Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Downfall: Big Barkless

Aurora and Gabriel see Brutrumukk, with Jub in tow, row out to go fish. All of them would see two large shapes swim to the rations set out as bait. Aurora, Jub, and Gabriel notice that these are medium sized creatures, and something about them seems...humanoid?

Brutrumukk throws his javelin in an attempt to pierce one of the creatures, but they easily avoided the shot. After a quiet moment of stillness, a splash can be seen and heard as the creatures below retaliate!

Two Harpoons shot out of the water and were heading straight towards Brutrumukk the drunken fisherman! One of them manages to find purchase, while the other goes completely wide.

The group can see that something is trying to use the harpoon that found purchase on him trying to pull him into the water!

Jub, Aurora, and Gabriel see humanoid figures start to rise from the water. These guys look more fish than human with ugly sharp teeth, and catfish like tendrils on their face along with fins. The first being that struck the harpoon into Brutrumukk is trying to pull him in, while the other is ready to strike again.

Meanwhile, the voices from the tree laugh at the sight and speak again,

"Oh. My. Gods! Now this! This is way better entertainment!"
"Hey, anyone got some popcorn?"

Sorry for the wait on my end guys. ^^" Got surprised by my family over the Labor Day weekend, and swamped by work for the rest of the week.

I should preface my next IC post by stating that the D100 roll was determining what Brutrumukk was trying to catch.

And with that 97...
.....Higher Risk, Higher reward!

Since we were talking about our characters' families & friends earlier...

youtube.com/shorts/5PnjYc27r-Y?si=1ak… I found this. I imagine it's Colbaltsheen and Fellwing. XD
@Light Grab her arm again. That’s my vote.

@Light I think it might be best to gloss over the puzzle. I am stumped... ^^"
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I'll go with this one.

OK. Thank you!

Go ahead and post Brutrumukk's actions IC, and then I'll get the results up in IC afterwards.
@rush99999 OK....

Would you rather...

1) Keep the roll you just rolled,
2) Make a new roll as an attack roll, but there is no advantage to cancel out the disadvantage because what happens next is completely unexpected...

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>


....Well, shoot. Okay...
Would a Survival roll of 12 land him a catch?


Roll a d100 for me please. ^_^
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