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The Ruins

With the scouting force routed, the chaos from deeper within the catacombs seemed to pick up in intensity; given that a wall that no other mercenary thus far had managed to even consider destroying was now gone, the path forward from there was in clear view of the two invaders. While there were no skeletons in the way, the presence of a dense miasma did indicate some manner of enemy lurking in the region ahead. Pushing past that, though, would lead to a hallway that extended off into the darkness; beyond that, though, would stand a group of cloaked figures. One by one, they continued to raise the dead—skeletons with equipment that far outstripped those of the advance force, with prodigious size to match.

The fate of those who had fallen was conveyed to those raising the dead, it seemed, as their haste seemed almost palpable once the wall had been broken down. The threat of those two who had just entered was far too much for them to deal with alone, especially as they were now.

@Crusader Lord@Rune_Alchemist

Zeke von Genbu

With the beasts dispatched, Zeke took a deep breath and flicked his sword to the side. The nature of the weapon meant that it would never dull (by dint of not having a metal blade), but letting the blood that had splattered onto it stick would only lead to problematic stains down the line. A nickname related to something like that wasn't exactly cool, per se.

Once Magilou flew down from her perch in the sky, Zeke was already attempting to drag himself out of the crater, having taken Pandoria's hand to get him out in ths first place. Given the situation, someone fixing the collateral damage of theor combat was wholly out of the question; hopefully, that didn't mean someone would attempt to charge them to do so.

"Boots? Er... We may have something...?" he responded, half unsure of himself as he turned towards Pandoria. "Do we?"

Half rolling her eyes, the Blade returned the comment with a slight smirk before rifling through their shared bag. The amount of sifting through object of all types took a few moments, but soon enough Pandoria had procured a pair of boots, as requested. Whether or not they would fit, though, remained to be seen.

"Here you are, then," she said, handing the footwear off to Magilou before closing the bag back up and putting it back on.

To that, Zeke simply nodded towards the three others present before chasing off after Hibiki, who seemed to already be running off into the unknown.


@RolePlayerRoxas@Raineh Daze

The Cove

The beam that had been fired by Nanoha took the fishmen and their queen by surprise, and a few who had been unfortunate enough to be mid-leap as they attempted to strike out at the pair were unceremoniously renderrd unconscious in midair, falling to the ground with sickening "thud"s.

By some miracle or another, though, one of the fishmen had pushed the Siren to the ground as the attack began; with the dozens of the fishmen in front of her and the conch still in hand, the subsequent attack had only left her barely conscious. Though most of the others who had been escorting her had fallen, the Siren once again brought the conch (which was itself glowing an unnaturally luminescent blue) to its mouth to play once more. The motion was forced, almost strained, but done nevertheless.

The Cove

The sudden decimation of the enemy forced behind the target and its entourage were barely able to be registered mentally—doubly so, given that they had created a surprising amount of distance from the fishmen who were acting as guards to the area prior. The subsequent appearance of both girls—young as they were—caused the escort to stop outright, and those who were next to the source of the energy reading took a moment to compose themselves.

Before they could arrange themselves into a proper battle formation, though, the one that the two had come to deal with was made perfectly clear. An ugly creature with a fishlike face who, despite having some semblance of hair (unlike the other fishmen), seemed to have a lower body not unlike that of a fish's tail. To call it a 'mermaid' would be a bit of a disservice to mermaids as described in myth, for this creature seemed so repulsive to not even bring that to mind under ordinary circumstances.

For a moment, its eyes met those of the two girls, and there was a definite moment of hesitation before it seemed to tense its arms up. Bringing a conch shell to its mouth, the monster blew a haunting melody that seemed to spur the other fishmen into action, with multiple squadrons attempting to strike the two girls down in order to protect their queen apparent.

I've been called in as a ringer, so ring in I shall.

@Rune_Alchemist: Accepted.
The Cove

The caverns that wound their way beneath the shoreline, destroyed as they were now, meant that both Nanoha and Youmu would have a fairly simple time pressing forward. Coupled with the scan that Nanoha had executed moments prior, and the structure that had made those greedy for rewards from the caverns were no more worrisome than the attacks that failed to even connect with them. Despite all of the attempts that the fishmen made in striking at the two girls, they all met with complete and utter failure—mainly due to how high and how fast they were able to fly, given the gaping hole that they were using to travel through.

As predicted, though, the path towards the target that they were pursuing—who seemed to be hurrying its pace ever so slightly—was in reach, if only blocked by the need to travel through water to reach it. Given the sheer density of fishmen that seemed to flood the area in an attempt to hold the pair off as long as they could, it seemed that they were most definitely on the right track.

Those on land had their weapons at the ready, and a line of armored ones were attempting to block the way through the dark and foreign waters beneath. It was to be noted, though, that the speed at which the fleeing target was moving was varying; the reason for that, of course, remained unknown as of now.

  • Name: Caules Forvedge
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: Ah, erm... Right.
  • Personality: A far more 'modern' human than most magi, Caules considers magecraft as more of a supplement to living like than something to dedicate one's life towards. In a way, that makes him perfectly suited to the style of teaching that he obtains, wherein such things are delved into from a less traditional perspective. In general, though, Caules is quite affable and honest when it comes to day-to-day interaction with others. With respect to life or death situations such as a Grail War, though, he acts in a manner more fitting of a magus, able to make decisions and harden his heart if sacrifices must be made. Of course, he is not bereft of pathos or emotion, but he is strategically minded when it comes down to it. In that regard, he, as a Master who has no particular wish for the Grail, is surprisingly apt at using what knowledge he has of his Servant and their limits to the best of his ability.
  • Skills: Compared to the standout magi around him, the one thing that really sets Caules apart is his ability to use modern technology. While his peers may be unable to use anything beyond everyday appliances, Caules is actually able to use computers and cell phones (among other things) due to his relative abundance of knowledge regarding the everyday world of non-magi.
  • Abilities: Caules' primary magecraft involves the manipulation of electricity—bioelectricity, in particular. By electric currents, Caules is able to bind enemies in place, fiddle with equipment, or strike out directly at his opponent. That being said, his actual strength lies more in how he manipulates these spells rather than brute force like his peers, and saying otherwise would be rather disingenuous given his lack of magical prowess despite having his family's Magic Crest implanted in him.
    Additionally, Caules has a Mystic Code, named 'Primeval Battery', which allows him to increase the natural healing abilities of a person via manipulation of bioelectricity, provided he is making physical contact with the affected area.
  • Brief Backstory: Born as the younger brother of his sister Fiore, Caules was never expected to become the head of the Forvedge family. He was, in fact, born as a 'spare', a contingency plan in case his sister was somehow unable to succeed the family. As things turned out, his sister had one day escaped from the family, removing both her own ability to live the life of a magi and whatever it had been that had crippled her from birth. With no other option, Caules was designated the head of the Forvedge household and the responsibility that came with it. As a result of this, though, Caules entered the Clock Tower and became a part of Lord El-Melloi II's classroom. That being said, when the Tohsakas and Edelfelts ended up wrapped up in their own mess, Caules found himself dragged along for the ride with a fancy new set of Command Seals on his hand to boot.
  • Faction: Red
Aight, here we are!

  • Name: Caules Forvedge
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: Ah, erm... Right.
  • Personality: A far more 'modern' human than most magi, Caules considers magecraft as more of a supplement to living like than something to dedicate one's life towards. In a way, that makes him perfectly suited to the style of teaching that he obtains, wherein such things are delved into from a less traditional perspective. In general, though, Caules is quite affable and honest when it comes to day-to-day interaction with others. With respect to life or death situations such as a Grail War, though, he acts in a manner more fitting of a magus, able to make decisions and harden his heart if sacrifices must be made. Of course, he is not bereft of pathos or emotion, but he is strategically minded when it comes down to it. In that regard, he, as a Master who has no particular wish for the Grail, is surprisingly apt at using what knowledge he has of his Servant and their limits to the best of his ability.
  • Skills: Compared to the standout magi around him, the one thing that really sets Caules apart is his ability to use modern technology. While his peers may be unable to use anything beyond everyday appliances, Caules is actually able to use computers and cell phones (among other things) due to his relative abundance of knowledge regarding the everyday world of non-magi.
  • Abilities: Caules' primary magecraft involves the manipulation of electricity—bioelectricity, in particular. By electric currents, Caules is able to bind enemies in place, fiddle with equipment, or strike out directly at his opponent. That being said, his actual strength lies more in how he manipulates these spells rather than brute force like his peers, and saying otherwise would be rather disingenuous given his lack of magical prowess despite having his family's Magic Crest implanted in him.
    Additionally, Caules has a Mystic Code, named 'Primeval Battery', which allows him to increase the natural healing abilities of a person via manipulation of bioelectricity, provided he is making physical contact with the affected area.
  • Brief Backstory: Born as the younger brother of his sister Fiore, Caules was never expected to become the head of the Forvedge family. He was, in fact, born as a 'spare', a contingency plan in case his sister was somehow unable to succeed the family. As things turned out, his sister had one day escaped from the family, removing both her own ability to live the life of a magi and whatever it had been that had crippled her from birth. With no other option, Caules was designated the head of the Forvedge household and the responsibility that came with it. As a result of this, though, Caules entered the Clock Tower and became a part of Lord El-Melloi II's classroom. That being said, when the Tohsakas and Edelfelts ended up wrapped up in their own mess, Caules found himself dragged along for the ride with a fancy new set of Command Seals on his hand to boot.
  • Faction: Red

Zeke von Genbu

The sight that met him as he turned the corner, gruesome as it was, gave Zeke no reason to pause further. Greatsword in hand, the Driver stepped forward to strike out at the beasts...

Only to pause as Hibiki flew past him and left a crater and pile of red mush where one of the beasts had been. The amount of time that was spent staring—with regards to both the beasts who were still in apparent shock and, to some extent, himself—lasted no more than a few seconds, but processing that amount of collateral damage mentally still took a moment. Luckily, it took him a few less moments to acknowledge what had just happened than it did his opponents, and Zeke used that chance to quickly behead the beast that had not scampered off elsewhere.

"Yeesh, and I thought I knew collateral damage," he remarked, climbing out of the crater that he had leaped into to attack the creature in the first place. "So. Uh. Where to from here? I don't think those lunatics back there would be willing to give us any directions, after all."

@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas@VitaVitaAR

The Ruins

The sight of a sword suddenly barreling down the hallway caused a few of the skeletons (or, at least, the scant few who hadn't been immediately dispatched) to turn and watch. The immediate damage that it left upon the ruins—namely, a now-missing wall that had made up part of the labyrinthine structure of the ruins—gave way to what seemed like a room that led further into the dungeon itself. Though there had been other corridors that led further into what lay beneath, this seemed to simply be a shortcut of sorts, for better or worse. There was an immediate response from the survivors, though, as they scattered through those side paths and routes back into the darkness. A tactical retreat, as it were; given that they had failed to inflict any damage upon their opponents in the first place, it seemed that regrouping was the most logical option.

The bodies of those unfortunate enough to be destroyed by the sword itself were thus strewn about on the floor, their weapons and armor (some damaged, some not) scattered haphazardly where they had fallen. On top of all of those, though, the treasures that they had held on them were now ripe for the taking. Pieces of gold and jewelry upon the ground now, and though it seemed that only the higher ranking skeletons had any of the latter, the rewards to be gained from their extermination made it clear why treasure hunters came to these blighted lands in the first place.

@Crusader Lord@Rune_Alchemist
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