Ultimately, Misaki's rounds around town had borne more fruit than she had expected. As it turned out, wandering around was indeed a fair deal more productive than simply waiting for something to happen to her. The presence of salt was immediately noteworthy (though obviously she couldn't even think about taking any for herself), even if she couldn't exactly try to do anything industrial with it... At least, for the moment. Salt like this was probably used for more culinary purposes, anyhow; anything on a larger scale would require a bit more chemistry knowledge than she had at the moment. Could it be reproducible with time?
...Probably; it might be a good idea to check in with other natives in the future to see if things like glass weren't already being refined at a smaller scale to see if she could apply some more modern techniques to their production. Crystal-clear glass could easily be made a luxury if they hadn't already figured out how to produce it, at least...
What was more immediately useful to the foxgirl, though, was the herbalist's helpful crash course in local flora. Even if she didn't have any samples, the voice in her head (her gift, she presumed) was vaguely cataloguing things to reference later. Painkillers, mild depressants, coagulants... Even a doping effect. Needless to say, the matter of dessicating the plants or extracting whatever compounds caused that could prove to be a worthwhile path to pursue in the future, but if they functioned well enough in the same vein as Chinese medicine, then gathering them on a proper trip to the forest couldn't hurt. As for mixing them... Well, it'd be less risky to test that sort of thing once she had a stockpile large enough to consider experimenting with. She wasn't going to toy around with them like herbs from a certain survival horror franchise—at least, not for the moment.
To think that she would immediately be pulled away by Nobunaga to go and pursue a ritual to pay respect to the Kyrinth near the forest, though... Honestly, the foxgirl hadn't expected to be going out of her way to poke around quite yet, but it seemed to be a bit too late to stop the warlord-turned-small girl at this point.
That being said, she couldn't deny the logic in front of her outright; there was some merit to the idea of returning an offering long forgotten, and even if that failed, it was quite possible that she would have the opportunity to gather up some plants to use as well. Maybe examining everything in detail would also allow her to notice plants with other uses—ones that hadn't been explicitly shown to her by the herbalist. After all, herbs and spices were important for a reason.
"Kyr reed, kyr reed..." she said quietly to herself as she followed behind Nobunaga, eyes scanning the area as she weaved about the sides of the path they were taking in order to try and obtain that which they were seeking. If it wasn't readily available here, though...
Well, that only really left trudging through the forest anyways to find it, wouldn't it?
...Probably; it might be a good idea to check in with other natives in the future to see if things like glass weren't already being refined at a smaller scale to see if she could apply some more modern techniques to their production. Crystal-clear glass could easily be made a luxury if they hadn't already figured out how to produce it, at least...
What was more immediately useful to the foxgirl, though, was the herbalist's helpful crash course in local flora. Even if she didn't have any samples, the voice in her head (her gift, she presumed) was vaguely cataloguing things to reference later. Painkillers, mild depressants, coagulants... Even a doping effect. Needless to say, the matter of dessicating the plants or extracting whatever compounds caused that could prove to be a worthwhile path to pursue in the future, but if they functioned well enough in the same vein as Chinese medicine, then gathering them on a proper trip to the forest couldn't hurt. As for mixing them... Well, it'd be less risky to test that sort of thing once she had a stockpile large enough to consider experimenting with. She wasn't going to toy around with them like herbs from a certain survival horror franchise—at least, not for the moment.
To think that she would immediately be pulled away by Nobunaga to go and pursue a ritual to pay respect to the Kyrinth near the forest, though... Honestly, the foxgirl hadn't expected to be going out of her way to poke around quite yet, but it seemed to be a bit too late to stop the warlord-turned-small girl at this point.
That being said, she couldn't deny the logic in front of her outright; there was some merit to the idea of returning an offering long forgotten, and even if that failed, it was quite possible that she would have the opportunity to gather up some plants to use as well. Maybe examining everything in detail would also allow her to notice plants with other uses—ones that hadn't been explicitly shown to her by the herbalist. After all, herbs and spices were important for a reason.
"Kyr reed, kyr reed..." she said quietly to herself as she followed behind Nobunaga, eyes scanning the area as she weaved about the sides of the path they were taking in order to try and obtain that which they were seeking. If it wasn't readily available here, though...
Well, that only really left trudging through the forest anyways to find it, wouldn't it?