Avatar of FourtyTwo


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9 yrs ago
If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.


I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.

I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!

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Adding chars to the Characters (0th) tab - sorry if I missed anyone intially!
Sean cocked the FAL once again, sliding the rifle into both hands, the keys in his pocket and now ready to go. They'd have the pickup wherever they left it....and one of Malkia's guys had left it in the courtyard, ready to go for when they needed to leave. The situation had seriously detirorated, and going into the evening, he knew that time was going to run out for them.

"Sounds absolutely fucked out there. And so much for food for now. But if the bitch is dead, then we'll be quids in anyway." Sean replied, taking in the situation, aware Hayden was on board, and Yekatarina too. He felt tense, just like anyone, but same time, he'd seen warfare. He reminded himself of the US Marine, the one he took the piss out of, tell him about Fallujah. A hell on earth, a place that man wished upon nobody, fighting in tight, urban quarters, room to room, block to block, never knowing who was on the other side. Urban warfare was often the most brutal and bloody- when hiding spots were everywhere, it made every sector a dangerous one. So Sean had no doubt of what lay on the other side, no doubt Yekatarina knew of Grozny, and Bethan from her experiences in Afghan.

"Sounds like anyone who's anyone is carrying a tool out there. I'm glad we bought enough lead. We can scavenge whatever else we can, but if we don't move fast, we will get cornered. We need to assume anyone out there is hostile, shoot first, ask questions later...fuck." Sean commented, not exactly having a plan, but a comment of his own, as the Welshwoman replied with a confident nod to Hayden's comment, checking her own mag in the FNC, the Belgian-made weapon tight in her hands, mags ready to go in pouches.

"Yekatarina and Sean make a point, we should try and avoid going head on and around the fighting. I made a mental note of it, it's about eight blocks north to Melani's, direct road goes straight on the main highway but there's a series of what looks like slums and roads on the periphery of town. We go through that, we might be able to avoid the heat on the roads. There's no real reason for anyone to fight over turf there, maybe a few gang members but they won't have enough time to make checkpoints or stop us, though we'll need to keep on the gas. We get lucky and keep our weapons out of view, we might be able to pass off as civvies. And if not, return fire. Not like this is place has IEDs....yet.

"We can take it around to the eastern flank of her place, find a place to hide the vehicle, then get through on foot a couple blocks out. We go in, take down whatever fireteams are guarding the place, any guards in the market outside hers, and if we can scavenge grenades, explosives, IEDs, fuck, anything, see if we can blast our way in. Or climb in and clear the buildings, one by one. Frag Melani, take anything of value, and run. They're not trained in CQC, but we get this wrong, we're getting crucified....in this case, probably literally." Bethan commented, Sean pulling the keys and looking across to the other two, Sean nodding as he looked across to the Hilux, aware that as unstable a platform as it was, it wasn't a slouch. There was a reason it was a terrorist's favourite, a powerful diesel engine, good carrying capacity, four wheel drive, and reliability like nothing. Unlike the most of the Coalition's vehicles, designed for protection and comfort, this did speed and outright versatility far, far better. And right now, a useful thing to have.

"He will want proof we've killed her, too. That machete of hers looked fairly unique....I can't imagine many others have it, y'know." Sean commented, knowing while Bethan didn't want to go into the detail of how this world worked, it was going to be some sort of assurance. Their word wasn't going to be enough, it would be anarchy if they found out she was dead, after all and they other side would want to hide that.

"Jesus, I thought you were about to say we're taking her head back with us. After earlier, nothing's off the cards with you." Bethan barbed back, a wry shrug returning favour given the long day they'd had.

"Well, it looks like she might have already to a bunch of people. I don't think there's anyone normal left here." Sean replied, Bethan nodding in agreement, the two ready to go and aware that while a shit plan, it was at least going to get them into position, avoided the fighting and got them in. It was shit or bust, all or nothing now. No running back.

Part of Sean wondered if they should drive off into the distance, get out of this town and escape and risk that, while they had guns and a vehicle to hand. Shit, to hell with this contract, perhaps just flee far enough to join another mercenary team, maybe cross the border. But even then, there was little hope they'd get another lead on The Hyena if they didn't do this. They'd be starting again, and given how things were about to get sectarian, everyone was about to get paranoid without spilling the beans. So to put out an almighty oil fire, perhaps they just needed to start an even bigger one so they could at least get a lead out of town, and use whatever merc company they needed to get themselves further.
Haha, love the dynamic already. The clash between the stoic, pragmatic, and then the all out wacky of the team.

This one is gonna be a bit of an advancement off a plot from before the reboot left off, no need to worry if you're new to the RP!
Did I write the post one cider down to simulate what drinking whisky was like? Yep!

Post is up- I've given a little detail to the op- feel free to ask questions and get your character ready, play out any interactions but my next post will nudge us towards every character being geared to go in.
Skye chuckled, the team's chirpy nature always getting the better of her. They were a fun bunch, and every rotation meant something different. They weren't the only ones, as she calmly stopped playing, the team here, and this group right here. Mateo with his drink, Jamie towering over the rest in a silent contemplation, Xander chatting shit, Misa looking disaprovingly and making curry, oh, and Greyson. Of course, being observant as usual. She placed the fiddle by her side gently, letting a wry chuckle loose, the redhead aware that Xan had already tailed it off.

@Steel Legion

"Who'd you piss off, Greyson? I tend to find when you leave the loose ends tied, you worry less. The site's got an digital air-gap...and well, has a fuck-off CIWS. Laura and a few techs behind the scenes did the magic, it makes this place somewhere you wouldn't look at. You dinnea' change from what I remember. Always a pragmatist. I'll let you test it if you like." Skye commented, putting her legs across in a fold, eyeing him up, the fellow British operative someone she could tease, even in spite of her iron-like fire.
"You should relax. I wouldn't get you drunk before an op. Well....I might get you one down to ease you in. We're not back in London anymore, aye?" Skye added, Xander coming in and chipping in with his own commentary, chatty as always but someone despite all her grievances, trusted enough. She saw he was trying to get the looser side of her, but same time, she was trying to straighten him out. Make him more...professional. Albeit that wasn't a word you used for him. He made Deadpool seem cold.


"Heh, that is a funny story. One too many beers I think though? Or....well, you really must have been in the shit with your CO to go that far....I mean, who would do such a thing?" Skye's reaction made it very clear to the group she was letting on something more, because even in spite of Xander's bullshit, oh, it was so, so true, giggling quietly in a form that seemed like it touched on her more human side, the part of her that warmed to him sometimes. Then there was Misa, the appetising smell of the curry she was cooking away quietly reflecting her usual nature. She was perhaps not the best mesh with everyone, but with her armour, she was relentless, capable and part of a very different breed. Cooking away quietly, perhaps it was her own way to payback even without saying a word- but Skye knew the team would have their rota issued soon for dinners. Someone was cooking every night, and she was on it too. Lead by example and all that- the perk they had of not living on a bootcamp meant they had to actually look after themselves. And even for the best, that felt tricky for the former Major...


"It smells very good, Misa. Katsu, I think?" Skye commented, sipping down her whisky, watching her twitch, knowing her and Xan might have been like oil and water, but still, they'd back each other. She clearly didn't like how Xan spoke, but then again, neither did Skye. It's why she gave him extra shit and Misa a little less.
"You know, I think you and Xander need to spend more time together. AI programming, robotics....wait, fuck, no, that is a terrible idea. But still...any overlap we can get works here, I guess." Skye interrupted herself, chuckling away as she downed the rest of her glass, knowing her own irony, looking across to the other two in the room.

One that took up more room, the more traditional giant, the son of two legends no less. On a good day Skye wished she'd gotten to know them, the infamous Natalie and Victor, of yesteryear. Then again, if they were anywhere as fucking crazy as Laura, maybe not. Jamie seemed solemn, caln and quiet, embracing the moment altogether. She didn't bother him, knowing when the man had something to say, he'd say it.


The other was Mateo, the quiet agent sipping down a cocktail, then another, relaxing at the best he could. He certainly had some demons to slay, but then again, it was usually a little fire. She knew he kept something on the side regarding the cartel, and so did she. After all, Black Flag had to get its funding from someone. And the places they got it were sometimes less than clean.
"We should put you to work on that, Mateo. Don't give me ideas." Skye retorted back, the calm, calculated and orderly manner of Skye coming back into frame, the red-haired Scot knowing it would tease him, open him a up a little, albeit remind him at that cost.

As the team settled in, Skye had the opportunity to get the feel for the room, and with everyone with a beverage, or at least, settled in, she looked across to the team and knew it was time to spill the beans. The drink had at least levelled everyone, or taken the edges off. Another glass of the whisky followed after Skye, who only relished the chance to have a decent drink. None of this other shite, if you were gonna have a drink, it had to be this.


"Thought I'd all get you settled before I tell you what's next. There's a juicy piece of intel that landed on my desk after a recent wetwork in the French Pacific. Given Black Flag decided to try and steal data off a fairly tasty data centre, we've got the chance to get our own back. There's a formerly abandoned military encampment in a canyon in the Cape Verde islands, on Ilha de Santo Antao, and right there we have reason to believe there's a few HVTs from the group there. Including one Alain Fouqualier, ex-Foreign Legion, full blooded Algerian scumbag who is a target of interest. And I'd kinda like him dead for interrupting our last R&R, so.....we have ourselves a little capture mission. I'll be working tonight on the details. But I need you guys to take a few different roles, because we're going to assault the place. Local support is minimal, so it's all on us. I'll fill in the details, but I'll give you an overview for now."

"Lights, you're on duty to infiltrate- Mateo, I need you on hand to get inside the base and make sure those HVTs don't escape, whatever it takes -and any base defenses to be sabotaged. Use whatever infiltration methiod suits you- given it's a canyon, a wingsuit or a clamber might be best. Turrets, and possibly even a small mechanised unit that's on site might need sorting. Greyson, Xan, you're with me- we're taking a buggy into the base, and directly going in to clear a few checkpoints, before we hit the site itself. Jamie, Misa, due to the SAM sites, I've got something more creative for you both. I assume you're familiar with the use of a high-altitude helium balloon and a parachute system, because it's how I'm gonna keep you out of SAM range."

"So it's the usual sort of equipment- regular to long range gear, and enemies that you aren't going to find as easy to frag as usual. Just to remind you, they aren't all skinnies with AKs. They know what they're doing, and many of them are mercenaries, formerly from other elite forces. They aren't going to hestitate, and there will be more of them than us. But we get this done, we get our HVTs, we get out quick, we get a fucking dent in them. All good?"

No firm posting order- so feel free to post back!

Sorry guys- I've had a lot of IRL stuff go on and just haven't been all myself lately. Will try and post up when I can to move things forwards!
No worries! I've been mentally dead but am still about! I might prepare a reply tonight / tomorrow :)

Haha, not as old as a character was in the last. Honestly, 35 is the new 25!

Oh and OOC edits have been made to account for new chars. I'll edit into the sheets shortly :)

I won't keep us too long but I'd like to get the team to meld in and soon enough something will come through, but enjoy the intro :)


Sorry for the delay on that one!

Accepted, but with a couple of caveats:

A) I like the idea that she's kinda this ghost, but it's probably worth toning it down a little bit just for reasons of fit (ie I like the concept but it feels to me a little heavy on how it's tailored in). I like the idea of her having this Agent 47 styled background, but it's a little hard to read. I'd kinda want to know why Skye would take a gamble- there has to be a tether of something as likely she had an operation and was basically stripped down into any potential detail to find out what she was, and a willingness into that. That I imagine is where the report detail comes in - she can wonder in from nowhere but it's how she fits into the team from that point forward. That is what I'd be looking for- otherwise it's really hard to account for among other character backgrounds, though I'm ok with a bit of ambiguity of course.

I'd almost imagine in a similar vein to how Tylar (from the last RP) kinda came up as an operator out of a failed, or collapsed programme- and Skye no doubt takes a punt on her as this lost soul who showcases an extraordinary potential in spite of everything with no ties. I'd imagine in spite of the fact the programme was hidden in agenda, it seems like it has ties to a country such as China or South Korea (though wouldn't be touched upon heavily in the RP ofc!). It's only for Skye to comment upon- while it doesn't have to be fixed, it gives a little bit ambiguity to work on that operators like Ghost go rogue and sometimes are picked as diamonds in the rough.

B) Weaponry- great descriptions but do they link into anything real? Those rifles exist so I'll happily take approximations but just so long as mentally you're aware of roughly what that looks like, that's fair and if you're happy (would assume so but thought to ask?)
Bam, IC is up! I've set it up so most of the team will be in the rec room, which a general meeting spot for most of the team. I've given a nice little section for the team to bond before we go headlong into things.

We are still open too!
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