Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Guardian Angel Haruki >:| bad Haruki no bad đź—ž


You interested? ^^"
@Guardian Angel Haruki You spot wolfsbane and charms hanging in the windows of the smaller shops on one side of the strip mall. The other side seems thoughruly mortal, signs for security companies are stickered to windows and cameras are affixed to walls. This is a place of transition. You would say that this is the edge of some werewolves territory.

Thank you!
@Guardian Angel Haruki Do you want to ask questions with your snoop roll or are you just holding for now?

I do want to spend a hold to ask the first question and hold the other two for now.

Whose turf is this?

Kim kept following the crow until the caws became less articulated and the crow itself seemed more interested in something shiny on the ground than in her. After it flew away, she took in her surroundings.

If there was a clue about Zeke here, she had to find it.

At first it seemed like an ordinary abandoned strip mall, but then...she noticed a figure in the red baseball cap half carrying, half dragging a woman.

Well that doesn't look right! Kim thought to herself.

She moved quietly to the alleyway, hiding behind walls and keeping a distance to snoop on this figure and what they were doing with the woman...


The days have been getting longer indeed....

There was so much to do and not enough time in the world for them. At least that's what it seemed like to Kimi.

Somehow, it's not a surprise to her that the cases are becoming much more convoluted than before. It's like a reflection on her life now that she knew that the supernatural actually existed.

Money being passed through Maltese banks, bouncing through credit unions in St Kitts only to be spent on utterly innocous office supplies by a law firm in Corvus Bay. This is the kind of thing she's heard in cases of embezzlement and fraud. This sort of thing often led to more questions and warranted investigations. This law office was spending on that money on office supplies? She doubted that was truly the case. She focused her investigation on this case on the law firm and their public records/financial statements in question.

With her days at the office being this busy, and with everyone wanting everything yesterday, she doesn't really have the time to use her occupation to help her find Zeke. Plus, she didn't want to risk losing her career over using her position for selfish means. Her office does have internal controls to make sure that nothing unethical was done. She needed to focus on the investigations at hand. She could continue her own search during lunch breaks and after work in the evenings.

Speaking of the time of day, work had quickly ended before she even knew it. The first thing she noticed as she left the office were the crows, cawing and cackling above her.

From what she knew, crows were intelligent birds and capable of mimicry. The number of them wasn't surprising, Corvus Bay was named for the crows after all. She simply gives a nod to the birds of simple greeting as she makes her way to the car, not paying much attention to them. Before she enters the car though, one of them landed on the car.

She was surprised to see the crow drop a laurel twig and immediately cry out Zeke's name. Her eyes were wide as she watched the crow flies to the alleyway.

If she hadn't experienced the supernatural before, she would've shrugged this off.

But knowing what she knows now, she couldn't help but think that maybe the crows were helping her right now? It would be a waste to disregard this potential lead!

She quickly snatched the twig off of the top of her car and followed after the crow, after making sure the car was still locked.

As she hurried after the crow, she quickly got out her smartphone so she could have the video recording on, and have a flashlight on hand if she needs it.

... And away we go!

Here we go! XD
@Penny For my last debt, the leveraging dirt one, I'll have it be Mortimer Croft, since Vicky attacked Kim for snooping on the ghost and his cult.
O_O ....

I...I...I can't believe this is still gaining interest...

Dang it! OK! Might as well set up the actual game thread.
@rush99999 Done!
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