Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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I don't think Tsak could move any further, and none of her spells would hit

<Snipped quote by Cao the Exiled>

We're not in combat anymore, we're just talking.

It's just as Fellsing stated. Right now the battle is over, and everyone is just talking amongst themselves. So, you don't have to worry about fighting right now.

I'll have the next DM post up on the weekend.
@rush99999 I'll allow another History check to see if he can name check "Prince Eric" and see if he can recall which kingdom he's possibly from.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

@Crimson Flame
What is this QUAT you speak of?

Unfortunately, the Huntsman can't think of any princes with that description.

OUAT = Once Upon A Time.
It was a TV Show on ABC that aired for a good long while. It was a huge crossover of fairy tales (and eventually stories Disney adapted).

They included Rumplestiltskin and the Wizard of Oz.

The Evil Queen's name was Regina in that TV Series.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Are there a lot of tall, dark haired, blue eyed princes out there or would it be easy to conclude that Prince Eric is the man Ariel is describing?

Go ahead and make a History check.

There is a chance he may know since he works for Queen Regina Grimhilde, but…
How well does the Huntsman pay attention to Princes?
I vote "we don't know". Technically we're telling the truth, we don't actually know that the dragon is Zorkuth for a fact.

Actually, Aika did identify the dragon is Zorkuth earlier... ^^"

Even with docile, closed eyes, the dragon's visage and presence was fulfilling some kind of awe- be it awe inspiring or awfully terrifying, or perhaps both. "Aika," you turned to her, caution coating your hushed words. "Is this- is this what you came here for?" A complete foil to your apprehension, Aika nodded with the giddiness of a child. Her arm and hand outstretched, gesturing to the dragon as she spoke. "You do know who this is, don't you? Son of The Comet Frindiath, namesake of this temple, Zorkuth?"

I have a DM Post ready!
I'll wait for a couple more reactions though, before I post.
Doing good here. Just trying to think of a response on my end. ^^"
@LadyAnnaLee I don't really have the answers for Questions 1 and 3, but I can confirm the answers for Question 2.

D&D 5e is very accessible for newcomers. ^_^
There are even some D&D 5e games going on in the Tabletop section of this site. So, you could give D&D a try on this site.
Has Aura returned? Basing that on cascade's post. I will try to get a post out soon sorry, been swamped with rps

She has. ^_^
She's even whispered something to Rala. ^^"

No worries! It's all good.
Can I toss my hat in the ring for this as a player?

I certainly don't mind. ^_^ Welcome.

@scribblehead What say you?
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