Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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You are free to roll anything you want at any time you want.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Edits have been made to your slice of the latest DM post. In my drowsiness and haste to get a post done before I passed out, I forgot about Cascade's request for glue, but Lucas wouldn't have. Sorry for the confusion.

No worries. It's all good. I edited my previous post accordingly. She bought the glue.
I'll write up my next post to meet back up with everyone.
@Guardian Angel Haruki You should be good now.

I should come up with a more succinct way to prompt a fully open write in, I think. Anyway that should be sufficient for now.

Thank you!

I'm going to go with the Third Option in Daloran (I think that's language we're using to speak with Umildraen)

What I'm thinking is asking Umildraen a hypothetical question in order to get a better sense of what kind of person he is. Basically in D&D terms, I would like to try and do an Insight check. From there, we can determine if telling him about the dragon is wise or not.

So officially,

• Say something else.
[Write in: Ask Umildraen a hypothetical question to ascertain his character and how he may possibly react to a dragon.]
@Light Can I suggest/write a third option?
Just a little update, my nose has become very runny and congested and i have the beginnings of a migraine. Fingers crossed it isn't the big C, but I'm just not feeling 100% rn

I have my fingers crossed. I hope you feel better soon.

Cascade grinned and she answered Lucas, "Oh! Those would be perfect! Two gold per tent, right? I'll take three!" She fished out six gold and placed it on the the counter for payment. She figured three tents would be perfect for their traveling group. If anything happened to someone over night, the person who's sharing the tent with them would know and alert the rest of the party. Better safe than sorry!

Then he brought out the Princeling Glue! She grinned and she placed down the five gold, "I'll take the Princeling Glue too! Thank you!" After that, she commented, "I think that's everything! Mahalo Nui Loa, Lucas!"
Stargaze: *asks a perfectly innocent question*
Vipereyes: Excuse me while I use this as an opportunity to start shit.

Oh no. ^^"

Vipereyes' answer certainly is worrying.
Sorry for the wait on my post. But it's finally up. ^_^

For the entire journey back home, Stargaze has been over the moons with joy. Her home and family was saved and healed, it was done so quickly thanks to Skobeloff. She held onto the stone Echo gave her, careful not to lose it. Stargaze won't deny that she is a bit worried, if not scared, about the other forces that Echo mentioned. But, she believed in her own speech that she gave before scaring off the shadow dragon: As long as she and her friends were there for each other, there's nothing they can't accomplish.

She overheard a bit of the discussion between Vipereyes and Tamba, and after Vipereyes mentioned that she hoped to go back on a different expedition, Stargaze tilted her head. She asked out of pure curiosity, "Why? Echo did say that Home is likely to be healthier after that ritual,"

I think that's almost everyone who posted. The only person who hasn't is Fellsing.

So I believe...
@rush99999 is up. XD
Just going to give a quick boop to @Dark Cloud, since it is Gabriel's turn.

I'm going to wait until everyone gets themselves out of the water before I write a DM post, because the merrow are preoccupied for two rounds.

The next DM post...................
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