Akula Gun Team Clover, Rada Hanak
Brewery District - Highrise Raceway
Mentions: None.
Interactions: None.
Snaptrap clapped his hands as the target went down. “Good shot! Guess that rifle isn’t a waste on you.” Puddle brushed his thumb against the weapon still trying to focus on the windage. Snaptrap wouldn’t see it, but a smile was creeping up Puddle’s face at the compliment.
He adjusted the rifle ever so minutely in his hands, the perfect balance reacting exactly as expected to his movements. Eye straining down the scope he stared down another can. Finger squeezed. The trail fell through the air before a another burst of beer splashed over the tarmac of the distant bridge that spanned between the towers of the Brewery district.
Snaptrap whooped. “Another, not bad killer, at this rate every six pack of booze will know to fear you.”
Puddle sat back, disarming the weapon and admiring it in his hands. “I have to say the rifle is doing half the work. When you said you guys could get anything, I didn’t think you could get this.” His fingers traced down the side of the
bullpup marksman rifle, appreciating everything from the perfection of its firing mechanism to the imperfections in its wooden body. Under the scope an Akula gunsmith even managed to fix in backup iron sights for when the fighting closed in, or the scope failed.
Snaptrap bounced his head nodding. “Yeah man we’re smugglers. We get all the good shit, and we make sure we look after our own first. The more rare or expensive the longer it takes but we always get there, in your case you got lucky we happened to have that already.” He gave Puddle a light kick. “And that’s not the rifle, you’ve got some skills son, wind blowing as it is up here it’s a miracle you hit anything at all.”
Rada shot out a mouthful of snark from behind. “He’s just getting lucky. Bet I could do better than the new nerd.”
Snaptrap’s eyes squinted. “The hell-. You’re a driver not a shooter. Sure, you put me to shame on the track but you ain’t no hit girl.”
Rada’s mouth curled. “Well then give me a go and I’ll show you both.” She marched over snatching at the rifle. “Come on let me show you what I’ve got, or you both scared?”
Puddle certainly felt a touch of fear. “What- Dude- No! Knowing you you’ll drop it and plant a ball of three’o’eight in me.”
Snaptrap chuckled. “Or herself. Ah screw it pass it on don’t hog it. I want to see how badly this goes.”
Puddle’s visor reflected the grim moment the weapon entered Rada’s hands, and she wasted no time slapping a magazine in before fiddling around trying to find the bolt. Eventually she pulled
something back and to her delight the weapon thunked as it delivered a bullet to the receiver. She snickered. “You guys are so screwed. I can see the path of the bullet, literally playing with hacks. There’s no way either of you could beat me.”
What she didn’t acknowledge was that she had no idea how to properly fire a rifle, or any firearm for that matter. Drowning in confidence she snatched at the trigger, and the path she saw quickly darted off the target, off the bridge and down toward the streets below before the bullet left the barrel.
In unison. “
Puddle scrambled for binoculars scanning for a casualty while Snaptrap tore the rifle from Rada’s hands as she raised them to clasp her head. “Oh god I didn’t- I’m sorry-!”
Snaptrap shot back. “Shuddup! Puddle, you see red?”
The binoculars frantically scanned the roads not detecting any chaos below. Slowly he became more methodical before looking up at Snaptrap. “If it hit someone, I can’t see it.”
Rada peeped up. “I think I saw the path going into the waterway right before the flash…”
Snaptrap just shook his head. “Holy shit I hope so. You’re real lucky you know that?” He reached around for his mutant of a rifle. “This. Is. Not. A. Toy. It’s a tool for killing people. Learn that before you do something stupid yeah?”
Rada muttered something but eventually nodded. As they sat quietly for a moment Donkey approached from behind, scanning the three before voicing his concerns. “What the hell did you do.”
Puddle’s eyes shifted. “Nothing, what makes you think we did anything?”
Donkey spat back. “Because your quiet, you three chucklefucks are never quiet.” He grunted and got onto why he was here. “We’re heading back and packing to move, asap. No arguments. Rada, double time us.”
Rada broke from her fuzz at once on the request, jogging to her car and swinging into the driver’s seat. Puddle packed up his rifle while Snaptrap threw his hands to his side. “What the hell for? There’s no alert, we’re on R&R still after that warehouse clusterfuck, so no orders. What’s the rush?”
Donkey opened the trunk. “No alert, no orders. Warning from a friend. Misty. We’ll know more when we have a chat.”
Snaptrap cooed. “Aww Donkey finally found a giiiirl friiiiend~! Gonna get his di-.”
Donkey slammed the trunk. “
Get the FUCK in the car!”
Snaptrap jumped, then complied and stayed silent. Rada on the other hand was as excited as ever behind the wheel and felt the need to try beat a personal best through the bridges webbing across the Brewery district skyline. Donkey encouraged the haste, Snaptrap eventually cheered along with it while Puddle hugged his rifle for dear life as the wheels threatened to fly off the edge.