Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@Raineh Daze: Ah... I think that Hibiki's fine? I probably have a general idea of what she should do if random Symphogear highlights are anything to go by.

Anyways, @KoL, you're up.
(Also NA Halloween event in 4 days. Hope you're ready to farm for Caster Liz.)
Byron Silverwood

The princess' agreement to not pestering other shopkeepers was more than enough reason to let out a small sigh of relief, barely audible over the lingering activity on the streets. Even among royals, his mistress' hotheadedness and vivacity was hard to compete with—or would it be more apt to say especially among royals? Thankfully, his patience hadn't waned in whatever time he had spent working with the royal family, though he would have much preferred working in the service of her elder sister. As things were now, the merchant seemed to be acting as a merchant might: fast-talking, acting in a way that would overpower someone psychologically if they weren't aware...

"Or, at the very least, he's trying. Without sufficient proof, claims are simply claims, after all," the butler thought to himself as he quietly followed the princess who was already poking her head into the carriage to get a better look at the goods within. "But if he can back these claims up, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to invest..."

The relative peace of the scene was suddenly interrupted by the sound of what seemed to be a dying creature before smoke began billowing out from something in the middle of the road. The worst of it was yet to come, though, as the one who emerged from the smoke was the thief from earlier. Though the baubles in her hand were replaced with a single object, the fact that she was screaming about a military automata chasing her (likely the one that had given chase earlier) and running right towards him... Was an issue.

Far less of one than the fact that it meant that the princess was also in the crossfire, of course; if there was any time to act, now would be it. Calmly sweeping his right arm out to his side, the butler calmly walked straight into the path of the dashing half-alv girl and, in a single motion, drew three knives out of his uniform and launched them all at the girl; in the next, he drew another and placed it in the middle of the air, freezing it in place before jumping on top of it. Right before the knives might have met their target, the butler forced them to pause in space, denoting a sort of boundary and he launched another four from the air towards the girl. In a similar fashion, these blades froze too, blocking off any ability for her to attempt to simply leap over them.

"While I overlooked your petty thievery earlier, I cannot allow you to place my mistress in any harm," he declared, a solemn look on his place as he turned towards the direction of the smoke cloud. If the girl's words had any truth to them, then...

"Assuming that your cries about being chased by a robot are correct and it is hostile, I will not stand idly by; however, if you still wish to bring harm upon the princess, I will not hesitate to cut you down where you stand," he continued, letting the knife he had frozen as a platform fall to the ground. With a cursory glance at the object in the girl's hands, Byron sighed and shook his head. While locking that in place and preventing it from moving was an option, there were only so many more objects he could freeze in place; if there really was a more hostile enemy en route to their position, then, all of the knives he had thrown would have to be recalibrated to deal with that instead. If the girl was bluffing, of course, they would function as a small pseudo-barrier impeding her progress and force her to shift her route of escape.

It was a given, of course, that if she continued to try and run to the princess and the merchant, he would let the knives resume flight. There was no exception to be made when it came to protecting someone important, especially in a situation like this.

@Rune_Alchemist @Polaris North @VitaVitaAR @Crusader Lord
@RolePlayerRoxas: Well, since we just lost someone (or, well, more like they disappeared), I say we have some room.

But yeah. Not yet. Once it makes sense, I'll temporarily reopen things for people to pop in. Not many ofc, but... Yeah.
Kumozaki Keisuke

The giant sea serpent roared in pain as Nobunaga's bullets pierced through its scales, causing blood to spew forth onto the deck as it continued its rush forward. The momentum of the beast might have ordinarily caused it to crash into the boat right then and there, but the combined force of both the bullets and arrows caused enough of a backlash to prevent that. Instead, the serpent reared back, one of its eyes now blinded by Atalanta's arrows as it hissed at them. With a deafening screech, the creature glared at the two Archers with its one remaining eyes before diving back under the water. At this point, Keisuke frowned and glanced off the edge of the boat where it had gone under before returning to the center of the deck.

"It's probably not gone yet; be careful. Actually, I'm worried that the blood might attract other creatures here, if they act anything like sharks..." he trailed off, his stance relaxing before a sudden jolt from beneath the ship caused the vessel to jump a few feet into the air.

"Damn, it's smarter than I thought it would be," he cursed, watching as the trail of blood from the sea serpent grew longer and longer as time passed. "Do either of you have any way of taking down underwater opponents, or do we need to find another way to bait it out?"

While Keisuke was attempting to figure out a solution to their current situation, Medea sighed and shook her head.

"Gods not being able to influence is not the same as their creations simply wreaking havoc, nor would it have any equivalence if a mortal, by some miracle, took their power for themselves. I said it myself, didn't I? On my trip over, I had to deal with a great number of these things; it slowed down my travel time dramatically, though I made it through in the end. Do not underestimate my willpower, dear Archer," she stated as another hit from the creature shook the boat.

"...Hm. The bottom of the ship is reinforced, but if that thing manages to hit us at the correct angle, we may capsize..."


"Hm? Oh, a crew, is it? I would rather not throw my lot in with wanton criminals, but you may be onto something in conscripting them," Ozymandias said, thoughtfully nodding his head with one hand on his chin. One of the drunks took that moment to attempt to attack him, but Ozymandias simply whacked him in the face with his staff before turning towards Nero and nodding. "Very well. We shall disable the drunkards and force negotiations upon the sober."

It was at this point that the captain, a rather rough-looking man with a semi-shaven beard, stormed out from the lower decks. His jaw dropped as he watched his crew members drop like flies (or be flung off into the ocean), but only for a few moments before he screamed out.

"Alright, alright, you drunken bastards! Anyone else who gets flung off this boat isn't getting back on!" he roared, anger in his eyes before pointing his weapon—a long spear of no notable make—at the group of Servants wreaking havoc. "Well? What business do you have with us? Did those idiots from town send you to deal with us?"

"Not the town, but more along the lines of... We need a vessel to travel to Greece. Our benefactor claimed that this was his ship, and so we simply came to recapture it from you heathens," Ozymandias calmly replied, glaring at the captain with his staff firmly in hand.

"Heathens, huh? Cocky, aren't you? Well, I did find it strange that this boat was completely empty and floating out on the sea, but the crew didn't seem to mind. Well, whatever; I'm not an idiot. I can tell you lot have the advantage. Well, what do you want? Treasure? Women? Our heads?"

"While the second item you suggested worries me more than it should, all we require for the moment is your cooperation in bringing this vessel where we need to travel. If you follow our directions, you may remain alive. Is that clear?"

"A threat, huh? What if we refuse?"

"Then may Ammut judge your hearts a suitable snack on your journey to the Underworld."

"So death, huh? Damn, I can't see any way around this. Alright, we're going, then!"

With those negotiations complete, the remaining passengers on the dinghy were brought up onto the deck and, after a few moments of the pirate captain walking around and knocking a few heads together, the vessel set off to sail the sea.

@KoL@Grey Star@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Rin
Byron Silverwood

The decision of the princess, childish as she was, had made Byron particularly worried for the near future. Placing the sudden two decades' worth of memories spontaneously inserted into his mind, the silver-haired servant was particularly certain that letting a member of the royal family wander about when the country was on the verge of war was not only incredibly selfish and frivolous, but also insanely dangerous. But, as his job dictated, he had no room to go against his mistress' orders. He had hoped, of course, that someone with enough of a will to oppose the headstrong princess would intervene, but it was simply that—a hope, and no more.

And so here they were, in the middle of a town, witnessing a robbery in broad daylight after the princess requested that he bring them around town to the shops. While he could by no means condone any sexual harassment (if the girl's comment was anything to go by), he was also not in a position to be exacting any vigilante justice. Before he was any sort of person, he was the princess' servant, and forsaking his job to give chase would be the pinnacle of foolishness.

"Understood, princess. I would suggest we avoid the shop that was just robbed moments prior, for the sake of the dignity of everyone involved—for the moment, at least. Ideally, if you wish to visit a larger variety of shops without causing a disturbance, we should be arriving earlier tomorrow, while the townsfolk are still preparing to go about their day. At this time, you would inconvenience many a shopkeeper by imploring them to stay open so that you may explore; a model member of the royal family must be aware of the citizens' situation and not impose their will upon others haphazardly. If you desire to see a shop's wares even so, though, I shall not stop you; simply choose a location and we shall set off posthaste," he stated calmly, bowing his head ever so slightly before the sound of a rather loud merchant caught his attention. He paid it no mind, of course, until he began to address the princess directly.

"Worrisome. I shall be on guard."

Shooting a wary glance at the merchant calling for her attention, Byron turned to the princess and nodded his head.

"That merchant, on the other hand, seems to be calling for your attention. I shall leave this decision up to your judgement," he concluded, standing by as he quietly stood by to the side. Everything he needed to defend her in case of an emergency was ready on his person, and, as always, his eyes and ears remained open for any sign of hostility, however discreetly he remained aware.

@VitaVitaAR@Polaris North
Shokuhou Misaki

The moment that the weird old man let go of her, Misaki tumbled forward and (very ungracefully) took some distance between herself and her kidnapper. The entire incident, all things considered, was a tad too much for her tastes, especially with the possible implications of a strange man dragging a young teenage girl off the streets. That sentence alone created enough assumptions, and the Level 5 wasn't about to let her guard down quite yet.

"Pepper spray isn't poison, so I guess it's your lucky day," she said, holding the bottle at the ready before a small ball of fire put enough distance between the two. Since the possibility of 'Academy City ESPer' had already been ruled out by her kidnapper's age, the only possible word she could tie back to this was 'magic'.


"In any case, that was Tokyo you just so rudely kidnapped me from. I'd appreciate it if you returned me there. Snatching hapless young women off the streets is a very good way to get your name on a list, you know?" she quipped, the residual effects of her self-induced mind control still going strong. Maybe if it hadn't been active, she might have been a little more... Frightened. Or terrified. Frightened was more apt a description, though.

Leonardo Watch

"O-oh. So no idea, huh? Can't be helped, I guess," Leo sighed, shaking his head as he walked around Suwako before bowing. "Well, er... Sorry, but I should probably go now. Something's weird, and I need to figure out what it is as soon as possible. After all, everyone's probably worried about me not being there on time... Or at all, now that I think about it."

With a meek smile, the young man nodded his head towards Suwako before walking back onto the streets of the city. Unlike Hellsalem's Lot, this place seemed a lot more vibrant, though that may have just been the lack of fog covering the city from top to bottom working towards that. It certainly was strange, seeing a blue sky again after working for Libra for so long, but that was just the start of the mystery. He was no detective, but finding out the answer to that? Well—

The sound of a car crash promptly caused the young man to stiffen, his head quickly darting around to ascertain the location from whence it came. The fact that the origin was, indeed, a car was not the issue; rather, the hulking giant that had caused such a crash was more a cause for concern. There were a few members of Libra that he might have been able to draw parallels to, but now really wasn't the time for that.

"He stands out, but... Do I want to risk exposing my eyes any more? This feels too dangerous to use actively..." he mused to himself as Sonic casually grabbed another fry out of the bag and, without a moment's hesitation, ran up to the giant (or, rather, leaped to him from above the crowd in the blink of an eye) before offering the food to him.

"Hey, Sonic! What are you doing?" Leo called, realizing a few seconds late that the monkey had decided to go off and do its own thing once again.

Hinanawi Tenshi

"Hey, hey, that's just how things are back in Gensokyo! Fight first, tea later!" Tenshi responded back, a smirk on her face as she watched her opponent draw a weapon of his own. The name Alberich meant absolutely nothing to her, of course, but the fact that he was wielding his own sword of flame was quite troublesome. Not because he was lunging at her, of course, but because it was a fire in the middle of a forest. That was just asking for trouble.

Before Tenshi could move to try and parry the blow, the girl who she had intervened on behalf of had swung her weapon, creating a wave of energy that rivaled the attacks of some of the more powerful residents of Gensokyo. Tenshi instinctively took a step back and watched the blast fly through the park and blast a tree off into the sky.

"I think I should seal this back up later. Earthquakes would be bad. But first, the fight!" she said, immediately turning her attention back to Alberich before extending her left hand out at him. In an instant, a keystone appeared in front of it and began to spin. A ring of large needle-like projectiles rapidly began to fire out of it in turn before the keystone itself was launched. As soon as it went flying, Tenshi launched herself forward, the Sword of Hisou glowing in her hands as she swung at the man in tandem with the other girl. The mist had slowly gathered around the ground by this point, so if worst came to worst, she could twist the weather and create some chaos.

Granted, that also ran the risk of attracting the gap youkai to drag her back to Gensokyo, but that was a problem she would deal with if it ever became one.
@KoL: Ah. Okay, fair, fair.

And request send. Expect someone with a lv84 Waver and 72 Vlad next time you load it up.

I'm gonna assume you're still clearing Fuyuki given Mashu's status right now. Yupyup.

Edit: The first 'roll' per se is always guaranteed 4*s but there are no 5*s in that pool. The ACTUAL gacha is the story gacha/whatever rateups there are. That's where you try to hit the motherload.
"Ah, yes, Ms. Bethany. It has been a while. I presume you're faring well?" Tiral asked, responding to the Court Mage's greeting with one of his own before casually bringing the books that he had in hand to her side. "It's rare that the Court Mage would come here, especially considering recent events. But, well..."

The mage trailed off as he glanced a bit more closely at the books he had in hand, and with a quick glance backwards to confirm that the books in the hands of the maid were of a similar topic, sighed.

"...I assume you've been looking into these matters too, then? Well, I would pry further, but I've already got enough chains on me with the College dumping all their fault onto me right now. If you need any help, please, feel free to ask."

The subject matter... Angroron. Having dealt with the fallout regarding the shard was enough, and to be quite frank, the young man could do without having to stare into the abyss every waking moment of his life. But at this point, there wasn't any feasible way he could avoid the topic any more.

Damn old men and their incessant habits of prying into things not meant to be tampered with.
@KoL: Yay, posts! I'll get something out sooner or later.

So. Friend code? :3c

(Also maybe a post in F/TP but idk)
@KoL: *waves arms*
You still busy atm? I'm waiting on you rn before moving.
In multiple things, actually.
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