Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@TheFake: Accepted.

I think that's enough to get the ball rolling for now, so I'll get to work on that in a bit.
@Raineh Daze: Artillery accepted.
@RolePlayerRoxas: Fox all clear.
@Pyromania99: Nun accepted.
  • IGN: Ryusei
  • Age: 20
  • Race: Human
  • Racial Passive: Aptitude: All skill proficiency gains are increased by a small amount.
  • Appearance: "Impressive."
    Ryusei is roughly 5'8" tall, and generally wears light-fitting equipment to maintain both speed and mobility.
  • Personality: Though he may seem like a 'battle junkie' at times, Ryusei actually finds the most enjoyment in exploring the world. Guides and explanations be damned; unless it becomes threatening to the point of impossibility, he prefers to handle situations by ear and poke around to his heart's content. With that being said, he is rather affable (though a bit hardheaded at times), and is willing to offer a hand whenever necessary. He might complain if something is too simple or easy, though, but beyond that, Ryusei does generally finishes anything he starts.
  • History: Ryusei grew up fairly close to a martial arts dojo; of course, his attendance as a young child was a given, and he picked up the skills required to pursue his current abilities in bajiquan over the course of the next decade. Leaving for college meant that he had to practice to maintain his skills without a dedicated place to train though. That, coupled with his increasing studies, only served to make his pursuits all the more difficult (a gym, after all, could only do so much). The release of Visions of Elysium, of course, gave him an alternative to having to travel half a mile to the nearest alternative. Though it wouldn't affect his physical body, the effective 'image training' would go a long way—at least, in his eyes—to maintaining form for the future. Of course, given that it was a game, he wasn't about to lose the chance to use it as a way to kick back and have fun in the middle of all his classes.
  • Skills:
    • Bajiquan Mastery: Proficient in bajiquan; fighting in this style applies a passive defense piercing effect to all attacks. Aggro generation is a toggle.
    • Elemental Enchant: Ability to temporarily enchant objects with elements. At its current level, Ryusei can imbue them with either fire, ice, lightning, or earth, with varying effects for each, for a short amount of time.
    • Qi Manipulation: Can use qi to heal, recover stamina, or strengthen defenses. Qi naturally regenerates over time, and cannot be recovered by means of standard potions.
    • Cooking Mastery: Adds bonuses to food cooked manually. Additionally, adds a small passive to identify higher quality ingredients, as well as marking rare ingredients in the field.
  • Equipment: Other than the clothes that he wears, Ryusei primarily uses a set of gloves for combat. If he needs to maintain distance, he switches to a spear instead, but he has nowhere near as much proficiency with armaments as he does without. Neither, at this point of time, is of any note.
  • Other: Is generally well-stocked on ingredients. Thankfully for him, hammerspace inventories also means that things don't spoil when stashed away.
@Rune_Alchemist: Accepted.

I guess I should also stick mine up now, then.
Jason Liu

With the Saber drawing ever closer, the horned Kiara continued to retreat, sending wave after wave of hands and projectiles to slow her opponent's progress. Given the extent to which the enma was closing the gap between them, though, the range advantage that she had been given was nowhere near enough to safely continue this plan of action.

And barely, just barely, had the last strike—aimed at her neck—missed. A single, shallow cut was more that enough for her to tell, and the slightest of reactions was visible upon her face as she drew back.

"Ah, that..."

With those words, she fell towards the ground, sinking into the darkness with a grin on her face.

"Close, but your impatience will cost you."

Despite his and Hakuno's initial efforts, Jason found that he could not pure the severed hand of their enemy off of his leg—at least, not with any show of physical strength. Though he had internally resigned himself to death at the start of the fight, the haste with which he had attempted to deny his own demise even now showed that though his mind had decided as much, his heart had not.

The gandrs from the CCF officer, however, seemed to do enough to loosen the grip of the disembodied hand; they had both landed on the thumb, blowing it off outright (along with a small bit of Jason's skin and the flesh underneath), which means that the grip would not hold. Without any hesitation, the young man tore the offending object off and held it at arm's length, knowing full well that it could strike out at them again.

"Th-thanks," he said, nodding his head before noticing the shadow bubbling beneath the hand. There was a moment of hesitation before the realization of what was happening, and in his haste the young man threw the hand into the air. Immediately, the hand had dissolved into darkness before the horned Kiara appeared in its place, the fresh cut from the Saber's blade slowly closing itself as she stepped towards her downed counterpart.

"What a shame; she went so far in pursuing me, but forgot about what she must protect," she remarked, the same cold smile on her face as she drew her arm back.

All it would take was a single touch and it would be—

Despite the growth of the humanoid mana construct, its speed had not by any means increased; rather, the increased surface area only served to make itself an easier target to the Saber who had been opposing it, and the hand that had been lopped off was an obvious indication of that. The figure simply stared at the stump—through which a distinct torrent of whirling black mana could be seen—before the hand began to reform. The barrier above wavered, if only for a moment, and a few spells that had been fired had broken through elsewhere in the region, but once the hand had returned, so too did its stability.

The small spells that Arturia's Master had been firing were, of course, returning more than enough information about the structure of their enemy. All of the mana seemed to by cycling in and out of the same area—its center—which meant that there was a nexus at which all of this was. The recovery, too, consumed resources from its maintenance of the barrier, which was more than enough of a sign that its primary focus was to maintain that.

The damage from the Master was insignificant enough to the construct, though, that its focus remained upon Lancelot; despite its larger size having more problems with the Saber, though, it continued to grow. This time, however, it attempted to used the same ability that it had used to crush the area of land at the start of the fight; with a larger area in its line of sight to collapse, it only made logical sense to attempt that with larger hands.

The temporary lapse in the barrier had a singular effect, one that had saved the normal Kiara from certain doom. A single spell had managed to sklip through and, by some miracle or another, landed directly upon the Beast's back. This, in turn, was just a small enough opening for Jason to clumsily move forward and throw himself between the two Kiaras; the attack that the horned one had begun had been stalled mere seconds, but those seconds had been enough to let him move the other one out of the way.

His upper left shoulder, now dripping in blood from the hand running through it, had seen better days.

"Hakuno! Command Seal and get Saber back here!" he shouted, staring at the horned Kiara with equal parts fear and determination. "If you don't want me to die, then whatever, but above all else, letting the Kiara we know die would be even worse than that!"

@VitaVitaAR@RolePlayerRoxas@Raineh Daze
Yeah, still got room.
I think the only carrying capacity at the end of the day is whether or not I can multitask everyone. Probably.

It has been a month since the release of Visions of Elysium, a VRMMO developed by Eastwind Software that took the world by storm. Developed and published after years of rigorous testing, the game itself seemed to transcend all boundaries of what was considered 'possible' at the time. Proposing individualized AI that seemed to be more lifelike than not and a world that was not constrained by standard role definitions, the game itself was hyped up to be something that could just as easily fail if it could not deliver on its promises.

By all accounts, it did more than succeed; it became a worldwide phenomenon.

Even now, players seek to explore every facet of the world and pursue their own goals, as even the dedicated have barely begun to scratch the surface of what exists within the world and what might be in its future. To that end, though, it remains to be seen what Eastwind has in store for its players.

So, yes, as the title of the RP says, this is a non-isekai VRMMO RP. Also not a death game VRMMO.
Because honestly? There's enough of those as-is.

In any case an explanation of the game itself is as follows:

Visions of Elysium

Visions of Elysium is a game that, at its core, emphasizes two core tenets—the idea of a 'living world' and the ability for players to express themselves as they wish. The game itself is semi-instanced, which allows players to play on an actual server, on their own, or on an instance of the world with their friends and companions. Character data is, of course, transferable, though that which is created still has to be run through some filters and verification before it is allowed outside of a personal (non-server) instance.

The world's inhabitants all run as if they were actual people (or monsters or what have you), and the actions of players can, does, and will have an impact on how they live their lives. Obviously, there are things in place to prevent active griefing on live servers, but no system is perfect, and on occasion workarounds have to be made to compensate by the developers. Similarly, what players do to the world, instanced or otherwise, persists regardless of incidents; there are no second takes, no simple 'undo button,' or anything of the sort. As a result of these systems, though, quests are in almost all cases procedurally generated based on the world state, which generally means that no two experiences of the game will be completely identical.

With regards to the players themselves, though, there are two things to note.
The first, of course, is that progression is primarily skill-based; standard leveling by means of EXP grinding is replaced by proficiency with skills, regardless of the type, which places more emphasis upon the player to exceed a standard than simply stat-checking enemies to death. Of course, there is an 'automatic' and 'manual' mode for all skills that exist in the game, and the game itself can be played solely on auto (read: system aid), but 'manual' allows for a higher degree of creativity and control that would, in essence, separate the 'good' players from the 'great' ones.
The second is that there are no classes, and thus no limitations as to what people can learn. The only hard limit with regards to what a player can learn directly correlates to the type they spend and how quickly they end up picking up a skill. A jack-of-all-trades would be possible, of course, but the extent to which that becomes viable to keep up is up for debate. Similarly, there is no concrete list of skills; things are limited only by how far players want to take themselves (though, obviously, the in-world physical limitations of their characters still apply).

As progression is skill- and gear-based, though, players also do not have hard limits placed upon them in terms of what weapons or armor they can create; the only limiting factor is the skill of the crafter. In theory, this makes far more things viable in-world than outside of it, but given the current constraints of the world (namely, crafting materials), the depths to which this can be taken have not yet been fully explored.

There are, of course, microtransactions. Roughly 80-85% of these are wholly cosmetic in nature, and thus do not impact the game; one cannot 'pay to win' in this scenario. The only non-cosmetic items available within the shop are bulk materials (cloth, silk, iron, etc.), instant resurrection charms (which have an internal timer), and the starter kit. All of the items from within the shop can be traded within the game, though, so there is nothing preventing those items, cosmetic or otherwise, gaining their own value in the player economy.

Ideally, all characters within the RP are somewhere within the early-midgame range, such that they are beginning to or have already begun to specialize (to some degree).

There's a "design document" mockup for the game here that outlines a lot of the game itself (but it's a bit long), so feel free to look at it and ask if there are any questions/concerns that that doesn't answer.

In any case: the form.

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