Khor Kosavić - The Eel
They |
32y/o |
??? |
5'4 |
145 Goal: Ensure the independence of Nocturnia.
Secrets: - Intra-city smuggling routes.
- Gyfted haven locations.
- Corporate contacts.
Fears: - Nocturnia being controlled by outside forces.
- Experimentation/exploitation of Gyfted.
- Losing loved ones to their own Gyfts.
History: Khor grew up with modest means in the Brewery District. A wild child, they spent their days charging through dilapidated industrial towers for fun. It was during these moments they found themselves exposed to the medical shortages not covered by the aid drops.
As a young adult they began studying engineering to give back to the community but lacked the patience to see it through. Instead, they decided to bridge the supply shortages themself using their skills as a runner. Able to navigate both the verticality of the district and warrens under the streets quickly saw them recognised as a guide for smugglers.
Such a promising career was almost ended due to their morality. Inspecting an unknown cargo a client refused to elaborate on Khor’s suspicion turned to horror. Gyfted, caged and trafficked to disappear for unknown purpose. Abandoning the job they instead tracked the cargo plotting their release.
The cargo’s security proved too effective, hand overs too fast, patrols too tight. The night before the Gyfted were to depart and disappear for good Khor prepared for a desperate rescue attempt. All they needed was to buy some time, just a enough so the Gyfted could flee.
That night seemed to last forever. Time seemingly stood still. In their dreams Khor simply walked towards the cage, opened the door and fell back into the darkness while everyone stood as statues. Waking up to the rain, Khor felt the impact of sparse droplets, around them a torrential downpour seemingly motionless in the air. They should be drenched but found themself mostly dry.
Reaching for droplets hanging in the air saw them increase their descent. Walking forward rain come crashing down along their path while behind a tunnel formed, the ceiling of rain slowing it’s collapse as they moved away. Khor had their solution.
They waited for a clearing around the cage before the rain slowed again. They walked to the cage, opened the door and fell back into the darkness. The Gyfted would know what to do next.
Khor has since built their own smuggling enterprise, providing for both the community directly and indigenous industries with the goal of turning Nocturnia into a self-sufficient city. Earning the title ‘The Eel’ for being able to seemingly slip away regardless of their situation they’ve become something of a legend in the Brewery community. They still prefer to operate from the shadows, mostly indifferent to the opinions others might have of them, remaining focussed on their personal goals.
It’s becoming clearer every day however that forces outside Nocturnia have plans for the city and its people. Khor now maneuverers their enterprises to find a lasting, or final solution to the sovereignty of Nocturnia city’s inhabitants, consequences be damned, death before domination.
Alliance: Smugglers (Mafia Boss)
District: Brewery District
- High Rise Raceway
Unable to expand laterally due to the wall, the city expanded vertically. What resulted were offices and warehouses spanning multiple floors of towering buildings with bridges spewing like webs between them. With so many routes and a local vehicle industry underground racing ironically found a home in the clouds of Nocturnia. Naturally the impromptu raceways offer a variety of challenges and are a notable, if dangerous, opportunity to cut one’s teeth in the racing scene.
- The Jolly Jalopy
A hallowed dive bar with an old car stuck in the roof that only true locals know of. Standing before Nocturnia’s enclosure, the Jolly Jalopy has survived despite it all, it’s even rumoured the original owner still tends to the bar as well. Half of the bar still stands while nature has replaced what no longer remains. Trees and foliage form supports and roofing where required with damage eventually being filled in by plant life. The bar is also connected to the warrens beneath Nocturnia, becoming a hub of drug and weapons trafficking.
After the wall went up, a group of agriculture, research and manufacturing organisations formed an ad hoc coalition. The goal, turning Nocturnia into a self-sufficient city that could operate independently of the outside world. This officially became known as the Joint Organisational Committee informally known as Hoc Joc. Cementing their presence with an industrial tower dwarfing those around it the HQ has become an inspiration to isolationists.
Faction: Akula Crew
The Akula’s began as runners sourcing goods for Nocturnia’s citizens otherwise unavailable locally or from aid drops. These basic smuggling jobs would garner respect both for and from the community. Such operations attracted competition, and the Akula Crew made efforts to begin smuggling drugs, weapons and vehicles through connections previously made to ensure they were well equipped for their work. Finally, the Akula’s exercised their ideal’s and began running protection rackets to ensure the independence of their constituents, the resulting conflicts providing ample experience to learn and grow from.
The Akula Crew uses its history to both teach and promote its members within the organisation. Initiates work for the community on low-risk smuggling jobs before being sworn in as a recognised member. Sworn in members are given access to the arsenal of the Akula’s and trained how to navigate gunfights so they might survive high-risk jobs. This often leads to tight knit cells of gunman the Akula’s can call upon. Lastly, those who uphold the ideals of the Akula Crew may be recognised as captains within the organisation. Captains take the role of organisational wide administration and strategic decision making or on the ground leading a gun team cell in coordination with other Akula cells.
Gyft: Temporal Bubble
Controls the flow of time within a radius of themself, the closer toward the centre the greater the observed effect. A larger radius and greater dilation effect relative to them requires an increased level of effort.
Influencing a small sphere from their body is mostly effortless and could be pushed to what would appear as stopping time entirely or rapidly aging a target area. (e.g. Time freeze)
Influencing the area around their body requires moderate effort and could be pushed to the point of appearing to suddenly dash across an area or allow hours to pass as seconds. (e.g. Bullet time)
Influencing the area of a building would require immense to maximal effort and buy the occupants a few more seconds or skip those few seconds. (e.g. Slow motion)
Limitations and Weaknesses: - The effect is relative to Khor’s position.
Example, if Khor slows time, Khor could visibly track a bullet in flight, but as the bullet moves through the bubble it regains speed as it approaches them.
- Force is relative according to dilation effect.
Example, if Khor slows time appearing fast to an outside observer, the force they experience is multiplied (They could shatter their hand punching someone or struggle to squeeze a gun trigger).
- Area correlates to mental strain.
Small fields can’t be maintained while unconscious. Body fields can’t be maintained while stunned. Building fields can’t be maintained while distracted.
- Dilation Strength correlates to physical strain.
Interactable time shifts are equivalent to maintaining a walking pace. Perceptible time shifts are equivalent to maintaining a running pace. Absolute time shifts are equivalent to maintaining a sprinting pace.
- Khors needs for sustenance, sleep, etc, can easily fall out of sync with the world with excessive Gyft use.
Example, Khor and an observer wake up freshly rested. Khor slows time appearing fast to the observer. An hour may pass for the observer while for Khor a day. The observer is still well rested while Khor is sleep deprived.
- Khor can only active their Gyft as quickly as they can humanly react.
Personal Vehicle: NPV 1100 SparrowHawk Special
An indigenous design of Nocturnia, Khor acquired the prototype through their connections with Otto. Built by Nocturnian Performance Vehicles this big but balanced motorcycle is suprisingly responsive allowing for rapid switchbacks through the streets of the city. The crown jewel of this machine however is it's engine. Containing more horses than god can muster its acceleration is as exhilarating as it is lethal.
Comercial grade SparrowHawk's have a different, lower grade engine as not to see NPV sued into the ground for gross negligence in safety. This does allow for a far more forgiving machine not entirely dependent on power for handling. Even though these standardised Sparrowhawk models lack such raw power they still spurred NPV's latest slogan. "Life's too fast to live slow".