@Conscripts: Big problem is the onmyodo knowledge. Character shouldn't have the ability to cast spells given the background here. More or less it, though.
Personality: Yoshitatsu is the type of person who would rather avoid conflict if at all possible. As a young lord of the Amami clan, he does still have a sense of righteousness in his actions—that the people of the region under his purview are still his responsibility—but his own desire to cast that off and let someone else handle it if possible makes him seem a bit hypocritical at times. This does not mean that he will run away from conflict should it arise, though; in his eyes, cowardice is far more of a sin, and to let others die while he turns a blind eye is something that would not sit right with him regardless of the circumstances. To those that are less familiar with the young lord, Yoshitatsu seems to be unreliable and lackadaisical, but his true nature is that of someone who works toward what he desires with the least amount of effort and, more often than not, for a sake not always his own. Being in line for succession of the Amami clan has also led more than a few people to attempt to curry favor with him, but the passing of his eldest brother has taught him to keep those sorts of people at arm's length.
History: The third son of Amami Ikehara, the head of the Amami clan, Yoshitatsu was often left off to the side while his brothers competed for the limelight. Content as he was spending his days relaxing in the castle, though, the ever-present threat of war meant that his father's retainers often chastised him for never putting any effort in. He, of course, saw no meaning in such a thing; his siblings were skilled in strategy and combat, and with them it seemed that the clan's future was secure. But alas, complacency and misfortune came hand-in-hand. His eldest brother, Amami Sakazuki, was fatally wounded on a hunting excursion when Yoshitatsu was 11—an assassination, or so the retainers with him had stated. The next in line, Amami Shinsuke, rose to the position of heir in his absence, which, while understandable, led to rumors surrounding the eldest's passing and whether or not it was an internal power struggle all along. While the brothers had until then been on somewhat stable (if not occasionally suspect) terms until then, Sakazuki's passing placed a new burden upon Yoshitatsu's shoulders—one that everyone else had, admittedly, already been projecting onto him until then, but one that the young lord had chosen to ignore. After all, if he was the one left in command, what would become of them? Rather than continue to be berated and battered by his elders for his apparent lack of effort, Yoshitatsu chose to leave the confines of the Amami estate at 18. 'Touring the province to understand it and gain experience firsthand' was a somewhat flimsy excuse, all things considered, but to his brother Shinsuke such a choice was something he would gladly support. For what reasons, though, only the heir could say.
Abilities/Skills: As a son of the Amami clan, Yoshitatsu was made to learn the art of warfare from a young age. His apparent disinterest in fighting or strategy comes more from a desire to live a simple life, and though his tutors claimed him a young prodigy with both the bow and sword, his aptitude for them was never made to grow—or, at least, not while he was content living with his family. Life on the road has taught him how to fight for the sake of survival, and though matters of grand strategy are still somewhat foreign to him, some scant lessons before his departure from the castle which he once called home remain lodged somewhere within his mind. Of course, traveling the province has also made him learn more basic survival skills; learning how to cook, maintaining his armaments, and even some basic animal care have all been instilled within his mind. He is still a 'young lord' at heart, which means that he will attempt to dodge that responsibility if he can help it, but at the very least he is able to derive some enjoyment from doing things on his own terms.
Personality: Yoshitatsu is the type of person who would rather avoid conflict if at all possible. As a young lord of the Amami clan, he does still have a sense of righteousness in his actions—that the people of the region under his purview are still his responsibility—but his own desire to cast that off and let someone else handle it if possible makes him seem a bit hypocritical at times. This does not mean that he will run away from conflict should it arise, though; in his eyes, cowardice is far more of a sin, and to let others die while he turns a blind eye is something that would not sit right with him regardless of the circumstances. To those that are less familiar with the young lord, Yoshitatsu seems to be unreliable and lackadaisical, but his true nature is that of someone who works toward what he desires with the least amount of effort and, more often than not, for a sake not always his own. Being in line for succession of the Amami clan has also led more than a few people to attempt to curry favor with him, but the passing of his eldest brother has taught him to keep those sorts of people at arm's length.
History: The third son of Amami Ikehara, the head of the Amami clan, Yoshitatsu was often left off to the side while his brothers competed for the limelight. Content as he was spending his days relaxing in the castle, though, the ever-present threat of war meant that his father's retainers often chastised him for never putting any effort in. He, of course, saw no meaning in such a thing; his siblings were skilled in strategy and combat, and with them it seemed that the clan's future was secure. But alas, complacency and misfortune came hand-in-hand. His eldest brother, Amami Sakazuki, was fatally wounded on a hunting excursion when Yoshitatsu was 11—an assassination, or so the retainers with him had stated. The next in line, Amami Shinsuke, rose to the position of heir in his absence, which, while understandable, led to rumors surrounding the eldest's passing and whether or not it was an internal power struggle all along. While the brothers had until then been on somewhat stable (if not occasionally suspect) terms until then, Sakazuki's passing placed a new burden upon Yoshitatsu's shoulders—one that everyone else had, admittedly, already been projecting onto him until then, but one that the young lord had chosen to ignore. After all, if he was the one left in command, what would become of them? Rather than continue to be berated and battered by his elders for his apparent lack of effort, Yoshitatsu chose to leave the confines of the Amami estate at 18. 'Touring the province to understand it and gain experience firsthand' was a somewhat flimsy excuse, all things considered, but to his brother Shinsuke such a choice was something he would gladly support. For what reasons, though, only the heir could say.
Abilities/Skills: As a son of the Amami clan, Yoshitatsu was made to learn the art of warfare from a young age. His apparent disinterest in fighting or strategy comes more from a desire to live a simple life, and though his tutors claimed him a young prodigy with both the bow and sword, his aptitude for them was never made to grow—or, at least, not while he was content living with his family. Life on the road has taught him how to fight for the sake of survival, and though matters of grand strategy are still somewhat foreign to him, some scant lessons before his departure from the castle which he once called home remain lodged somewhere within his mind. Of course, traveling the province has also made him learn more basic survival skills; learning how to cook, maintaining his armaments, and even some basic animal care have all been instilled within his mind. He is still a 'young lord' at heart, which means that he will attempt to dodge that responsibility if he can help it, but at the very least he is able to derive some enjoyment from doing things on his own terms.
The nation of Tenkai, led by the once-Emperor Hifumi, has fallen. Once bound together under one banner, the land has since been left fractured by the assassination of their leader and the ensuing power struggle. The ministers and warlords bickered and fought, and in a single motion the land was left divided. Those who returned to their homes built up castles and armies, and thus began a great civil war. For ten years they fought, consuming the land in fire and brimstone...
Until finally, only nine banners remained. Nine clans leading their own men, finally seeing that the commonfolk were beginning to grow weary of the fighting and seemed to be on the verge of rebelling, chose to lay down their arms—if only temporarily—and rebuild.
And rebuild they did.
It has been fifty years since, and the lands of Tenkai remain divided. But even so, a single spark could easily reignite the flames of war, and consume everyone once more...
Toukai is a land of humans and youkai—the two coexist, though occasionally under more dubious terms. The land upon which the nation was founded is somewhat isolated from those nearby, with mountain ranges and deserts to the west and the ocean to the east; ultimately, this means that foreign intervention or involvement in their affairs is all but impossible.
In short, these domestic affairs are to be settled by those living there and them alone.
Provinces and Clans
The lands of Tenkai have been divided into nine major provinces, each led by a single clan. They are, as follows:
Mifu (美風) Province — Amami (天海) Clan Bordering the eastern ocean, Mifu is very intertwined with maritime matters. The bounty of the sea supplies the people with what they cannot gain from the land, and ease of access to salt means that bartering for what else they need from other regions is fairly commonplace.
Miwatari (神渡) Province — Izumo (出雲) Clan A landlocked region with equal parts forests and hillsides, Miwatari is more famous for being a spiritual center for the people of Tenkai as a whole. Shrines and temples dot the landscape, often run by one of the many practicioners of onmyodo that the region teaches.
Yamakawa (山川) Province — Shisui (酒々井) Clan Surrounded by hills and mountains, Yamakawa's natural borders allow for it to place focus onto agricultural developments. Behind the rugged landscape that protects them lie plentiful fields and, arguably, some of the best alcohol in the nation.
Hakkou (八綱) Province — Shirogane (白鐘) Clan With access to beaches and ore-rich veins, Hakkou is one of the premier locations to obtain ore from. Excess ore is often traded off for the sake of supplying the people who live therein, but all else is funneled towards arms and armor.
Nohara (野原) Province — Tsuchimaru (土丸) Clan Nohara is, more than any other region within Tenkai, known for it's abundance of horses and the power of it's cavalry. Boasting more than enough land to tend to animals, the region's ability to cross large swathes of land easily means that they can defend or attack on a whim if the need arises.
Hinomiya (火ノ宮) Province — Ibara (茨) Clan Unlike many of the other provinces, Hinomiya is powerful because it functions as a natural chokepoint and buffer between Mifu and Hakkou. That status means that they are allowed to play both sides and benefit from the trade within while also deterring either region from pushing towards the other.
Haruki (春樹) Province — Rinka (林下) Clan A region that truly embodies the bounty of the land, Haruki is filled with forests and fertile farmland; such abundance means that they supply many of the other regions with food (incidentally more often than not), which means that no other province wants it to fall into another's hands. Their abundance also allows them to invest in luxuries, leaving its people better off than more (or, at least, those who can afford said luxuries).
Myojin (明神) Province — Wadatsumi (海神) Clan The land of the former capital. Though once ruined and razed to the ground, the people of the province have begun to rise from the ashes of their former glory, supplied in part by the discovery of a precious metal whose properties they are apt to keep under lock and key. With access to the ocean in the south and enough farmland to feed its people, most of the other regions have left the province well enough alone, but with a careful eye trained upon its residents at all times.
Gekkou (月光) Province — Takasaki (鷹) Clan Covered in mountains and hillside forests, Gekkou is far more difficult a region to advance on. Most of those who live here do so by foraging off the land, and the winding paths and low visibility mean that most others would choose to leave the province and its residents be more often than not. However, they do not necessarily thrive off the land, either, leading many groups within towards either trading with those close or towards less... 'Agreeable' methods of negotiation.
So... In short, this is an idea for a fantasy Sengoku Jidai (aka Warring States or 'that thing with Nobunaga') RP that takes place in... Well, what is effectively fantasy Japan if it had a landmass the size of China.
Oh, and with magic, obviously. And technology somewhat closer in nature to that of the Heian era than that of the Azuchi-Momoyama period (so no firearms).
Regardless, here is a form for everyone to apply with. Nice and simple, no?
[list][*][u]Name[/u]: [*][u]Age[/u]: [*][u]Race[/u]: Mainly to differentiate between humans and youkai (and youkai subtypes). [*][u]Appearance[/u]: [*][u]Personality[/u]: [*][u]History[/u]: [*][u]Abilities/Skills[/u]: [*][u]Other[/u]:[/list]
Regarding magic: flavor preferred. I'm willing to be more lenient in favor of a more interesting setting in this scenario. With that said, I'm going to be judging everything on a case-by-case basis anyways, so if you want to throw more eclectic things at the wall to see what sticks, by all means.
Re: Youkai: feel free to diverge from original mythos; heck, in this case I'm fine if people go full modern (e.g. Touhou). As long as the fundamentals remain it should be fine. That said, when in doubt over specifics, just ask.
Re: power scale: leaning more towards the latter. Players shouldn't start too powerful, obviously, but definitely expect some scaling upwards over the course of the narrative.