Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Considering what just happened, initiative will end when everyone who is still alive gets out of the water. You guys have 2 rounds to do so since the merrow are currently preoccupied.
D14..? Umm... can I get a link to the map please..?

The map is on the first page of the IC. 0th post. ^_^

Downfall: Big Barkless

Aurora swims closer and closer until she sees more red than green around her. She soon sees Brutrumukk and the two merrow five feet in front of her. Brutrumukk is unconscious, and a chunk of his throat is missing. She watches as the other merrow takes its opportunity to dig his claws into the bugbear and bite into him. They don't seem to notice Aurora just yet...

<Snipped quote by Benzaiten>

Yeah, just not sure where I go from here. Going with Pacha doesn't feel like the kind of thing a big group of random strangers just does (an established party, sure). Mabel would probably be more 'got to find a map, get back to my town' so maybe I'll go with that.

<Snipped quote by LuckyLudor>

You're right. Kida has a curiosity and a personal interest in getting a read in the emperor. Mabel doesn't really have reason to be interested in this issue at hand. Might also not be the worst idea to have some of us scout the city (aka you getting your map and a feel for the place simultaneously). But then again splitting the party is just asking for a fight isn't it xD it'll surely end in shit

I figured that might be the case for some of the party members. That's why I asked earlier to see who was going and who wasn't. 😅

Thankfully, splitting party doesn't always mean asking for a fight if you're in a town or city. Doing so in the wilderness or a dungeon definitely is though.

Ariel is probably going to go with Pacha, if only just to see more of the world.

I’m tempted to have Ariel do the bard thing, and make more money and give that to the bandits. But I forget if the other patrons fled.

The other patrons have fled the diner thanks to Kida's warning. But Ariel can always go to a different part of this city and do her bard thing.

It's up to you what you want to do.
@Guardian Angel Haruki I realized I should have added something to the OOC hider. Gonna make a small edit.

Edit is complete.

Thank you very much! ^_^
Let's see if I can get a DM post up before work.
23 total.


You see the fading air bubbles, and you see Jub’s silhouette getting closer to the surface of the lake.

EDIT: Curse Autocorrect!
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Would I need to roll something to spot air bubbles or something for a better idea of where Jub and Brut are?

Go ahead and roll a Perception.
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

I’d say about 20 feet out from you guys. But the water is murky and the lake has a depth of 20 feet

Edit: Corrected distance because 1 square = 10 feet on Downfall map.

@Lurking Krog Corrected myself.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I’d say about 20 feet out from you guys. But the water is murky and the lake has a depth of 20 feet

Edit: Corrected distance because 1 square = 10 feet on Downfall map.
Me, reading Rush's most recent post: Okay, how the hell did we get from "Brutrumukk is having crazy mushroom hallucinations and driving the group insane with nonsense" to "Brutrumukk is pulling a heroic sacrifice and using his possible last moments to save his friend"? I didn't ask for these emotions, but they seem to be here.

You’re not the only one!

Me as the DM reading Rush’s post:
*lies down*
*rolls over trying not to cry*
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