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@ACHTUNG: Then as you please, friend.
Kamijou Touma

With the complete lack of any actual answers, Touma stared speechless as the man walked by. Demeaning nickname aside (seriously, what the heck was up with that?!), the fact that he referred to Othinus as a doll was something he had half a mind to correct.

"O-oi! Hold on, that answered nothing! And besides, Othinus isn't a doll, she's a-"

Before he could finish that sentence, though, the small Magic God grabbed the high schooler's ear and pulled it down with all her might, causing him to flounder about for a moment before she began to speak.

"Say nothing about my status as a Magic God right now, depowered though I am--this isn't the same world we're used to. It's nothing similar to the power I had after rewriting the world, from what I can gather, so assume this is an entirely different scenario. In other words, think before you speak, or you might drag us into further trouble," she hissed into the boy's ear before the doll from earlier called out to him.


While striking a particularly impossible pose. Touma stared for a moment in confusion before remembering that the thing in front of them was, in fact, probably a living doll or something.

She looked so real, though. Creepy.

"...Ah... Nice to meet you... Goldibanne?" he half-responded, half-asked as Othinus decided to take the reins with her own introduction.

"You're not wrong to refer to me as a 'fairy', but I would prefer you use a slightly less demeaning moniker when referring to me, if you'd please," she followed, crossing her arms over her chest as she sat down on Touma's shoulder. "Oh, and if you are a magical construct like I suspect, I'd recommend you not touch this boy's right hand. Trust me. Don't do it."

Touma thought about commenting again, but with Othinus currently glaring daggers at him again, decided against the idea. Maybe it was better to let her take the reins for now.

Komeiji Satori

"So... Abduction and bribery it is, then?" the youkai responded to the so-called 'Entertainer', letting out a sigh before crossing her arms and looking around the crowd. The half-ghost garderner from Hakugyokuro seemed to have also been dragged into this mess, so she could at least take solace in the fact that there was at least one semi-familiar face among the crowd of unknowns.

"I think I speak for many of us when I say that we all have friends or relatives that we would like to return to, and if you think that offering to 'find excuses' to placate them will work, then aren't you effectively attempting to blackmail us into cooperation? I would assume that you don't have the sheer force to physically force our hands, because in that case you wouldn't need all of us here and would be able to handle the problem yourself. I shall ask once more, for formalities' sake: let us return home and return to our lives, because as of right now barely anyone seems to be interested in your problems--especially since you made such a show of not telling us," she spoke, staring at the man as she did so.

There was no contractual obligation to work towards such a thing, anyhow.
Tiral glared at Gillian in silence, noting full well that the sarcasm was half-lost on the man. With a mental note to bump the man down his descending list of intelligent people he knew. Granted, it wasn't as if he had been high on that ranking to start with, but every bit lower he fell was just more and more disappointment.

The captain's outburst simply caused the mage to sigh in relief, though. An eye for an eye was fine for him, but there were lines that had been crossed, and he could at least understand the rage from that lens. He still felt wholly justified in snapping back--words did better to vent without causing any lasting harm.

Which, to be fair, would be particularly bad in this sort of situation.

Turning his attention back to the image that was generated from his spell, Tiral clenched his right hand into a fist and smiled as a hazy image began to form and slowly take shape.

"Success... I think."

Getting to his feet as he listened to the various statements of recognition and location, the young mage took the note off the ground and handed it back to the Captain.

"You can argue later. The mission should take priority," he stated, forcefully composing himself as he walked back over to mount his horse. "Lead the way--time is of the essence."
@ACHTUNG: Sorry for the late reply, priorities and workload were all over the place. Really all over the place.
My answer is... I really don't care. Choose what you think would be the most fun to RP, mate.

The immediate shock from having his knees kicked in cause Aaron to crumple to the ground, biting his lower lip in pain as the pain began to bounce around his body.

Mostly on the point of impact, though. Damn, who knew little elves could hurt so much?

"...Okay. Okay. That one was on me-ow. Hahahahaowohgeezthatsmarts. Though, uh..." Aaron apologized through the pain, raising one arm to his neck and motioning to cut it out. "...It just me, or did your speech patterns change too, man? I've never heard you say such a tsun line in your life, and that was the epitome of tsun right there. Oh geez okay no no no please don't swing again I swear this body has lower pain tolerance than my original one."

Sucking in air through his gritted teeth, the young man grabbed the nearest wall to hoist himself up, his legs still shaking a little from the kick.

"Note to self: learn mana barrier ASAP, or I'm going to be so screwed in the future."

"But, uh... Yeah. I guess we should... Head inside...?"

As requested, the bartender handed the priest a drink in exchange for those coins, though with a slightly judgmental look as he did so. The man said nothing in the end, though, and returned to his business as usual. The merchant, on the other hand, stared into Sophia's eyes for a good few moments before nodding his head.

"...Hmph. Well, you don't seem to be the cowardly type, at least. How about thi-"

Before he could finish his statement, though, the sudden appearance of another young woman threw off the flow of the conversation. THe merchant took a moment to process the spontaneity of the incident before writing it off as the naivety of the young. It wasn't as if he couldn't understand that much, but... Couldn't they at least have a little sense about the flow of conversation?

"...Ahem. As I was saying... How about this? If you and your... 'Friends' manage to safely escort my goods from here to my destination, I'll give you 25 silver to split among yourselves. Not too bad a deal, right? Most fresh adventurers only get a few coppers a day gathering herbs or hunting kulas for food or whatever, so I'd say this should be fine. If you think you can handle it, that is."

The guards at the gate took a moment to wave back at the child being brought over in the entourage that Siegfried had brought over before turning to address the fox-eared woman who was clearly in a panic. The scene was a bit absurd, even with the recent string of events that had been occurring, but the gravity of the situation made itself a bit clearer as the wind began to die down ever so slightly. With the sounds of beasts now audible over the crackling of the flames and the sweeping winds, the two guards took a moment to face each other and nodded, with the one on the left moving inside the town in a hurry to alert everyone to their presence. The one that was left, of course, looked over the group before turning back to Siegfried.

"I think we can make an exception for the child to stay for the night, but I'm not sure about the rest of that group. The town's going to be in enough chaos as-is without a bunch of strangely-clothed strangers strolling in unannounced. We have no magical protection to speak of, which means that we've had to deal with these attacks every few nights with just the power of our weapons... And those only do so much," the guard sighed, shaking his head before a piercing howl rang through the silence of the night. Almost instantly after, the winds stopped, as if commanded by the voice itself.

"...Gods, let us survive this night..." the man prayed for a moment before one rather brash woman suggested that the group defeat the wolves for shelter. He, of course, had no authority to judge, but...

"If you defeat the beasts, then I will do everything in my power to have you recognized as our benefactors to the rest of the townsfolk. You have my word," he said, carefully glancing around as the sound of a large bell began to resonate from within the town.

Almost as if on cue, the silhouettes of a pack of large wolves, their red eyes shining in the moonlight, appeared over on a hill opposite the gate. The red lines that seemed to pattern their coats was intimidating, but what seemed to be more worrisome was their size--it would not be too far off to estimate each to be larger than a car of the modern era, and with at least twenty of them now rapidly making their way to the town, it was clear that they were of no natural origin.

"...Oh my. Well, if you don't mind, I'm going to remain here. In the rear. Where I won't be treated as a chew toy for a giant wolf," Shakespeare said, taking a few steps back and leaning against the wall. "I wish you all the best of luck."

Siegfried, on the other hand, drew his blade and readied himself for combat.

"I apologize for wrapping you up in this mess, but it seems we have no other choice," he said to the group as he steeled his body for combat.

"Let us begin."

@VitaVitaAR@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@Nanashi Ninanai@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss


Sakata Kintoki

"Gotcha, Master!" Kintoki shouted out in agreement before rushing over to the site of the conflict that his Master had indicated, his golden axe materializing in his right hand en route. The giant array of beasts and golems was a bit of an overwhelming sight, but it took a few seconds for Kintoki's smile to reach across his face as Svetleaze commanded him to... Well, as he would put it, 'show her what he's got'.

"Alright, let's do this!" the Berserker cried out, gripping his weapon in both hands as he crouched down for a moment before launching himself into the air. His target, a rather fierce-looking giant lion, seemed to be on the verge of pouncing on a cluster of soldiers.

Not that he would let it, of course.

"As if I'd let you!" he cried out, bringing his axe down upon the beast's head and splitting it in two before giving the soldiers behind him a thumbs-up. As he did so, though, a golem to his side began to swing at his body, but not before he noticed and blocked the blow with one of his arms.

"...Whoa. Okay, you're pretty strong, ain'tcha? Well, too bad for you, but I think I've still got you beat!" he responded, not caring if his opponent was actually able to respond or not as he punched it back, blowing the head off of the construct before kicking it to the ground. Of course, two out of... The rest of the army wasn't exactly the best of starts, but... Well, he'd get there eventually.

Kumozaki Keisuke

At the call to arms, Keisuke immediately followed after Atalanta to the west, bringing his weapon to its full glory as he dashed over. The sea of black mist and arrows that met his eyes seemed to be decimating whatever it made contact with--whatever wasn't killed by the smog became pincushions for magical arrows instead. It was pretty nasty to watch, even for him, but Keisuke had no time to marvel at the carnage before him. Even with all that power at their disposal, the waves of enemies seemed to still be pushing through... Or, well, more technically, around. He could only do so much against such enemies, but at the very least cleaning up anything that got through was something on that small list.

"Atalanta, keep suppressing as much of that mob as you can. I'll stay down below and clear out any stragglers, so I'll put my faith in you to continue your work up there," he messaged his Archer before moving into the fray. There were still quite a few creatures and constructs that had made it long before the anti-army measures had begun, so it was probably better to start there. Without any hesitation, the Enforcer quickly moved forward and, in a single slash, pierced the core of a golem before following into a second against another.

"Hm. They're a lot less durable than I'd have expected... Either that, or my weapon is of a better make. I hope it's the latter..."

Enkidu, of course, was doing much of the same, dragging golems into the ground beneath them or sending spears made from his own body into whatever creatures had managed to make their way through.

Near the near of the army (however far away that was) stood a masked figure, surrounded by golems that were of a far higher quality and seemed to be made of a far more durable material than the stone and clay creatures that were now sieging the city. He stood by silently, staring forward as more golems seemed to drag themselves out of the dirt beneath his feet and move mindlessly forward in search of someone or something to attack. Every so often, another wave of creatures would walk by, from whatever location they came from over the horizon. The waves themselves seemed to be getting smaller and smaller, but whether that was due to a lack of resources or a desire not to send any more was anyone's guess.

Gilgamesh seemed to pay no mind to the mongrel below who was using his weapons to help clean out the horde of skeletons as he continued to fire more and more weapons from his seemingly-endless Gate of Babylon, instead watching as Arturia began to rapidly clear out chunk after chunk of the skeleton army in front of them.

"As I predicted, you really do make for fine help, little King of Knights!" Gilgamesh laughed haughtily, staring at the blonde knight before one of the skeletal elephants in the distance caught his eye.

Or, rather, who was on it.

"Oh? Are you the insect that dares to challenge the might of the king?" Gilgamesh asked rhetorically as the figure and his mount inched ever closer to the city. Though his Noble Phantasm was not yet in range, the second he made it past that point, the King of Heroes would show no hesitation in firing upon him.

Well, that might leave the front a bit less defended, but the two knights below would likely be able to handle that trash.
@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss
Kamijou Touma

The small apartment that the high-school boy lived in was dead silent--notably so with the extreme lack of a certain blue-haired sister and her kitten. The one who had sent them off elsewhere was, of course, Kamijou Touma, the one person sitting in front of his table and staring at his empty wallet. At this point, it may as well have had a fly buzzing out of it--he was that poor right now. After Kakeru had returned from his disappearance to who-knew-where and with the city still under heavy repair, Leivinia had offered to watch over Index--y'know, just to make sure that something didn't try to up and kidnap her again.

Granted, it had been a fair while since something had actually threatened Index's life, but with the city as hectic as it was, a bit of time away would do her well. It was like a vacation for her!
And a vacation for his budget. Or, well, it would be...

"Well? Do you have any solutions?" the small doll-like figure sitting to the left of his wallet asked the high-schooler, her eyes staring daggers into his soul.

Magic God Othinus. Or, well former Magic God, to be specific. Her power had been brought to near-nothing following that incident in Denmark, and as punishment for her crimes against the world, she was to live alongside Touma in her new 15-cm-sized body.
Or something. There was probably a formal document for him to read or something, but there was no reason why he, a 16-year-old high school student, should have to slog through what would likely be an order the size of a small book.

"...Ah, DAMN IIIIIIIIT!" the spiky-haired boy finally shouted out in exasperation before slamming his fists on the table, causing Othinus to bounce into the air for a moment at the force. "All the food in the fridge went bad, all my money disappeared while we were running for our lives, and the local grocery store isn't getting another shipment for a daaaaay!"

"Don't you have any friends you could borrow from?"

"Well, Tsuchimikado's been missing the last few weeks or something, Aogami's been too busy being... Himself, Komoe-sensei has been really busy with restoration efforts around the city..."

"So, in other words, you're--"

"Yeah, I can't get us any food for a day. Sorry 'bout that."

"Thank god Index and that cat aren't here, then, else you'd be the next thing on her menu."

"Don't even joke about that."

With a heavy sigh to match his heavy heart, Touma slipped his wallet back into his pocket. Othinus, noting the change in behavior, took the chance to grab onto Touma's arm and climb her way onto his shoulder.

"Well, if anything, I oughta throw out all that rotten food. No sense keeping it around any longer," Touma said, standing up from his place at the table and, after taking a deep breath, walked over to the fridge and opened it up. Without a moment's hesitation, the high-schooler deftly tossed everything inside into a plastic trash bag and opened the door outside. Compared to the blazing heat of the city just a few days ago, the cool air now was a much-appreciated change of pace.

It didn't take long for him to toss his trash in... Well, the trash, so that was considerably simple to handle. Just as he was making his way back up, though, Touma realized one very bitter fact.

His door locked from the inside automatically, and he had forgotten his keys when he had left.

"What misfortune..." he lamented, cupping his face in his hands for a moment before the little Magic God on his shoulder began to tug at his ear.

"Touma. Head. Up. You've gotten wrapped up in something strange," she said, pulling at his ear a few more times before the boy finally responded. The strange figure in front of him defied most degrees of logic by his face alone, but to Touma it wasn't too strange, at least.

Okay, it was still pretty strange, given how something had actually managed to teleport him with Imagine Breaker's effects still active (as far as he knew), but for the moment it seemed as if it'd be the smart thing to shut up and see what this mess was all about.

Or, well, he would have, if some weird little girl that spoke in the third person (vaguely reminiscent of the Sisters, in fact) asked everyone to introdu-
Wait, were those doll joints?

"...Uh... Right... My name's Kamijou Touma, a high school student at Academy City. This is Othi--wait, hold on, what the heck is going on here?! How--I mean--Wait, what's even going on heeeeere?!"

Komeiji Satori

A peaceful day in the Palace of Earth Spirits, tea steeping and a book she had Orin borrow for her from that Suzunaan store in the Human Village--this was a fine way to spend the day, all things considered. No unruly guests, no obnoxious noises--just her, a drink, and silence.

This was Satori's way of spending this fine spring afternoon, and though it was a tad mundane in terms of how to live her life, it was far preferable than the chaos that her pets seemed to love subjecting themselves to day in and day out.

"...I certainly hope my sister is doing well..." the youkai mused as the water she had placed the tea leaves in turned a nice shade of light green. Perfect.

Walking over to the chair and desk she had prepared earlier, though, a strange sense of vertigo caught her, causing the youkai girl to nearly fall to the ground. Instinctively closing her eyes and bracing for a fall, Satori found it quite strange that there was no impact for a good few seconds afterwards... Which, given how falling usually worked, wasn't all too common.

The sudden shift from her dim home to the brightly-lit and mostly-artificial locale (along with the uncomfortable chair she now found herself spontaneously seated on) was by no means pleasant. At all. The strange man in front of them who introduced himself as 'The Entertainer' did no better in soothing her anxiety at the spontaneous teleportation to... Wherever this was. To say nothing of the sudden influx of voices blasting inside her head...

"Rather than an introduction, I would rather not leave my tea to cool... Or anyone to worry about my sudden absence," she responded to the suggestion of one girl to have everyone introduce themselves. "You are aware, then, that we have lives to attend to? Or was this all done on a whim to satisfy your own desires?"

She was honestly less worried about the entire situation and more annoyed than anything else. A pleasant day ruined by bright lights and noise. How vexing.
Okay, now for no. 2. :D

Appearance: It's too noisy in here...

Name: Satori Komeiji

Sex: Female

Franchise: Touhou Project

Special Abilities/Powers:

  • Mind Reading: Satori, as, well, a satori, has the ability to read the minds of people. Naturally, this ability is always on and affects everyone near her, so what ends up coming in is similar to the kind of static you'd hear on a large, crowded street (to say nothing of when she actually is on one). If she takes the time to focus, though, she can pinpoint the thoughts of one specific thing (this includes animals and the like) and read theirs alone.
  • Flight: Gensokyo standard. She can fly.
  • Spellcards: Again, another Gensokyo standard. Unique to Satori, though, is the ability to read the mind of another, then take what she pulls and turn it into a spellcard of her own. Of course, she cannot replicate the abilities of other people, but they are otherwise as close as she can come to the original attack or ability.

Equipment: Once again, the clothes on her back...?

History: Satori is the sole mistress of the Palace of the Earth Spirits, located on the outskirts of Old Hell, where she lives with her entourage of assorted pets (including Rin and Utsuho). Ostracized at a young age for being able to read minds, Satori essentially locked herself away within her mansion with her pets, who themselves were more than happy that someone (other than each other) could understand them. During the Hot Spring incident in Gensokyo (wherein Kanako gave Utsuho the power of the Yatagarasu), she found herself confronting the two protagonists, at which point she was soundly beaten up before they moved on to hunt down her pet. Of course, at the incident's conclusion, Satori found herself dragged back into the world of people (and youkai), moreso due to the reappearance of her sister.

Personality: Satori is the textbook definition of introverted--she doesn't much prefer company, dislikes crowded spaces, and would much rather sitting at home reading a book that be exploring the world or anything of the sort. She is quite soft-spoken, and because of how her ability functions, has a bit of a bad habit of finishing people's sentences--a big reason as to why people have labeled her 'creepy'. As a result of all these compounding traits, Satori is also quite formal when speaking to other people... Well, at least when they're not breaking into her house or anything.


As for worlds... Hm... Shin Megami Tensei? Soulsborne stuff? XCOM? Darkest Dungeon? iono, it all depends on the general power level of the cast at this point.
@PaulHaynek: It's the secret phrase in the actual language. :<
@ACHTUNG: Nope, stick to not-cheaty stuff. Item creation falls into that grey-leaning-black zone, so no.

Next: .5m diameter fireball is the middle-lower end of that scale, if that helps any.

@Ryougu: Just you now.
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