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@Grey Star: Maou should be fine, since the nuances behind his abilities mean he isn't going to be transforming on a dime. Accepted.
@VitaVitaAR: Suwako is good to go. Accepted, given she also functions off the same 'disable, not kill' rule we seem to have a trend for right now.

Anyways, right. RP started. IC live. Go wild.
Shokuhou Misaki

Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. And not in the usual sense of the word; at least, not for her—Misaki Shokuhou, the number 5 Level 5 ESPer of Academy City: 'Mental Out'. Maybe it'd be just a 'little' wrong if it was that Misaka Mikoto that was caught in this mess, but her? No way. This was probably the worst case scenario for her.

'This', of course, being spontaneously dropped into what looked to be... Shibuya? The Shibuya 109 right in front of her, coupled with the giant amount of people crossing to and fro in the intersection in the middle even with evening apparently fast approaching more or less confirmed the young woman's premonitions. If something didn't feel off, then she might have to get her head checked; maybe do it herself, if it came down to it. But whatever the situation was just moments ago didn't matter as much as getting out of this jumbled crossing and getting her bearings straight. There were cases of messes in Academy City as of late, but this? This was something else entirely.

"...Hmph. Well, at least no one seems to be too bothered by my presence," Misaki said to herself, flitting about through the crowd to try and get into a less hectic location. It wasn't like she had any contacts outside of Academy City anyhow, so finding a way back was probably her first priority.
Or, well it should have been. If she was going to end up in Tokyo, she may as well make the most of it, right?

"Okay, I've decided. I'll go window shopping for a while before trying to figure out what's going on here. Worst comes to worst, I can just borrow some stranger's time and ask them, right?" she said with a sly grin before casually walking back into the crowd and towards the 109.

Hey, if she was in the fashion center of Tokyo, may as well make the most of it, right?

Leonardo Watch

With a bag of fast food in hand and a slight shift of his head towards the skyline, the young man let out a sigh before glancing downwards. Zapp had chucked him out on a little "errand" to get him some food for a stakeout, but midway through he had gotten wrapped up in another mess... Or, well, was something of a bystander to one as he casually grabbed the meal he had come for. Thankfully, 24-hour fast food restaurants were a thing. As he continued walking on and the sun began to peek over the horizon, Leo came to a stop and stared for a few moments at the perfectly clear horizon in front of him.

"Hey, Sonic... Do you ever remember the sunrise in Hellsalem's Lot ever being this... Clear? And... Not covered in fog?" he asked, glancing over at the little monkey casually sitting on his shoulder. The animal responded with a shrug of its own before running down Leo's arm and pulling a french fry out of the bag before making its way back up and beginning to nibble on it.

"No, huh...? Well, I guess I should head baaaaaaaaaaaa..." he trailed off, looking around left and right before noticing the complete lack of any of the more otherworldly residents of Hellsalem's Lot around. While the city itself looked very similar, there was something notably DIFFERENT in this one.

"This isn't good. I have to find Klaus or Zapp or someone and figure out what's going on," Leo said to himself before taking off in a sprint towards the building Libra was situated in. Maybe something else had happened here, but... Before meeting up with them, it was too early to make sure of anything.

Hinanawi Tenshi

"...I heard from Iku earlier that the whole incident with the Outside World and that invader was over, but... Was she wrong?"

The blue-haired celestial sighed and walked down a paved street of some sort, her dress pulling looks from bystanders left and right as she strolled ahead with nary a care in the world. She couldn't help but be a little excited about being here, after all; it was such a disappointment that she hadn't gotten a chance to take part in that 'occult ball' madness, but here she was without needing to go through all the trouble of beating up other Gensokyo residents for that chance. There was probably an earful waiting for her once she got back to Gensokyo, but for right now, curiosity took priority. The giant steel building and relatively well-kept people looking at her through strange devices (something that the kappa might have based some of their more recent inventions off of?) were pretty high on the list, but the amount of attention she was getting here compared to... Well, anywhere in Gensokyo? Far more. Yes, far more.

"...Hm... Well, I don't think there's any immediate need to cause trouble and get in a fight or whatever, so... Right! Let's just wander around. Though, er... Maybe all this attention might be a bit worriso-"

"Ah... Er... Excuse me!"

Before Tenshi could finish musing to herself, a young man walked up to her and began to speak. This, of course, caught her off guard, but before she could think of drawing her blade out, the person began to speak.

"That cosplay looks really great—like, seriously great! Do you mind if I took a picture with you?"

"A pic... Oh, right. A picture. I... Don't believe it would hurt?"

"Great, then hold on a sec!"

The conversation had taken a notably different turn from what the young woman had expected, and though her only memories of the term 'photo' involved that annoying tengu, it wasn't as if the Outside World's cameras would be more of a nuisance than flashing light, right?
On the other hand, there was the issue of the newspapers from that same tengu, but... Well, the world 'cosplay' had caught her attention. Well, no harm, no foul, right?

"Okay, my friend's gonna take the picture, alright?" the person followed, gesturing to the companion in question before getting into position and took a position next to Tenshi. While she wasn't exactly pleased at being treated as an equal (she was a celestial, after all), she would bear with it; it's not as if they knew any better, after all. Maybe this was some form of worship, in a sense?

As the young man's friend finished counting down, Tenshi turned to the 'camera' and smiled, bracing herself internally for the flash that never came. This, of course, left her confused as the young man's friend gave a thumbs up and the initial one, after a bow and a 'thank you very much', walked off to go... Somewhere else.

...Huh. That was strange. Maybe it would be something to inquire about late-

"Excuse me!"
Before her thoughts could continue, the young woman was interrupted by another young man who also had one of those 'cameras' in hand. And he, in turn would ask the same question as the one from before.

Except this time, there was a small crowd forming around her eagerly awaiting the current person to be done.

"...This might be a bit troublesome. Maybe it's time to make them stand down?" she thought to herself before nodding. Yes, this was how things worked in Gensokyo, so there was no reason for it to not work here, right?

With a flourish of her right hand, Tenshi pulled the Sword of Hisou out of what appeared to be thin air before slamming it onto the ground in front of her with a modicum of force—enough to dent the pavement, but no more. But instead of leaving her be, the crowd was filled with 'oohs' and 'aahs' instead. And was gradually increasing in size with that display of force.


That was... A mistake. Well, it seemed as if the only way out of this was to either fly out of just deal with it, but...

"...Oh, alright, I'll bear with this for now. The Outside World's culture certainly is strange, isn't it...?" Tenshi sighed as the next person moved over to take a picture with her. Even if this looked to be tiring for the moment, well... All this attention wasn't bad, either.

But how many people were there that wanted to take pictures?! Even for the Outside World, this... Wasn't this a bit much?
I am also of the opinion that magic + Eva is basically negating the nerfs in place. So let's not.

Anyways, finally wrote up my last two characters. I'll get a post up once I'm done with the progress I have for this goddamn project that I planned to clear today.

@KoL: I am also of the opinion that too much mana in a single location is bad news for everyone. For character balance reasons, mainly, but yeah. Let's not put those two in close proximity, else the nerfs will have literally been for nothing. So let's not. :)

I've got another character or two in the works, but I haven't a clue if they'll be done tonight. They might. Might not. We'll see.
@TheFake: Then accepted.

@Crimson Raven: Also accepted.

Will start... Maybe later tonight, at this rate. For reference, I'm not going to be policing this RP as hard, so you people are gonna be free to set up scenarios all over the globe. No harm in placing down a character where no one else is if you wanna try setting up your own scenes. Worst comes to worst, I'll just step in OoC and say no dice if things get too messy (possibly).
Hm. Aight, so...

@Riegal, waiting on you. If you don't really wanna do anything for this set, I'm gonna move the scene forward and get more interesting things going.
Aye, likewise.

@TheFake: As with the other forms I had issue with before: clarity. I need to have a more concrete idea of what the heck a 'Warren' is. Are there restrictions on entry? How easy is it to move people between locations? Can you bring other people? Stuff like that. Also stuff in terms of power output.

@Raineh Daze: I see the nerfs in play, and to them I say a-okay. Accepted.

Anyways, we'll kick off sooner rather than later since we do have a sizable cast. Signups will remain open, so yeah.
@Grey Star: Edit that into your form, first and foremost. After that...
Well, I guess that there's a decent limitation on the amount of times you can stick in a brawl if it comes down to it, and the abilities seems to have clearer windows of opportunity, so... Accepted.

@Crimson Raven: That's why I'm here evaluating things on a case-by-case basis. And besides, that's not the issue at the moment; the issue is durability that's well beyond the scope of what I'd like this RP's general level of power. Like, being able to die and drag the pieces back together is inherently different from not being able to get incapacitated PERIOD.

@SaveusY2J: Flynn's fine. Clear to go.

@KoL: Nanoha's fine. Tohka too. All clear.
Name: Shokuhou Misaki

Gender: Female

Appearance: "Hello there~!"

Personality: Misaki is, in short, a very mischevious and cunning person, though her demeanor at first glance seems to say the opposite. Though she often acts cheery and cutesy, in reality her somewhat self-serving nature is made clear when not digging into her own past. Her frivolity with her abilities is also something of a byproduct of her current situation, as she has the ability to do so. At the same time, though, Misaki has her own set of morals and tends to not bring harm or malicious misfortune on any targets of her ability... Regardless of whether or not they want to be manipulated in the first place. Amusingly enough, Misaki prefers working solo or with a partner rather than in large groups and, surprisingly enough, is able to compromise with Misaka when it comes to dealing with major problems throughout the city (such as the Elements, Kihara Gensei, or even the city itself). She's still a bit silly at times if the situation calls for it, and isn't below petty things like cutting in line for something she wants.

Brief History: Shokuhou Misaki, the Number 5 Level 5 in Academy City, is a very popular person within the School Garden, having been dubbed the "Queen of Tokiwadai" due to her own overreaching influence over the school. The "Queen", of course, never ruled Tokiwadai as she does now, as about a year ago she had a chance meeting with a certain spiky-haired Kamijou Touma. Not unlike the more recent incidents with Misaka Mikoto, Touma also ended up happening upon Misaki sporadically throughout the summer of that year; it all came to an end, however, when a group of rogue ESPers who wanted to beat up Misaki attacked both her and Touma. While Misaki was eventually able to force the ESPers into beating one another up, the damage Touma had taken meant that he would either have to suffer through the pain of surgery to repair his body (and die of shock) or take anesthetics (which would lower his already-low blood pressure); either way, had Misaki not stepped in to use her ability to nullify Touma's ability to feel pain, he likely would have died. As an unfortunate side effect, the procedure left Touma with targeted amnesia towards Misaki and Misaki alone, and would never retain any memories related to her from then on.

Of course, that was all in the past; as the Queen of Tokiwadai, Misaki's lifestyle is about what one would expect from a popular girl, with a few key exceptions: namely, the occasional incident where she steps in to try and resolve issues plaguing her past or for her own personal interests. How much she does or how much she succeeds, though, is another story entirely.

Universe of Origin: Raildexverse (A Certain Magical Index and other related series)

Equipment: A pocketbook with way too many remotes to count. Said bag also has a few essentials (quote her) such as a cellphone, purse, various forms of ID, and a certain little whistle.

Abilities: Misaki, as Academy City's No. 5 Level 5 ESPer, has the ability 'Mental Out'. In layman's terms, it is a form of mind control that works by manipulating bioelectricity within the brain and spinal fluid. To be more specific, Misaki manipulates the water within on an incredibly minute scale and alters its conductivity to enact her will on others. The ability has incredible breadth, having a range from anything as simple as a mental message to full-blown memory and emotion manipulation, provided she has a remote to channel her ability through. Of course, those abilities will be severely toned down for the RP as follows:
  • No usage of mind control/memory manipulation/emotion manipulation on PCs/most major and minor NPCs with plot relevance. This is usually the biggest issue with mind control and all associated powers, after all, so let's just dodge that bullet right now.
  • Misaki can only manipulate one person in very fine detail with her mind control at a time, but more people (up to 5) can be used if given simple commands. She can memorize control groups (up to 3), but switching between them continuously is very taxing on her already-frail body. Simple commands can persist for a while after she's given them, bit only for so long. Adding a new group requires removing a prior one from memory.
  • Misaki's ability is limited almost exclusively to humans and beings that are humanoid in physiology unless she would have sufficient reason to be able to enact them on other things. This means that she cannot, say, take over animals, kaiju, ghosts, or other phenomena of that nature unless stated otherwise.
  • Memory manipulation is a delicate process and requires time to execute. She can enact mass memory wipes to remove an incident from public record, but the prior issues regarding immunity to mind control also apply here. She can wipe memory of being mind controlled as she gives control back, though, so that must be noted.
  • Mind control has a maximum range of 5 miles, and her ability to control people further than 3 miles out is not only far weaker, but also takes more effort on her part. Simple autonomous commands can persist for a period of time after they leave that area of control, but no more.
  • Misaki must have been in contact (as in face-to-face) with a target before mind controlling them. This does not apply to memory wipes, but does for more nuanced manipulation. To that end, she also cannot control by proxy, and will have to have met every relevant target for this to function. If that person was in a 'control group' that was since abolished, she will have to make contact again in order to be able to mind control them again.
  • Misaki must always use a remote to execute a command via mind control, and different commands require different remotes. She can only take control of (register) one person at a time, though, so she remains vulnerable while doing so.

Misaki herself, though, is incredibly weak in terms of physical strength; while not "weak" in the most common sense of the word, she has zero physical strength and zero stamina for any activity that involves actually moving around; even a light jog is enough to wind her.

Other: For all intents and purposes, assume she's from NT18. In other words, she knows about the existence of magic, Othinus, and all the other messes that come about as a result of that. Also technically a bit about the Windowless Building. Nothing detailed, though, and I'll be making sure not to spoil people on more major plot developments if possible.

Name: Leonardo Watch (just call him Leo)

Gender: Male

Appearance: "Why did I think this was a good idea?!"

Personality: Unlike the more headstrong and somewhat-reckless people of Libra that he spends his time around, Leo's actually one of the more meek and laid-back people in the organization, and actually often shies away from getting wrapped up in dangerous situations if he can help it. His abilities mean that he cannot actively take part in fights, but that by no means doesn't mean he doesn't have courage when it becomes necessary. Of course, that doesn't mean he can commit to something that requires said courage instantly; slowly but surely, never backing down—that is how Leonardo Watch works and moves.
Leo is also surprisingly quick-witted in situations of peril, but for the most part is rather relaxed among familiar faces, if not a tad awkward.

Brief History: A few years following New York City's spontaneous transformation into Hellsalem's Lot, Leonardo and his family travelled over to the city to see if they could restore his sister Michella's unusable legs. Rather than find that, though, they encountered an entity dubbed 'Riga El Menuhyut' who proposed a deal upon its own whims: one of the siblings would lose their eyesight forever, while the other would obtain the "All-Seeing Eyes of God". While Leo froze up in a mix of shock and fear, his sister offered her own eyes as tribute, believing that she who had no way of moving on her own anyways would lose nothing from not being able to see either. The being accepted, and thus Leo had the Eyes forced upon him. The result of this, of course, was the start of Leo's own journey—to find a way to restore his sister's eyesight and aid Libra in their job to keep the balance in Hellsalem's Lot stable.

Universe of Origin: Kekkai Sensen (Blood Blockade Battlefront)

Equipment: A pair of goggles and a camera. 's about it. Unless you count the Mach Monkey (named Sonic). If so, him too.

Abilities: The All-Seeing Eyes of God are a special pair of eyes that Leo obtained from that fateful encounter in Hellsalem's Lot so long ago. Other than having the ability to percieve things at a far higher speed and/or in far higher detail than most ordinary humans (and some supernatural beings) can and being able to heal from damage over time, the eyes also have the following abilities:
  • Leo can see the 'true form' of anyone and anything. This does not apply to shapeshifting, but does apply to things such as illusions.
  • Leo can project his eyesight onto the eyes of others, or change what one person sees with what another sees. The ability can target multiple people at once, and even has the possibility of targeting inanimate objects such as cameras and the like.
  • Leo can, with enough luck and time, see what another person has seen in the past. The ability is incredibly finicky, though, and seldom has use.
As a downside, though, his eyes can overheat and cause his body damage (which is inherently different from the eyes being damaged, since they aren't magical in origin or anything). If they're overused after that point, they begin to crack. If they're strained after that, then they self-destruct. Needless to say, that would be bad.

Other: Is followed by a Mach Monkey named Sonic who, as the name would suggest, has the ability to move at the speed of sound. The thing has a will of its own, but mostly just follows Leo out of its own volition.

Name: Tenshi Hinanawi

Gender: Female

Appearance: "Come now; entertain me.

Personality: A bit spoiled at heart, Tenshi has no qualms about causing problems if it means she can quell her boredom. She's a very headstrong and stubborn person, and, unlike most other Celestials, is less detached from the world and more willing to get her hands dirty for her own entertainment. Her various defeats during the course of the incident she caused, coupled with a few years of downtime, being forced to rebuild the Hakurei Shrine and dealing with Iku, though, have caused her to gain a sense of humility. She's still a tad proud and haughty, but a little less bratty than she was before.

Brief History: As a Celestial, Tenshi grew up without much want for anything, save for some sort of entertainment; after all, Heaven's a pretty quiet place if nobody's really doing much of anything. Eventually, the young girl became so fed up with the boredom that she decided to wreak a bit of havoc in Gensokyo. By abusing the power of her Sword of Hisou and her keystones, many residents who lived in that bounded land were swept up in her plan to cause a mess and have some fun.
Said mess also caused more or less every resident in Gensokyo who was affected to come up to where she was waiting and beat her up for causing the incident, and also caused her to be forced to have to rebuild the Hakurei Shrine (which she destroyed with a dead one-two earthquake-keystone combo). She hasn't done much since that incident, but needless to say she's learned her lesson. Doesn't mean she might not try something again in the future, but hey, she's learning, right?

Universe of Origin: Touhou Project

Equipment: Tenshi is the owner of the Sword of Hisou, a divine weapon only able to be used by celestials. The weapon itself has the ability to identify a person's spirit, then turn that spirit into scarlet mist which can then be translated into the ability to control the weather. The sword can also be used to cause things such as localize earthquakes, create shockwaves, or just fire a giant laser at people. The weapon itself can appear and disappear at will as well, though where it goes is something only Tenshi knows. In terms of appearance, it looks like a golden jian wreathed in flames, though the flames can also be turned on and off.

Abilities: Other than the ability to fly (which is basically a mandatory prerequisite in Gensokyo) and an abnormally high durability (as in, able to ward off thrown knives and the like), Tenshi also has the ability to control the earth... But mainly in the form of causing and calming natural disasters. Things like earthquakes, landslide, and all possible related phenomena are under her control. She also has a lot of keystones to use as both danmaku and actual damage control/causation along with the ability to fire lasers and bullets. Also spellcards. Those exist.

Other: Her knowledge of the world is relatively small, and in matters regarding technology and the like she's kind of naive.
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