Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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Hm, aight. Let's see...

@Rin@VitaVitaAR: No issue for you two, so all clear.

@Grey Star: Super regeneration and infinite bodies is... Worrisome. Also the kit itself feels kinda... I dunno, overloaded? Too much stuff in a single package means an overwhelming... Well, basically a force of nature at that point. Also, drawing parallels to other things that are in the series assumes we know the scale of what your referencing, and not everyone does, so.
But yeah, core problem: legitimately no way to keep the character down without some really... Shady stuff, nor do I have a clear sense of scale as to how big or how fast your character can make/do stuff. So until I get a clearer picture, non.

@Dezuel: Okay, let's... Ignore all the various issues with spelling and grammar in the forms for the moment and look at the actual characters, I guess.
First character... Not many issues other than the writing ones. Big one is clarity on "impressive physical toughness, strength and most importantly speed". I need scale. Also technically you don't need to list literally every piece of clothing on them; just the important stuff like weapons and stuff works.
Second... People did research for me.
I found that the character can tank some seriously stupid bs with nary a scratch.
So noperino.
Third... No issue. All clear on that one.

@Crimson Raven: Must be pre-existing. No player avatar-type characters.

Anyways, forms, forms... Right, here we go.

And before anyone flips, let me point out that I've gone into detail on the form on limitations I am imposing on the character (and myself) to make this work. Went out of my way to try and make the rules for her stuff in the RP as clear as possible. Read it yourself if you don't believe me :I
@SaveusY2J: Answers in order:
Yes, a picture is fine.
'Other' just means anything that might fit that I may have left out of the form. It's basically 'other stuff that doesn't fit in the rest of the form'.
@SaveusY2J@VitaVitaAR@KoL@jynmi88@Rin@Dezuel@TheFake: Here.
As it turns out, my half sleep-deprived mind finds the current iteration acceptable. So acceptable it shall be unless I wake up and find that I need to edit half the dang thing. =3=;;

One day, one random day in the middle of July, it appeared as if every electrical device that could produce sound malfunctioned, if only for a few seconds. After a few seconds of static and no more, a solitary voice began to speak. The culprit, while unknown, caused worldwide curiosity and panic with a single set of words as they permeated even the most secure of government communications and farthest reaching telecommunication networks.

"A dim night, the pale moonlight, and a wispy wind.
A shining sun, a cloudy sky, and a singular tree standing in the middle of a grassy field.
Though day and night are miles apart, they are, in essence, two sides of the same coin.
Just as fiction is to reality.
And so... What if 'fiction' and 'reality' were to meet? Upon this blank slate we call 'Earth', what would the end result be?
The stage is set, and the curtains have been drawn. The terms 'mastermind' and 'villain' are not in this story, though, and all that remains are the actors in this grand play.
Now, my dear viewers, let us see what path they choose in this grand farce, and how they—and the world—will react?"

The voice, sounding as if it came from a young woman, faded off into silence as fast as it had come, and the world was left in confusion. Of course, no source was found, but in the end, that day also ended up as the day everything began.
To be more specific, it was the day that 'fiction' and 'fantasy' met 'reality'.


In essence, this is a pretty basic(?) crossover RP that takes place on Earth. For all intents and purposes, this is our Earth, with all its modern amenities and whatnot. However, the reasons behind characters appearing and their reasons for acting... Well, that's something else entirely.

While bare-bones at first glance, more of the story will be revealed as the RP progresses, and so for now this will remain... Relatively empty.


All characters are bound in some way, shape, or form by the rules of the world that they come from; if they needed an anchor to remain in their own world, then they need one to remain on Earth. Following that comment, assume that there is a complete disconnect from a character's original world and the one on Earth, and that no connection can be made to the origin barring reality-warping shenanigans.

If a resource exists in a character's home universe but does not ordinarily exist on Earth, then upon entry it will now exist on Earth. Hidden and sporadically naturally occurring, but it will exist.

Characters will not necessarily appear within the same area, nor will their goals necessarily be aligned. This RP will span the globe, so don't be afraid to start in a city on the other half of the world.

Autotranslate is a thing for the sake of convenience, so don't worry about language barriers.

For the sake of the RP, characters should be at least semi-serious in tone. Blatant joke characters (at my discretion) can and will be declined. In addition to that, all characters should be from pre-existing works (or, at the very least, ones with relative popularity in some regard). No original characters or what have you.

Not all characters are created equal, obviously, but that doesn't mean swords can't beat guns or whatever. No character should be completely impervious to damage of any given type, and there should always exist some way for other characters to win if fight break out.

Humans on Earth can be affected by the residual 'influence' of characters of a particular type. For example, a DBZ character existing means that the 'possibility' of flight and qi, however slim, now exists. Of course, that possibility can grow stronger depending on the person and time, but in the end it's all up to random chance and luck.

For the sake of diversity... Three characters total per person, and a global cap of 3 characters from any given franchise; no player may double or triple up on a given world.
Example: Player A wants to use a Servant from the Fate universe. Player A may only use that one Servant, but player B may use one as well. Assuming that a third player (C) picks one, then from here on no other Servants may be drafted up/played unless one is dropped. First come, first serve.

Any further questions, you can probably just ask me about. Easy. Anyways, form!

lol okay.

Well, if that's finalized, then let's go with the 'background character' idea and just have them fade out of existence yess free mana prisms.

I'll keep Keisuke around near the front for plot reasons, but otherwise it'll prob just be him, Bethany, and Meran around doing... Master stuff for the most part. Everyone else should be... Floating around or something.

So for the sake of streamlining things (and because I am NOT backtracking to edit everything), I guess... We act as if nothing has changed, but just tend towards not referring to characters if they aren't relevant to any point of dialogue or whatnot. Should work and mebbe speed things up.
Hm... Well, I think the last thing to ask is how @KoL feels about keeping/dropping their Master. After that resolution comes in, I'll make a decision on who to cut.

(Rain's already told me that their Master's also on the chopping block so yeah. Just you now, I guess.)
Well, these numbers look spiffy for the moment. I'll set up an OoC in a few hours since... Semi-busy right now. In any case...

Yeah. I wonder what cast we'll end up getting here.
I mean... We could go for just halving the amount of Masters present, too. From seven to like... Three. Two or three, I think.

I kinda wanna keep my Master around for GMing purposes, but I'm fine if he needs to be let go if it comes down to it.

@Riegal, you're the only one who hasn't phoned in who I can't connect to via proxy. Dis be important, and I'd like input. Yesyes.
Aight, well if there's a majority statement, I'm fine with retconning Masters out of the picture to streamline stuff.

Question is which Masters we keep and which ones we remove. Our Romani double should stay, but the rest is... Probably fair game.

I had also thought of the swapping Servants in/out thing between missions, but that comes after this first arc.
I mean... It's a bit late to just kinda write them out of the picture write now, sadly, but I'm taking notes here!

But... Yeah, idk how to handle that issue from here on, honestly. Wish I did. Open to suggestions, though, since we have a small group so it's not that bad to change stuff.
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