Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Sorry for the wait guys, but DM post is now up!

Pacha is now officially introduced and Shang (@Double) is slated to go with him.
Will anyone else be going with him?

Upon hearing Kida's questions, the bandits looked to each other befuddled at her lack of knowledge of this place.

They answer her taking turns to speak,
"Well...it's not that he's not aware...it's more of--"
"It's more like he doesn't care about anyone but himself!"
"Our summons to see him is our best chance, because when we tried before, we could only speak with his Advisor, Yzma,"
"She is scary beyond all reason! And when we told her about our food insecurity, she told us, 'We should have thought about that before we became peasants!'"

The only reaction one of the bandits had to Kida pulling out a dart was a simple, deadpan "Ow,"

The peasant then answered Kida's question, "I'm afraid I don't know why. The messenger didn't say when he delivered the summons. And as they said, it seems the Advisor speaks with the people..."

Then Shang stepped up and offered to travel with the peasant. He answered him, "Oh! That's very kind of you, thank you! I don't mind traveling with company, and I don't think the guards would mind either as long you're with me,"

He then realized something and he introduced himself, "Oh right! My name is Pacha. It's nice to meet you,"

The bandits were surprised and elated to receive two more gold pieces from Shang and they looked to him in awe. They both profusely thanked him,

"Thank you so much! This will really help!"
"Seriously! We can't thank you enough, sir!"
@Light My vote goes to...

"Wait. We should get reinforcements in case this proves too dangerous."

That way, we can kill three birds with one stone: We can get her back to her master without resistance from Aika, we can gather more information on the dragon and why taking the heart is so important to Aika (and make sure that we won't be starting some apocalypse by releasing it), and we can ensure that Aika doesn't get herself killed by ensuring we have actually have reinforcements we can trust.
@Guardian Angel Haruki I didn't get the at oddly.

Probably because I edited it in after the fact. ^^"
Anyways, thank you!

I found this gem! I could see Cascade panicking like this if our party turned chaotic.

(1. Jormund and/or Flicker decided to destroy everything/everyone
2. Rala stole something
3. Aura breaks the fourth wall to flirt.)

Gabriel right now if his form of Bardic Arts is making Nature Documentaries instead of swordplay...

@Dark Cloud
@Guardian Angel Haruki I knew I recognised it!! I'm just at the Thordak fight in C1 right now. So excited for C2 as I've heard it's supposed to be the best.


I'm at C3 right now, but I was able to keep up with C2 as they were uploaded to YouTube, and it was a roller coaster!

I'll be careful not to spoil anything. XD
@Guardian Angel Haruki Who is that in your profile pic? I'm continously seeing Matthew Mercer ? Lmao

That's Matthew Mercer!
The profile pic was his old icon pic used when Critical Role was streaming Campaign 1. XD

I'm using it for now, since I'm DM-ing a couple of D&D games.
We're not waiting on a post from me right?

Oh no, you're good. ^_^

I'll get a post up soon and get this game going again.

So far...
@Lurking Krog gets to go first!
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