Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@rush99999 Wild has been marked. ^_^

@Penny It's not unusual for the Fae and their courts to have their own conflicts and machinations going on in the background. However, what is unusual is that their conflicts are now involving mortals. The Fae's involvement in Corvus Bay was noticed around the same time that Zeke disappeared. Some of the more astute may have noticed that Kim's initial attackers were Fae in nature, and yet, there are some fae who would help her.

Initial Roll for Wild: 5
At the beginning of every session, announce which character your character trusts the least; their player will spotlight a Faction for your character (that isn’t already marked).

Mark that Faction.

Tell the MC about a rumor or conflict that you’ve heard about that Faction, building on previous established information if you’d like, and roll with the Faction. On a 10+, you’re prepared for the conflict you laid out: you’ve got a Debt on someone in that Faction or a useful piece of information or equipment, your choice. On a 7-9, you’re neck deep in it: you owe someone in that Faction a Debt, and someone in that Faction owes a Debt to you. On a miss, you’re caught flat-footed, unprepared, or unaware: the MC will tell you who is coming at you.

Considering how Kimi's Debt to January is written, and her profession as a forensic auditor, I would say she would trust January the least.

With her profession in finance, she definitely would have encountered people who used tactics like January's to get others indebted to them. Plus, with how the deal he offered is phrased, she is naturally cautious. Doing any favor he asks for in the future sounds like giving him a signed blank check...

I think during the meeting with January to establish the deal, she may have realized that January purposefully had information about him sent to her purposefully and indirectly. She would have taken the deal cautiously, express that whatever favor she owed January would not endanger the lives or livelihoods of herself and her friends during making that deal, and have the conversation recorded. With the recording, she would have a 'copy' of the verbal contract for reference, and hopefully make it harder for January to try anything funny.
I also have one more debt open:

You’re leveraging dirt you have on someone to get their help with something. You owe them a Debt

Who's interested?
+Nature's Sanctuary

The people of Corvus Bay are conscientious of the environment around them. Towards the mountains and away from the ocean lies the Greenleaf National Park. People can hike there and take in the beauties of nature, but many take care to not hunt or litter on the premises. Those who have done such harm to the environment has had misfortune fall upon them.

The National Park has waterfalls, lakes, various wildlife, and depending on the season, fields of vibrant flowers, or sheets of pristine snow.

In the center of this park is a statue of King Oberon and Queen Titania. The mortals who are unaware figure that those statues were erected because the place reminded them of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

However...those who are aware may know that's not the case.

Rosalie heard the insults coming from the other puppets. Now they weren't just being hurled at the executioner; They were also being hurled at her!

But then...something else caught her attention. The puppet she directed her words to earlier broke her bonds and moved to fight the elf! Rosalie gave a cheer as the puppet disarmed the elf, focused on the inspired puppet instead of the jeers, "Yeah! You go girl!"

But then the elf struck the puppet with a hidden dagger. Rosalie didn't even need to think about it: She had to do something.

Rosalie and Reminiscence were in perfect sync as the girl put the violin away, and unsheathed the rapier. She charged at the elf, and with perfect form and dramatic flourish, the rapier pierced through the elf! The faerie fire she casted on the elf earlier was perfect for guiding her strike!

I'm going to wait a bit before I post another DM Post. ^_^
Let you guys talk things out a bit. (Plus I need to come up with a funny joke...^^")
@Guardian Angel Haruki How do you feel about having been poking around Mortimer's cult and he used me to defend it by attacking you. I can use my Serve The Powerful instinct. Hurting Kim was what made me realize I didn't have to keep following orders.

Sounds good to me.
@Guardian Angel Haruki was this a physical injury or did she hurt you in some other way?

I would say this is a physical injury.

Maybe the construct threw something at an enemy, only for them to Dodge and the thrown object ended up hitting Kim?
Two debts still open:

Someone convinced you to come to the city and help them with an ongoing problem. They owe you two debts.

You injured someone in the process of fulfilling an instinct. Tell them what instinct you were serving. You owe them two debts.

Anyone summon a living statue accidentally or deliberately? Anyone get injured in a act of free masonry?

I think Kim would have gotten hurt.
@Guardian Angel Haruki Got one (potentially two) for you!

From Kim's debts:
*Someone thinks they’re protecting you, but it’s really more like you’re protecting them. You owe each other a Debt.

Meanwhile, from Kendra's debts:
You've had a dire prophecy about someone, but you don't know how to help them... yet. You owe them a debt.

I think either one or both of these would make for a fun dynamic between Kendra and Kim, with Kendra having a vision about Kim and, seeing her as a normal person who is likely to get mixed up in supernatural stuff, wants to protect her. But you know, because Kendra's, well, Kendra, she doesn't always do a great job at it, and Kim often has to help her out in turn.

They could also potentially know each other through Trinity. Kim seems like the kind of person Trinity would know at least in a professional sense.

Both of the debts sound fun! Let's go with both. XD

And yeah, I think Kim would definitely know Trinity from their careers, and Trinity most likely introduced Kim and Kendra to each other.
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