Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Dark Cloud Thank you very much!

Now then...
@rush99999 Unfortunately, you won't be able to take your turn this round due to being asleep underwater. But, you don't have to make a Death Saving Throw this round. This is the first of the two rounds he survives while drowning (per his Constitution Modifier).

So that brings us to...
@XxFellsingxX It is Jub's turn. What does he do?

<Snipped quote by rush99999>

I thought it'd work, but it didn't and I have to roll with the punches.

Anyhow 16 for perception.

Okay, that is a success. So Gabriel also sees the bubbles rise up and realizes somebody stopped holding their breath.
@Dark Cloud

OK. Casting Sleep was your action. You still have your Movement and Bonus Action (if any are applicable. Keep in mind you can't cast Bonus Action 1st spells or higher because you used Sleep for your action)

Along with the Perception check, I'll need you to make your IC post. We are still in initiative. ^^"
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Just read the rules regarding the Sleep spell. Does not being able to breathe not count as taking damage?

From what I've read of the rules for drowning, it surprisingly doesn't!

Because with drowning, the rule is literally "When a creature runs out of breath or is choking, it can survive for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and is dying, and it can’t regain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe again,"

So, no actual damage is dealt to the character like an attack or spell would deal damage. It's just you fall unconscious and start dying.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

If he drowns, is he instantly dead or does he get death saves?

He gets death saves, so he wouldn't be instantly dead.
However, if he's still underwater while he has to make those death saves, the result will be an automatic failure.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Got a 10.

Ok! You just made the DC!

After the Sleep spell is cast and settled, Jub sees a bunch of large bubbles reach the surface and burst. Just from seeing that, Jub can be certain that somebody stopped holding their breath underwater.
@Guardian Angel Haruki I am, if it ends combat and I am able to I will have Gabe ditch his gear and dive in to grab brut since he is strong enough to drag him. Besides if we go by realistic logic, he should be lighter in water.

....OK then...

Officially in character, Gabriel casts the spell over the area where he saw Brutrumukk got pulled in and the recent activity. The spell takes hold. But it is hard for him to immediately tell who is asleep and who isn't due to the murky swamp water.

He'll need to roll a Perception check.

EDIT: Now that I think about it...
@XxFellsingxX I'll need you to roll Perception as well. Jub has a lower DC to beat because he's closer.
37 for a Sleep cast at 2nd level centered around either brut or if I can angle it at a better angle wherever both merrow are.


Brutrumukk was just pulled up to the Merrow in the water. So they are really close to each other.

At 12 HP, Brutrumukk has the least amount of HP among the three right now...
So I do have to ask the question: Are you sure?

Bro you're gonna need a miracle to have kept up with us.

Tsak hasn't reunited with the party yet...


...As far as they know anyways...

Cao and I covered what happened to Tsak while separated from the rest of the party,

Like she would anytime she was swimming, she made her way to the stand when something shiny caught her attention. She found that the objects reflecting the sunlight were clear pots full of powdered silver. That would be perfect for the gift she was thinking of making for Aura!

Before she could say anything else, a voice caught her attention and she looked up to see that the merchant is a towering...hippo man! That's amazing! She's never seen anyone like him before.

She greets the merchant in turn cheerfully, "Howzit! It's nice to meet you, Lucas! I'm Cascade,"

She didn't really ask how he knew she was a paladin. She guessed it was the Holy Symbol of Deep Sashelas, along with her armor and trident that gave it away. Plus he probably saw her help fight off the invasion last night.

Upon hearing how much the pots of powdered silver costed, she pulled out 50 gold and placed it on the counter, "I'll take two pots of the powdered silver, please,"
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