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Well, that's a lot more interest than I initially expected in this short a timeframe. Good a time as any to slap an OoC up, then.

@VitaVitaAR@Rin@RolePlayerRoxas@Zeroth@PigeonOfAstora@Kiosis@SilverPaw: To all of you, here is the OoC. Further discussion will likely move there rather than here (though obviously I'll still answer questions if asked here.

The nation of Tenkai, led by the once-Emperor Hifumi, has fallen. Once bound together under one banner, the land has since been left fractured by the assassination of their leader and the ensuing power struggle. The ministers and warlords bickered and fought, and in a single motion the land was left divided. Those who returned to their homes built up castles and armies, and thus began a great civil war. For ten years they fought, consuming the land in fire and brimstone...

Until finally, only nine banners remained. Nine clans leading their own men, finally seeing that the commonfolk were beginning to grow weary of the fighting and seemed to be on the verge of rebelling, chose to lay down their arms—if only temporarily—and rebuild.

And rebuild they did.

It has been fifty years since, and the lands of Tenkai remain divided. But even so, a single spark could easily reignite the flames of war, and consume everyone once more...


Toukai is a land of humans and youkai—the two coexist, though occasionally under more dubious terms. The land upon which the nation was founded is somewhat isolated from those nearby, with mountain ranges and deserts to the west and the ocean to the east; ultimately, this means that foreign intervention or involvement in their affairs is all but impossible.

In short, these domestic affairs are to be settled by those living there and them alone.

Provinces and Clans

The lands of Tenkai have been divided into nine major provinces, each led by a single clan. They are, as follows:
  • Mifu (美風) Province — Amami (天海) Clan
    Bordering the eastern ocean, Mifu is very intertwined with maritime matters. The bounty of the sea supplies the people with what they cannot gain from the land, and ease of access to salt means that bartering for what else they need from other regions is fairly commonplace.
  • Miwatari (神渡) Province — Izumo (出雲) Clan
    A landlocked region with equal parts forests and hillsides, Miwatari is more famous for being a spiritual center for the people of Tenkai as a whole. Shrines and temples dot the landscape, often run by one of the many practicioners of onmyodo that the region teaches.
  • Yamakawa (山川) Province — Shisui (酒々井) Clan
    Surrounded by hills and mountains, Yamakawa's natural borders allow for it to place focus onto agricultural developments. Behind the rugged landscape that protects them lie plentiful fields and, arguably, some of the best alcohol in the nation.
  • Hakkou (八綱) Province — Shirogane (白鐘) Clan
    With access to beaches and ore-rich veins, Hakkou is one of the premier locations to obtain ore from. Excess ore is often traded off for the sake of supplying the people who live therein, but all else is funneled towards arms and armor.
  • Nohara (野原) Province — Tsuchimaru (土丸) Clan
    Nohara is, more than any other region within Tenkai, known for it's abundance of horses and the power of it's cavalry. Boasting more than enough land to tend to animals, the region's ability to cross large swathes of land easily means that they can defend or attack on a whim if the need arises.
  • Hinomiya (火ノ宮) Province — Ibara (茨) Clan
    Unlike many of the other provinces, Hinomiya is powerful because it functions as a natural chokepoint and buffer between Mifu and Hakkou. That status means that they are allowed to play both sides and benefit from the trade within while also deterring either region from pushing towards the other.
  • Haruki (春樹) Province — Rinka (林下) Clan
    A region that truly embodies the bounty of the land, Haruki is filled with forests and fertile farmland; such abundance means that they supply many of the other regions with food (incidentally more often than not), which means that no other province wants it to fall into another's hands. Their abundance also allows them to invest in luxuries, leaving its people better off than more (or, at least, those who can afford said luxuries).
  • Myojin (明神) Province — Wadatsumi (海神) Clan
    The land of the former capital. Though once ruined and razed to the ground, the people of the province have begun to rise from the ashes of their former glory, supplied in part by the discovery of a precious metal whose properties they are apt to keep under lock and key. With access to the ocean in the south and enough farmland to feed its people, most of the other regions have left the province well enough alone, but with a careful eye trained upon its residents at all times.
  • Gekkou (月光) Province — Takasaki (鷹) Clan
    Covered in mountains and hillside forests, Gekkou is far more difficult a region to advance on. Most of those who live here do so by foraging off the land, and the winding paths and low visibility mean that most others would choose to leave the province and its residents be more often than not. However, they do not necessarily thrive off the land, either, leading many groups within towards either trading with those close or towards less... 'Agreeable' methods of negotiation.

So... In short, this is an idea for a fantasy Sengoku Jidai (aka Warring States or 'that thing with Nobunaga') RP that takes place in... Well, what is effectively fantasy Japan if it had a landmass the size of China.

Oh, and with magic, obviously. And technology somewhat closer in nature to that of the Heian era than that of the Azuchi-Momoyama period (so no firearms).

Regardless, here is a form for everyone to apply with. Nice and simple, no?

@Zeroth: Ask and ye shall receive.

Regarding magic: flavor preferred. I'm willing to be more lenient in favor of a more interesting setting in this scenario. With that said, I'm going to be judging everything on a case-by-case basis anyways, so if you want to throw more eclectic things at the wall to see what sticks, by all means.

Re: Youkai: feel free to diverge from original mythos; heck, in this case I'm fine if people go full modern (e.g. Touhou). As long as the fundamentals remain it should be fine. That said, when in doubt over specifics, just ask.

Re: power scale: leaning more towards the latter. Players shouldn't start too powerful, obviously, but definitely expect some scaling upwards over the course of the narrative.

The nation of Tenkai, led by the once-Emperor Hifumi, has fallen. Once bound together under one banner, the land has since been left fractured by the assassination of their leader and the ensuing power struggle. The ministers and warlords bickered and fought, and in a single motion the land was left divided. Those who returned to their homes built up castles and armies, and thus began a great civil war. For ten years they fought, consuming the land in fire and brimstone...

Until finally, only nine banners remained. Nine clans leading their own men, finally seeing that the commonfolk were beginning to grow weary of the fighting and seemed to be on the verge of rebelling, chose to lay down their arms—if only temporarily—and rebuild.

And rebuild they did.

It has been fifty years since, and the lands of Tenkai remain divided. But even so, a single spark could easily reignite the flames of war, and consume everyone once more...


Toukai is a land of humans and youkai—the two coexist, though occasionally under more dubious terms. The land upon which the nation was founded is somewhat isolated from those nearby, with mountain ranges and deserts to the west and the ocean to the east; ultimately, this means that foreign intervention or involvement in their affairs is all but impossible.

In short, these domestic affairs are to be settled by those living there and them alone.

Provinces and Clans

The lands of Tenkai have been divided into nine major provinces, each led by a single clan. They are, as follows:
  • Mifu (美風) Province — Amami (天海) Clan
    Bordering the eastern ocean, Mifu is very intertwined with maritime matters. The bounty of the sea supplies the people with what they cannot gain from the land, and ease of access to salt means that bartering for what else they need from other regions is fairly commonplace.
  • Miwatari (神渡) Province — Izumo (出雲) Clan
    A landlocked region with equal parts forests and hillsides, Miwatari is more famous for being a spiritual center for the people of Tenkai as a whole. Shrines and temples dot the landscape, often run by one of the many practicioners of onmyodo that the region teaches.
  • Yamakawa (山川) Province — Shisui (酒々井) Clan
    Surrounded by hills and mountains, Yamakawa's natural borders allow for it to place focus onto agricultural developments. Behind the rugged landscape that protects them lie plentiful fields and, arguably, some of the best alcohol in the nation.
  • Hakkou (八綱) Province — Shirogane (白鐘) Clan
    With access to beaches and ore-rich veins, Hakkou is one of the premier locations to obtain ore from. Excess ore is often traded off for the sake of supplying the people who live therein, but all else is funneled towards arms and armor.
  • Nohara (野原) Province — Tsuchimaru (土丸) Clan
    Nohara is, more than any other region within Tenkai, known for it's abundance of horses and the power of it's cavalry. Boasting more than enough land to tend to animals, the region's ability to cross large swathes of land easily means that they can defend or attack on a whim if the need arises.
  • Hinomiya (火ノ宮) Province — Ibara (茨) Clan
    Unlike many of the other provinces, Hinomiya is powerful because it functions as a natural chokepoint and buffer between Mifu and Hakkou. That status means that they are allowed to play both sides and benefit from the trade within while also deterring either region from pushing towards the other.
  • Haruki (春樹) Province — Rinka (林下) Clan
    A region that truly embodies the bounty of the land, Haruki is filled with forests and fertile farmland; such abundance means that they supply many of the other regions with food (incidentally more often than not), which means that no other province wants it to fall into another's hands. Their abundance also allows them to invest in luxuries, leaving its people better off than more (or, at least, those who can afford said luxuries).
  • Myojin (明神) Province — Wadatsumi (海神) Clan
    The land of the former capital. Though once ruined and razed to the ground, the people of the province have begun to rise from the ashes of their former glory, supplied in part by the discovery of a precious metal whose properties they are apt to keep under lock and key. With access to the ocean in the south and enough farmland to feed its people, most of the other regions have left the province well enough alone, but with a careful eye trained upon its residents at all times.
  • Gekkou (月光) Province — Takasaki (鷹) Clan
    Covered in mountains and hillside forests, Gekkou is far more difficult a region to advance on. Most of those who live here do so by foraging off the land, and the winding paths and low visibility mean that most others would choose to leave the province and its residents be more often than not. However, they do not necessarily thrive off the land, either, leading many groups within towards either trading with those close or towards less... 'Agreeable' methods of negotiation.

So... In short, this is an idea for a fantasy Sengoku Jidai (aka Warring States or 'that thing with Nobunaga') RP that takes place in... Well, what is effectively fantasy Japan if it had a landmass the size of China.

Oh, and with magic, obviously. And technology somewhat closer in nature to that of the Heian era than that of the Azuchi-Momoyama period (so no firearms).

Ideally, players would start out in one (or, if the numbers are too large to allow for just one, two) of the provinces mentioned above and inevitably get swept up into the fervor of war, but those matters can be more easily set up after I see what a tentative cast and player count would look like.

The idea is mostly fleshed out at this point (or so I believe), but if you have any questions, feel free to ask. For those already interested, however, here is a form to get ahead of the curve if you so choose.

Elise Kim
The Horizon — Command Room

To Teodora's comment, Ms. Morrison simply brought one hand towards her chin and nodded, her eyes lightly closed as she considered the younger girl's words.

"Hmm... Well, a core would not actually be all that unlikely, given the general composition of the Warped as we saw from the combat footage," she spoke, opening her eyes again before gesturing towards one of the cameras. "The creature seems to see the world through a bunch of eyes, or so the scientists said during your initial engagement—and as Kim surmised mid-combat—but the sheer quantity of them makes it unlikely that they are priority targets. A centralized core, however, would seem more likely to be your target. This is not to speak before the experts have, though; once Selene is repaired and we've examined the Warped some more, though, we will call you two back in before your next sortie. You may spend the interim as you wish. Dismissed."

With that, the blonde woman simply rose from her seat to leave the room, leaving the two Pilots as they were. Elise simply glanced at the continued video feeds for a moment before sighing and rubbing the back of her neck. It was one thing to retreat to gather more data, of course, but retreating as a result of her own failures and almost dying for it...

Needless to say, that didn't feel great.

"So... I guess we're free for a few hours," she said before glancing towards Teodora. "You going to do anything for the moment, or...?"


Perth — Sewers

The sounds of metal crashing against concrete as Louisa charged into the fray meant that any remaining attempts at secrecy were all but abandoned, and whatever enemy lay before the group was now fully alerted to the Frame Pilot stampeding towards them. The scant footsteps became swift and scattered, their frequency increasing with each passing moment.

Of course, with a lack of light in the sewers proper, figuring out how many of the enemy was present was easier said than done.

The screams that had pushed the young woman into action, however, seemed to turn into more of a chorus—mangled screams, cries for help—that, upon closer inspection, was distinctly inhuman in nature. A mocking mimicry of the cries of the dying—but to what end?

It was in the middle of that din, however, that beasts would begin to spring out from all directions—doglike Warped with fins began to leap out from the sewage beneath, attempting to claw and bite at whatever drew near, while frog-faced humanoids attempted to fall upon the group from above.

Under the cover of darkness, an ambush like this could easily change from 'manageable' to 'dangerous' with a single misstep.

Elise Kim
Sydney Harbor

There was a bit of a bittersweet smile on Elise's face as she nodded in turn, following back after Teodora as she made her way back towards headquarters. Ultimately, the two of them had managed to find their target, but being caught off guard and being forced to retreat definitely was not something to feel good about.

"Yeah. I hope repairs won't take too long," the young woman remarked as she gazed back out towards the ocean. "...Curving lasers and regeneration, though... And in the middle of the ocean, to boot. How troublesome..."

Though lost in her thoughts for a few more moments, Elise soon realized how far she had fallen behind Teodora and quickly ran after the young woman in front of her. It wasn't as if she had any room to worry at the moment, after all—not with Selene in the state that it was in.

Once the pair had returned to the airship, docked above the waters nearby, Elise's first stop ended up being the engineering bay to drop off her Chi-Mechframe for repairs. There were a few furrowed brows and slight grimaces as those present looked at the damage, and now that she was able to see the full extent of the problem, the Frame Pilot had half a mind to agree with their silent assessments.

After all, a massive hole in one wing did not lend itself well to hopes of a quick touch-up.

Rather than linger in the area to watch them work, though, Elise ended up returning to the command room to see what footage the drones had gathered. Of course, with that came the presence of Ms. Morrison, who seemed to be quietly watching the live feeds anyways. Once the other Frame Pilots had arrived, though, the blonde woman turned around to address them.

"Constanza, Kim. I suppose that you're here to rest after your earlier engagement," she said, glancing between the two present before turning back towards the screen behind her. "I also had a call come up from engineering just now regarding the damages taken while scouting. Repairs should be completed by nightfall, if all goes well."

"...Understood," Elise responded, nodding her head as she looked at the ocean reflected across all of the cameras in front of her. "I don't suppose that there's anyone on analysis looking into this one?"

"Patience, Kim; I have two currently on the job. They've identified this Warped as based on a jellyfish, of course, but with only a few minutes' worth of footage, there is nothing conclusive yet to be said about our target."

Of course, that included the matter of how the two of them were supposed to kill said target in the first place. But even so, staring silently at the open ocean seemed... Less than productive.


Perth — Sewers

The entrance to the sewers was indeed larger than expected, and the tunnels, dark as they were, did not lend themselves well to immediate exploration. The further they got from the entrance, the less they could see; the lights of the Pilots' Chi-Mechframes provided some solace on that front, but with such low visibility and the constant sound of flowing water and sewage to their side, calling the endeavor 'risky' might have been an understatement.

...Or, well, it would have been, had the three present been ordinary people.

Once the entrance to the sewers had grown far enough away to become little more than a dot of light in the distance, the sound of footsteps—footsteps not their own—would intermittently meet their ears, if only barely so.

Nothing seemed to be immediately present, though, but as the canals began to twist and turn and the three continued forward, the scent of blood in the air could very well catch the group's attention. If not that, though, then the barely-muffled scream in the distance very well could.

Elise Kim
Sydney — Coastline

With the Warped rapidly being left behind and Teodora flying away at full throttle, Elise took a deep breath and turned her head around to look at the lasers shooting after them. The fact that the monster could send out homing projectiles was most certainly not something that she had expected given the briefing from HQ, but given the targets until then there was likely no reason to need to home in on a target.

This by no means made the issue any less irritating to deal with, though.

As the pair of Pilots approached the shores of Sydney Harbor—the Opera House barely visible over the horizon—the lasers that had been chasing them slowly began to fade away before finally dissipating. That removed the issue of urgency, of course, but ultimately nothing really changed about their situation.

Once Teodora had made landfall, Elise was lowered onto the ground nearby. Though she had seen no injury, a return to The Horizon was all but necessary—as was a discussion about how to deal with the monster where it lurked. A few drones seemed to be flying overhead out to sea already, given the black dots that the young woman barely noticed sailing over the horizon, at least—a sign that their work hadn't all been for nothing.

"Eugh... We should head back," the young woman said, disengaging her Chi-Mechframe as she glanced back out towards the ocean. "I expect that we'll have to head back out to try and finish the job next time, so maybe the reconnaissance footage might give us something more to work with."

Perth — Provisionary Office


Sherry listened quietly to Louisa's suggestion before slowly taking a step back with her eyes closed. The woman seemed to be lost in thought for a few moments as she considered the situation, but ultimately there was little else to be said if the people that had been hired to help resolve the situation were willing to stick their necks out so easily.

"Well, the least I can do in that case is drive you to the area. Not like I'm some sort of superhero like you three are, after all," she said, pulling out a keyring and spinning it around her finger. "We have a little time before nightfall, at least."

Once the three Frame Pilots were ready to leave, Sherry would lead them downstairs and over to a car—a government-issued van, of course; with little fanfare as the four entered, the vehicle slowly revved to life before moving through the roads.

The group's destination was, of course, the nearest sewage treatment facility; with a manhole being too dangerous to risk opening up, the safest route (at least in terms of entering the locale) was the wide canal that funneled everything there to be handled. It was a dirty job, of course, and no one present seemed to be happy about being there in the first place, but it was as good a place as any to start.

"I think I'd be more of a burden than anything if I followed along with you, sadly," Sherry said, opening the door to the van to let the Pilots out, "so I'll probably be on standby at the office if you need me. I have a simple request, though: please don't destroy the sewers while you're down there, if at all possible. I know that some things might be hard to avoid, but, well..."

The woman trailed off before sighing and shaking her head.

"Never mind. Good luck out there, you three."

Elise Kim
Sydney — Coastline

With the water rapidly growing closer as her body spiraled out of the air, Elise gritted her teeth and braced for the worst——

Only for the timely arrival of Supplice to save her from what would have likely been a gruesome death in the ocean below. A nearly-instinctual sigh of relief left the young woman's lips as she allowed her body to relax in her companion's grip before the sound of more lasers breaking through the water reminded her of her current position.

"Thanks for the assist," the half-Korean girl said, nodding her head as she turned her attention towards her Chi-Mechframe. "...I don't think I'm flying again 'til that wing gets looked at."

Though the opening salvo had since subsided, the returning fire from Supplice seemed like it had done surprisingly little—which, given the size of the Warped, might have been expected. As more beams flew through the air, Selene took a moment to examine the waters where the Warped had been struck.

And disconcerting as it was to see, even the small amounts of damage that had been inflicted by the beam rifle were being recovered, missing pieces of fleshlike form being regenerated at an alarmingly fast pace.

"...Of course it regenerates," Elise sighed as she looked back up towards Teodora before a call came in through their communications channel.

"This is HQ; the target's location has been verified. Selene, Supplice: disengage the Warped and return to base. Over."

"...Well, I suppose there's nothing else to be done. Sorry, but you might have to lug me back the whole way," the white-haired girl said as the lights below began to intensify once more.

And at once, another barrage of lasers broke through the water, piercing through the skies and curving back around, almost as if to chase after the two Frame Pilots flying through the sky.

Elise Kim
Sydney — Coastline

Slow as she was to catch up with the others, Elise found herself able to slowly hover over the ocean below with a virtual HUD in front of her to supplement her vision. Though she could not naturally see into the ocean, her Chi-Mechframe would at least allow her to peer ever so slightly into the depths. Diving in would obviously be the best method of getting a glimpse within, but given the situation, that would be nothing if not suicidal.

In the midst of her search, though, Pyralis' voice would ring loud and clear to her communications channel—and given that Teodora seemed to be moving into position, it seemed prudent that she should do much of the same. Temporarily closing the display in front of her, Elise looked at the map in her peripherals before responding.

"I think it would be best to examine it together, then. Selene, heading to your position now."

After a short cruise in the skies above towards the other two Chi-Mechframes, Elise slowed to a stop next to both of her companions. Unlike the other two, she had no real way of increasing her flight speed, which meant that they were left trying to identify whatever was underwater without any real visual aids. Now that she was here, though, whatever Pyralis had found was most certainly visible to the naked eye—and stretched well beyond that of even the largest aquatic animals.

"...Huh. I see what you mean," the young woman said, slowly moving about to gauge the size of the monstrosity for herself. "This thing is... Huge."

After finally slowing down again, Elise once again activated the HUD in front of her face and attempted to get a better look into the waters below, hoping to at least get some sort of clearer visual beyond all of the oddly-glowing lights underwater. What she found, though, was a bit more disconcerting than what she had hoped.

Some sort of odd fist-sized blue ball with a dark blue center seemed to be floating about connected to something translucent—or so she saw with her first look within. As she flew on above to get a better grasp for as to what that might have been, though, that thing seemed to be one of dozens, if not hundreds more attached to the body of the beast below.

And worse still, one of them seemed to be pointing towards her now. And another. And more still—

"...There's no way it noticed us, right?" Elise muttered, half out of a faint hope in her heart before the lights beneath the water began to grow brighter and brighter.

"I think it's hostile! Evasive maneuvers!"

With barely any time to react, Elise twisted her body around and to the side, dragging her Chi-Mechframe with her as a multitude of lasers seemed to pierce through the ocean below and towards her position. Through gritted teeth, the young woman pulled out her sniper rifle and took aim—

Only for one of the lasers to curve back around from behind, smashing into one of her wings and sending her hurtling towards the ocean.


Perth — Provisionary Office


Staring silently at the map that Hoshiko had marked up, Sherry seemed to have tuned out everything that the Pilots were saying as a frown slowly crossed her face.

"...There's no way I could have overlooked that... Could I...?"

Fingers tracing along the locations where Hoshiko had marked up and checking what map she had been using, the woman simply shook her head and stated her thoughts to the three present.

"The sewers. All of these are close to the main sewage canals in the city," she said, taking a deep breath before stepping back. "There are a few clusters at these two locations, given what has been marked, but even the more scattered incidents do line up with that."

Of course, traversing said sewers on foot could be a task that would take days, but at the very least, this might narrow down their choice of action somewhat.

Elise Kim
Sydney Harbor

Glancing towards her two companions for the mission ahead, Elise took a deep breath to still her heart before activating her Chi-Mechframe. The mechanical equipment quickly formed around her body, and without any further reason to delay her advance, the half-Korean girl began to slowly float up into the air.

"Selene, moving out for reconaissance."

And with that, she was off.

The design of her own Chi-Mechframe prioritized stability over speed, and so unlike Supplice or Infernus, Elise had to move at a slower cruising altitude to search over the region. While the others went towards deeper waters in their search, she would remain somewhat closer to the harbor, attempting to examine deeper rather than wider in her sweep. The day prior had been spent scrutinizing the already-defended harbor and helping to fully secure it from any Warped attempting to push further into the city's lifeline, of course, which meant that today was the first day that they would actually begin to move into deeper waters.

The scent of the sea breeze would likely take a back seat to the three pilots, however, given their current goal. As much as a flight over open waters might have been a thought more reserved for days of relaxation, it was unlikely that taking in the scenery would be in any way smart.

With that said, if either of the two pilots further ahead took a moment to pause, the sight of an odd pulse of light from within the waters below might have caught their attention. Though the sun's rays did shine and bounce off the surface, the deeper waters below were blotted out—save for the occasional odd glimpse of that which should not have been.


Perth — Provisionary Office

As the Pilots discussed the possibilities as to what could be instigating the incident, the person assigned to the case until then—a woman by the name of Sherry Brown—sighed and picked up a few maps from her desk and carried them over to the three.

"I've already done an analysis of the victims before you three arrived," she began, placing one onto the desk in front of the group, "and there doesn't seem to be any immediate link here... Or, well, at least in terms of the people themselves. Haven't gotten around to checking the data points other than the frequency of attacks where the deceased were, though."

After placing the other maps on hand in front of the three Pilots, Sherry stood back up and promptly returned—this time, with a stack of profiles on the deceased.

"Might go a bit faster if I'm not the only one working on this like they made me do for the past two weeks. Would it be too much of a hassle to start trying to sort what I've got here? Autopsy reports, addresses, all that other stuff... Maybe something'll come up?"

Sifting through that information could lead interesting places; varying (but subtle) differences between the bodies of the deceased, for instance. Some bereft of pools of blood beneath their bodies, other with limbs missing, some with both, even. Others, notes mentioning their supposed activities before their passing—some returning home after a late shift of work, others drunk on the street...

But no witnesses, and seldom any attacks to those who could have had some nearby.

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