Just a shark floating through the void with way too many bee's in the brain.
Self taught writer, artist, programmer and whatever the hell else the ADHD demands to be understood. Still reading? Enjoy a race ship~. newgrounds.com/art/view/fluxyshark/wi…
Ah ya, just a note, Flux, but Est will have your NPCs in the first post of the characters tab. You don’t need them in your own post.
Also wew, Brewery District eh? Canary just about boxed in now.
Gotcha, should be fixed now as well~
It was a close call between either the Brewery District or Highpoint, but the Brewery District felt it made more sense thematically for my character (at least title wise). Will be interesting to see the responses from others nearby to the faction suddenly establishing themselves there.
Fears: - Nocturnia being controlled by outside forces. - Experimentation/exploitation of Gyfted. - Losing loved ones to their own Gyfts.
History: Khor grew up with modest means in the Brewery District. A wild child, they spent their days charging through dilapidated industrial towers for fun. It was during these moments they found themselves exposed to the medical shortages not covered by the aid drops.
As a young adult they began studying engineering to give back to the community but lacked the patience to see it through. Instead, they decided to bridge the supply shortages themself using their skills as a runner. Able to navigate both the verticality of the district and warrens under the streets quickly saw them recognised as a guide for smugglers.
Such a promising career was almost ended due to their morality. Inspecting an unknown cargo a client refused to elaborate on Khor’s suspicion turned to horror. Gyfted, caged and trafficked to disappear for unknown purpose. Abandoning the job they instead tracked the cargo plotting their release.
The cargo’s security proved too effective, hand overs too fast, patrols too tight. The night before the Gyfted were to depart and disappear for good Khor prepared for a desperate rescue attempt. All they needed was to buy some time, just a enough so the Gyfted could flee.
That night seemed to last forever. Time seemingly stood still. In their dreams Khor simply walked towards the cage, opened the door and fell back into the darkness while everyone stood as statues. Waking up to the rain, Khor felt the impact of sparse droplets, around them a torrential downpour seemingly motionless in the air. They should be drenched but found themself mostly dry.
Reaching for droplets hanging in the air saw them increase their descent. Walking forward rain come crashing down along their path while behind a tunnel formed, the ceiling of rain slowing it’s collapse as they moved away. Khor had their solution.
They waited for a clearing around the cage before the rain slowed again. They walked to the cage, opened the door and fell back into the darkness. The Gyfted would know what to do next.
Khor has since built their own smuggling enterprise, providing for both the community directly and indigenous industries with the goal of turning Nocturnia into a self-sufficient city. Earning the title ‘The Eel’ for being able to seemingly slip away regardless of their situation they’ve become something of a legend in the Brewery community. They still prefer to operate from the shadows, mostly indifferent to the opinions others might have of them, remaining focussed on their personal goals.
It’s becoming clearer every day however that forces outside Nocturnia have plans for the city and its people. Khor now maneuverers their enterprises to find a lasting, or final solution to the sovereignty of Nocturnia city’s inhabitants, consequences be damned, death before domination.
Alliance: Smugglers (Mafia Boss)
District: Brewery District
- High Rise Raceway Unable to expand laterally due to the wall, the city expanded vertically. What resulted were offices and warehouses spanning multiple floors of towering buildings with bridges spewing like webs between them. With so many routes and a local vehicle industry underground racing ironically found a home in the clouds of Nocturnia. Naturally the impromptu raceways offer a variety of challenges and are a notable, if dangerous, opportunity to cut one’s teeth in the racing scene.
- The Jolly Jalopy A hallowed dive bar with an old car stuck in the roof that only true locals know of. Standing before Nocturnia’s enclosure, the Jolly Jalopy has survived despite it all, it’s even rumoured the original owner still tends to the bar as well. Half of the bar still stands while nature has replaced what no longer remains. Trees and foliage form supports and roofing where required with damage eventually being filled in by plant life. The bar is also connected to the warrens beneath Nocturnia, becoming a hub of drug and weapons trafficking.
- HOC JOC HQ After the wall went up, a group of agriculture, research and manufacturing organisations formed an ad hoc coalition. The goal, turning Nocturnia into a self-sufficient city that could operate independently of the outside world. This officially became known as the Joint Organisational Committee informally known as Hoc Joc. Cementing their presence with an industrial tower dwarfing those around it the HQ has become an inspiration to isolationists.
Faction: Akula Crew
The Akula’s began as runners sourcing goods for Nocturnia’s citizens otherwise unavailable locally or from aid drops. These basic smuggling jobs would garner respect both for and from the community. Such operations attracted competition, and the Akula Crew made efforts to begin smuggling drugs, weapons and vehicles through connections previously made to ensure they were well equipped for their work. Finally, the Akula’s exercised their ideal’s and began running protection rackets to ensure the independence of their constituents, the resulting conflicts providing ample experience to learn and grow from.
The Akula Crew uses its history to both teach and promote its members within the organisation. Initiates work for the community on low-risk smuggling jobs before being sworn in as a recognised member. Sworn in members are given access to the arsenal of the Akula’s and trained how to navigate gunfights so they might survive high-risk jobs. This often leads to tight knit cells of gunman the Akula’s can call upon. Lastly, those who uphold the ideals of the Akula Crew may be recognised as captains within the organisation. Captains take the role of organisational wide administration and strategic decision making or on the ground leading a gun team cell in coordination with other Akula cells.
Gyft: Temporal Bubble
Khor Gyft Rules
Khor can boost roll results provided they can feasibly react in time to an action and MUST be declared before Khor's roll. Boosts cannot exceed dice limit (D6 result 6 is always 6). Boosting rolls incurs exhaustion points according to the rating and number of boosts they perform. Too much boosting incurs penalties to Khor's consecutive dice rolls in the cycle. Exhaustion is reset to 0 provided 8 hours of rest is achieved IC.
Boost effects 1 - Light boost (Time slow) : + 1 to D6, +2 to D12, +3 to D20 rolls. 2 - Moderate boost (Time Stutter) : + 2 to D6, +4 to D12, +6 to D20 rolls. 3 - Heavy boost (Time freeze) : + 3 to D6, +6 to D12, +9 to D20 rolls. Area exhaustion addition 1 - Self : Only khor gets bonus. 2 - Room/Vehicle : Khor + adjacent gets bonus. 3 - Building : Khor + all get bonus.
Exhaustion = 2 ^ (Boost lvl + Area lvl) (Example: Khor uses a heavy boost{3} only on herself{1}, added together for {4}. The resulting exhaustion added is 2^{4} = 16.)
Exhaustion Point thresholds 25+ : -1 to D6, -2 to D12, -3 to D20 opposed rolls. 49+ : Incapacitation check at end of post, incapacitated on 0 or less result, pure D6 roll - 1 * every 10 exhaustion above 40. 74+ : -2 to D6, -4 to D12, -6 to D20 opposed rolls. 100+ : Immediate incapacitation. Lethality check at end of post, killed on 0 or less result, pure D6 roll - 1 * every 10 exhaustion above 100.
If incapacitated, Khor cannot oppose any roll made against her until next cycle.
Controls the flow of time within a radius of themself, the closer toward the centre the greater the observed effect. A larger radius and greater dilation effect relative to them requires an increased level of effort.
Influencing a small sphere from their body is mostly effortless and could be pushed to what would appear as stopping time entirely or rapidly aging a target area. (e.g. Time freeze)
Influencing the area around their body requires moderate effort and could be pushed to the point of appearing to suddenly dash across an area or allow hours to pass as seconds. (e.g. Bullet time)
Influencing the area of a building would require immense to maximal effort and buy the occupants a few more seconds or skip those few seconds. (e.g. Slow motion)
Limitations and Weaknesses:
- The effect is relative to Khor’s position. Example, if Khor slows time, Khor could visibly track a bullet in flight, but as the bullet moves through the bubble it regains speed as it approaches them.
- Force is relative according to dilation effect. Example, if Khor slows time appearing fast to an outside observer, the force they experience is multiplied (They could shatter their hand punching someone or struggle to squeeze a gun trigger).
- Area correlates to mental strain. Small fields can’t be maintained while unconscious. Body fields can’t be maintained while stunned. Building fields can’t be maintained while distracted.
- Dilation Strength correlates to physical strain. Interactable time shifts are equivalent to maintaining a walking pace. Perceptible time shifts are equivalent to maintaining a running pace. Absolute time shifts are equivalent to maintaining a sprinting pace.
- Khors needs for sustenance, sleep, etc, can easily fall out of sync with the world with excessive Gyft use. Example, Khor and an observer wake up freshly rested. Khor slows time appearing fast to the observer. An hour may pass for the observer while for Khor a day. The observer is still well rested while Khor is sleep deprived.
- Khor can only active their Gyft as quickly as they can humanly react.
Personal Vehicle: NPV 1100 SparrowHawk Special An indigenous design of Nocturnia, Khor acquired the prototype through their connections with Otto. Built by Nocturnian Performance Vehicles this big but balanced motorcycle is suprisingly responsive allowing for rapid switchbacks through the streets of the city. The crown jewel of this machine however is it's engine. Containing more horses than god can muster its acceleration is as exhilarating as it is lethal.
Comercial grade SparrowHawk's have a different, lower grade engine as not to see NPV sued into the ground for gross negligence in safety. This does allow for a far more forgiving machine not entirely dependent on power for handling. Even though these standardised Sparrowhawk models lack such raw power they still spurred NPV's latest slogan. "Life's too fast to live slow".
Antonio Litwin
Khor met Antonio through a client during their time as a guide and developed a familial bond through their efforts towards the people of Nocturnia. Antonio played a cruicial part in establishing Khor's own smuggling enterprise through providing contacts and guidence to the young smuggler. He now hosts the Akula's HQ below his bar where the two regularly plan jobs and celebrate successful returns. -
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ "Plan's real simple. Deliver, don't die, then drinks back here at the Jalopy. Don't look disapointed it's a good plan!"
Rada Hanak
Khor and Rada are childhood friends who used to compete as runners through industrial areas. Rada is the only known person who can reliably terrify Khor thanks to their driving antics. Khor still holds immense respect and support for Rada's racing career and has helped source vehicles for her but is cagey of Rada's attempts to join them as a smuggler, not willing to expose her to the violence of the underworld. -
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ "That's a ledge Rada. Rada, ledge. Ledge! LEDGE! RADA LEDGSHIII-!"
Otto Bondar
Otto was Khor's best friend and one of the only grounding elements they had growing up. With Otto's family providing Khor an oppurtunity for higher education their relationship began to sour when they spurned such an oppurtunity. Otto's Gyft further estranges the two as he places less value on people and more on results toward his corporate prospects. -
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ "Yeah sure, you won. You drove that business into the ground and took them over, but was it really worth it?"
Nep Wach
Nep was one of Khor's first clients of which they ran party favours for. The two found themselves fast friends resonating off eachothers passions until Nep's became addicted to the same services he offered. Khor has since ceased their professional relationship but still reaches out as a friend trying to get Nep to the help he needs. -
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ "Hey Nep, it's me. I heard of another... incident... in your scene. I'm just worried dude. Call me back, so I know your ok. Bye."
Akir Bondar
Khor met Akir in university and they found themselves becoming very close through their shared ideals. Khor's abandonment of studies however cut off any contact they would have until Khor ended up at Akir's clinic with a wounded man. Khor decided to open up to Akir of their profession despite the risks and has since donated equipment to Akir's clinic despite her reservations of their line of work.
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ "I know you hate what I do, but you can balance all that death with what I can give you. Just think about it, alright?"
And thank you for the catch I'll go back and fix that right up. Should be fixed now ^_^ I have brain full of bee's bumbling about and sometimes the dyslexia slips through haha.
A friend recommended this RP to me and it looks absolutely fantastic. Played Tabletop RPG's before but never something like this, so here's hoping I can keep up haha.
On that note, here's my approved character. Will hopefully have an intro of sorts in the IC today or tomorrow and looking forward to the antics that follow ^_^. (Australian timezone, so replies will be mostly during offpeak).
Fears: - Nocturnia being controlled by outside forces. - Experimentation/exploitation of Gyfted. - Losing loved ones to their own Gyfts.
History: Khor grew up with modest means in the Brewery District. A wild child, they spent their days charging through dilapidated industrial towers for fun. It was during these moments they found themselves exposed to the medical shortages not covered by the aid drops.
As a young adult they began studying engineering to give back to the community but lacked the patience to see it through. Instead, they decided to bridge the supply shortages themself using their skills as a runner. Able to navigate both the verticality of the district and warrens under the streets quickly saw them recognised as a guide for smugglers.
Such a promising career was almost ended due to their morality. Inspecting an unknown cargo a client refused to elaborate on Khor’s suspicion turned to horror. Gyfted, caged and trafficked to disappear for unknown purpose. Abandoning the job they instead tracked the cargo plotting their release.
The cargo’s security proved too effective, hand overs too fast, patrols too tight. The night before the Gyfted were to depart and disappear for good Khor prepared for a desperate rescue attempt. All they needed was to buy some time, just a enough so the Gyfted could flee.
That night seemed to last forever. Time seemingly stood still. In their dreams Khor simply walked towards the cage, opened the door and fell back into the darkness while everyone stood as statues. Waking up to the rain, Khor felt the impact of sparse droplets, around them a torrential downpour seemingly motionless in the air. They should be drenched but found themself mostly dry.
Reaching for droplets hanging in the air saw them increase their descent. Walking forward rain come crashing down along their path while behind a tunnel formed, the ceiling of rain slowing it’s collapse as they moved away. Khor had their solution.
They waited for a clearing around the cage before the rain slowed again. They walked to the cage, opened the door and fell back into the darkness. The Gyfted would know what to do next.
Khor has since built their own smuggling enterprise, providing for both the community directly and indigenous industries with the goal of turning Nocturnia into a self-sufficient city. Earning the title ‘The Eel’ for being able to seemingly slip away regardless of their situation they’ve become something of a legend in the Brewery community. They still prefer to operate from the shadows, mostly indifferent to the opinions others might have of them, remaining focussed on their personal goals.
It’s becoming clearer every day however that forces outside Nocturnia have plans for the city and its people. Khor now maneuverers their enterprises to find a lasting, or final solution to the sovereignty of Nocturnia city’s inhabitants, consequences be damned, death before domination.
Alliance: Smugglers (Mafia Boss)
District: Brewery District
- High Rise Raceway Unable to expand laterally due to the wall, the city expanded vertically. What resulted were offices and warehouses spanning multiple floors of towering buildings with bridges spewing like webs between them. With so many routes and a local vehicle industry underground racing ironically found a home in the clouds of Nocturnia. Naturally the impromptu raceways offer a variety of challenges and are a notable, if dangerous, opportunity to cut one’s teeth in the racing scene.
- The Jolly Jalopy A hallowed dive bar with an old car stuck in the roof that only true locals know of. Standing before Nocturnia’s enclosure, the Jolly Jalopy has survived despite it all, it’s even rumoured the original owner still tends to the bar as well. Half of the bar still stands while nature has replaced what no longer remains. Trees and foliage form supports and roofing where required with damage eventually being filled in by plant life. The bar is also connected to the warrens beneath Nocturnia, becoming a hub of drug and weapons trafficking.
- HOC JOC HQ After the wall went up, a group of agriculture, research and manufacturing organisations formed an ad hoc coalition. The goal, turning Nocturnia into a self-sufficient city that could operate independently of the outside world. This officially became known as the Joint Organisational Committee informally known as Hoc Joc. Cementing their presence with an industrial tower dwarfing those around it the HQ has become an inspiration to isolationists.
Faction: Akula Crew
The Akula’s began as runners sourcing goods for Nocturnia’s citizens otherwise unavailable locally or from aid drops. These basic smuggling jobs would garner respect both for and from the community. Such operations attracted competition, and the Akula Crew made efforts to begin smuggling drugs, weapons and vehicles through connections previously made to ensure they were well equipped for their work. Finally, the Akula’s exercised their ideal’s and began running protection rackets to ensure the independence of their constituents, the resulting conflicts providing ample experience to learn and grow from.
The Akula Crew uses its history to both teach and promote its members within the organisation. Initiates work for the community on low-risk smuggling jobs before being sworn in as a recognised member. Sworn in members are given access to the arsenal of the Akula’s and trained how to navigate gunfights so they might survive high-risk jobs. This often leads to tight knit cells of gunman the Akula’s can call upon. Lastly, those who uphold the ideals of the Akula Crew may be recognised as captains within the organisation. Captains take the role of organisational wide administration and strategic decision making or on the ground leading a gun team cell in coordination with other Akula cells.
Gyft: Temporal Bubble
Controls the flow of time within a radius of themself, the closer toward the centre the greater the observed effect. A larger radius and greater dilation effect relative to them requires an increased level of effort.
Influencing a small sphere from their body is mostly effortless and could be pushed to what would appear as stopping time entirely or rapidly aging a target area. (e.g. Time freeze)
Influencing the area around their body requires moderate effort and could be pushed to the point of appearing to suddenly dash across an area or allow hours to pass as seconds. (e.g. Bullet time)
Influencing the area of a building would require immense to maximal effort and buy the occupants a few more seconds or skip those few seconds. (e.g. Slow motion)
Limitations and Weaknesses:
- The effect is relative to Khor’s position. Example, if Khor slows time, Khor could visibly track a bullet in flight, but as the bullet moves through the bubble it regains speed as it approaches them.
- Force is relative according to dilation effect. Example, if Khor slows time appearing fast to an outside observer, the force they experience is multiplied (They could shatter their hand punching someone or struggle to squeeze a gun trigger).
- Area correlates to mental strain. Small fields can’t be maintained while unconscious. Body fields can’t be maintained while stunned. Building fields can’t be maintained while distracted.
- Dilation Strength correlates to physical strain. Interactable time shifts are equivalent to maintaining a walking pace. Perceptible time shifts are equivalent to maintaining a running pace. Absolute time shifts are equivalent to maintaining a sprinting pace.
- Khors needs for sustenance, sleep, etc, can easily fall out of sync with the world with excessive Gyft use. Example, Khor and an observer wake up freshly rested. Khor slows time appearing fast to the observer. An hour may pass for the observer while for Khor a day. The observer is still well rested while Khor is sleep deprived.
- Khor can only active their Gyft as quickly as they can humanly react.
Personal Vehicle: NPV 1100 SparrowHawk Special An indigenous design of Nocturnia, Khor acquired the prototype through their connections with Otto. Built by Nocturnian Performance Vehicles this big but balanced motorcycle is suprisingly responsive allowing for rapid switchbacks through the streets of the city. The crown jewel of this machine however is it's engine. Containing more horses than god can muster its acceleration is as exhilarating as it is lethal.
Comercial grade SparrowHawk's have a different, lower grade engine as not to see NPV sued into the ground for gross negligence in safety. This does allow for a far more forgiving machine not entirely dependent on power for handling. Even though these standardised Sparrowhawk models lack such raw power they still spurred NPV's latest slogan. "Life's too fast to live slow".
Description: The original owner of the Jolly Jalopy, still serving the same bar he founded more than 70 years ago. His nickname a testament to his longevity, he appears as if he’s only aged 3 years since gaining his Gyft. Resembling a hardened yet well-groomed and presentable 60-year-old, his personality is curt towards newcomers while jubilant in the company of regulars.
His bar is both his home and prison, the building barely surviving hardships of the times. With the rise of Gyfts and the chaos that followed, Antonio wished nothing more than to protect his life’s work. One morning he awoke to find himself apart of it. Rooted to the building Antonio’s body swelled with power, commanding the vegetation whose roots threatened to overtake his establishment. His bar became a living part of the community and within his doors he holds absolute power.
That power however extends no further than his door. Unable to leave he is now dependent on the same community that depended on him to shelter them from the worst of Nocturnia’s history, post and pre Gyft. Antonio drowns in wisdom, and though Gyfts might create a little more chaos, he sees things are the same as always. The powerful trying to take control while the ordinary just want to be able to call tomorrow their own.
Gyft: Synaptic Monument
Antonio is physically and spiritually entwined with his bar, the Jolly Jalopy and the land it resides on. Within the premises he commands the nature, walls, and air itself effortlessly. This can protect or harm its occupants. He can also search the earth below to reclaim and share the memories that have occurred in this place with others as he sees it. Though he can cast his vision back centuries, only the time his bar has existed is vivid to him.
This comes at the cost of his immobility. Unable to exit the bar, his reach only extends as far as he might be able to throw something out the door. He depends on the Brewery community to ensure his continued service to the district.
Description: An up and comer in the underground racing circuit and recognised champion of the High-Rise Raceways. A diehard racing fanatic whose driving style can only be described as suicidal to those unfamiliar with her. She initially struggled in the racing scene. Though brave enough to push to the absolute limit of sanity, where metal groaned under G-force and engines whined threatening to explode, she found herself constantly outclassed by those able to afford better and bigger machines.
She studied the courses, did the math, found the most optimal lines. She was making time as perfect as her vehicle would allow but it still wasn’t enough to take home a notable victory or be celebrated as a true pilot. Another disappointing race later and a night of restless sleep she dreamt of that perfect apex. The line was encompassed by a grid she raced through, then it leapt from building to building and she followed fearlessly.
That next morning, she awoke for another race. As she fell back in tune with her vehicle that same path appeared before her, and she did not hesitate when it led her off a 13-story high bridge to land further ahead in the race. Making a name for herself by willingly diving inbetween bridges as a shortcut led to her rapidly growing notoriety. Her name found its way to those requiring high risk couriers, turning her passion into a career.
Gyft: Predictive trajectory
Rada developed the Gyft of foresight, albeit in a limited manner. By attuning herself with an object she found she could visualise its path. Naturally her career as a pilot was accelerated rapidly by this. This would conversely work in predicting other objects. If she could visually track it, the path it would take at the current time was clear. This allows her to pre-empt an opponent’s actions and adjust accordingly.
In focussing in on an object, tunnel vision sets in. Ontop of the focus required to maintain an objects line of movement the rest of the world seems to fall away as the path becomes more visible. In tandem with this is that only one path can be determined at a time. Focussing on another object highlights its path to Rada causing the other to fade away, leaving her Gyft highly selective in use.
Description: Otto kept his nose out of trouble, studied hard and focussed on a legally legitimate and comfortable life within Nocturnia. It became abundantly clear very quickly however that such an ambition was almost impossible here. If he couldn’t make a such a life for himself in the city, then the next logical step was to leave it behind. The great wall containing all Nocturnia also proved this would also likely be a venture doomed to fail.
Otto then faced the dilemma of either giving up on either his morality and serving the criminal underworld or committing themselves to a life focussed on sustaining themself rather than thriving. So, he did what he did best and crunched the numbers. He attempted to quantify the uncountable; to create a formula based on his emotions and which path would lead to happiness.
This obsession found another path. Theories flying through his mind turned to numbers, solutions. Waking startled prepared to test said solutions Otto found a different world. A world of pure values, where everything had a connection to something. The world suddenly made sense. Everything he was seeking was just an equation away. The path would have to be calculated but the final value was known. He just had to find the right strings to pull. He found his comfort wrapped in a new morality where only the ends matter.
Gyft: Integral harmony
Otto possesses the ability to break the world around him down into raw data and formulate a method to reach a goal. Such a Gyft has led to his ability to rapidly learn and adapt to academic challenges presented to him. This also allows him to bring cohesion and stabilise situations most would consider long lost. Be it mechanical or social, if allowed by others his insights at the very least seem to minimise loss.
In using his gift Otto becomes disconnected from reality, occasionally to the point where a person is nothing more than a value to him. This has led to occasion where he needs to be grounded by others. There is the danger of losing himself to his Gyft. Should he drift too far and let his view dissolve everything he might find his mind following suit. Not even Otto is sure what would result from that, but he knows he wouldn’t be the same.
Description: Nep has always been the life of the party. From the moment they snuck into their first rave, they never wanted it to stop. The neon of Nocturnia turned as high as it could go, focussed into one point of energy. The parties always ended but that just meant it was time to find the better high. Drugs elevated the moment, but it was always the crowd that gave that feeling of immortality, that they’d never die so long as the music roared.
Nep eventually found the ceiling to their rush. No matter how much harder the party went, his body just couldn’t feel anything more. Not satisfied with their biological limits Nep obsessed over how to crash through the ceiling. Looking to the crowd Nep became envious. If only he could condense their emotion and feel it all at once. That moment of ecstasy was unimaginable, but it had to be better than anything anyone felt.
The opportunity came one evening waking up in time for yet another rave. Tonight felt different, walking the streets felt strange, a melting pot of emotion. As Nep approached their venue that familiar rush began. Before he was even through the doors, the feeling was like nothing he’d experienced before, and the crowd shared the feeling. When the show started, the crowd became one, the night a religious experience of ecstasy.
Gyft: Emotional Amplifier Nep can tune into the emotional state of others and allow it to reflect upon themself. While Nep uses this for hedonistic purposes, it has found use for those who have been able to convince Nep to assist them using his Gyft. Nep can also use his Gyft as a sort of feedback loop, capturing an emotion and replaying it in his own and the minds of others. Never letting a high die or wallowing until they exhaust themselves.
This sensitivity to emotion however is always running. Walking down a busy street can be overwhelming on the best of days. Such has forced Nep into a nightlife routine but given his lifestyle he finds such manageable. Another risk is that if unchecked Nep’s feedback loop can overwhelm those exposed to psychosis. There have been myths of raves turned to bloodbaths and Nep never seems to have anything to add to such conversations.
Description: Akir grew up witnessing the darker side of Gyft’s. The Gyft’s that coalesced as curses or disease rather than powers. She witnessed a parent succumb to an overload of energy as they attempted to control their power. She dedicated herself to her family after the event. Beyond that she dedicated herself to her community and studied medicine. Her medical expertise helped many and even saved lives among the Brewery District.
There were cases beyond her abilities though. She accepted that she couldn’t save everyone but couldn’t accept the helplessness she felt when trying to treat the Gyfted who couldn’t control their powers. Watching them roil in energy she couldn’t even comprehend she wished she could just do something to help them. One day she woke to find her wish granted. All her Gyfted patients seemed to stabilise in her presence.
It wasn’t immediately apparent, but the fact hit eventually hit Akir. It was her. She was now Gyfted herself. She found herself conflicted. Akir welcomed the ability to help but had become what she dreaded. Despite her conflict, she became a specialist in Gyfted medicine. She now seeks answers behind the magic and maybe an answer, a cure, behind the affliction that some people called a boon.
Gyft: Inhibitor Field
Akir’s presence naturally suppresses the Gyft’s of others. The radius and power of this field can be expanded if focussed into application but requires mental and physical exertion on Akir’s part to maintain beyond natural use. This inhibition effect can also be imparted upon objects so that they may also emit the same field. This requires an item to be charged, larger items creating larger fields, the more energy expended increasing its intensity.
The inhibitor field can however be fatal for those who depend on their Gyft’s to stay alive. Akir must take care regarding those she stays in proximity with as not to cause an accidental fatality. Her ability also inherently attracts distrust and discrimination from Gyfted who are unfamiliar with Akir. Viewing her as a threat to their way of life Akir has endured threats and even outright violence as a result from such.
Antonio Litwin
Khor met Antonio through a client during their time as a guide and developed a familial bond through their efforts towards the people of Nocturnia. Antonio played a cruicial part in establishing Khor's own smuggling enterprise through providing contacts and guidence to the young smuggler. He now hosts the Akula's HQ below his bar where the two regularly plan jobs and celebrate successful returns. -
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ "Plan's real simple. Deliver, don't die, then drinks back here at the Jalopy. Don't look disapointed it's a good plan!"
Rada Hanak
Khor and Rada are childhood friends who used to compete as runners through industrial areas. Rada is the only known person who can reliably terrify Khor thanks to their driving antics. Khor still holds immense respect and support for Rada's racing career and has helped source vehicles for her but is cagey of Rada's attempts to join them as a smuggler, not willing to expose her to the violence of the underworld. -
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ "That's a ledge Rada. Rada, ledge. Ledge! LEDGE! RADA LEDGSHIII-!"
Otto Bondar
Otto was Khor's best friend and one of the only grounding elements they had growing up. With Otto's family providing Khor an oppurtunity for higher education their relationship began to sour when they spurned such an oppurtunity. Otto's Gyft further estranges the two as he places less value on people and more on results toward his corporate prospects. -
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ "Yeah sure, you won. You drove that business into the ground and took them over, but was it really worth it?"
Nep Wach
Nep was one of Khor's first clients of which they ran party favours for. The two found themselves fast friends resonating off eachothers passions until Nep's became addicted to the same services he offered. Khor has since ceased their professional relationship but still reaches out as a friend trying to get Nep to the help he needs. -
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ "Hey Nep, it's me. I heard of another... incident... in your scene. I'm just worried dude. Call me back, so I know your ok. Bye."
Akir Bondar
Khor met Akir in university and they found themselves becoming very close through their shared ideals. Khor's abandonment of studies however cut off any contact they would have until Khor ended up at Akir's clinic with a wounded man. Khor decided to open up to Akir of their profession despite the risks and has since donated equipment to Akir's clinic despite her reservations of their line of work.
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ "I know you hate what I do, but you can balance all that death with what I can give you. Just think about it, alright?"
Just a shark floating through the void with way too many bee's in the brain.
Self taught writer, artist, programmer and whatever the hell else the ADHD demands to be understood.
Still reading? Enjoy a race ship~.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Just a shark floating through the void with way too many bee's in the brain. <br><br>Self taught writer, artist, programmer and whatever the hell else the ADHD demands to be understood.<br>Still reading? Enjoy a race ship~.<br><a href="https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/fluxyshark/wipeout-fx350-feisar-banner" title="https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/fluxyshark/wipeout-fx350-feisar-banner" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">newgrounds.com/art/view/fluxyshark/wi…</a><br><br></div>