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2 mos ago
Current Dear god the fish have learnt how to type
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Just a shark floating through the void with way too many bee's in the brain.

Self taught writer, artist, programmer and whatever the hell else the ADHD demands to be understood.
Still reading? Enjoy a race ship~.

Most Recent Posts

Ah ya, just a note, Flux, but Est will have your NPCs in the first post of the characters tab. You don’t need them in your own post.

Also wew, Brewery District eh? Canary just about boxed in now.

Gotcha, should be fixed now as well~

It was a close call between either the Brewery District or Highpoint, but the Brewery District felt it made more sense thematically for my character (at least title wise).
Will be interesting to see the responses from others nearby to the faction suddenly establishing themselves there.
Welcome, flux! Oh yeah, i missed that typo too... ^^;

Feel free to add The Eel to the Character Tab, and i will add the NPCs to the list. Then you are welcome to start on your IC post. :>

Thank you for having me~!

The Eel should be in the Character Tab section now ^_^


Welcome, welcome! More the merrier!

Thank you! Looking forward to the shenaniganery~.
Yeah all pre-approved.

And thank you for the catch I'll go back and fix that right up.
Should be fixed now ^_^ I have brain full of bee's bumbling about and sometimes the dyslexia slips through haha.
Hi all~!

A friend recommended this RP to me and it looks absolutely fantastic. Played Tabletop RPG's before but never something like this, so here's hoping I can keep up haha.

On that note, here's my approved character. Will hopefully have an intro of sorts in the IC today or tomorrow and looking forward to the antics that follow ^_^.
(Australian timezone, so replies will be mostly during offpeak).

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