Uehara Mitsuki
The bluntness of the blonde girl's demands caused the young man to blink for a moment, unsure about how to react. Most of the time, a simple apology and response was well enough for everyone to be moving back on their way—such was city life, after all—and so to be suddenly accosted as a guide while on the way to go somewhere else...
"Ah, well..." he trailed off, turning away as he scratched the back of his neck before the mercury maid (or, at the very least, what seemed to be one) made herself known. Regardless of the actual status of the girl in front of him, there was something of an intimidation factor in having a Mystic Code like that pop out of nowhere next to its master. Of course, being in pursuit of her brother while being new to the city was a problem, but...
"Prota-hey, wait, what do you mean by that?" he asked, having turned towards the Archer after realizing what it was that she had said. "Coincidences are just coincidences, you know. But, well..."
Given that request, Mitsuki could in no way simply walk away at this point. Examining that escape room would have to wait, it seemed.
"In any case... Well, the two of us were heading somewhere, but if you're looking for someone, I suppose that I can at least try and help? Do you have some sort of mobile number or some other way to contact this brother of yours?"
Really, it would be ideal if he wasn't just dragged around the city, but something in the back of his mind told him that escaping this wasn't going to be likely...
Alter Ego — Meltryllis
"Of course. What sort of mess did that AI get us into this time...?"
The amount of annoyance in Meltryllis' voice was quite obvious as she moved in front of her Master, eyes narrow as she glared at the opposition preparing to take them out. It was clear that those below them were not exactly the most savory sort of people to be dealing with, but that did not so much as faze the Alter Ego. The Shadow Servants that were appearing were likely to be annoying to deal with as usual, of course, but her biggest worry was the fact that they were on a rooftop with strikingly little to use as proper cover.
"Well, in any case, I won't have you throwing yourself into danger again, right?" she continued, taking a few steps back as she rolled her shoulders. "They have actual weapons this time, so stay out of harm's way. If they make it up and you can't hold out, let me know and I'll come get you."
With that, the Alter Ego began to run, leaping off the building and spinning in midair as she aimed her legs towards the nearest thug with a gun. The landing, of course, was more than a little bit lethal (as would be expected from taking such an impact at such his speeds), but at this point, a few dead bodies was the least of her concern. Immediately, Meltryllis turned her attention towards the closest shadow Servant and, with a twirl after landing, launched her target through the closest wall of the warehouse.
"How garish. Really, couldn't you have at least picked something less ineffective as your foot soldiers?"
Fusang Streets
With Conner's own Servant taking that Saber's focus away from himself, Waver had enough time to take a deep breath and calm his nerves. Despite himself, the Fusang he was in now was most definitely not the Fuyuki of over two decades ago, and the Fourth Holy Grail War was only a memory. It was one that he treasured dearly even now, of course—the catalyst he had used then remained with him even now—but that did not mean that it had to grip him as it had the past.
"R-right. Well then..." he began, slowly forcing his body to stop tensing up as he turned towards those present. "I suppose that in my role as a professor, I should also hope that you have the requisite materials for the course..."
If anything, he had to keep his own worries in check. It was quite possible that the Saber in front of him wouldn't recognize him after all these years. Grey, on the other hand...
"...Though I suppose if there is nothing else, we should be off. I would rather not miss my appointment to check the Servant database of the city."
Of course, if Grey, silent as she was now, could escape without catching the attention of the King of Knights, that would be all the better...