Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Guardian Angel Haruki

BTW, was Brutrumukk out of drunk vision in those last moments before he lost consciousness?

I'll say yes, because his life is in danger.

@Guardian Angel Haruki We shall see what the fairy can do. Where is Tsak in the turn order anyway?

Tsak is going at the same time as Brutrumukk. She is in the Initiative Count. ^_^
@Guardian Angel Haruki

I rolled a 14 and will use the Boon of the Will-o'-Wells to add a +3. So that will be a 17 in total.

Nice! Thank you.

Jub is sent 15 feet upwards. He only has to move 5 feet to breach the surface now and another 5 feet to get back onto the skiff, thanks to you.
@Guardian Angel Haruki are both the Merrow beneath the surface?

Yes, both merrow are beneath the surface.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Could Brutrumukk do something before he falls unconscious? If so, he would like to push Jub upwards and back towards the skiff.

I'll allow it. Also, since this is forced movement for Jub, this will not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.

Let's do a Strength/Athletics check from Brut to see how far Jub is sent back towards the skiff.

Hm, dancing lights won't do diddly squat. Their too busy munching down on Brut. I only know all I can do is risk the plunge.

Bloody shite.

Tsak also just appeared on the scene. ;)

Cascade took the powdered silver and carefully stowed them away. After Lucas asked his question, she thought about it, and remembered what the others wanted to buy.

She asked, "Oh! Now that you mention it...do you happen to have any tents in stock we could buy? Everyone was considering getting some tents before we head out. Oh! And do you have any sort of adhesive that could help keep powdered silver onto an object?"

Her tone was both curious and excited, especially when she asked about the adhesive.

Someone uploaded a video on YouTube of Karlach breaking the Fourth Wall, talk to us (the player, not the player character), and realize she was in a video game!

That was surreal!

Alright! DM post is now up, and @Cao the Exiled is now back in the game officially!

Tsak will be going on her initiative of 13.

Downfall: Big Barkless

Zavakri could only watch wide eyed as Brutrumukk and Jub were suddenly pulled into the water, Aurora's arrow had gone wide, and Gabriel's spell had gone completely wrong.

"Blood and Spittle! I can't see them!" Zavakri commented, distressed that she can't intervene.

She looked to Gabriel as he took off his shirt ready to go into the water, and she calls, "Wait a bloody second!"

After she called out to her allies, apparitions of mathematical formulae appear in the air once again. Upon filling the blanks and correcting the formulae, they shine a white light before zipping to the three heroes currently on land and surround them before disappearing. Gabriel and Aurora feel a little bit tougher now!

"OK! Now go!" Zavakri called to Gabriel.

Before anyone goes in though, the three of them hear the familiar sound of fluttering wings. When they turn to look at the source, they see a familiar sight; A familiar friend who had inadvertently got lost and separated from the group!

Tsak Vlos!
The Fairy Tattooist from the Carnival!

Tsak, Gabriel, Aurora, and Zavakri also see the murky waters of the swamp water start to turn from green...to red...

Meanwhile, beneath the depths, Jub swims further down through the murky waters until he finally sees Brutrumukk 10 feet away! He swims closer and is able to shake his friend awake. However, after doing so, both goblinoids come to realize three truly horrific facts of their situation.

The first is that Brutrumukk is drowning. It is painful for the bugbear, and he needs air! NOW!
But...there are two fish like beings in front of him and Jub! The both of them look similar to, but are much more hideous than, Palasha the mermaid.

This is when the second realization kicks in for the two: The fish beings in front of them have the same exact expression Brutrumukk had whenever he talked about killing and eating the bunny brigands. Their malicious and covetous grins are directed right at the bugbear!

These guys are ravenous, and they are looking at Brutrumukk like he is an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet. It may or may not be surprising, considering that Brutrumukk is much larger than little Jub. The little goblin wizard may be seen as a green leaf of salad if not a little morsel.

Then the third realization comes to them. The skiff they were on was their best shield. And now that they were here in the water, they are at the mercy of the ravenous merrow in front of them...!

One of the merrow immediately moves! Brutrumukk valiantly tries to block the attack with an arm. However, in trying to do so while flailing towards the surface for air, the claws managed to dig into Brutrumukk's chest. All the surprised and flailing bugbear can do is watch the merrow go for the jugular next.

The merrow's jaws clamp down on Brutrumukk's throat and tear as much out as the merrow could, causing blood to spill into the water.

OK! Back home to write the DM post! ^_^

*looks at rolls made this morning*

....Oh..... D:

This is going to be rough....
Also a very important question, when will we get to adopt an owlbear cub?

I can neither confirm nor deny the possibility of encountering any owlbears in this game. ^_^

<Snipped quote by Cao the Exiled>

We already have a giant snail

Oh crap. I forgot about Bob for a good while there! ^^"

<Snipped quote by Cao the Exiled>

First and most importantly, you must summon Chuckles the clown. He is a representative of the Honk Legion. After that it's just working out the details on a deal.

You might have to join the Honk Legion along with making a Fiend Pact and possibly becoming a clown yourself. There is no wine where Chuckles is.

Tsak: Can we get an owlbear?
Jub: We have owlbears at home
Owlbears at home: Bob in an owlbear costume

Bob in an Owlbear Costume:
@Guardian Angel Haruki iirc attacking a sleeping creature wakes it up, correct? Also do we have a map for this fight?

Yes, attacking a sleeping creature wakes it up.
We do not have a map for this fight. I did not anticipate it and I still need to know how updated Owlbear Rodeo works. ^^"
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