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Kumozaki Keisuke

Keisuke also moved to shield his ears as Elizabeth shouted at the Lancer, continuing to hide off to the side as both his Saber and his Lancer engaged the enemy. It would be fairly obvious that he would be targeted if his presence was made known, at the very least, since he was the only possible Master in the area. Even past all that apparent corruption that he could make out in the midst of the high-speed duel, there was no doubt in his mind that the enemy Lancer still had enough wits about her to immediately move to take his head thereafter.

Luckily, the distraction above had given enough leeway for Nero to slip onto the battlefield and return unnoticed with the warrior from earlier. Though the new Servant's current status was less than ideal, it was far better than him being dead.

"Thank you for your assistance. I'm... Sorry for having to go through this trouble for me," he apologized, to which Keisuke responded with a swift shake of his head and a quick glance around to re-affirm the location of the skirmish right now.

"No problem, but formalities can wait. For now, we should attempt to—"

Just as he began to speak, though, the sound of a large explosion caused Keisuke to turn his head towards the source. Of course, he couldn't see past the giant fireball of blue flames that had engulfed the area. The heat was rapidly melting the snow that was piled up on the ground, and bore than anything else it would be dangerous for them to remain here.

"Archer, what just happened?!" he asked, quickly grabbing the basket and attempting to move it. It felt like it was anchored to the ground, though, which caused him to pause for a second before reinforcing his body to slowly pick up the thing and begin to move.

Tomoe Gozen

The high-speed skirmish caused Tomoe to begin to fire and force the enemy Lancer to decide on which attacks to block. Of course, her arrows could only do so much to force her target to act as she desired. While not every attack from Arturia had met its mark (nor had her arrows), the occasional moment that they came in tandem had, at the very least, forced the enemy to take a blow. Time and time again, these attacks began to pile up, and if Elizabeth entered the fray it was all but inevitable that their target would soon fall.

Of course, the one thing that put a stop to that pattern was a sudden glow from the Servant's corrupted eye. The blue fire that the group had seen engulfing the arena just prior seemed to flare out from her body, mixing with whatever it was that had blackened her face and radiating outwards. The corruption itself did not seem to mix with the flames, thankfully, but the Archer could feel the incoming explosive intensity of the attack and immediately leaped off her perch before letting loose an arrow straight towards the center of the flames.

"Master, the enemy Lancer just performed some sort of attack, and it does not seem like we would be able to easily pierce the flames she has surrounded herself with," she stated, calmly landing by Nero's side with her bow still drawn. "Should we withdraw for the moment?"

"...That flame... No, there's no need to withdraw; the fire is a distraction. That Servant has already retreated, and that fire will fade out within a few minutes," the Saber said, shaking his head. "This is the third time we've met, and the third time she has done this."

"Third time, you say...? Saber, explain yourself," Tomoe stated, lowering her bow as she stared at the Servant in question. "Ah, apologies for my rudeness. My name is Tomoe Gozen, servant of the Archer class."

"Ah... Saber class Servant, Siegfried. Once again, my thanks for your aid. As for the Servant you just engaged... Yes. I still do not know of her name, for she has never spoken nor unleashed her Noble Phantasm once against me. That corruption has gotten progressively worse every time I have fought her, though, and each time she has gotten stronger," he replied, letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry, but that last battle likely ended with a few of my tendons cut, so without a healer I will likely be unable to move very well for the moment. But if you have any questions, I do not mind answering them to the best of my ability; it is the least I could do."

"Hm... Well, then I shall begin," Keisuke stated, his eyes closed as he mused to himself for a moment. "Other than that Lancer, have you engaged any other enemies as of late?"

"...I have. I am—or was—acting as a guardian for a nearby town here, and they've been plagued by a string of zombies and wolves. That Lancer seems to appear whenever those enemies arrive, though, so I have a feeling they may be linked," the Saber responded before the sound of wolves howling began to fill the air.

"Speak of the devil. Siegfried, direct us to this town; it will be easier to fight from a fortified position," Keisuke responded as Tomoe picked up Nero's basket of food. "The rest of you, question him as you please en route; anything you might have in mind, no matter how small, could be useful here."

@Raineh Daze@KoL@VitaVitaAR
Shokuhou Misaki

Once she had left the other two girl behind, Misaki let out a bit of a sigh as she began to run though the information that was being collected in her head. Multiple parts of the city under lockdown or being evacuated, people being moved to shelters or simply wandering about, law enforcement and even the occasional JSDF soldier milling about.

Needless to say, of course, that she was still left with a need for information. The best guess she could hazard for the moment was that whatever supernatural thing had dragged them here was also causing this massive upheaval in Tokyo, but given the differing accounts of what was happening where, the best she could surmise even on that front was that other people (things, maybe?) were popping up here, too. It lent a bit of credence to the idea of 'multiple universes' in this whole mess, at the very least, and would explain why Hibiki and that Ben person were acting as they did.

"Given those two girls' apparent sense of justice, I don't think that staying undercover is an option..." she mused to herself as she walked to a nearby convenience store. The place, as expected, was packed, and the young woman let out a bit of a sigh as she slyly fished for a remote from out of her bag.

No one was going to stand between her and a meal that wouldn't ruin her metabolism. Well, comparatively, at least.

With one click after another, the people in the store seemed to part way for her, and Misaki took all the pleasure in casually grabbing a salad (probably the best thing she could get here given the usual convenience store food) before casually walking over to pay. Of course, the people here wouldn't remember she had cut though; no, to them, she would have always been in the front of the line.

Oh, the joys of being able to use Mental Out.

With her newly-obtained food in hand (and a cup of boiling water for the brunette), Misaki calmly walked back to where the other two were, acting as if nothing at all unusual was to be noted in her actions. She was careful to erase any hint of her actions, of course—someone would tamper with the footage in the security cameras in the next few minutes or so, which left her without worry that someone would sniff her out.


Miku let out a soft giggle as she crawled into the tent with Hibiki to check it out. It was fairly stable for her first time, all things considered, and for that she was grateful. She had to admit, though, that it was a bit small—the older man definitely wouldn't fit, though the three of them here would probably be fine—and she would probably have to apologize to him later for being so discourteous so as to not get something for him, at the very least.

"Yep. Don't worry, Hibiki; we'll definitely be side-by-side. No matter what happens, I won't let you be alone again."

Clutching her right hand ever so slightly, the young woman closed her eyes and nodded to herself before embracing Hibiki once more. The sound of a hand tapping against the tent caused her to pause for a moment before breaking away, though, and she turned to face the source of the noise.

"You two are in there, aren't you? Hibiki, I brought you some boiling water for those instant noodles, however much that's worth," Misaki stated from the other side of the fabric, calmly placing a cup down outside of the tent's entrance before sitting down on a nearby bench and starting to eat her own food. At the very least, they had somewhere to stay for the night, however uncomfortable it looked to be.


"...I'm going to be wishing I was back in Tokiwadai the next few days. Ugh, what a bother..."

Hinanawi Tenshi

As soon as the knives came flying down, Tenshi rushed into the fray, casually weaving through the hundreds of bullets that were being thrown her way. Learning to dodge was essential in Gensokyo, after all, and she was no exception to that rule... Even if she preferred to beat people over the head instead. The barrage seemed to intensify the closer she got, though, and after a little while Tenshi began to return fire. Yukari seemed to dodge her attacks just as easily, though, and the two seemed to be locked in a mini-dogfight before a giant while flash of light came through from the side.

"Oh. Right. It's not a duel," Tenshi reminded herself as she turned to look at Emilio, who was attempting to shoot down Yukari. It wasn't a Master Spark, of course, but it looked to be powerful enough.

The downside was, of course, that Yukari could simply slip off to the side and graze past the laser.

"Hey, Emilio! Funnel her movements! You leave even the slightest of openings, and she'll get away!" she cried out over the sound of danmaku and other assorted projectiles lighting up the sky before noticing that Nanoha had already taken that into account.


"Oh? Is this a case of 'accidental teamwork'?" Yukari asked casually, sliding between Nanoha's barrage and Emilio's laser before laughing. "But come now, I think that's not all you have to show, right?"

Almost as if on cue, though, Yukari was blindsided by Vita's attack, which had ended up hidden (completely by accident) by Emilio's laser beam. The hit wasn't direct, of course, but the barrage of knives stopped and seemed to dissipate into nothingness, and the youkai paused for a few seconds before a smile crept up her face. Knowing what was to come, Tenshi braced herself and readied her blade in anticipation for the following attack.

"Not bad. Test one: complete. Let's see how you fare against this."
With that, Yukari calmly flicked out a spellcard from her sleeve and called out its name, causing the world around them to feel hazy and inconsistent.

"Barrier 「Curse of Dreams and Reality」."

Almost as if in an incorporeal haze, the Yukari in front of the group seemed to fade in and out of reality before she finally began to attack. At once, she sent out a series of sigils that seemed to lock onto her opponents' current positions and stay there before firing a three-way stream of bullets around them. Another followed, and another, and before long it was as if all of the combatants were being chased down. All the while, though, Yukari continued to fire her own bullets, deceptively large but still more than enough of a threat to warrant dodging.

"This is... Rather unpleasant," Tenshi said, taking a deep breath to try and let her see clearly past all of this storm of bullets. While the bullets never left her focus as she remained half-aware of the trail the sigils were leaving, what was more problematic were that the bullets seemed to linger as they traveled towards the others. The inability to grasp a sense of exact direction wasn't helping either, and more than once the Celestial had come close to running into a bullet of her own accord. "She's really not holding back, huh?"

The amethyst shards that Alberich shot forth clearly embedded themselves into the monster's sludge—or, well, however cleanly they could be given the circumstances—and slowly began to burrow their wa deeper into the creature. Rather than stop it entirely, though, the crystals seemed to be gravitating towards the monster's core, separating it from the refuse it was leaving in its wake. Of course, said sludge was also the reason why the crystals themselves were taking so long to envelop the thing.

As the slime continues to move forth, though, it would be clear that a vast majority of its mass was being left behind, leaving what seemed to be a ball of... Something being weighed down by the amethyst weights at its back. Despite having no apparent limbs, the target continued to move forth, though now much less impeded by the sludge that had once enveloped it.

Leonardo Watch

Leo paused for a moment to look at the picture that Meteora had brought up on her phone before glancing at Youmu. Then back at the phone.
Then back to Youmu again.

"Um... Okay, I guess it shouldn't be too hard to find Yuyuko if she stands out like... That. If anything, the outfit she has is pretty different from a lot of the suits or casual clothing everyone else in the city wears," he stated as Sonic leaped up on his shoulder to take a closer look. "Um... Sonic, do you want to try looking for her? I'll get you double your usual share of food if you do."

The monkey seemed to nod enthusiastically at Leo's suggestion, and without a moment's delay, he shot off out of sight. With a pensive nod, Leo turned to Sanaki before thinking about her secondary suggestion before shaking his head.

"I don't think she'd make the news, if anything. You underestimate how weird this city could get, even before... Well, I guess the Great Collapse didn't happen, but even so," he stated before continuing to walk ahead. "It's not as if she'd be the cause of any major incidents, right?"

It was a few more minutes of walking later, though, before Sonic flew back towards the group, coming to a clean stop on Leo's shoulder before pointing him off to the northwest. His motions seemed somewhat urgent, but overall it really seemed to be Sonic doing as he usually did.

"Did you find her?" Leo asked, receiving a nod in return before the monkey leaped off his shoulder and ran ahead, jumping up and down to guide them as they moved along. "...Huh. So she was in the city, then. What are the odds?"

Their destination? A brunch buffet.

Were anyone to enter, of course, they would see the same woman who had been on Meteora's phone a few moments prior, happily trying a little bit of everything available... And then some.
Of, and the tower of plates stacked up on the table. That, too.

The criminal underbelly in Manhattan would not be apt to show itself during the early morning, if at all, but the same might not be said of the less-well-kept parts of the city. Organized crime, after all, thrived in the darkness, and so long as they could remain vigilant and blackmail any accidental witnesses, problems could remain... Nonexistent.

Of course, illegal shipments near the ocean were already unloaded by this time of day, and there were already some men milling about to protect the goods from being discovered. Even if daylight raids weren't all that common, it never hurt to be safe, especially given the insanity earlier that day.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Dezuel@KoL@Rin@TheFake@Crusader Lord
Kumozaki Keisuke

The Enforcer squinted and half-shielded his eyes from the sudden increase in light in the area, and though he was thankful that he could see more than a foot in front of his face again, the glut of zombies in front of him were still an issue. Thankfully, the fire that had lit up the night had also torched a few zombies in the process, and whatever other members of the undead that remained were swiftly dealt with by both Arturia and Elizabeth. All the better for him, at least.

"Good work," he stated before the message from Tomoe came through to him. Two other Servants locked in combat... Regardless of the context, something like this would likely prove to be nothing but trouble.

Cutting down the occasional leftover zombie proved as much a challenge as walking to Keisuke, and it was only a matter time before he caught up with the other Servants who had gone on ahead. Though he could barely see past the flickering flames, the commentary from his Servants was more than enough to give the go-ahead to engage. Letting anyone die right now without getting any info in return was the height of folly, after all.

"Lancer, at the very least, distract them so Saber and Archer can interfere cleanly," he stated, standing off to the side and out of the way from any direct fire from the ensuing conflict.

Tomoe Gozen

Once her Master had arrived and orders were dictated, Tomoe silently nodded and nocked the arrow she had prepared, ready to fire the moment that she saw a chance. As the Lancer took to the skies next to her, though, the Archer felt a chill run up her back, telling her to shield her ears for what was to come. She didn't waste a second in moving to defend herself, and not a moment too soon. The resonating sound seemed to shake the tree she was perched upon mercilessly, and the two combatants temporarily paused to locate the source of the shockwave that had rippled through the land.

"Now!" Tomoe said to herself subconsciously as she stood tall on the branch before loosing the arrow at the enemy Lancer. Without so much of a glance, though, the arrow was struck aside by the target before she turned to face Tomoe. While it hadn't been clear earlier, the sight that the Archer saw caused her to take a deep breath.

Half of the woman's face was being wrapped in some black matter, and the eye on that side seemed to have an iris dyed the color of gold, in contrast to the melancholy light purple of the other. It was unsettling, of course, but the aura of corruption that felt so blatantly wrapped around the Lancer made Tomoe certain that she was her target.

"Saber of this land, we have come to aid you!" she declared before loosing another arrow at the Lancer.

The enemy Lancer wasted no time in dashing off to engage the combatants that had just joined the fray, at which point it would be clear to the others that the Saber himself had almost completely exhausted his own mana reservesand would be unable to aid them for the moment. But that might have been why the Lancer sprang forth, her weapon aimed straight for Elizabeth's neck as she leaped off the ground to fight.

@Raineh Daze@KoL@VitaVitaAR
Shokuhou Misaki

As the other three went about gathering whatever things they could for the night, Misaki was quietly setting up a net to gather intelligence with. Taking control of someone else to go stalk around for her was far more her style than going out to do it herself, after all, and the generally "controlled chaos" of the shelter made it a simple matter of finding someone to do that job in her stead.

As she sat back to relax in a somewhat-emptier area, though, the two other girls from earlier came over, goods in hand. Hibiki had arrived with a few packs of instant noodles (whatever that was worth), while Miku had what seemed to be parts for a tent in hand.

"I have to say, you to work fast," the esper stated as she brushed herself off, opting not to stand up as Miku began to set up the tent.

"Ah, well, we were among the last to arrive here, so the line wasn't that long," Miku replied, quietly beginning to set up the tent where they were before pausing for a moment. "Um... I'm sorry, I never got your name."

"My name is Shokuhou Misaki. In any case... Do you two have any plans from here on out? I assume you have something in mind for the long term, but for now..."

"Ah, then... Shokuhou-san... I'm not sure what to do, either, to be honest..." Miku trailed off, to which Misaki let out a sigh before getting to her feet.

"Well, for now I think you should get some rest. Today's been hectic, and you're not going to puzzle anything out tonight. I'll be gathering information on what's going on in Tokyo for now, but that'll take me a little while," she began to say before looking at the packs of instant noodles in Hibiki's hands again. Her brows furrowed at the sight, and the thought to get some less sodium-saturated food from a nearby convenience store, despite being something she had little experience doing, seemed far more appealing for the moment. "I'm going to walk around for a bit; I'll be back in a while."

As Misaki walked off, Miku quietly nodded and turned to Hibiki with a smile.

"Hey, Hibiki... You know, now that I think about it, it's been a while since I was by your side during a situation like this. Every since S.O.N.G. was formed, you've been busy running around and saving people all over the world. But this time, I'm going to be right by your side every step of the way. It feels a bit like an adventure now, don't you think?" she asked, carefully propping the tent up and taking a step or two back to see if it stayed up.

Hinanawi Tenshi

"Ah... I apologize, but I simply found myself here all of a sudden," Priscilla replied, her gaze downcast as the distinct sound of something reverberating through the air in front of them caused the group to freeze up. Just as a single life signature popped up on Nanoha's radar, a rift in the air in front of them that Tenshi knew far too well was opening up.

"Huh, so that youkai is here, too? Are you here to pick me up?" she asked defiantly, her sword at the ready. "Because I think I shall decline the offer right about now."

"Ms. Hinanawi, though I would love to throw you back into Gensokyo so your caretaker can talk your ear off, I believe that both of us have some matters to attend to," the person on the other side of the gap replied before she popped out of the hole in reality she had just made. "In particular, that young lady that you have in your custody right now. Could I ask if you could hand her over?"

"The answer should be obvious, you know," Tenshi replied, pointing the Sword of Hisou at Yukari's face. "You're going to have to fight us to get through to her."

"Then let us settle this the usual wa—ah, you have some companions with you. How abnormal. Well, it has been a while since I've entered a danmaku match against multiple opponents, but this shall do. Defeat me, and I shall withdraw. Is that not how this works?"

With a smile on her face, the gap youkai spread her arms as she flew up into the sky before a giant torrent of knives came raining down from the skies above. To add to the chaos, a few of the danmaku bullets she was shooting were being spontaneously teleported to and fro, causing the barrage to cover all variety of odd angles in their midst.

"I thought as much," Tenshi replied, a smile on her face as she let loose two keystones, which began to orbit around her and fire bullets in return as she began to wave through the hail of projectiles.

The others... Well, they could decide to fight or hide or something else. That wasn't in her jurisdiction to decide, after all.

The fire traveled right under the slime and, as expected, caused a large amount of disruption as it exploded underneath the thing. A good chunk of the sludge nearest the edge of its body was blown off in the direction of the two, while a large amount of what was splattered about elsewhere showed signs of much of it being simple random garbage that was scattered about. The slime itself, of course, had shrunk in size just a bit, though not enough to make any meaningful progress in getting rid of it. The explosion did cause its pace to halt for a bit, though, if that meant anything to the two attempting to stop its progress outright.

Leonardo Watch

"A place to eat, hm...? Well, there are a lot of places to eat at around here, but as for something for breakfast... Well, that might be a tad pricey without having your bank accounts set up..." Mr. Sharpton said to Meteora, stroking his chin for a few moments before Sanaki chimed in. "That might be for the better, all things considered. I tend to eat at some pricier places if I'm not eating at home, after all."

"I'll leave the matter to you, then," Leo responded to Klaus, nodding his head as he headed out of the building with the others with a purpose in mind. Knowing Klaus, it wouldn't take long for negotiations to finish without much problem, at least, so the possibility of getting to the workplace he was so used to by now wasn't unlikely in the least. On the other hand, though, he was still without a home...

Was crashing on the couch a viable option for the near future?

"E-erm... Anyways, right, food places. I think there were some near here," he began to say as he led the group down the winding streets. There were a few people milling about again despite the earlier incident, at least, so it seemed that the city was still as it always was... In a way.

"I guess the question right now, though, is what this Yuyuko looks like. Also what you'd all like to eat, I guess," he stated, glancing around the streets for either any places of note to eat or anyone that looked particularly out of place.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Dezuel@KoL@Rin@TheFake@Crusader Lord
Kumozaki Keisuke

Once the last of the servants—Artoria Pendragon—had arrived to the room for the meeting and had settled down, the older man who had entered only moment prior cleared his throat. Keisuke, though still trying to make sure nothing important had been injured and that no bones had been dislodged (neither seemed to be the case), immediately snapped to attention once the lights in the room dimmed and a projection began to play on screen.

"All five of you are present, so let us begin this posthaste," the old man began, beginning to cycle through the slides on the screen as he spoke. "As all of you are likely aware of already, the revision of human history is something that will likely cause irreversible damage to our current timeline, and in order to prevent such a thing from occurring, you are present here today. This is the first of multiple 'singularities', as we have labeled them, and the first one we have discovered thus far. Your mission is simple: fine the 'Holy Grail' at the center of this distortion and return here with it in hand, while also making cure to correct any anomalies in your way.

Your first destination is 9th century Scandinavia, though given your coat I assume you are already aware of this fact. We are unsure of what is occurring on-site, but we have confirmed the signatures of multiple Servants already on-site. It is likely you will come into conflict with a few of them during your investigation, but I advise you to seek out allies, if possible.

For the sake of your assignment, though, we'll have a specialist monitoring you back here in the base. You should be able to communicate with that device you were given a day ago, Mr. Kumozaki, so please make sure you don't lose it. She should contact you once you arrive in the singularity itself, so please, do not be caught unaware. Her name is Meran Briefort Marzikek, and is a representative from Atlas Academy. If you need any information, do not hesitate to contact her.

That is all. You are free to proceed at your leisure."

With that short commentary out of the way, the lights in the room turned back on and the old man promptly left the room, leaving Keisuke alone with the other 4 Servants. There was a moment of awkward silence, and Keisuke coughed once before slowly getting to his feet and actually putting on his coat before beckoning the other Servants to follow him to the next room over.

The Kaleidoscope World Altar was a lot less grand than he had first expected it to be, but the Enforcer didn't mind the object itself as much as he did the giant portal in front of him. Witnessing the execution of the Second Magic in any form was a bit awe-inspiring despite the circumstances, but he knew it was no time to simply stand around continuing to gawk. There was a job to be done now, after all.

"I'm entering the portal now. Are we all clear?" he called out to whoever was monitoring the room before a light flashed green above his head. "Seems so. Well, then..."

And with that, Keisuke calmly proceeded ahead, a bit of sweat beginning to form on his brow as the rapidly-shifting landscape dragged him through to his destination.

Tomoe Gozen

The explanation of the whole ordeal wasn't anything new to the Archer, per se, but knowledge of their destination was certainly something she had not expected. Sadly, not being on familiar territory would be a little problematic—doubly so, actually, given that what knowledge the Grail had inserted into her head about the location in question. Snow impeded visibility, and though she was a Servant, something like a blizzard would still block her line of sight.

"Understood, Master. In that case, I shall follow," she stated, calmly following after Keisuke as he entered the portal.

It didn't take long for the portal to drop the two of them (and the others) off at their destination, which at the moment seemed like a pitch-black forest covered in snow. With a frown, Tomoe took a few steps forward, only for the sound of clashing metal to reach her ears.

"Master, there is an engagement up ahead. May I go ahead to scout?"

"Please do. Something seems off about this place already," Keisuke responded. With a nod, the Archer quickly dashed ahead, bow at the ready as she began to seek out the target.

Just as Keisuke was about to take any moves to follow her, though, the sound of shifting snow around him immediately caught his attention, and without a second thought the Enforcer drew his sword and parried an incoming blow. The sparks from the electricity coursing through his weapon gave him a momentary glimpse of the enemy—a zombie soldier, whose face, though bloodstained and torn, was preserved surprisingly well due to the snow.

"Hm. Where there's one of these, there are more," he muttered to himself before parrying the next blow and running his weapon straight through the zombie's head. The sound of shuffling and the crunching of snow was increasing in intensity, which meant that there was more to come.

"One of you three, back Tomoe up. All others, help me clean up this mess. With no visibility, I can't see these enemies unless they're right in front of me," he stated, adopting another parrying stance as he waited for the next enemy to come.

Of course, lighting a tree on fire would be an option, but that might only serve to draw unnecessary attention to them instead...

Tomoe, on the other hand, was rapidly running through the woods, firing arrow after arrow at any zombie that had sprung up at her flanks. The density of the enemy seemed to increase the closer she got to the noise, but that only made her more certain that this was her intended destination.

It was only a matter of time, though, before she came across a wall of blue flames that seemed to extend around past her field of vision. Without a second thought, the Archer bounded up a nearby tree to examine the source.

One solitary warrior was clashing arms with a pale-haired maiden wielding a lance, and though the blue flames flickered around and caused the shadows to shift, the Archer was able to tell at a glance that the black markings encroaching upon the woman's left arm meant something far more dangerous than a simple decoration or even a Noble Phantasm. The feelings that the two of them gave off were also unmistakably those of Servants, which meant that this matter was of the utmost importance regardless of that fact.

Of course, interfering now without ascertaining the situation would be as foolhardy an action as any, so instead Tomoe prepared an arrow and readied herself to fire at a moment's notice before relaying the information to Keisuke and, by extension, the other Servants of the group.

"The warrior is being pushed back ever so slowly, but it looks as if he has been worn down considerably. I shall prepare to engage once reinforcements arrive," she said, calmly standing by and waiting for a chance to strike.

@KoL@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR
@TheFake: Looks fine to me. Accepted.
Aight, noted. Looking forward to your next one.

(Meanwhile, another post from you elsewhere would also be appreciated, but no rush.)
Tiral brushed himself off as he collected the last of the material off the ground, calmly dispelling the ice crystals orbiting him from existence as he got to his feet. The other knights had gathered enough information, it seemed, and he had eavesdropped well enough to be able to more or less understand where everyone stood. Pursuing their target to their own base, especially considering the damage that had just occurred, was nothing more than a fool's gambit at the moment. Of course, before he could head off himself one of the other knights decided to ride off instead. While that was... Less that ideal, there wasn't much other excuse he could conjure up to leave this area any faster to handle his work.
In peace.

"I shall follow. You should do as you see fit," he stated curtly, mounting his steed before following after Cymbeline. The sight of the healer from earlier rushing over towards them, though, caused him to pull back the reins of his horse, if only for a moment.

"Is something the matter? I thought you were tending to the wounded back near the battlefield—is there an issue?" he asked, standing by for a response.
Shokuhou Misaki

Misaki paused for a moment at Hibiki's reactions, trying to figure out how to explain the situation to her. The old man, at least, had understood what she was getting at; after all, it'd be near-suicidal to wander about as they were without any place of residence or a stable source of income. At the very least, she could try figuring out how to get IDs for the near future handled, but that would require government buildings to let them through in the first place.

"Mmm... Well, if you have some home to go back to—and, given your reaction earlier, I would assume you don't—then feel free to look somewhere else. it's getting late, and though I would rather be sleeping at my bed back in Tokiwadai, our current situation makes that possibility seems quite small. At the very least, we won't be probed too hardly at a shelter as compared to... Anywhere else. And no, I am not renting out a hotel room for the night. We only have so much money for the moment, after all," she calmly stated before continuing on once more. Though it was weird walking alongside the man she had pepper sprayed just a little while ago as if nothing had occurred, the esper still had the worry in the back of her mind that he would return the favor tenfold in the future. Of course, antagonizing him at this point would have no merit to her unless the situation called for it, so for now she hoped that he would at least let sleeping dogs lie.

Miku let out a sigh of relief as she hugged Hibiki, letting time tick slowly by for a few moments before letting go. The smile on her face was clear for all to see, though there was a twinge of bitterness at the blonde girl's mention that their home had all but disappeared here.

"Um... Hibiki, did you already go to our dorms? Were they there?" she asked, shifting her glance to the side. "I was in... Ikebukuro, I think? There was some talk about a giant wolf and a black bike, and the police were all trying to get people to move. I was helping them out, so I didn't get a chance to look for you until now..."

There was a bit of hesitation in the girl's voice before she continued to speak, shaking her head as if to dispel any doubts about anything else in her mind.

"B-but I think that we should follow the people you were with to the shelter. If our home really is gone, then I don't know where else we would go..."

The shelter itself (when whoever else who was going there had arrived) was already fairly lively with people who had been evacuated. It was a park, more or less, with various temporary tents set up within to house those who were displaced for the moment. Of course, there were people off to the side giving emergency medical care and handing out things like sleeping bags and whatnot, but that much was a given. There were people chatting about left and right, and there remained a constant tension in the air, but other than that...

Well, given the circumstances it all felt fairly normal.

Hinanawi Tenshi

"Hey, what are you doing throwing words like 'extermination' around like that?" Tenshi asked, clearly displeased at Emilio's choice of words just as the rest of her companions were. "There's no need to act like some omnicidal shrine maiden when things are peaceful... Well, okay, maybe not peaceful, but you understand what I mean!"

The woman—Priscilla—gave a wary glance over to Emilio before nodding her head. Despite his words making her a bit wary, the three young women with him seemed to be reasonable enough to not start fights for any good reason.

"...Very well. I place my faith in you four. Let us be off."

With a nod, Tenshi took flight again, only to realize that Priscilla wasn't following.

"Um... Can you not fly?" the Celestial asked, cocking her head to the side in curiosity. "We can go by foot too, but..."

"Yes. My apologies, but I am unable to take to the skies as you have."

A soft 'oh' slipped from Tenshi's lips as she quietly landed on the ground and nodded.

"In that case, walking is fine. As much as I hate to admit it, though, I have no idea which way to go to get back if we're not flying, though..."

Mordred's sword cleaved cleanly through the slime's body, but it didn't take long for the gash that had been left in the gunk to simply reform over it. It was almost as if the weapon hadn't registered in the first place, and the slime continued to slide along. Though it had grown in size, it seemed to only want to move to the end of the sewer faster instead of fighting back.

Not like it mattered, of course, given the distinct lack of damage on its body after the fact.

"Er... Something along those lines?" the Captain stated, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to follow Inuyasha's own line of logic before shrugging it off as something for other people to clarify later. "Ah, well, in any case, if you're offering then we'll get you the contract later. For now, though..."

With that, the Captain simply tossed the youkai a keyring with a key on it before stepping into his vehicle.

"The others should be back in a bit. Go check out your room over there whenever you want, alright?" he asked before driving off. The Private could handle the logistics when she returned, after all.

Leonardo Watch

Leonardo stood by speechless as the room seemed to devolve into a big ruckus and Youmu seemed to lose all touch with reality, but before he could really speak up two of the other girls in the room—Sanaki and Meteora, if he recalled correctly from their introductions—seemed to pull all focus on themselves. The smaller debates around the room seemed to quiet down, and there was an awkward silence before someone spoke up.

"To be quite frank, Mr. Reinhertz, it hasn't even been 24 hours since all of these incidents started occurring and, to be quite honest, I—as well of many of my colleagues here—were at a loss when Mr. Sharpton called us all together like this," one man stated, his hands tented in front of himself as a few others nodded in agreement. "But I think that the larger issue at hand is the fact that these people—whoever they were—could freely enter such a high-security facility and waltz out without so much as a response from the security systems. We want information just as much as you do, and despite my own misgivings, I have to admit that the 'Empress' over there does have a point. But at the same time, the UN is technically an independent organization, and we'd have to make appeals to the nations we represent if were to request funds."

"But at the same time, it's not like his proposal doesn't have any weight behind it now," another man responded, his eyes glancing around as he spoke. "We can supply you with some funding to start with along with someone to look over your actions, but so long as you provide results in aiding us—and I do mean all of us, seeing as how we are representatives of all the nations here on Earth—I do not think that requesting additional money should be too much of an issue. Am I wrong?"

The rhetorical question from the man seemed to punctuate how the situation was going, and Leo grimaced a little at how brazen he was. While it was true that they were essentially strangers here (and technically foreign immigrants as well), wasn't there a bit more tact that could have been put into this issue?

It seemed that Mr. Sharpton wasn't the only one who was a bit annoyed by how the situation had become about self-preservation, though, as there were a few other representatives looking at the one who had just spoken before Mr. Sharpton once again attempted to take hold of the conversation.

"Well, considering the fact that they have shown their merits to us here in the United States, I think that we would be more than happy to allow them to set up operations here for the time being. We can settle on a more logical budget for your actions and decide upon what funds you might have to reimburse based on the threat and the damages afterwards, but giving you extraterritorial rights in regards to unrestricted travel between countries coupled with a million USD should be somewhere to start negotiations, but I recommend we debate this further once you have found somewhere to settle down. As of right now, I believe that everyone here would like to consult with their own respective heads of state or what have you, and even then we must decide who would be on the council managing these people. Am I wrong?"

There was a bit more murmuring and a few more 'yeas' than 'nays' popping up in the area as the atmosphere in the area seemed to lighten up, if only a little.

"As for whether or not we exist as 'real', though? Well, I cannot speak for everyone, but I believe myself to exist here, right now, and that is what matters. My duty to this world and my nation mean nothing in the face of some philosophical 'what-if' scenario."

With that settled, the representatives seemed to slowly debate among themselves a bit more before finally adjourning the council, leaving some people to leave the room (some in more of a hurry than others). Of course, Mr. Sharpton was one of the ones who had remained behind, and a few others seemed to hover around as well, if only to see where discussions with the group from here on out led.

"I... Apologize for both our temporary panic and my colleague's behavior. Had I known things would devolve as they had, I might have spent some more time trying to rationalize the situation before leading you here," he stated, glancing over to Sanaki before quietly nodding. "While people may come to question your regency—and, quite possibly, the legitimacy of this entire affair—I believe that something like this was the best course of action we could have taken given the turn that the dialogue was being taken."

With a bit of a sidelong glance, the older man sighed and shook his head before continuing on.

"We cannot simply get you the funding that you need quite yet—there are still legal contracts to be processed, and the usual issues regarding extraterritorial rights remain hanging above all our heads. But you've proven yourselves thus far, so it shouldn't take too long to at least get you somewhere to live for the time being and some money in your pockets so you don't starve. For the time being, though... You should be free to explore the city. If you wish, we can give you some funds for the day, but... It'll definitely take us some time to find a building with enough openings to house all of you that would be okay within that budget and okay everything thus far. For the moment, though... So long as you return here by... Eight o'clock tonight? I believe we can, at the very least, supply you with temporary lodging. All other matters can be resolved after the fact. I apologize for taking up your time; you're free to go."

With a nod, Leonardo shook Mr. Sharpton's hand before taking a few steps back and walking over to Youmu.

"Um... I don't know who this 'Yuyuko' is, but... Isn't there a chance she could be here too? We could try exploring the city to see if we can't find her or not," he suggested, crouching down to see if he couldn't see eye-to-eye with her. "Klaus, would that be okay? I think we're the only ones here who know this place fairly well, right?"

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Dezuel@KoL@Rin@TheFake@TheUnknowable@Crusader Lord
@TheUnknowable and @Rin:
Former needs to move. Latter needs to start.
That is all. I'll update when, at minimum, Unknowable moves.
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