Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@A Lowly Wretch: Hm... I think that the character looks fine as-is. Well, aside from the stuff you're still finishing up.

Once that's done, I'll give the full acceptance out.
@A Lowly Wretch: Yeah, that's perfectly fine! We'll just workshop stuff out if we need to adjust at any point; looking forward to see what you spin up.
Seeing Lazirha flicker in and out of existence was jarring, to say the least, but Misaki found that she had been given next to no time to consider how to go about handling the situation as the younger girl headed into the fray. The foxgirl paused before shaking her head and nodding. There was no turning back now, it seemed.

It was only after Lazirha had unleashed whatever it was inside the box they had seen (for better or worse), though, that she chose to take any proper move. The element of surprise was all but dead now, which really only left a more direct path of opposition.


Nodding her head towards Narkissa as she gave her directions and left, Misaki glanced back towards the slime and frowned. Keeping a semi-sentient slime trained on a group of hunters without being caught was not something anyone could call 'easy', but...

Well, anything she tried had to be better than letting Lazirha get closed in on from two sides, right?

With the hunters' attention focused towards the commotion further ahead, though, Misaki glanced back and forth between the deer at her side and the hunters before sighing and moving closer as best she could. If it was a distraction she would have to be, then there was no helping that.

Even if that means throwing small objects off the ground towards the slime from the direction of the hunters to try and draw its focus. It was possible that the deer would follow her lead, but...

@Click This@Rune_Alchemist
Shokatsu Yu
Sunswept Plains

"... I... Suppose that'll have to do?"

Scratching his cheek as he mused quietly to himself, Yu looked over the results of his handiwork. The cloth that he had in his inventory was sufficient to make some basic tents for the group—three in all—but not much beyond that. As distasteful as sleeping on the ground seemed to be, though, the presence of tents was most certainly better than nothing.

On the upside, at least they seemed to be of well-enough make that one would struggle to see that they had been made by someone who had no prior experience making them.

"Maybe I should go buy some more cloth at our next stop... Hm?"

Just as he finished putting the newly-woven tents off to the side in a pile, Yu glanced off to the side. Seeing two of their group return—and with fish aplenty, no less—was a welcome sight, but...

"Welcome... Back? You two certainly have your hands full," he remarked, waving towards the pair before his attention fell towards the elven mage. "Ah... Bit of a mishap, I take it? Didn't think fishing could get that messy."

@VitaVitaAR@Sho Minazuki

Though it would be a bit of a struggle to actually get to the branches pinning the cub in place, Kokoma would soon find that actually freeing it would require only the breaking of a few choice wood away. The animal underneath would still react a bit apprehensively towards the Shenke's approach, but no more than that.

Once freed from its wooden prison, though, the cub would attempt to leave, only to end up almost immediately stumbling over its broken limb. At this point, though, Eunice would finally speak up, having watched the entire situation play out in silence until now.

"I can heal it, but we should set the limb before doing so," she remarked as she picked up some more of the wood lying about. "We should return and begin preparations before night falls; I assume you plan on keeping it for the near future, so unless you wish to do so here and now..."


Sen Rynta — Outskirts

The unlucky hobgoblins closest to the epicenter of the spell found their entire bodies covered in a layer of frost and ice, and for good reason—with little to help against the cold in terms of clothing, being exposed to such temperatures was more than just debilitating. The bodies themselves were not completely frozen through, and so did not shatter upon impact...

But the grotesque statues did certainly stand out against the greenery.

Those that were spared the worst of the magic, though, only fared so much better. Few had limbs frozen to their weapons or were half-trapped in the ice on the ground, locking them in place to be dispatched summarily. Of course, all were aware of the threat in front of them now and were fully in 'flight' mode—not that they could really act upon that, of course.

@Hammerman@Operator Luna
Misaki frowned as she heard Lazirha's suggestion, considering the situation in silence as the three of them watched the hunters below continue to set up their ambush. She was, of course, ill-equipped to handle any sort of fighting; the best that she could theoretically do was act as a diversion, but...

Well, depending on how things panned out, maybe that would be sufficient?

Narkissa, at least, seemed to be contemplating whether or not to intervene, and the foxgirl felt it would have been remiss to not at least consider the pros and cons of the situation as well. But given the time it had taken to get here coupled with how likely the situation was to escalate...

Honestly speaking, running back to try and get help could very well end with someone dead—and that wouldn't sit well with her at all. But to throw herself into the fray with low odds of success...

It was ultimately, though, Narkissa's assertion to proceed that caused Misaki to sigh and nod her head in agreement. If they were going to intervene, then it was likely better to do so as a group than split their focus.

"All right, if you two are going, I'll follow. I'm not much of a fighter, but if you tell me where to go and what to do, I should at least be able to manage something."

@Click This@Rune_Alchemist
@Sho Minazuki: Noted. Account's been booted from the Discord; let me know if you want another invite for a different one.

(Also, people should post I suppose.)
Sunswept Plains

With a growl and a (failed) step back, the animal regarded the Shenke's first gesture as one of not overt aggression. There was a pause as it stared at Kokoma, eyes unblinking as it slowly looked her over. Slowly, its posture would begin to relax, and soon enough the cub began to turn its attention back towards the branches trapping it in place. If the person in front of it was not a threat, then it could focus on freeing itself... Or so one would think.

As it moved about, Kokoma would notice that the branches had done more than simply trap the animal in place. At the very least, it seemed that one leg was slightly more out-of-place than the rest, and with how the cub seemed to be yowling in pain every time it tried to free itself, pausing for a few moments before trying again.

And again.

And again once more.

It was at this point that the cub, seemingly unable to bear the pain for the moment, laid down on the ground. Staring at Kokoma, the cat watched in silence for her next move, seemingly giving up on freeing itself for the moment. It seemed to not be calling for help any more, at the very least, but whether that was because it wanted to conserve its strength to try again or because its first attempt had failed was yet unknown.


The blindingly bright flash of light did little to the monster, as was expected, but the spell had done its job well. Though it had been charging another beam of high-pressure water to fire at the pair, the sudden change in its surroundings (at least, from its point of view) caused the leviathan to recoil back, firing the laser off-course and causing it to carve out the ground in a straight line before it flew off into the sky. Debilitated and blinded as it was now, though, the monster began to fire about haphazardly, aiming any which way it could as it attempted to regain its bearings.

This would give the pair more than enough time to retreat from the monster, which would most decidedly not be happy if they were still present after it managed to see again.

@VitaVitaAR@Sho Minazuki
Sen Rynta — Outskirts

Emboldened by the initial panic of the two closest to the food, the hobgoblins scrambled forward, ignoring the bigger threat—at least, for a moment. The sound of the armored woman nearby moving to block their path, though, caused them to instinctively look towards the source. Though they understood not the words that she spoke, the provocations seemed to drag their minds away from the tantalizing smell of food for long enough to swing away at their new target.

With weapons ready, the monsters began to charge forward, bashing their makeshift weapons against the barrier over and over in an attempt to get at Agaue. The others seemed like they couldn't fight, given how they were reacting, which made the choice to beat up the one drawing their attention all the easier to make.

Hopefully, they could be dealt with in short order soon thereafter.

@Operator Luna@Hammerman
Given how curious she had seemed, Misaki found herself slightly confused at Lazirha's hesitance at going to check the situation out. Risk-averse as she tended to be, though, the foxgirl could not willingly leave herself in the dark—not in this situation, at least.

Of course, when that reticence disappeared after she gave her confirmation, her earlier worries seemed to not matter; with the younger girl dragging her out in full force now, the young woman could do little but to keep up. Of course, the sight that they came across was none too comforting—an ambush in the works seldom was—but who that was meant for... Well, who could tell?

It was at this point, though, that Narkissa seemed to pop up, and just as Lazirha began to call her over, Misaki waved for the other girl to come to their side before promptly gesturing at Lazirha to lower her voice. A quick glance towards the nearby hunters to confirm that they hadn't caught wind of their arrival would come before hushed whispers, the foxgirl peeking out from behind cover in an attempt to piece together what exactly they were trying to do.

"Suppose we both ended up curious... What do you suppose they're trying to catch—or kill, maybe?" she asked, hoping that she didn't stand out too much against the underbrush. The snow helped her blend in, at least, but...

@Click This@Rune_Alchemist
@Dark Cloud: Depends on the specifics of the stealth, I'd say.
@Dark Cloud: I would say the latter, though to be frank I would not go down this route in the first place. Proficiency in thievery does not make for a good mechanic in this setting in my opinion, as when translated to a more 'realistic' scenario, the ability loses any use against anything that isn't actually carrying anything to steal in the first place.
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