Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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So if we were on a map where would Gabe be? Am I near the water, close enough to engage or too far to move and attack at the same time?

I would say that Aurora and Gabriel are still by the shoreline, so they are close to the water.
The water is murky and it was still before Brutrumukk went fishing and the battle started.

@rush99999 How far would you say Brutrumukk rowed out before he got pulled into the water?

The water is 20 feet deep. Jub is still on the surface of the water, while Brutrumukk got pulled beneath the surface.
Also 3 hp on roll for level up. Replaced Faerie Fire for Sleep and gained Invisibility for new spell.
@Guardian Angel Haruki now I shall work on post.

My sheet is now updated. And hopefully the new link to the new mythweavers works

Just to let you know, you kind of used the 4th Level Spell slots to record your 2nd Level Spell slots. ^^"
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

This'll definitely go well!


I got a 7 :'D

Is water wet?

…I would say yes, and so are you, Jub! XD

Jub is now in the lake, but he is not pulled 20 feet closer like Brutrumukk is.
Nat 1

Ouch. ^^”
Yeah, He got pulled into the water.

@XxFellsingxX will need to make a Dexterity Saving throw since Jub was on Brut’s shoulder.
Is it my turn? Or if not whose next in the turn order?

It is your turn, Bud.
Got a post in :) How is everyone doing? Excited to get into the story? Cause I sure am

Doing good here! ^_^
I’m hyped for this story and can’t wait to see everything unfold. XD

Downfall: Big Barkless

Aurora's arrow goes wide and plummets into the water, missing the two aquatic creatures that are retaliating against the goblin fisherman.

The second creature recovered his harpoon and threw it at Brutrumukk again. This time, it also finds purchase, and it attempts to pull the goblins into the water!

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Would Rory have sneak attack since Brutrumukk and Jub are near the Merrow?

She would, yes.
However, a 9 would miss. ^^"

Cascade could only shrug after Aura made her comments, and she told the party, "I'll help chip in for whatever you decide,"

After that, she seemed to be lost in thought. She does wander a little aways and looks around while staying close to the party. If she finds something that she could use as decoration for her next crafting project, she would most likely buy that.
I'll get a post up today ish, mostlikly tomorrow or Tuesday.

I'll probably have Rory responding to the beings in the tree and Gabe as well as Brutrumukk now being in trouble.

Awesome! Thank you! XD

I just found the Narrator Outtakes for Baldur's Gate 3.

They are literally me as a DM...
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