loss. I can see why Dominik wanted to help the sheer audacity of someone to attack a village with poison gas… I cannot fathom it.”

“It wasn’t poison, it was knocked out gas. It left a nasty headache afterwards too.” Lo corrected Cora without thinking, her voice still gentle.

Cora bit her lip and looked between Lo and Sar. “Slavery.” Shaking her head Cora looked at Sar. “I have made Dominik and Lo more comfortable and they are healing but they need rest. I know this is unprecedented but until they are healed fully I would like to assist in their duties. I know you do not know me but I would be happy to answer any questions that you have. You can ask me anything.” There was a determined set to her chin and her silver eyes held Sar’s blue ones.

"You aren't a complete stranger to me, Cora. Dominik spoke of you a few times. We often sit at the center and talk late into the night. He's tried to tell me about his past, but it's hard for him. So I share what I can about mine. He knows he can trust me but it seems there's a lot of pain in bringing up old memories. Lately we've talked about other things. Friends, family. He has those very close to him that he cares for. You were often a topic when it was brought up." Sar explained, smiling softly at Cora as he spoke.

"I trust your judgement and your skills. Just as I do Dominik, Lo, and the other Jedi. We're grateful to have your assistance."

Cora did not know what to say. She blushed and smiled. “You have me at a disadvantage Sar. I hope that it was not my awkward teenage years. I assure you those are behind me. He is like a father to me. I-I did not realize how much I missed him until it was almost too late.”

Looking back over her shoulder at Dominik a tear rolled down her cheek. She had not realized she was crying. Quickly she swiped it away and turned back to Sar. “Dominik needs to stay off his feet and rest for a week. I have healed him but he needs to take it easy and let his body finish off the healing. Lo needs three days of sleep or she will push herself beyond tired and make a mistake that she will never forgive herself for. If they want to continue being useful they will stay in bed. I have drastic measures that I do not want to take but I will if need be.”

Sar laughed heartily as Cora mentioned her teenage years. "I promise you Master Jedi, it was not those. We talked about a lot. I respect his boundaries though. There are topics that I would bring up, about the war or other hard times we've been through. Sometimes I could get him to talk but more often than not he'd grow quiet."

Sar glanced over towards Dominik, able to see him past the tents and across the cavern, sitting next to the collapse as he normally did every morning. "I'm glad you're here Cora. I think he needs a little more firm encouragement. More than Lo and I combined could give him." He said, moving aside again as the same children from before ran back through, giggling and laughing. "I'll help keep an eye on him, and make sure he takes it easy. You have my word."

Cora blushed as Sar said her name. “Cora will do nicely. I am not a Master. The war was... Is… like every other. Nightmarish to be the least eloquent.” Cora smiled at the children. They always seemed to touch a place deep in her heart.

Reaching out she lightly touched Sar’s arm with just her fingertips. She looked up at him smiling. “Thank you Sar. For more than you know. Now to deal with the two most ornery patients in the whole of the Order. I shall see you about midday.” She let her fingers slide off his arm and strode over to Dominik.

Sar smiled and bowed his head at Cora as she left. He turned then, taking his empty bowl and moving to help those who still needed their morning meal.

Lo’s eyes had found the ground during their conversation. Admirable or not, she didn’t feel proud of her failure to reach her master. At the mention of two ornery patients, she felt the comment referred to her master and her. She didn’t look forward to the next three days of sitting around while others did her job.

Seeing Sar busy and Cora already moving toward Dom, she debated on the wisdom of retrieving her notes. Cora would need them since the wrong combination of plants would only waste supplies. Lo sighed again and followed her logic. She turned on her heel and shifted her path to the medical tents, the last place she left them.


Sitting in front of the rock collapse, knees folded and his hands resting on his knees, the older Jedi often fell into a deep meditation while he sat there. Today seemed different though, for he couldn't lose himself in his thoughts as he normally did. He sensed as Cora came near, but chose to say nothing just yet.

Cora sat down facing Dominik. Waiting patiently was something she was used to doing. She watched him with a healer's eye, looking for signs of strain and backsliding in his progress. She saw none and turned her observations over to more emotional territory.

"Talked about me did you? To a single, attractive, assertive male? I quite remember a time that you were not so keen on my association with the opposite sex. And do not pretend to not hear me." Cora cast a raised eyebrow and a blank look at Dominik.

Eyes closed, but an eyebrow raised, Dominik waited for Cora to finish speaking before he let out an exasperated sigh. “I spoke to him of fond memories and good friends.” Dominik replied, opening his eyes to look at Cora before they closed again. “Sar is a good friend, Cora. He has made talking easier, if only by a little.”

Nodding her head Cora looked over at Sar across the cavern. "I am glad you have him. Although it does sting a bit that you have not spoken with your former Padawan with such freedom. But you were always too protective about certain things. You might find that the people walking beside you wish to assist you with the burden you shoulder. Indeed they would relish the chance to become even closer to you."

Rising smoothly Cora shook out her skirts. "You are on bed rest for five days, argue with me or do something taxing and see how fast I use restraints."

“Those walking beside me, especially my padawan, do not need to hear me sulk over the guilt that I carry.” Dominik replied, eyes still closed as he spoke. “And I don’t need bed rest, Cora. I’ve been resting long enough.” He challenged, eyes opening now and his posture relaxing. He rested an elbow on one of his knees, one hand moved up to rub his eyes.

“I don’t need bedrest, nor do I need to share with others the grief I hold. I just-” Dominik sighed again, continuing to rub his eyes as his thoughts raced.

Cora's eyes snapped silver fire. "You do. On both counts. You close off on her and so help me Dominik Rothul I will not care if you are on the Council or not I will make you regret it. She is not half as persistent as I was at her age. You push her away and she will resent you for it and you will break her. Let her do what you would not and will not let me do. Let her in. Everyone needs someone."

It took everything Cora had to close off her emotions and push them back down. Seeing Dominik was joy and sorrow for her. She constantly felt like she'd never lived up to him. She'd analytically dissected the feelings long ago and buried them only to have them rise again. Ironic that she should lecture him on repression or letting people in.

Lo reminded Cora of herself at that age. She hoped that Lo had an easier time with Dominik than Cora had. It was worse that she was supposed to stand by and watch it happen again. Well she had decided that she was stepping in.

The Master Jedi would not say it, he could not. But he was afraid. Afraid of letting Lo in and then losing her, just as he had lost Evin. Just as he had lost Sela, and Xid, and so many others who he would never see again, who he could never speak to again. The older man sat there, slouched with his head rested in his hand, almost as if all of his strength had left him. He thought that by not letting anyone in, he could prevent himself from losing anyone, and prevent others from the pain they may feel should they lose him. It seemed though that if he shut Lo out, he would lose her, and lose their bond in a way he didn’t think possible.

He said nothing. For many long, silent moments the old man sat there, breathing in and out as he kept his emotions down, but he hid his face from Cora. Slouched over, head resting in one hand, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to release his grief and let others in.

Turning in a swirl of skirts Cora retreated before she dashed herself on the sharp rocks that were Dominik’s stubbornness. If it would have done her any good she would have mentioned that he was special to so many people that, while they may not number as the stars, they were still countless. She had waited so long for his approval and to have it when he thought he was dying, that was upsetting.

No that was not correct. She wanted his love, approval was secondary. She looked at Dominik as a father. After all he had been the one to save her.
H3R3 :P

COPY CAT! A cheap one, but still! :P
All right, Hexfire, I think is done. She's right here. *waits and braces* If I missed something, I'm sorry. My brain is a little mushy.

ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ "ʀᴏɴɴɪᴇ" ᴍᴀʟᴄᴏʟᴍ
"Veronica, you've disappointed me. I expect you to recover from your blunder or there will be consequences." -Mrs. Paige Malcolm

October | From Los Angeles International Airport to The Ashford Institute for the Gifted

Ronnie had become dangerously bored.

Her fingers idly toyed with her star on her choker. It matched well with her off-the-shoulder crop top and ripped jean short. Ronnie had done her research as she knew it fit perfectly for the hotter weather in California than Washington during this time of year. She glanced through the car window and took in the scenery. Various skyscrapers, store, and hotels drifted by. Crowds flowed with purpose like the flow of insects to go about their daily routines.

On any normal day, she would be on cloud nine as she looked forward to exploring the West Coastal city. Now, the idea of taking in the local sights and experience the local fashion didn't even reach the top of her list.

Her hand brought out her smart phone from her purse. She made a few quick taps to unlock it then checked her messages. Her box was empty. It served as a familiar comfort and bitter reminder that her social life was over. During the last week of preparing for the trip, she had attempted to contact Alex, Yaz, and J many times. All her alerts showed the messages had been open, but she still received no response. They chose not to respond obviously. A small part in her brain didn't want to blame them, but her dark self demanded blood. After every thing she had done for them, the ungrateful and gutless rats decided to abandon her.

They had to pay for their crimes.

She sharply inhaled, her mask on fully and blocking the pain reality slapped her with. Deep down, everyone knew being a mutant was a social death sentence.

A click powered down her cellphone, and she stashed it back into her purse. She would deal with them later. She made them what they were. In the end, Ronnie intended to teach them this. No one turned their backs on her. No one.
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