Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Stargaze listened with interest and curiosity to what Tamba and Vipereyes were saying. But she was surprised to hear what Vipereyes was saying. She was picking a fight with the older dragons for one (which is generally a bad idea to begin with), but what she said went against what Echo taught her once when she was younger.

Thinking that her answer would help clear away the confusion Vipereyes had, Stargaze spoke to Vipereyes in response, "I remember Echo said something about it once. She did say that it is important to be curious, but it's also important to be mindful and not to take too much from home. Maybe that's what Tessith was trying to do during the stay: Keep the balance and not do any damage?"
@Guardian Angel Haruki

A ban on Enchantment turning into a ban on Entertainment? Time for a spot of Kingslaying says I.

We may or may not get to that, but the first adventure is a Heist. XD
Room for one more?

Of course!

And with that, I believe that is four.

Go ahead and take a look at my previous post and let me know what you think. ^_^
@Birdboy@scribblehead@southern cross@rush99999

As for the adventure in mind, I am thinking of starting with an Adventure from Keys from the Golden Vault (since we do have a Rogue in the party), and after that adventure, we can either continue with other adventures from the book, or we can venture off into homebrew adventures.

Everyone will be starting at Level 1. ^_^

I am also thinking of having it be in a Homebrew world. The Kingdom we will start in will have a very interesting mindset/rule/problem when it comes to magic.

While people would naturally fear Necromancers, their magic, and the undead, the Kingdom fo Valerith have come to fear Enchanters and their magic much more. "Enchantment is the magic that robs people of their free will," That is what the Kingdom's Ruling Family and its people learned after its tumultuous history.

This fear has grown over the years to establish rules that punish users of Enchantment magic. Today, now it's not just enchantment magic that's banned and severely punished; Stories, Music, and everything from the creative arts are now too. Anything considered as such is punished by varying degrees.

Embellishment in a historical document? The punishment is a fine.
A jester or clown performing? Prison
A song criticizing the Kingdom's rules? Prison
A fantastic story of an adventurer created from the imagination? Prison to Death.

How does that sound for everyone?
@Guardian Angel Haruki Mind if I join in? I also don't mind to run something for a small group here if you would prefer to play! I would love to play a healer: Either a cleric of Lliira or a very healy bard!

Would you be against play-by-post/Text-based DnD. From my experience that is usually what we do here. But the character sounds fun!

Of course! You are welcome to join! XD

As Birdboy stated, we usually do play-by-post/Text-based DnD on the Guild, so there's no need to set up a time to meet. It's just post when you can. ^_^
@Cao the Exiled
Unfortunately, Tsak isn't able to see anything with that 2 Perception check.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

I just noticed that Bedknobs and Broomsticks is one of the stories we might come across in Camelot, and that has me wondering something now. Does that mean that the Nazi Party is present in this setting?

I'm gonna say No, because this world is more of a D&D world than the real world, and there is another army that can take their place: The Horned King's Undead Army.
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

You're not wrong. . .

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I'll make one as well, Mabel would pay attention to local princes (and royalty in general).

That's a 20!

Nice! A Prince Eric does come to mind!

The Kingdom of Tirasea has a Prince Eric! He’s the Crown Prince, so he’ll become King someday.
Could Ariel be talking about him…?!
I think I'll be moving things along this weekend, with our first official "Split the Party!"

So far we have...

Seeing the Emperor with Pacha

Shopping Trip in Town
The Huntsman

@InnerFlame@Lucius Cypher
Which group would you guys want to go with?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Is Ariel's description and name helpful enough to count as a help action? If so, I roll a 20. If not, I roll a 2.

Sorry, rush. I'm afraid not. So that check would be a Natural 1...
For some reason, instead of getting any useful information, the Huntsman can't help but imagine Snow White as a guy with that description...

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