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10 days ago
Current Well, the good news is I have dodged food poisoning, for now.
12 days ago
So I found out my fridge broke *after* having some leftovers, so I may/not be doubled-over in pain for a bit.
13 days ago
But the real question is: Are you lighter than a duck?
13 days ago
Autism be like: If it quacks kinda like a duck and looks like a bigger duck, it's probably a goose. But they lump it in with all the other ducks anyways, because a duck is a duck even the Canadians.
1 like
16 days ago
With weather like this, it almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter...


-There will be delays in replies. Largely due to working overtime, voluntary obligations; other RPs and online-things may compete for my attention.

'Bout me:
Started RPing (badly) back in '05, mostly doing nation-RPs with an emphasis on technology and strategy, later edging out to character-espionage and military-tactics before doing "less serious" character roleplays that were outside of the 2005-2008 continuity.

That's when I went to Dead-Frontier, and found the RP community there, joined a clan, did some pretty good roleplays and pretty much loosened-up my online-personality. When the clan-leader decided to move her RPs here, most of the clan followed.

Took a course in technical-writing back in '08, so now I may sometimes use the semicolon correctly.

In 2010 I dusted off the old nation-RP continuity I had, doing a few hetelia-esque RP-shenanigans there..

RP-Habbits: I tend to geek-out on little technical-details, and sometimes infer how those details would impact the background of the roleplay. Great for world-building, not so great when you had a perfectly good plotline and I just MacGyver it off the rails (though I usually er to the side of amusement, sometimes it creates very grim side-stories).

Most Recent Posts

Jumping into an RP usually means asking OOCly if you can join, most likely making a character-sheet, and then making an intro-post in the IC which is basically a cold-opening zeroth-session that gets your character up to speed with the story and everyone else up to speed with your character; at least up to speed enough to begin interacting with you.

Making an intro, but being so far removed from the group their characters aren't even aware of your character until 5 pages later is less than ideal. I've seen it done, it can work, but it's more work.
Well, the upsides of forum-RPs is they're less prone to scheduling issues than in-person or instant-messages, and unlike RP via E-mail, far more conductive to people joining mid-session. Or just sharing in some insane actions one of the players took. Albeit not as dramatic as a livestream.

Being able to stumble upon and dogpile into an RP while it's mid-game is actually a pretty huge thing. And that aspect is kinda laid-back like roaming a convention and just inviting yourself to a table that looks neat.

That's the basics of the forum-medium.
So should I just start posting or should I still wait for my character to be "official"?

@Massasauga is speaking from experience with weaponized cuteness.

Edit: Alright, I'll stop leaning on the 5th wall.
Literally could set off a nuclear warhead in the middle of the city and then go “Oopsie, I’m sowwy” with puppy dog eyes and everyone would forgive her.

I suppose Lilith could help rig up another backpack nuke for the occassion...
@Silver Carrot
Pretty sure things haven't changed much since this recap
@Silver Carrot
Basically... Everyone's more or less in Building #1's cafeteria, except for a very select few, like Theria.

Stuff's been breaking down all day/evening over the Condos, and we just recently found out - through a PA announcment - that it's the work of gremlins. Theria has issued a playful "Gremlin Hunt", where our toons must seek out capture these little miscreants (without killing them) and deliver them to the front desk.

The one who delivers the most gremlins gets a prize. A voucher for one free outside-world item of your choice.

I have no idea how to bring Eilidh back in as I'm still not 100% sure what's happening right now

Samesies. But I recall reading a recap mentioning a gremlin-hunt and Velvet wanting no part in it, so we can annoy the hell out of her.

Right on time, @Massasauga
Banned for forcing me to guess/assume pronouns.
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