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Yes, that we did. My verdict on the matter stands.

My co-GM can probably lay out problems with the form on a more conceptual level (I'm more suited towards examining things rooted in east Asian history), but yeah, form's deffo rejected.
@clanjos: Y'know what? Let's go for it. Full usage of all that real estate, which puts an implicit limit on it going full Lagann. Accepted.
@clanjos: Okay, comments time.

I think my only real concern is, as usual, the size of that third NP. I want a sense of scale, first and foremost.
Rest looks fine, really.
Jason Liu

Once the situation seemed to defuse itself, Jason was the first to let out a sigh of relief. It would've been embarrassing for someone to have his death marked down as something along the lines of "was a rubbernecking idiot", to say the least.

"Well, uh... If you'll excuse me, then."

Without any further issues at hand preventing him from just heading home, the high schooler bowed his head and slipped out of the convenience store. With most of the soda on his backpack having been cleaned out, it was really just a matter of getting home and starting to do his laundry before the stains really set in.

Alter Ego - Meltryllis

"At least you can tell that much. If you were dense enough to ignore my irritation, then I'd question if you were more animal than human," Meltryllis replied, the venom in her words palpable as the elevator slowly made its way down. While she had avoided the worst of the situation, she still had to deal with the aftermath of that promise. While she could just as easily run off somewhere and ignore her Master, this was still not the Moon Cell, which meant that she didn't have the infinite supply of resources necessary to keep her here indefinitely.

And killing her Master in order to hunt on her own, well... While it was a crime that would essentially leave no witnesses, the giant holes she had poked in the floor would lead to a giant target being painted over her back. Beyond that, though, the girl had a point; while she could control her id_es at will, the Virus itself wasn't something so easily stopped once injected into a Servant, much less a frail human. If killing others stalled her own investigation into matters regarding her existence here, then it was going to have to be a sacrifice she'd have to accept.

How unpleasant.

Once the pair exited the elevator car, Melt took a quick glance around, the scowl on her face notably lessened by this point. To show such an emotion as she was now would ruin the image she projected to others, and that was something that she (personally) wouldn't accept.

Though, given how most of them seemed to be staring at her body rather than her face, that seemed to be less of an issue than she had expected.

"Well? Are you going to stand there gawking, or are we going to leave this place? We don't have all day, you know."

Fusang University

With luggage in hand, Lord El-Melloi II and his assistant walked down the polished hallways of the university. Their destination, of course, was the office that had been set aside for their usage during their tenure here. The feel of the building itself was a far cry from the Clock Tower's facilities, which made Gray a little uneasy about it all.

"So... Professor, is there a reason why you purchased those bottles of chicken blood on the way here? You made " Gray began to say as the pair entered an elevator to take them up a few floors.

"I'll be using them later, Gray. If the various things I've seen and heard about the city have any merit to them, then I have something I need to do," he replied. The rest of the walk was rather uneventful, and soon enough to pair was inside the room assigned for their use. It was a fair deal larger than either of them had expected, though it still a bit small compared to their old workplace.

With not much else to be talked about before everything else was unpacked, the two began to get to work setting up. There were still a few classes occurring on campus, but it wasn't as if there was anyone seeking them out yet, after all.

Meeting the ones in charge could come later.

@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Raineh Daze
Alter Ego - Meltryllis

At the mere mention of not being called a monster, Meltryllis scoffed and leaned against the back wall of the elevator car. 'Not a monster' was something that she couldn't accept. She was certainly more than human, yes, but her own encounter with a certain Master on the Far Side of the Moon made her confident in how different she truly was. To treat her as anything but a monster was a fool's errand, and it just so happened that she had a fool right in front of her.

"You really don't understand, do you?" she asked, her voice a bit quieter this time around. "We Alter Egos—though I guess that only I exist at the moment—were made to deny humans. If you called me here not to seek my power as a weapon, then I can only assume this entire summoning was a fluke, an unfortunate stroke of luck."

The turn of the conversation towards getting prosthetic limbs—in other words, throwing away her very identity—caused the purple-haired Servant to immediately flare up, though. Though she hated BB as a being at her core, to simply throw away a fundamental part of herself was something that she wouldn't accept.

"Listen here, you—" she began to say, only to hear that her Master had finally found the resolve to stand up to her. Even if it was for something as simple as pressing a button on an elevator.

One from which she could not leave without either breaking through the doors (and causing another set of problems to arise) or breaking the image she had been trying to push onto her Master up until now.

She had boxed herself in, both figuratively and literally, without even realizing it.

"...Fine, do as you wish," she hissed, cross with herself more than she was with the girl in front of her. "I just want to leave this cramped space already; unless, of course, you'd like me to slice those doors open instead?"

@DocRock: oh yeah, Moriarty is fine.

@clanjos: I'll examine that form more in depth at a later time.
Jason Liu

The prompt reply from both the culprit and her Master was a bit of a pleasant surprise for Jason, and with a nod he took the handkerchief and attempted to dry out his backpack. The amount of soda wasn't to the point where it would necessarily have damaged anything save possibly his notes, but even those could be salvaged... One way or another.

It was a bit unfortunate about his pants, though; that would require a bit of extra laundry once he got home. It wasn't as if he had planned to clean his clothes today, but this incident was as good an excuse as any to handle that. But for once, the young man's worries weren't wholly focused on his day-to-day life.

No, this was far more troublesome. With the summoning of the Saber's blade and her reaction towards the man behind him, the pieces of the puzzle in front of Jason rapidly fell into place, and the young man had the overwhelming urge to just back away from here.

Mordred and Lancelot. It would be an understatement to say that they likely held animosity towards one another, based on what he knew about the tales of the Round Table.

"A-ah..." he trailed off, unsure of how exactly to excuse himself from this situation. Fights weren't particularly uncommon, but at the very least most people in this district had Servants of their own to protect them to some degree when one did break out, and it was usually only a matter of time before someone arrived to put a stop to things.

Sadly, Jason didn't exactly have that buffer of safety, and so the best he could do was stand off to the side and try to not get too involved in this confrontation. The option to leave also existed, yes, but there was something about watching this unfold in the back of his mind that made him decide to not run like a coward.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@KoL
Alter Ego - Meltryllis

Meltryllis frowned at the increasing desperation of her Master's attempts at getting her to change attire. What annoyed her more than the constant begging was, of course, how ungraceful it all was. To equate it to a child begging their parent for a toy in her mind wasn't far from the truth, and the Alter Ego still had no intention to cede any ground on the matter. Though she might stand out, that in and of itself might be for the better. The sooner she could figure out why she had been summoned to this odd alternate past, the better.

She had no particular reason to listen to her Master, though; given her Skills, the purple-haired Servant could just as easily walk off and leave her Master in the dust. But that ran the risk of losing a source of information, and Meltryllis couldn't accept the idea of simply leaving something so valuable behind.

That didn't mean that she wouldn't make the most of this chance, though.

"Hmmm? Less 'erotic', you say? But I don't particularly care for what you think. Or what anyone else thinks, for that matter," she remarked, raising her arm with a smug smile on her face. The jacket in question wavered ever so slightly, unclosed as it was, before the question Melt had been waiting for arrived.

"But my legs, hm...? Well, yes, they are my weapons," she began, raising one leg and pointing the spike at her Master's forehead. "Absolute, unforgiving, streamlined tools of murder that shall pierce any human that catches my ire. But... Hm... Well, since you're my Master, it wouldn't hurt to tell you. I have a special skill, an id_es, named 'Melt Virus'. Just one prick from these legs, and I can inject any fool full of it. With enough of it, they'll melt into a pile of 'resources' for me to absorb. Simple, right? For a monster like me, this is only natural."

With the spike at the tip of her knee less than half an inch away from her Master's face, Melt decided to leave the matter at that and put her foot back on the floor.

"So? This is an elevator, right? Push the button so that we may leave. You can do that much, can't you?"
Alter Ego - Meltryllis

"Stare? Why should I care if people stare? Actually, let them stare, for all the good it shall do them."

The Alter Ego's reply was tinted with arrogance, almost as if she had expected something far more dire to be at the tip of her Master's tongue instead. There was no particular reason for her to change her outfit—at least, not in her eyes. Changing was far too troublesome beyond the coat she wore, oversized as it was, and her form was something that had no reason to be hidden thus.

"But you wish to take the elevator, then? I don't mind," the Servant responded, halfheartedly pressing the button in turn. "As for clothing... Is there really any need to go shopping for clothes?"

There were a scant few seconds before the elevator doors opened and Meltryllis stepped inside, not bothering to wait for her Master as the doors closed soon after. If she got in, she got in; if not, it wasn't her problem, anyhow.

At the very least, she'd follow her Master's lead while she explored the place. For all the good Independent Action was, wandering around like a lost child was far from ideal—doubly so without a minimap or something to aid in her exploration, anyhow.

@BioHazard: Absolutely, 100% denied.

First skill is a complete infringement of human rights (well beyond Diarmuid's Love Spot) and is, quite frankly, gross and on par with brainwashing. Forcing beliefs of any sort onto other people, even other characters, is well beyond what I'm willing to allow in any sort of form. Also, EX rank. Like... No.

Fire arrow makes no sense in terms of the character in any way, shape, or form. Not much elaboration needed there; the original figure never had anything even remotely close to that or any equivalent ability or story associated with them.

This is one form I have to put my foot down on.
@1Charak2: Nobu okay.
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