Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Guardian Angel Haruki

Brutrumukk will be making use of his Magic Awareness feature. Until the end of his next turn, he knows the location of any spell or magic item within 60 feet of him that isn’t behind total cover. When he senses a spell, he learns which school of magic it belongs to.

Can he sense anything?

Okay. He senses that the items he got are magical other than the Find Familiar ingredients. He senses magic all around him due to Prismeer being a Feywild plane.

Finally, he notices that the monocle is definitely a magic item.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>


Weretiger. XD
@Guardian Angel Haruki
What strain of lycanthropy does Brutrumukk think he's got now?

Roll a d6. XD

Downfall: Toadstool Patch

Octavian nods in response to Aurora's question about his situation. When Gabriel asked his question, Octavian answers with a shrug, "I guess...the pain was great enough for me to seek Bavlorna's assistance,"

He then looks to Aurora when she asked about undoing it, and he answers, "I'm...not sure. Maybe if I had my heart back, it could be undone? Bavlorna has to have it somewhere in her residence..."

Downfall: Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's (D10)

The darklings look to Brutrumukk with wide grins as he accepts the deals for the pie, clothes, and incense. Upon offering the Terrasque animal balloon, the darklings study it.

"Hmmm...This is well crafted, and it's obvious that it was created by a clown full of sadness and bitterness,"

The other darkling speaks up, "It's definitely of Witchlight Carnival quality! We never get to go to the Witchlight Carnival!"

The first darkling nods and speaks, "True! Very well, this is a fine trade for the charcoal," They toss the balloon towards the back in the stall, then they reach out a hand towards Brutrumukk with three clear marbles and a needle in the other hand.

"Your hand first!"

Once Brutrumukk offers his hand to take part in the deal, the darkling speaks,

"Hues be mine!
Lunacy be your shrine!

With one prick of the needle point in hand, Brutrumukk immediately feels it! Lycanthropy now courses through his veins! While he feels that, he sees a drop of his now gnomish blood drop to the counter. The red of his blood seems to stream out of the blood towards one of the clear marbles.

The first clear marble is now red, while the blood stain on the counter is now alabaster white.

The colors of tan and white seem to also seep out of Brutrumukk's skin as a ray of sunlight shines on him. The colors fill the other two clear marbles, and now...Brutrumukk's skin is hot pink in the sunlight, like he just got a serious case of sunburn. When the sun light is shrouded, his skin color goes back to normal.

Once the processes were completed, the Darklings push the items towards him, "Pleasure doing business with you,"

They then look to Jub and they ask, "Well, do ya want anything?"

The other Darkling snickers, "I think he's still recovering from learning he's gonna be a Dad. Think he wants a Gender Reveal Party?"

Jub, only a few minutes ago: Nothing about this place can surprise me anymore.
The Darklings: So you might be a dad one day.
Jub, now: WHAT THE FU-

Never underestimate the Feywild's capacity to surprise, awe, befuddle, bewitch, and so on and so forth, any visitor.
So have we lost a bunch of players or where did everyone go?


I think everyone's just been distracted by Christmas. Things should be back to normal by the new year.

At the very least, I have been quite busy with Christmas. ^^"

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Since you haven't listed any prices in the shop hider, would I be correct in thinking that there are no visible price tags on the items for sale?

As for the prices...there were supposed to be prices listed, but due to the holiday rush, I couldn't properly think or write them, so the signs regarding prices are as follows,

"Discuss with proprietors for price. May need to work out a contract,"
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Any chance of us getting those answers before the year is out?

Family visit just finished. X_X
I'll try and get to everyone as soon as possible.
Gotta catch up on a lot of things.
Sorry for taking so long.

No worries. I’ve been pretty busy myself with the holidays. And will still be busy. ^^”
Natural 20


OK then...
@rush99999 Hmmm...Interesting...

Go ahead and make a Persuasion check.
This time, straight. No help from Jub.
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