If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.
I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.
I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!
We're going again- it picks up where the plot leaves off and I'll be throwing us thick and fast back into the action. Please post up your CSs in the OOC for me to review and I'll accept them from there!
This is a reboot of Raven Squad- with a new thread to go with it too. This RP picks up where the last one left off, with a slightly rotated team.
Never Say Die.
We're accepting applications- if you haven't seen the Interest Check then the setup for a near-future, slightly wacky military RP is below.
The Setup:
Raven Squad (RS) is a mysterious task force, working against the forces of global terrorist groups in the near future (roughly 20 or 30 years from now) who often who are armed with quite advanced technology- or nefarious political aims. Al-Qaeda it isn't, so in come our operatives to deal with the anarchy. In a world where mechs are prototypes, exoskeletons, jump-packs, optical cloaking and various other technologies are around the corner, the tide of warfare is changing...and Raven is there to stop the worst happening.
Raven Squad have access to that technology, and six of the most elite operatives that made it through a gruelling process to counter the threat. With different specialists allowing the team to have everything from a scalpel-like precision to brute force with heavy firepower, they act as a counterbalance.
Where an SF team cannot penetrate a facility, Raven Squad come in. When a politician needs to go, they come in. When you have ten foot mechs trying to breach a high-security Gulag and you need them removed, they come in. Raven Squad are the people that stop the world ending as we know it. Problem is, they're a little dysfunctional- and well, they're not all the most....professional of soldiers, or spies, or agents, or well, anyone who is capable of getting the job done.
Character Sheet:
Sometime in the near future, your character was Special Forces, Mercenary, a Spy, a gangster even, or ex-whatever. But they were picked, selected even for a very good reason. The world is left vague intentionally so you're welcome to dabble with your character's journey and lore up to the RP's start.
Anyway, your person. They were more than just a regular operator, soldier, asset, mercenary. They were far beyond that.
It means that your character more likely than not is a bit of an oddball as well.
Your character passed a test known as "The Devil's Cooker", a fiendish double-triathlon level test coupled to psychometric and advanced weapons testing, truly seperating the wheat from the chaff in seeing who is truly unbreakable and more importantly, capable under pressure. 90% fail, but your character made it through, and brings something very unique the to the table- they're at the least capable of working well under pressure. Failure would have led to a cocktail of drugs being used to wipe part of their memory, and that's reason enough.
Consider that a high bar for your character's entry. If they made it that far, they joined the very insignificantly small number of individuals capable of having the most advanced technology and equipment known to the world's intelligence agencies at their disposal, and the responsibility of saving the world....rather too frequently.
In terms of tech, there's nothing outlandish but it definitely allows for some more innovative, more interesting tech to be on the table. As a spy-fi / near future setting, everything from exoskeleton support to jump packs, nanotechnology among others are on the cards- but it's not going to be completely down the road of Cyberpunk (not to begin with, at least...). Modern contemporary weaponry is mostly still used but with experimental weaponry, if it can be made to work and you can make it work with all its advantages and flaws, then go right ahead. The playbook isn't compeletely open, but there's a hell of a lot to make your operative their unique slice of the pie. Feel free to come up with original, or genuine ideas if you think it might work- nothing too fantastical, but if it fits the theme of the RP.
Apperance: (Written Description, but you can alter it for your own needs and do whatever here- pictures are fine too to help augment the description- No Anime, more arty/image based is helpful!)
History: (What'd they do before they became badasses in Raven Squad.)
Personality (Optional- I mean, are some of your operators are gonna be souless or something?)
Tactical Suit: (Applicable for Heavies mainly but also for the others- what does their armour or combat equipment look like? Description and Pictures prefered where possible!)
Weapons: (As set out in the prior selection- though this can be changed if you like. This isn't strict for what class can carry what- but a light shouldn't carry more than two long weapons, a medium more than three, while a heavy alone has access to heavy weapons and a wider range of secondaries. Weaponry is contemporary, though if you have something experimental to boot then feel free to suggest/query it if you're unsure if it's a bit much!)
Equipment (Yours to pick- be mindful of their specialisation and class.)
Hobbies: (Be it modelling, climbing or sunbathing, or whatever floats your character's boat when they aren't busy being badass.)
Character Slots Availible:
Light (M) - Light (F)- (Veyrinday?) Medium (M) - Awesomoman64 Medium (F)- FourtyTwo Heavy (M) - Heavy (F) -
Not much is known about Raven Squad as an organisation- only that it has shadowy links to the previous "Team Scimitar", a prior semi-independent mercenary group that similarly fought against a range of terrorist threats and organisations.
Though since those days, plenty has evolved in terms of technology and equipment used- and the organisation appears to silently select those who it wants through a contact named "Oracle", who recruits operators on a selective basis. RS after all, is the boogeyman that spies, special forces and various government agencies can't even confirm exists. The operatives have a comfy life on base, but holidays don't come often when the world needs saving.
Based out of a formerly abandoned naval patrol base on an island off Corsica, RS has access to a short runway, as well as a bunker complex built into the side of a cliffside base- housing a firing range, armoury, R&R facilities (including a pool, of all things!), training rooms and brefing facilities that allow it to be a home away from home- out of sight and visuals from prying eyes.
Our characters, outside of being involved in taking out the baddies, will get a chance to chill, relax and do whatever takes their fancy back at base, and it's a nice little quirk to show off your characters a bit more too at a base in southern Corisca.
While this RP doesn't take itself seriously, we're gonna need a little here to make sure we're all on the same page. We do this, we all get to have wacky, fun characters and go for a thrill ride. If not, it sucks for everyone. Courtesy of SilverwindBlade's common rule set, please follow the following:
Post length is expected to be Casual to Advanced- no one or two line posts, please. This means at minimum two paragraphs in a post- three being optimum to really flesh out your character's response and furthering of the plot. I don't prescribe a top end limit, but use your imagination on how much you can write in a single segment- if it's longer, feel free to write longer!
Follow Wheaton's Law at all times. Don't be a dick- GM is God, and while this RP is very fast and loose, if you're asked to bring something into line, expect there might be good reason for it.
This RP will have adult themes, and romance is a part of that if you want it to be- however, nothing that the Gods of RPG wouldn't want on the public side when smut is concerned. If you want to go beyond, that shit goes off this RP into 1x1 if it is 18+ in any manner. Before that though, be my guest.
Equally, I have no bloody problem with a bit of fucking swearing, you bunch of cunts, but don't take it to excess, all right, fuckers?
A sense of humour is not optional. Please be good-natured and good-humoured to one another in the OOC.
Minimum post of one per week, per person. If you can't post, please mention in the OOC or drop me a PM. If it's unexpected - i.e. family emergency, your internet goes out, etc - then just let me know when you come back, and I'll catch you up. These things happen. It is not my job to chase you to post! If you're interested enough to be here in the first place, then it's up to you to post. If you're 'too lazy' to keep up, then I'm too lazy to chase your arse to get you to do it. It's a matter of manners and etiquette.
All characters are part of the military unit mentioned in the blurb above. No bad guys, no mercs, no foreign characters. This is to make things easier and more straightforward, and to keep internal consistency.
Don't talk down to people. I don't care how much knowledge of real-world weapons and systems you might have, or how much of an encyclopedia on legs you are about such things. This is my world, and it works how I want it to. If you're trying to be a smartarse because you've found a 'loophole', then you're not playing in the spirit of things, and you should probably leave. That's even with an admittedly loose playbook.
If I don't know about it, then it doesn't exist. You may have this amazing secret plot worked out for your character - but if you don't tell me about it, then it ain't happening. Because I've already got a storyline worked out, and if it doesn't fit, then it's not going in. Same with technology and whatever you 'think' it should be like- I am open to ideas, but tell me if you think it's something that makes you say "That might be too far out there".
This is a near-future setting, and as such, isn't madly fantastical. Sure, mechs, exoskeletons and cloaking may be a thing, but there isn't interdimensional travel, let alone even interplanetary travel. No aliens, no anime, no high-school dramas either. There is no magic or supernatural content. Please respect the setting and keep it in mind- there's plenty of ridiculous and cool shit on offer, so play with that here- keep the other material to other RPs.
GM's word is final. I appreciate people wanting to help, but final approval for plot, lore, and characters comes from me. Though, by all means, please feel free to make suggestions and help others with ideas and information where possible, and point out if something isn't there or working when it should be, because that helps us all.
Here's how it works. The RP functions around approximately six characters (can be more or less!)- and focusses upon the team having different skills and specialities, as well as entirely different approaches to combat. While there's three main classes, within those their playstyle may be completely different- and may bring a very unique ability that is class-defying. Each character can also have a path to upgrades- after each operation, they are able to use new technologies, experimentally given out to help them get a further edge.
While I'm not someone to put into place strict rules, I'd prefer two of each in each class and a male and female in each class to really help the flavour of the RP gel (we can't have all infiltrators and snipers!), as well as a bit more variety in origins- but will happily accept anyone who has an interesting idea and can make it work, irrespective. This isn't all prescriptive- they're put in as ideas and to start of the process of what the team might look like. Classes can also meld a bit- Medium characters can sometimes aim to go for lighter loadouts, or Heavies may choose to go for close-quarters arrangements over heavier weaponry. If a slot is taken, please try and fill another one (or post below if you have an idea that you'd like to use!)
Stealthy types, sharpshooter types, all-round silent assassins, here ye be.
These characters are all relatively unarmored, unable to stand up to much in a firefight- often only coming to that as a necessity. But they have ludicrous amounts of mobility and are able to provide support and some assault help in different ways from different perspectives- they're snipers, infiltrators, hackers and parkour specialists- with these characters often being the masters of stealth thanks to their talent and optical cloaking. They're agile, often more than not to almost cat-like levels of speed, freedom of movement using various tech such as grappling hooks to wall-adhesive gloves, wingsuits and ropes- and are capable in CQC thanks to Krav Maga or other fighting styles. They're potent at working on their own, but as a part of a wider team, add an enhanced intelligence and support function.
Think Sam Fisher, or Black Widow, or something down that line.
They often work as good sabotage experts too, working in the shadows of the main team's work- and have the widest range of infiltration and exfiltration equipment, often the most exotic of the bunch. They're the lone wolves of the team, but they can make the enemy look twice before they get hit.
Five Common Talents: -Excellent at sneaking and stealth- with or without cloaking, they're ghosts, and incredibly efficient sneaky people -High levels of agility (Parkour) -Sabotage (Explosives, Mines) -Hacking -Sniping
The Swiss Army Knives of the team look here. For those who want a slice of everything.
Characters who are well armored, able to take a few rounds, but not like the "Heavy" characters- they are a comfortable in between. They form the assault element of fire- and they offer a lot of versatility through carrying a lightweight exoskeleton- using jump-packs to double jump, wall run and basically throw themselves up into positions that often none of the team could, allowing them to hammer fire from pretty much any angle using slightly heavier weapons than a typical SOF operator would use- be that LMGs, automatic shotguns, MGLs and high-capacity SMGs. If they forego that, often they make up for it with a different unique ability that is firepower or defence-focussed. They're real jack of trades, and often bring a bit more to the fight, with significant room to specialise and deliver a unique talent that no class can really pin down. Put short, an Assault character isn't a bland choice- they literally will do everything, from the quieter work to the all-guns blazing firefights, but they're not the best at either spectrum. But add speed and firepower together and you get a package that can usually make any situation work.
The closest comparison one can think of are the "Pilots" from the Titanfall universe- a perfect blend of fast and hard-hitting in a hot firefight. They're nowhere near as agile as the lights, but offer a lot more momentum- allowing them to flank and provide fire from any angle. They also have special abilities of their own that neither class has- be that the deployment of a personal protective bubble, a personal drone, or anything else that pertains to the fact that they carry a bit more into the fight than a typical operator would.
Five Common Talents: -Balanced Operative (Jack of all Trades) -Jump-Pack based mobility -Versatility -Unique Abilities -Fast in Firefights
Lots of firepower, brute force, big explosions. No less sophisticated than the rest of the team but just a lot louder, Heavies are for those who just want to blow shit up and get blown up.
These characters are giants. Literally, they're commonly over seven foot and immensely tall, strong, and able to basically punch through anything they want. People, walls, armour, anything. And that's without their heavy armour! In their super-heavy armor clad in head to toe with Trophy Systems to boot, are nigh on impossible to take out with most munitions- which means that more often than not, they're the centre of attention, the guy or girl turning up fire to the next level, and Raven Squad has TWO OF THEM. They're a Boss Battle for real, and you bet they enjoy that ego trip. Even up close, they're often absolute beasts in CQC without weaponry- often carrying melee weapons like an axe or a mace to club people they can't get with any of the plethora of weapons they carry. While a light might make that work through silently picking people off, a heavy will make those people shit themselves- one-on-ten, you probably can't win that fight unless you're very specially skilled and that is exactly how they work. After all, a heavy isn't often stupid if they've made it into Raven Squad- they're often far smarter than you think. The Mountain from Game of Thrones? Nah, this giant can do much, much more, they're Knights of the warzone.
Think almost the Juggernauts from MW2, or well, the Heavy from TF2, with a lot more armour and a lot more versatility.
They use heavy weaponry and carry even more support weaponry that puts them almost on the level with a mini-mech- from miniguns to automatic grenade launchers, flamethrowers to prototype electric or laser-based weaponry, or SMGs, heavy pistols, and all sorts of exotic secondary weapons that allows them to take on a wide variety of foes- specialising in AT on top of their usual anti-personel usage. For them, might is right- and bar much, they are incredibly difficult to counter. They're killable all right, but it takes a lot. They do suffer from the least versatility in infiltrations and their sheer size and operations weight means that they often need special methods of insertion. But do you think that they don't make a big deal about it? Not when they're the boss battles of the warzone.
Five Talents: -An actual bullet sponge -Close Quarter Beasts -Versatility in Combat -Heavy Weaponry -Terrifying, centre of attention, frontline operatives
Post your CSs below, and I'll review them before accepting- then once we get those all in we'll get started! I'm thin on details at the moment at just how things will kick off, but it'll give a nice idea of the world and a good chance to showcase your characters!
Sounds awesome. And in regards to you earlier comment- we're talking more chaos, but it's as I say, something I don't want to reveal too much on as it's definitely alluding to something much more scary at play than just a group that wants to sow a lot of discord- it'll be fun.
Bethan was a little taken aback by just how much Yekatarina knew, the way she was saying it seeming to come off her tongue like it was deep down inside her...and rolling with it. She was impressed, that she had to admit, it was observation that had kept her alive, and she'd certainly soaked up her fair share of what she could. She agreed with the Russian's comments, a good meal would be useful about now, as would putting a plan together. That and her goal of getting information, Sean stepping forward towards Yekatarina in regards to her comment.
"They'll be a vaccum no matter what. Kill the head and the body doesn't go limp straight away, but it won't know where to go. They'll have bigger matters to attend to, like how their main friend of their supplier is gonna be in a a bloody mess. Fuck's sake, this is crazy." Sean replied, Bethan nodding, albeit a little more resolute now, a little more screwed on and aware that they had to get something together.
"Aye, true that. A map would be good, I can retrace where we got to in the slums. Finding a way in will be tricky, we'll have to think about it logically. I'm thinking a dawn raid. Minimal visibility, a lot of confusion, and less bodies around, especially in the alleys, it means visibility works for us. The markets around her area will be empty so no doubt we'll know who's a foe pretty fast, no civilians in the way. There were a lot of rooftops, guys with guns on them that we'll have to also take out first. But we take those out, find an entry into the compound, and we'll find her there. She's likely focussing on taking turf here, more than watching her own back. Victor's probably promised her that, so I wouldn't be shocked to find a couple of SAMC mercs in compound." Bethan added, thinking it over a little, though not in any denial she needed food and sleep right now. Even in spite of the anarchy, from parachuting in at dawn to killing people in mid-day and now being captured, it had been a hectic one.
Sean in the meanwhile looked to Hayden, a steely look on the Northern Irishman's eyes, a little bit twisted by the environment here but still a little cautious of Hayden's mental state. "Whatever you did must have given you a reputation. Yous' a scary bastard right." Sean gave a wry chuckle, checking his own FAL over, flicking a mag as he looked over to Bethan and the rest of the team, the plan taking shape as they then turned back to Edgar.
I can see @VeyrinDay's point- military RPs aren't for everyone but that's fine, it depends on what your taste is. I think recent events made me a bit hestitant in places- but at the same time, it's about isolating that world from the reality this one exists in, which I think is a little more detatched by nature by how silly it is yet stays like it couldn't be too impossible.
The reboot likely will keep to the same concepts - my vision about crafting RPs is to focus less on current politics and more on a more unspecific, grey sort of threat that poses a threat to everyone- anarchy. There's also a lot more conflict even in that- and where I'd love to take this RP is into something a bit more than what a typical military RP might think about. It means the RPs age nicely too- the ideas aren't about modern politics but bigger questions of right, wrong and just how far people might go to defend that. With a healthy sprinkling of madness of course!
(really do not want to spoil the ideas for this RP, I think it feels fairly original too :) )
Longish post but wanted to wrap around the conflict in play with Bethan / Sean a little, and that they don't entirely see eye to eye here. As it's a bit more freeform I've thrown in something that might play us forward into going to settle this little arc, and onto the next.
Being lied to had felt like the last of the worries, but the team had rolled with it, the reply from Yekatarina hammering it home Sean imagined. Talk of the "beast" just seemed odd, but to give her credit, she was better read than he initially imagined, though he had yet to sit down and watch Lord of the Rings himself, or read the books. This whole situation could go to shit anytime soon, but sarcasm had so far not gotten them killed, Sean cracking a smirk at her comment, as the sounds of Edgar's thugs drawing guns killed any of that thought. "The fuck is that?"
The sound of gunfire picked up outside, and soon more goons were running around in the lobby, the anarchy infectious clearly. It was immediate to Bethan what was going on, what was happening. Victor's bullshit now mattered nought, because the very mortars and guns they'd stolen were now in his subordinates hands and being used to shoot and kill any other mercs or authority figures left. She had seen close combat, much like Yekatarina and Sean - and in an urban area casualties mounted fast and anyone who wasn't getting out of the way that wasn't friendly was gonna get a bullet and then questions after. SOPs stayed in place when you were clearing streets, buildings and rooms in a usual setting - the British Army were professionals, after all. Mercs who were being paid the pleasure of it didn't have any rules to follow and Bethan knew there were no friendlies on their side.
Staying in town almost seemed like a death sentence, as she watched the screen, barely surprised, yet aware the situation had now massively changed. Their captor had a fairly sudden change of heart, and the fact they weren't being killed seemed a bit of a shocker now. Whatever leverage was left was gone, no doubt because Edgar had bigger priorities and didn't want to waste a round. Why he was keeping them alive and not wasting them was beyond her, because any chance of an escape plan had gone to shit when the goons had entered the room. Now there was just watching, listening, observing, and making a call, as they made their way across. Sean raised his hand to Edgar as if to suggest they were thinking, playing things out in their head.
Bethan looked to Yekatarina, freed and hearing what she had to say, nodding about her comment regarding the windows, and making her way over, finding her FNC on the floor and her Glock, as well as Sean's Sig and FAL. Throwing the latter rifle to the now untied Ulsterman, she checked her own equipment over, the chat from Edgar in the background almost as she simply gave a nod to him, Sean meanwhile silent and remaining compliant, predictable, and right now, looking to be someone who wasn't going to be a threat. What the Russian had to say was certainly interesting, Sean a little in disagreement.
"Big if, though Katarina. This situation just went bigger than gang warfare. There's no sides here, apart from the two of those groups fragging each other. Anyone else is with, against, or in the way. Including Edgar, if he isn't already. Those mercs won't fucking hestitate if they see us, SAMC or COGS, 'cos I guarantee you, Victor hasn't told a single soul about us. Which means....well, we're shit out of luck here." Sean seemed confused, although he felt like he had to get that off his chest, Bethan looking and nodding, then back at Yekatarina.
"Alright, we got proved wrong. Staying here might work for us. But long term, I don't like this." Bethan nodded, as Sean shook his head, looking over to Hayden.
"Well...they think Hayden is some kind of beast. There is some shady fucking shit our Canuck isn't telling us. If they want to gag him, he's capable of something he ain't told us. And he stays here, that's gonna be an issue. End of the day, we stay here, that means we might be the only thing between someone claiming a bounty on Edgar's head who wanted to look in at him. Like, oh, I don't know, Victor maybe?" Sean replied, looking directly over at the team, now a little less sarcastic, but a bit more considerate that it might mean the difference between getting killed or living.
"Fucking hell, you want to run back? Through that? First you think of selling her down river, now you think the opposite - and Victor's just gonna let us in like that? Are you insane?" Bethan's shock was probably appropriate, but Sean seemed confident.
"I'm saying we split here. We've got phones. Signal might hold, and end of the day, we don't get the Hyena, we don't leave. Gang warfare or not, Victor's thrown himself behind Melani, and she isn't going to stop. You might be able to figure something out, but Victor's a lead we can't let go of. He's a greedy, charming, narc little fucker, and the only thing he wants is someone to give him what he wants, no questions asked. If he wants to bend rules, he'll find there's a price for it if we play." Sean's thoughts seemed to suggest his street smarts, recognising what he had, perhaps a little different in the manner in which Bethan operated, a more cold, professional attitude would take.
"Sean, you've gone off the deep end. Okay, great, do what you want, you selfish, ungratful prick, and when they carve you up, let me know." Bethan sighed, looking to Yekatarina, Sean stopping her and putting his hand on her shoulder as she turned, nodding.
"Fine. I'm just telling you how it is.....but I'll stay with you. But I get one ounce this is going south, and I'm walking out that door. I suggest we do what we need to do, then leave once we have actionable intel. Find a meeting that is legit, or at the least, someone who can work with us who knows where he is. Otherwise, we are going in circles to try and live and you fucking know it." Sean clearly didn't approve, but Bethan's look was a wry one.
"Just like home?" Bethan's retort cut Sean dry, as he shook his head, then looking to the Russian, then to Kat, then to Bethan.
"You may as well say it then. But I'm telling you now. There are no sides here. You might think this is like Afghan, I can tell you now, none of these people would give a shit if you died tomorrow. Only person that matters is the Hyena, and right now, we are not going places." Sean seemed almost exasperated, a pragmatist yet one that didn't have a single moral in his heart. He'd happily walk out of that door, but knew he'd be dead if he went. That and despite everything in his better judgement, he didn't want to walk away from Bethan.
The Welshwoman nodded to Yekatarina, and then over to Hayden.
"That makes three then. I don't like this but we haven't got a choice but to stay. My thoughts are we get a contingency in place though to get into the countryside. Though...wait." Bethan said, looking back to Sean, chuckling a little, shaking her head.
"Though you might be right about something. Victor does at least half trust us. That might be enough. I might have an plan." Bethan retorted, unusual in that the gears from her were turning, but she understood what Sean meant. And well, she had it sown too.
"Victor's just made himself vulnerable...like you said, nobody backs him within SAMC when he does these little things. He hasn't told the directors the fiefdom he's trying to make. So, we might want to make a deal with Edgar to use that. He gets his rival dead and some chaos for him to use, we get our information on the Hyena. Or at least, a start." Bethan said, hoping the group would agree, or at the least, it felt like they were leaning that way.
"Well, well- you're doing it then. You're just gonna stamp on what gave us an in?" Sean replied, feeling a bit vindicated, but aware that well, there was no smug arseholery to be had here. The situation had changed, and as much as she was willing to walk, Bethan had a point here.
"The situation seems to change. You said that yourself. I'll sort this." Bethan wryly retorted, Sean shaking his head, looking at Yekatarina, not entirely sure this was a good idea, but let Bethan take the lead.
She wasn't very conciencous most of the time, but for an SFSG candidate, she made her point enough, and slinging the FNC over her shoulder, walked back from the doorway and through the lobby, and back towards Edgar and the rest were, up the stairs and where the TV had been placed, trying to remain as confident as she could, boonie back on her head, rifle slung on her side and out of reach to show she wasn't coming here to shoot.
"Alright then. Looks like we owe you some truth, if you're sparing us. Melani wanted to know what your area was looking like, and SAMC are behind them. You probably know that, but I can tell you SAMC will use mortars and serious tools here because we stole it for them earlier. Unsanctioned, because the person who backs Melani isn't with the board...and whatever deal they tried to cut with you, they will get with her. Now, if you need help, we don't need diamonds, but we want something else." Bethan said, knowing she was risking a bullet here, but it had to be done- there wasn't going to be much other shot here.
"All we ask is to get a few hours of sleep here, transport, some radios, and just one more thing....information on someone we are looking for. We'll bring you Melani's head on a platter if you give us what we're looking to know. It may buy you time with the fighting going on here if you want to protect your neighborhood, and we'll be gone after the job is done so the heat comes with us. Does that sound like a deal?"
I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.
I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.<br><br>I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!</div>