Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Guardian Angel Haruki

If Brutrumukk were to go spear fishing on the water, would using some rations as bait provide advantage, thereby counteracting the disadvantage from being drunk?

Sure, I'll allow it.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

You gonna mention how Brut's drunk vision filters this encounter to him or will you be leaving that up to me?

And done!
@Guardian Angel Haruki

You gonna mention how Brut's drunk vision filters this encounter to him or will you be leaving that up to me?

Oh shoot!
I'll edit Brut's drunk vision in. ^^"
Sorry about that.
@Guardian Angel Haruki Oop, got an 8 on my con save D:

At least Jub didn't get the worst possible result. XD That's a consolation.

Jub is now poisoned for 1 minute.
Cascade will help pitch in for what the party wants to buy for the entire group.
Other than that, I'm ready to continue to Zephyr if everyone else is. ^^"
So… what are we waiting on?

On any other players who would like to post before I write anything.
Including you. ^_^
Sorry for the wait, but the GM post is now up. ^^"

Downfall: Big Barkless

Before Brutrumukk could truly leave, four tiny little thorns seem to shoot out from the tree. One thorn bounces harmlessly off of Brutrumukk and Gabe, but two of them pierce Jub and Aurora respectively. Upon closer inspection, these thorns aren't thorns...they're tiny arrows!

The party hear the sound of hushed giggling coming from the nearby tree.

Several holes dot the trunk of a gnarled old tree that grows on the shore of the lake. The tree has lost all its bark, and a few withered leaves cling to the ends of its twisted, knotted branches. One end of a clothesline is tied to a high branch on the northwest side of the tree. Several old garments hang from the clothesline, the other end of which disappears into the fog hovering over the lake.

The giggling voices could be heard, and a couple of high fives could be heard.

"Nice shot, Bitzi!"
"Thanks! Certainly a lot better than all of you!"
"Yeah, yeah, you know the dummies are still there, right?"

The voices then turn their attention to the party, their voices now mocking the group.

"Watching you try to guide a drunken bugbear is hilarious an' all, but you should just shove him into the waters if he's so eager to go!"
"Yeah! Let the circle of life and death take its course!"

"What is with that little goblin? Is he seriously wearing stars?"
"He must think he's so cool! How arrogant of him! Hahaha!"

"That half-elf over there looks dirty and yet his sword is clean. I don't think he's struck anything in his entire life!"
"Either that, or he's too clumsy to do so!"

"And look at the elf over there!"
"Oh yeah! It looks like she's trying to be so edgy and dark! She must be soooo cool!"

The voices from the tree continue to mock the party.

<Snipped quote by rush99999>

As someone who has a pastel green and purple tiefling they want to play one day, I approve of this.

That alone sounds like a cool character already! XD
@Light Just a little stuck trying to figure out the puzzle.
Still interested.
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