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after the stats adjustment and hider for explanation of energy points

Overall I like it, a couple of things:

Duplicate isn’t very clear,
does he need to land the killing blow to absorb an NA’s energy?
if he uses that energy to replicate an ability, does he eventually run out?
what if he absorbs too much NA energy? maybe he never tried but what would happen in your opinion?

for stats
Precision in more like C, not like his ability can be controlled that finely
Power… how much does he have without energy from other NA? take that as the base and he can reach A by absorbing, use B(A) or C(A) to indicate this
Near the fallen Blimp

”That’s one big lizard.” Liv said while Jericho transformed into a dragon with scales black as the night.

She then turned to the clown. ”You’re right Brandon, let’s deal with the stragglers now that they’re divided, Yaorin can easily handle that lizard.”

Brandon might not be that fun, but he can clown on his enemies when necessary. Also he’s receiving a command from Setsuka-sama, again!? When did this birdbrain ingratiate himself to their most benevolent lady? This is no laughing matter, but the jester was grinning nonetheless.

At least he will deal with the boys back at the castle, plus Gwen was taken away and should be safer for now, now who is left?

Fylkirlén Forest

Sensors of Red Ice detected someone entering the forest, no doubt members of Fenix Tear. ”Hopefully there’s no one left of the Rebel Alliance after the last purges.”

The white trees had been a long known issue, this ancient forest still retains the holy magic of whatever event once defined it, now it’s just a hiding place for those who oppose Frú Setsuka. Why did they build the Blood Fort so close to the forest?

In any case, red ice minions can’t hold themselves for long in this place. Liv reabsorbed her nearby minions, gulping a torrent of the red liquid back into her own system, leaving ice statues in place of her constructs.

”Sorry Rauða, can’t keep playing around, let’s finish this quick.” In a moment she formed a slab of ice, snowboarding all the way to Fylkirlén, not only is it a fast transportation but also fun.

One scene of vampire snowboarding later…

Finally her prey in sight, with a rush of energy Liv chilled the group of Gwen, Ayuna, Ceri and Lucas, slowing down their movements and reactions, dashing around the trees to hide her position still.

”Høhø, you Phoenixes can either surrender or face the might of Setsuka-sama and her best forces!”

In a millisecond glance Liv already identified the main threats of this group, a Glyph Mage with likely a large reservoir of spells, but can he maintain his campfire and fight back at the same time?

And then there’s… Gwen? ”Again!?” Wasn’t she taken back to Blüdenfort? ”That useless clown!”

@Danyel @Digmata (Optionally Deide and Rune_Alchemist)


Cambodian National Assembly Grounds, Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 around 8:30 UTC+8

Nil had, although warily, acquiesced to let Myron lead the team. He never seemed like the type to lead a rescue mission with guns blazing, but if no one was going to protest then it surely wouldn’t be Nil, especially not on the field.

So she simply followed the herd, she had felt somewhat dizzy since she woke up. May have been the head frying, or the bullets, maybe both… But at least these are intact! she thought while putting her ear muffs off and then on again.

Seems like Myron will send them in, at least it wasn’t the first time for Nil, better create a few Stangs just in case, maybe eleven, eleven is a good number.

Once inside Nil didn’t wait for any order or even to acquire targets, this time she was going to shoot first and ask questions… possibly never, really.

As 11 high-speed staves hit the walls, possibly eviscerating some unfortunate sods in the way, dust and debris immediately filled the room, crumbling on the walls in a few seconds. Unwillingly she made it harder for the enemies to shoot them, but also allowed the Prime Minister to run away with the convenient cover of dust.

Nil then threw herself on the ground, recalling Stang while trying to figure out what the others were doing.

She couldn’t see Marta with this mess.
Myron was also in the fight, although it was hard to tell if he was waving his hand due to the debris or if it was a hand signal for a command.
Henri was shooting and shouting… about… pry? r? it was hard to tell with the muffs and gunfire.

So she crawled where she saw papers near some guy who ran, there were maps and classified documents, there must be things to pry about in there.

At that moment Nil realised… she can’t read Khmer.
@AtomicNut As discussed privately:

- limit how many replicas Lightbringer can make (1 or at most 2)
- his replicas can be B-rank at best, if he replicates an A-rank NA then it’s going to be nerfed at B
- he can have however many F-rank NA as he wants, they’re basically hyper durable knives
- Overall Rank is B, every Stat gets the (S) added after it, to signify those stats can vary because of the replica NA and postmortem absorption
- Power goes up to C because of Detonate as an ability
- Lower Potential to C or D, we know he has infinite growth potential, but that is by replicating and absorbing other Noble Arms, not by creating new abilities of its own, I could argue even F potential is fine for him.
Under the falling Blimp

”Finally you made it, what took you so long? I swear if you just wanted Lady Setsu-“ The falling phoenixes were going to be a problem, but at least they’re not immortal like their guild’s namesake. And, somehow, Liv had a hunch as if something karmic had come to fruition. I hope it’s for Brandon, or even better, that bitch Juntao.

Liv froze the two unlucky prisoners, they would have a hard time breaking out, and if they did it would take them some time so Liv and the others could react. Meanwhile her minions would shoot ice to the now slowly falling Mages.

S-class? An interesting catch, Brandon might be weaker than he thinks, but he always had an eye for people.

Taking a closer look, one was definitely a powerful mage, a Mildian to boot, but it would be hard for him to do any spells with hands and mouth frozen, nevermind being literally in a block of ice. Yaorin can have this one, it’s disgusting to think about but it’s better to keep her happy.

The other one… IS THAT GWEN!? When did that lovable brat get that far!? Now is not the time however, you can have a talk after this whole ‘battle thing’ going on, maybe. Firstly, she’s an ice mage.

”Oi Brandon, do you think me stupid asking me to freeze an ice mage? Get here and help out.” Just a split moment of distraction, perhaps all Eris needed to break out of Ice and Shadow, if she had the speed and power, furthermore she would be completely surrounded by enemies.

Meanwhile, in Fenix Tear Main Guild Base

Usually the library is full of librarians and guildmembers, but what if almost everyone is out doing some S-rank Quest? That is the best time to sneak in for the uninvited.

Zeire had done this so many times already it was almost second nature, potions of invisibility and quiet-steps are more than enough to wander through the public halls undisturbed. The Restricted section however has much tighter security, with invisibility-seeing Glyphs made by Lucas, and Izuki often keeping guard as well.

Instead the gremlin alchemist had planned something for the common library sections, which unsurprisingly, hold the most books.

One by one every section, every bookshelf, would have one seventh of their books swapped with a comic full of hentai. Zeire taking the extra precaution of recreating the swapped book’s cover to fit for the comics, the process may need a lot of materials but they are pretty cheap after all.

The only way to know if a book had been ’tainted’ would be by opening it.

As for the swapped books? Well, she was keeping them in a pouch-of-homding, with plenty of space inside for all those books. But Zei wasn’t keen on keeping evidence like that, so where to leave it?

Oh! That’s when Zei had a realization, she knew just on who’s desk to leave it on. Ifrit must be grateful for me giving him a job.

@Danyel @Polaris North @JrVader

Phnom Penh International Airport - 11/11/2022 8:15 UTC+8

The scene at the International Airport was on the verge of a disaster, a mass of civilians had desperately gathered outside the terminals, but the singular runway was being used to transport military personnel only as ASEAN reinforcements were hastily sent to the city.

A bottleneck.

The soldiers diligently patrol for both enemy sabotage and civilians trying to climb over the fence. Lupe had arrived early on, so that she could help moving supplies and tending the injured, for a first day on the field, she had to deal with a grueling scene.

Unfortunately for the rest of her team, the arriving transport plane would be shot down by Cambodian Anti-Air, a missile exploding right next to the collapsing airplane. For a moment everyone at the airport contemplated whether the reinforcements could have survived, the Arms Masters are harder to kill, but a barrage of rockets and autocannon fire?

Right the next moment however a message from those same reinforcements reached the comms.

"Fuck you!"

This misdirection sure was going to endanger Dior’s Teammates if they reacted poorly.


Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center - 11/11/2022 8:15 UTC+8

Nil had, at this point, no idea what was going on. First she was being bored to death, then they met the weird-looking puppet with Qingshe’s head, then gunfire… and now, Myron is giving orders…

Noel, their actual commander, was nowhere to be seen.

Thai Air Force sending reinforcements? Shouldn’t their team go to help them? No, Noel was the commander… but he’s not here.

She let Myron finish, straining to actually listen to him right after the harsh recovery. They had to get out, that much was clear, places were named… but what’s the direction to get there?

”Ah… Aiport, go?”
Not even waiting for anyone to understand her, Nil quickly manifested Stang and went to search for a window or entrance to peek through, ensuring there’s no gunfire directed at them.

do all the changes discussed and you have my approval.

Power: A
Speed: D
Range: D
Persistence: F
Precision: E
Potential: ? (C or lower)

overall I'd still give her B rank cuz resurrection is very rare and valuable, even if the stats might not seem that great it's still broken
Near the Blimp’s exit

Intruders in Lady Setsuka’s territory ain’t exactly a novelty, but today there are way too many, did they organize a party or something?

First that fox kid that was beating Brandon’s butt, and if she didn’t take care of his guardian, things could have been ugly.

But now someone used some form of Time magic, or something like that, not everyone is an expert on the theory but distortions in the Space-Time continuum aren’t terribly difficult to notice, and this is a big distortion.

Are they in a vehicle? That would be the only explanation for such a big rip, either that or it’s a giant.

”Too bad, Isenfeur won’t be of much use to you, even if he could get out of there.”

Liv called upon her crystalline minions, almost ruby-like at a distance but once close it would be clear they’re made of blood red ice, a collection of kind-of humanoids and absolutely not even close to humanoids. ”They could get out of the Time Rift at any moment, Rauða, take down their engine will you?”

The massive red ice beast grumbling as it set itself into position, it would be accurate to call it a living artillery piece.

Meanwhile, in Fenix Tear Main Guild Base

Zeire is literally just sweeping the floor of her empty apothecary as she had finished dealing with the clientele. Maybe the others are just taking the quest as a relaxing vacation.

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