Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@Lonewolf685: Quick note--Gilgamesh and co. are north. Enkidu is west. You wouldn't be able to see one from the position of the other. Just sayin'.

But that aside, hooray for posts and life! \o/
@Lonewolf685: Yeah, there can be stables.
Bwaaaaah, that was wordy.

Anyways, Babylonia crew: Split up however the heck you want. Anti-Army's gonna have lotsa fun this round.

"So it is that my tragedies have borne the most fruit, hm? 'Tis a strange matter of affairs, but if the audience doth request despair, then it is such that I shall deliver! Though, to be frank with you, my dear, this adventure you are just starting upon is itself already looking like a tragedy for our poor swordsman over there," Shakespeare said, motioning towards Siegfried while shaking his head. "I pity him, but not enough to not record his tale for a presentation. Of course, artistic liberties are a necessity if things sway too far one way or another. Too mundane, and the audience shan't care; too strange, and it shall be treated as the raving of an insane man. Luckily, a genius such as I shall not fall into any such pitfalls!"

The Caster laughed a few times, reasons be damned, as the group drew closer to the town.

Siegfried, on the other hand, took Nevsky's words to heart as he though about the situation. Once again glancing over the group and taking note of the fact that their clothing was, in fact, vastly different from any he had seen thus far, the Saber gave a nod as they approached their destination. The vulpine Servant had already answered the only other question at hand, and he he didn't find it as necessary to answer that one.

After a while longer trudging across the land, the town's features came into further focus. The light of the fires propped up around the walls and from within the town itself illuminated the rugged stone from which they were made, and a few human figures could soon be seen standing guard right outside those stone walls. Siegfried raised his hand towards the guards, who raised theirs in return as a sign of acknowledgement.

"Welcome back, Siegfried! Did you figure out what the cause of that fight was?" one of the men called out as the Heroic Spirit and his entourage drew close enough for them to speak normally. "Also, can I ask where all these people in strange outfits came from?"

"Sadly, I was only able to stop the fighting. There were two armies clashing, but both killed each other off before some... Stranger things began to occur. These people helped me return as you see me now, so if it would not be too much trouble..."

"You wish them a place to stay for the night as recompense? I believe the inn should work if they are willing to pay, but if they do not, then I'm afraid they're out of luck. The last pack of demon beasts that struck the town has made them wary, and though they may have helped you, the townspeople aren't quite as open-hearted in strange times such as these..."

Just as the guard finished speaking, the faint sounds of barking and growling could barely be heard coming off from the distance, though somewhat cloaked by the harsh wind blowing around them. The guards could not make the sound out as well, but it was quite possible that someone within the group might.
@VitaVitaAR@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@Nanashi Ninanai@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss


"Ah, is that so?" Enkidu asked rhetorically, nodding at Saber's statement before shrugging his shoulders. "Well, I don't quite know what this 'Grail War' is, but if my assumption that it is a tournament of sorts is correct, then I congratulate you on making it to the end against Gilgamesh. That itself is enough of an impressive feat, wouldn't you think?"

Richard's inquiry, though, caused Enkidu's half-smile to turn into a bit of a frown as he closed his eyes, looking as if he was deep in thought.

"Hm... Well, if you noticed earlier, that Semiramis woman was getting information out of that messenger before your arrived; apparently, there are multiple armies attempting to lay siege upo--"

Before he could continue further, the sounds of explosions of some sort began to shake the entire city--a feat that was in no way simple, given how large Uruk was. Gilgamesh, at this point, stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes burning in anger as he flew up off the ground to see the source. The anger he held now was quite palpable, with his hands tightly clenched as fists as he swooped down to Enkidu's side.

"They have arrived. Two armies, one to the north and one to the west, are currently firing upon the walls of Uruk. Any longer, and they may very well break through. Enkidu, take half of these mongrels and handle the situation to the west; I shall handle the northern front. King of Knights! Follow me, and see how a true king leads his people!" Gilgamesh declared, not caring about what others followed behind as he moved off to meet the enemy.

"And there he goes... Well, I hope your strength is our strength here. Come now, we must make haste!" Enkidu said, dashing off to meet the other military force.

Anyone who followed Gilgamesh would soon find that there was a giant horde of skeletons right outside the walls of Uruk to its north once they scaled to the top of the city's wall. Armed with various weapons of all sorts and with a few skeleton elephants thrown in the mix, the army looked menacing if only by sheer numbers--from where the King of Heroes stood, the entire area as far as he could see was blanketed with nothing but skeletons and skeletons in armor.

Gilgamesh simply stared down at the group with a look of disdain on his face as the Gate of Babylon opened up behind him, various weapons slowly poking pout of each portal as he directed them at the army in front of them. Down below, the soldiers of the city were milling about restlessly, watching as the encroaching army grew closer and closer with each passing moment.

"Soldiers! Hold the line! If you die here, then your children shall lose their fathers; your wives, their husbands; your parents, their sons! Stand firm! Stand tall! Do not cower in the face of overwhelming force! That worthless king who sat in his throne all day, acting as if he knew what was best while knowing nothing, is gone! Under the flag of Gilgamesh, this city shall not fall!" the King shouted before letting loose a barrage of weapons from his Noble Phantasm and signalling the start of his counterattack.

On the western front, however, things were a lot more chaotic. Rather than a force that seemed in any capacity humanoid, the army sieging this end was a menagerie of magical creatures of all sorts, ranging from giant crocodiles to the occasional sphinx. What made things stranger, though, was the presence of golems weaved into the group what seemed to be mindlessly lumbering forward. While the beasts lunged at those attempting to defend, the golems trudged on, trampling all in their path. Enkidu had a bitter expression on his face as he stuck his hands into the ground, creating a wave of chains that dragged one of the golems into the ground below.

"This... I don't like this one bit..." the clay being muttered as it moved on to handle the next enemy in sight.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss
Well, can't be helped.

@Lonewolf685, @GreenGoat: Any luck?
@TheFake: They filled out the forms, so they should be aware of what they got.
@PrivateVentures: Yes, modern era.
@ACHTUNG@PrivateVentures: I think we have some room? We're still pretty early and some people have poofed, so I believe the answer is yes.

Also sorry for taking so long to respond--things were kinda hectic and it ended up slipping my mind until now.

Aaron came to a halt right outside the doors to the guild as the elf girl that had tagged alongside the group stopped him and... Ominously threatened him.
By name.
Wait. Hold on a second. He hadn't given out his name to anyone here. But then how...?

It took a few moments of digging through his memories to realize it, but once everything clicked, the young man couldn't help but laugh at his friend's predicament. There was a certain level of unluckiness that had been crossed here, and he'd be damned if he let this chance slip by.

"Oh, Akira! You're on a bit of a short fuse today, huh? Well, really couldn't tell it was you, given the whole elf thing. Or the genderbending. Oh man, this just ain't your day, is is?" Aaron laughed, taking the chance to amuse himself for a moment at Akira's expense before wiping a tear from his eye. "Sorry, sorry, couldn't help it. But seriously, though, this is a heck of a weird situation here. Salty you got changed and I didn't?"

With a smirk on his face as he patted Akira's head (oh god, he was totally going to get it later), Aaron's attention was pulled away by two people, both of whom had come with them to the town earlier.

Well, this was convenient, too.

"Well, first things first, you three might wanna check inside the guild. Don't have a clue about what's in the tavern, but you'll probably be wanting to gra- wait, did you say two? Not three?"

Aaron look at the young man opposite himself before glancing down at Akira again, stifling a laugh.

"Looks like the downgrade in size also gave you an upgrade in presence concealment, huh?" he joked, fully aware of the bear he was (metaphorically) poking--or, at this point, slapping in the face.

Okay, maybe it was time to dial the schadenfreude back a bit.

"...But in any case, uh... Right. Guild. Guild cards. ID. Important. Grab one," he said, showing his own to the group before slipping it back into his robes. "Akira, you in particular might wanna check it out. There's someone inside who wants to speak with you, anyhow."

"Of course, madam," the bartender responded, politely taking the coins off the countertop and moving over to hand the merchant his refill and passing on Sophia's comment for her. The man paused for a moment, then took a large swig of his alcohol before getting up from his seat and moving to the one to the left of the woman who had called for his attention.

"Hm? I haven't seen your face around before," he said, glancing at Sophia's face for a moment before shaking his head. "...Well, whatever. What is it that you want to ask? You paid for my drink, so the least I can do is hear you out."

Of course, that didn't necessarily mean he would answer any question, but... Well, anything within reason would do well enough.
@Beloss: They do not, for future reference.

In any case, once a majority of RPers move, I'll continue on. Of course, if life is being obstructive, don't worry too much about posting here. That takes priority, after all.
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